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Lil' Red & The Big Bad Biker

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by Glenna Maynard

  I never met my Wolfe prince, but my father’s final letter spoke of him. I have committed his final words to memory, as I had to burn the letter to keep Carmichael from finding it. You see, Carmichael lied to me about everything, though I suppose I can say his father made him, but he had a choice. He chose to be heartless.

  They told me my father was a weak coward and offered me up as he begged for his life. No weak man can hold the crown they said and so it was off with his head.

  I can still remember running into the throne room as a child and seeing my father seated on his mighty throne appearing so domineering yet approachable. My father never ruled by fear and that was his downfall. His people weren’t afraid to turn on him and flee when Henry Blackwell and his bought army descended upon our shores and slaughtered those who remained in his supposed Great War.

  I can’t think about that now though. I have to figure out where I am and what my next move will be.

  “Where are you from, darlin’? How’d you get all the way out here, don’t see a car?” The man studies me as he rubs his scruff beard. His grey eyes pierce me like a dagger through my heart, they are so striking. So alluring. His eyes call to me as though we are old friends. I can’t explain this feeling passing over me as the bonding mark that I was marked with as a child on the merchant ship, the crest of the Wolfe family tingles on my upper arm.

  I always kept it covered, not even my chamber maid has laid eyes on it. It was another telling sign of the Blackwell family’s lies.

  I don’t provide an answer. I ask questions of my own as I recognize the same crest on this man’s forearm.

  “Who are you?”

  He grunts and sighs, running a hand through his dark, long, curly hair that reaches his shoulders. “Name is Rogan Wolfe. And I don’t mean to be a total ass, I realize the conditions outside aren’t ideal, but you can’t be here right now. Got an important meeting. Need you to get to wherever it is you are going.”

  “You can’t send me out there. I haven’t any provisions. No horse. No idea where I am!”

  “Horse…provisions…lady, did you bump your head? Escape from the hospital or something?”


  “Yeah, the looney bin?” He holds his hand up making a circular motion with one of his fingers next to his ear.

  I shake my head not following or really understanding his meaning.

  “Fuck. Just my luck. Goddamn,” he rambles on, pacing across the worn wooden floor with his heavy boots.

  “You have the mark of the Wolfe family,” I blurt out and touch his arm. The marking tingles under my touch. My eyes widen as I realize who he is. “You, you survived. You said your name is Rogan Wolfe did you not?”

  He gives me an odd look but growls out an agreement, “Yeah, what about it?”

  “I have the marking, I was blood oathed to marry the son of Ragean and Willow Wolfe, King and Queen of Wolfenstein.”

  “You’re speaking crazy again.” He shakes his head but stops when I drop my cloak and reveal my matching mark.

  “You some kind of witch or some shit?”

  “No, I am not, though sometimes I wished I were.”

  Chapter 5


  “Listen, I don’t know where you got your mark or who in the hell any of these fantasy people you speak of are, but like I said, you need to get gone.”

  Her face falls and I feel like a dick long enough for her to take me by surprise.

  She grabs my hand, something not many who have met me would dare to do. “Don’t you feel that, that tingling when I touch you?”

  She stares into my eyes and I have a flash of a royal family from medieval times. This bitch is playing with me or I am still out in the snow fucking freezing to death and this is all a damn dream.

  “Rogan…” my name on her tongue is smooth like honey. “I don’t know what happened to you but there is magic in you, I can sense it. My amulet senses it. See how it glows every time we get close.”

  “I think I’m dead and dreamed you up, that is what I think. So, if this isn’t real, my doing this won’t matter.” Brushing the rough pad of my thumb over her lips, I lean in for a taste of her damn kissable mouth to hush her crazy talk.

  Our mouths connect, and it is the sweetest sin. A soft moan escapes her parted lips as I plunge my tongue deep in her mouth, exploring and tasting her. The kiss is sensual and feels like I have been kissing her my whole damn life. If this is the Hell I am being sentenced to in death, then I never want to leave this moment. Never felt this way before for anyone. Maybe she is a witch…maybe I am already dead—either way, all I know is I need a lot more than this kiss to satisfy the hunger burning through my veins.

