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Yes, Chef (Sizzle & Burn Book 1)

Page 25

by Linda Verji

  “Greyson.” Her voice sounded shaky as she greeted, “Hello.”

  “Hello,” Greyson responded with a coolness that belied the tense emotions swirling beneath his expressionless mask.

  She settled on the seat opposite him. “It’s good to see you.”

  “Hmm,” was his answer even though he really wanted to say that it wasn’t good to see her.

  As much as he hated to admit it, he was sort-of glad to see Lana. It had been so long since he’d seen his mother in anything but photos that all he wanted to do was study her and see what had changed. But that would make her think that he was happy to see her so he lowered his gaze and focused on a groove in the wood table.

  The table, along with a remodel of the kitchen, was a gift from him, Roman and Roman’s dad for Aunt Patty’s fiftieth birthday. They’d worked on the kitchen for months, spent countless hours building, sanding, painting and varnishing it so everything looked right. Seeing Aunt Patty’s new kitchen made Greyson both happy and sad – happy because it was a symbol of how much he appreciated his aunt for raising him, and sad because she shouldn’t have had to raise him. That was his mother’s job. His throat closed in pain.

  “This looks done.” Aunt Patty cut into the terse silence with false cheeriness. “I’ll just set the table.”

  Greyson wanted to be man enough to stay here and bear the torture of eating with his mother. But he couldn’t. Already he could feel his rage building, and he was likely to say something really cruel if he stayed any longer. Avoiding his mother’s eyes, he rose. “I have to go.”

  “Go? Where? You haven’t even eaten yet.” Aunt Patty spun around to face them. “Please, sit.”

  “I’m sorry.” He strode towards his aunt and kissed her cheek. “I- I just realized that I have an urgent meeting.”

  His aunt looked like she wanted to protest more, but the agitation slowly seeped from her eyes to be replaced by understanding. She sighed. “Okay.” Drawing him in for a warm embrace, she murmured, “Thank you for coming over.”

  Without looking in his mother’s direction, he walked out.


  As soon as he left his uncle’s home, Greyson thought of calling Snow. He wasn’t sure why, but it felt like talking to her would make him feel better, like it would fill the hollow ache deep in his belly. Only the knowledge that she was probably still asleep kept him from dialing her number. Even now, he could still recall the anxiety in his mother’s eyes as she’d watched him and it tore at him. Why couldn’t she be the hard-eyed monster he’d made her out to be in his nightmares? Seeing her apprehension had made him feel like he was the monster – a cold, unforgiving monster.

  Though he managed to hold off on calling Snow, he couldn’t resist sending her a text message. ‘Saw my mother today.’

  He was surprised when she responded almost immediately. ‘Are you alone?’

  ‘Yeah. In my office,’ he shot back.

  A minute later, she called him. As soon as he picked up, she asked, “Are you okay?”

  Hearing her soothing voice was enough to ease the pressure in his chest and he smiled. “Yeah, I’m okay.”

  “How did it go?”

  “Okay,” he started but paused. This was Snow – there was no reason to lie to her. He confessed, “It went badly.”

  “What happened?” The concern in her voice was palpable.

  “It isn’t what happened so much as what didn’t happen.” Twirling a pen between his fingers, he added, “I was planning to talk to her but I couldn’t.”

  Snow was quiet for a long moment. “At least you saw her. That’s what counts.”

  Greyson wasn’t quite sure that stepping into the house then beating a hasty retreat really counted, but he grunted his agreement anyway. “Mm.”

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” Snow asked again.

  “Yeah, I am. I really am.” Thanks to her. From the moment, he’d heard her voice all his troubles had seeped away – as if carried away by soft waves and he felt much better now. Settling back in the leather seat, he asked, “And you? Did you sleep well?”

  “I slept very well.” Her breath hitched as if she was stretching. “Your bed is so comfortable. I just might take it home with me.”

  He almost suggested that she move in with him instead of carrying his bed but he realized that that would be a premature proposition. It might scare her away, and the last thing he wanted was Snow running from him. Instead, he asked, “What are you doing now?”

  “Rifling through your sock drawer.” Her voice took on a teasing note as she said, “I’m looking for your porn stash.”

  He laughed. “It’s not there.”

  “Ooh, so that means it exists.” She chuckled. “Where is it? Under your mattress?”

  “What am I? Fourteen?” Grinning, he suggested, “Take another guess.”

  “Hmm. You’re a rich guy so you probably have a room that’s exclusively for your kinky collection,” she teased. “I bet you’ve even got a whole shelf for your sex-tapes.”

  His laughter echoed in the closed room as he cradled the phone to his ear. “Exactly, what kind of man do you think I am?”