  Her kiss has awakened a longing inside me I never knew I had. Right now, nothing else matters other than having her, my own little slice of Heaven and Hell. Fisting her hair, I pull her closer to me, needing to feel her body pressed against mine. Needing to feel the erratic beat of her heart as it thumps out of her chest.

  “Do you feel it, Rogan, our blood oath? Your soul knows mine because we were bound. Don’t you see, I was meant to find you today?”

  “Whatever you say, Lil’ Red,” I murmur against her swollen velvety lips. She could tell me I was on fire right now and I wouldn’t care. The way she has my dick straining against my zipper, I only care about one thing right now. I can hear a voice whispering in my head, as visions that don’t belong to me swirl inside my head.

  “You must bind him to a land far from here or your line will be wiped out, Raegan! Heed my warning,” a shrill voice echoes.

  “He’s my only son. The last of my line.”

  “Rogan will be your dead son if you do not listen. Protect your heritage, stop the Wolves and your magic from becoming extinct. Send him away, now! The Blackwell King has the dark sorceress on his side.”

  Lil’ Red, pulls back from my hold and my arms feel so damn empty. What’s wrong with me? She has put some kind of voodoo hex on me. “Did you hear that? Someone is outside.” She moves to the window.

  “Ice,” I growl out and stomp to the door. When I pull it open, I don’t see anything at first. That is until I look down and find Ice bleeding out on the porch. His blood is pooling in the doorway as the cold air filters into the cabin.

  A gasp sounds from behind me as another man comes into view in front of me.

  I go for my gun as he draws his sword, looking like he stepped out of a King Arthur movie.

  “Did you think I wouldn’t come for you, my love?” The man in shining armor questions, staring past me at the mysterious woman.

  “Carmichael, how did you find me?” She whispers.

  “I traveled through four worlds to get to you. Did you think you could escape me so easily? It’s time for you to come back home where we will be wed and begin our rule.” He steps forward, and I point my gun at him, not knowing or understanding what in the hell kind of dream this is. But I know one damn thing and that is he isn’t taking her any-damn-where. My blood is screaming, no, howling, that she is mine as a voice chants inside my head.

  “Embrace your wolf. Be who you were born to be, Rogan. Protect your Queen. Claim your crown!”

  “My father, the King, is dead, at my hand. Nothing will stand in my way! We will begin our rule. We must make haste and return to Blackwell Castle.”

  Anger vibrates through me at his words. This man has no claim on what has always been mine.

  I shake my head as thoughts and memories of another life consume me.

  Chapter 6


  When I first see Carmichael, fear spreads through me. But as quickly as the sensation came on, a calmness washes over me. I have found my Wolfe—Rogan, rightful heir and King of Wolfenstein. My rightful husband as proclaimed by the blood oath.

  I can only hope our kiss has reawakened him to what his body must already know—we were fated to be together. Our destiny was written in blood.

  I only need him to believe…to remember.

  The Wolfe family has ancient magic in their blood, a magic that scares most. They have the ability to take the form of a wolf. At least that is one of the many stories Ginny told me when she was still at court and my father’s final letter warned me to never bear a Wolfe child. Carmichael was always jealous of my close bond with Ginny and arranged to marry her off to the sheriff of Thistlewood. Now all I have are her letters and our memories.

  “You want her, come get her,” Rogan announces. His large, rough hands wrap around my throat, tightening to the point of pain. I don’t know whether he intends to kill me or fuck me judging by the hardness of his manhood poking me in the backside as he holds me to his front.

  I take in the markings on his hands, symbols I recognize from Ginny’s book, symbols only used for one thing—a spell.

  I wish Ginny were here, she would be able to advise me.

  Carmichael points the tip of his sword in our direction. “Good God, man, unhand her at once,” he demands.

  Rogan growls, his breath tickling my ear as I feel his body shudder, sending a chill down my spine. Goosebumps fan down my arms as I recognize the sensation of fur popping out on his hands.

  “It can’t be,” Carmichael whispers to himself. His mouth is agape as he stares at Rogan, watching his transformation in disbelief.

  The Wolfe has been awoken from the enchantment he has been under, and I don’t know whether to cry in excitement or fear as his clothing bursts at the seams.

  Rogan pushes me aside as he his change continues.

  “What large hands you have!” I exclaim.

  “The better to kill him with,” he snarls and lunges forward, paying no mind to the sword as he swats it from Carmichaels’ grasp.

  With his teeth bared and claws out, I watch both fascinated and horrified as my big bad wolf rips out my betrothed’s throat and then his heart.

  A gust of winter air blows in, putting out the fire.

  Rogan looks back at me, his silver eyes so dark they could strike me down with the storm that is raging within.

  Crimson drops leak from the corners of his mouth as he smiles menacingly at me, blood staining his teeth.

  “What big teeth you have,” I state taking in his giant fangs as they retract along with his claws.

  “The better to claim you with.”

  My eyes widen as they travel down his naked form as he returns to man. His manhood is erect and jutting out at me.

  Rogan smirks, shaking the intimidating part of his anatomy. “And this, Lil’ Red, is all the better to fuck you with and make you my Queen.”

  He licks the blood from his teeth with a salacious grin, stalking towards me.

  Chapter 7


  “I remember every-fucking-thing and when I take back my throne, it will be with you at my side, as my Queen. Come to me.”

  I can see the hesitation in her gorgeous eyes, but she need not fear me. I will never hurt her. I will kill for her. I will die for her. She is my Queen and I am her rightful King. As I transformed into my wolf form, I remembered everything. Who I am…where I come from…what my duty is not only to her, but to our people.

  It is time I claim what’s mine. It’s time I take back my throne, but first I will complete the blood oath signed by our fathers and I will bed Jenna forsaking her for any other man. Narinda, the Seer, repressed my primal urges and my memories. She spelled me, marking my body with enchantments to hide the truth of my birthright. The truth of my origins and the magic that flows through my blood.

  She told me as a young man, that a day would come when my Queen would come for me and that day is here.

  “Don’t be afraid of me, I will never fuckin’ hurt you.” As I get closer she steps further back. “I won’t force you, but you know we must consummate our union to honor the blood oath.” I try speaking in terms she will understand.

  Her slender throat bobs as she swallows. “I know,” she says, in a tiny squeak. “It’s only…” She approaches me with caution, wiping at my bloodied mouth with a dish towel.

  “This is part of who I am. Who we are. When you bear my child, he will have my blood. He will be a wolf too.”

  As she’s shaking her head a tear slips down her pale cheek. “I must not have your child. Ever. It’s dangerous.”

  “Yes, but it is your duty. I am your King.”

  “I don’t even know how to get back home or if I even want to return. What kind of life have you had here in this world? Won’t you miss it?”

  Her questions give me pause and my massive hard on from all the adrenaline subsides.

  I have men here who depend on me to lead them. Ice is dead, and the gun shipment is arriving soon, but I wasn’t born here. I was sent here for my protection when my family was slaughtered. I have a brotherhood with the Wolves of Fury, but what of mine and Jenna’s duty to our people?

  Fuck. I feel torn. I don’t want to decide right now.

  “The royals are hated in our land. The Blackwell family has ruled with such hatred and fear that the people no longer cheer their names. I would hear talk from the castle servants, they would spit in our food and dream of poisoning us.”

  “You really want to stay…here.”

  “Maybe, at least for a little while. I spent so much of my life hidden away, kept prisoner by King Henry and Prince Carmichael. I don’t want to live that way.” Her fingers twist in her red locks.