  “A kinky one,” she responded cheekily. “With a name like Grey there must be bones in your closet. Or is it handcuffs?”

  “I’ve got handcuffs,” he confessed with a grin.

  She inhaled sharply then chuckled. “I knew it. You’re a furry too, aren’t you? Be honest – where are your costumes?”

  “What’s a furry?” he asked.

  By the time she was done explaining what a furry was and the kind of shenanigans one could get up to as a furry, Greyson was clutching his stomach as laughter racked his body. No wonder he loved being with Snow so much. She was the only woman capable of getting him out of his head and making him laugh so hard. He almost groaned in protest when Vina cut their telephone conversation short to let him know that one of their suppliers wanted to see him. With a reluctant goodbye and a promise to see her when the restaurant closed, he ended the call with Snow.

  As it turned out, he didn’t have to wait until closing time to see Snow. At around one p.m. when they were smack in the middle of dinner service, he saw her familiar figure slip into the kitchen. His body immediately lit up in awareness and his hands stilled above the order he was plating as his gaze followed her entrance.

  He wasn’t the only one who noticed her. Vina, who was on the grill station, exclaimed, “Snow, what are you doing here?”

  “Isn’t it your day off?” Ed, who was torching several ramekins filled with crème brûlée, pitched in.

  “I just needed to claim something,” Snow said with a smile.

  “What?” Vina asked.

  “Him.” Snow pointed her finger at Greyson.

  Her words were enough to bring the bustling kitchen to an almost standstill. The kitchen descended into a tense silence marred only by sharp gasps and the hissing of cooking food as everybody watched her stride towards Greyson.

  Wide-eyed and stiff with shock, Greyson watched her too. His breath faltered when she stopped right in front of him. Her braided hair fanned out on her shoulders, dancing over her shoulders and the thick straps of the flowery sundress he’d bought her this morning. He couldn’t tell if she was wearing any make-up, but her plump lips glimmered as if begging for a man’s touch and kiss. It was enough to make his groin tighten.

  Through suddenly dry lips, he started, “Snow, what are you-”

  But he never got to finish the sentence because Snow pressed her palms to his chest then lifted onto tiptoes and kissed him. It was a startling kiss, not only because of its unexpectedness but because it was happening in front of all their co-workers. Greyson was too shocked to even close his eyes let alone move his lips along to her tune. When she finally pulled back, she was grinning widely.

  “There.” She patted his chest. “Now, you’re mine.”

  And before he, or anyone else, could say anything, she sashayed out of the kitchen. Her
dramatic exit was enough to yank most of the kitchen staff from their shocked standstill.

  “Oh. My. God.”

  “What was that?”

  “Are they dating?”

  “Is Chef the guy she spent the night with?”

  Wide eyes and open mouths swiveled towards Greyson. But no one was more shocked than he was. Had Snow just claimed him in front of everybody? When he’d told her that he wanted them to stop hiding their relationship, this was definitely not what he expected. So the old adage was true, huh?

  Be careful what you wish for because you might get it.

  His lips widened into a grin.

  * * * * *

  THE NEXT TWO weeks were like a dream. Snow and Greyson had transitioned from being coworkers into being a couple seamlessly. Though the rest of the staff were initially shocked and had expressed it through lots and lots of gossiping, things had eventually settled down. The only irritating thing was that everybody now teasingly called her ‘Mrs. Chef’, but she could live with that if it meant keeping Greyson.

  Even better, Charlie had given up on her. He, and his mother, seemed to have disappeared into thin air – and Snow couldn’t be happier because that meant they couldn’t ruin what she and Greyson were building. Even her father seemed to have accepted that she and Charlie weren’t a couple anymore. Last Sunday when she’d dropped by for dinner all he’d asked was if they were truly broken up. Bracing herself for an argument, she’d answered in the affirmative. Surprisingly, the argument never came. James had merely grunted then changed the subject. It really felt like all the stars had aligned in her favor.

  “Be careful when tearing the side -muscle,” Greyson said over her shoulder, pulling her from her daydream. He glanced at the mound of scallops in the bowl in front of her. “You don’t want to tear off the flesh too.”

  She turned her head to give him a smile. “Yes, Chef.”

  He didn’t smile back at her but he snuck a squeeze of her waist before he strode towards his own station, leaving her giddy with pleasure.

  “I saw that,” Vina mumbled as she sidled next to Snow.

  “Saw what?” Snow kept cleaning the scallops but she couldn’t stop the smile that curled her lips.

  Amusement dancing in her narrow eyes, Vina clucked in mock disapproval. “You two are disgusting.”

  Snow’s grin widened. “You’re just jealous.”