  Tilting her chin up, I search her eyes, wanting to kiss her again but afraid to push too hard. I wasn’t expecting her to want to stay. “You don’t want to be Queen? My Queen? You would defy me if I ordered you to return to Wolfenstein with me to claim the throne?”

  “Yes,” she hisses.

  I do have a duty to my country…my people, the club…but my first duty is my Queen. My father had always said when I took a wife, to put her above all others, that respecting and protecting my wife meant carrying on the family line. Jenna is terrified of having my child.

  She needs time to come to terms with destiny.

  I can give her that while I sort out the club and a replacement to take over when we return home to take back what was stolen from us.

  Chapter 8


  I helped Rogan take the pants from that dead man, the one he calls that pussy, so that he has something to wear, but he can’t wear the shirt as it is ruined by blood. He finds himself another in the bedchambers.

  “Good, it didn’t get ruined.” He holds up what he refers to as his cut. The sleeveless black article of clothing that has the wolf’s head on the back of it.

  Once he is dressed, I help him drag the bodies of Carmichael and Ice to the back room of the cabin.

  “Stay put, I’m going to secure our transportation,” he barks, gruffly at me.

  I nod weakly and sit on the dusty sofa, pulling my cloak tightly around me.

  I know Rogan is supposed to be my wolf…that we are bonded, but what if I could have a new life here, one where my main duty isn’t conceiving a child who may or may not kill me.

  Rogan returns quickly. “My bike isn’t going anywhere. We’ll have to take Ice’s cage. I’ll send my men back here to retrieve my bike and clean up the evidence.”


  “His truck. Listen, before we leave here there are things you need to understand. This world isn’t like ours. I am gonna take you to my clubhouse until we figure our shit out, but there are rules. The club I belong to is kind of like a monarchy. I am the president, just as I would be King in Wolfenstein. You do as I say when I say. Feel me?”

  I grab his arm and squeeze. “Yes, I feel you,” I state, perplexed by his odd customs.

  A deep hearty chuckle rips from his throat and he wraps his arms around his middle as he laughs.

  “Let’s hit it.”

  “Hit what?” I ask, confused.

  “The road.” He grins.

  “Hit the road,” I repeat.

  “You got it,” he says, still amused by my lack of underst

  I follow him outside, careful not to step in the blood, per Rogan’s orders, and he lifts me into what he calls the cage. It is some sort of strange mechanical carriage. I have never seen anything like it. It is magnificent.

  I stare ahead perplexed by this strange new world and this man, my man as he straps me in.

  “We gotta do something about your clothes, babe, if you want to fit in.”

  Looking down at my gown, I bunch the pink silk in my hands, wondering what’s wrong with it.

  He pulls out a black box from his cut and speaks into it. “Meeting was interesting. Ice is dead. Send someone after my bike, need it hauled, cleanup crew too. Be discreet. I have a few stops to make. I’ll be holding Church later.”

  I must be making a weird face because Rogan winks at me and says, “You gotta lot to learn, sweetheart, but don’t worry, I’ll teach you all ya need to know.” He hands the black object over to me. “Cell phone. It’s to call people.”

  “Cell phone,” I repeat looking the weird item.

  “I forget there are no phones back home. What would you do to send word to someone?”

  “A letter by post or a raven,” I tell him when a loud rumble forces me to jump.

  “Easy, just starting the engine.”

  “Okay,” I whisper.

  “Would it be easier if you sit next to me?”

  I nod, and he undoes the strap. Scooting across the seat, I feel safer. Rogan’s beast—his wolf side may scare me, but in this form, I very much enjoy being next to him.

  Chapter 9


  Fuck, she’s too damn cute. Everything about this world is so astounding and new to her. I can’t help but sneak glances at her as I drive us back through town. I should have made Jenna bow to me and uphold her duty, but when I look into her eyes, I know I would do anything for this woman. I can’t explain it. I guess it is our blood oathed bond, but my wolf and my heart know she belongs to me.


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