  “Jealous of wh-” Vina started but before she could finish her protest, Oscar shoved himself between them. Unlike them, he wasn’t wearing a chef coat. Instead, he had on a snazzy suit befitting the occasion. He and his friends were having some kind of celebration and had booked the restaurant for the night. How he’d managed to afford Teller’s steep booking prices for private parties was a mystery that they were all still trying to figure out.

  “Snow, would you like me to help you out?” he asked. “I’ve got some time on my hands before my friends come in.”

  “No.” Snow shook her head. “I’m good. But thanks for offering.”

  “You’re sure you don’t need help,” he persisted, trying to grab the knife from her.

  The hint of desperation in his actions left Snow curious but she held the knife away from him. “No, I don’t.”

  “I wouldn’t mind help with the chicken,” Vina piped up.

  Oscar offered her an irritated glare. “Nah. I’m sure you’ve got it covered.”

  “I haven’t got it covered, that’s why I’m asking you for help.”

  “Ask someone else for help. I’ve got things to do,” he sniped before trotting off, leaving a trail of strong cologne in his wake.

  Vina stared at his retreating back with a sneer. “God, I can’t stand him.”

  Snow laughed. “He’s not so bad.”

  Her friend spun around and study her suspiciously. “What’s with you and Stretch over there?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “He’s being extra nice to you.” Vina’s lip curled and she shuddered. “Creepily extra-nice.”

  Snow knew the reason why Oscar was being nice – he didn’t want her blasting the juicy details of his sex-life. But she’d made a promise so she shrugged. “Maybe he’s turning over a new leaf.”

  “Psh! Oscar? Turning over a new leaf?” Vina snorted. “When pigs fly.” A moment later, she inhaled sharply and a knowing light glimmered in her eyes. “I know why he’s being nice to you.”

  Snow tensed and her eyes widened. Had she unintentionally given something away? Oscar would never forgive her if she outed him. Nervous, she asked, “Why?”

  Vina’s lips widened into a grin. “Cause you’re Mrs. Chef. He knows that you’re now in a position to get him fired so he’s kissing up to you.”

  The relief that coursed through Snow was incomparable. Bumping her shoulder against her friend’s, she said, “I would never do something like that… and I told you not to call me Mrs. Chef.”

  “Yes, Mrs. Chef,” Vina trilled cheekily then darted out of reach when Snow tried to hit her.

  At around seven, one of the waiters came in to let them know that Oscar’s guests had started arriving. Ten minutes later, April rushed into the kitchen and straight to Snow. Her eyes were wide with panic, she asked, “Are you and Oscar friends or something?”

  Snow’s studied her. “Why do you ask?”

  April informed her, “Your father and Yvonne just walked in.”

  “What? What would they be doing here?” Balancing the pan filled with sizzling scallops in one hand, Snow asked, “Did they ask for me?”

  “No, they just sat at one of the corner tables.”

  Usually, when either of her parents were coming over, they’d call ahead. Why hadn’t they? Though she wanted to go check on them, there was no one to man her station. She sent April off to keep an eye on them and let her know if they wanted to see her or if anything strange happened. Hardly ten minutes later, April re-emerged in the kitchen.

  “Snow, I think something’s going on,” she said. “Charlie, Marlene and some of Charlie’s friends just walked in.”

  “What?” Snow’s voice rose with her shock.

  Her voice was loud enough to attract Greyson’s attention. He glanced their way just as Vina came up behind them. “What’s going on?”

  That’s what Snow wanted to know. What the hell was going on? Her parents being here might have been a coincidence. But Charlie and his mother too? No way. This was looking more and more like an event for her and not one for Oscar. April’s next words only increased Snow’s certainty that she was right.

  “I even heard two ladies saying that they were in medical school with you,” April said.

  Her old college buddies were here? There was no way this wasn’t about her. Panic guiding her, Snow took her pan off the fire and set it on the counter. “Vina, watch my station for a minute.”

  “Snow, where are you going?” Greyson called out when she started towards the door.

  “The restroom, Chef,” she answered before rushing out. No way was she telling him that Charlie was back. It was bound to start some drama. Hopefully, she could find out what was going on, resolve the issue and get rid of Charlie before Greyson even caught wind of his presence. However, as she strode into the dining-room, a knot started in her belly. Something told her that whatever they were here for would only lead to disaster.

  The mood in the dining-room was cheerful and held an air of celebration. The wait-staff had joined several tables into one long, rectangular table, and the guests were seated around it, chatting, laughing and dressed in formal evening wear. The only people who weren’t as cheerful were her father and Yvonne who were watching the festivities warily.

  Marlene was the first to spot Snow. Smiling, she trilled, “There’s our guest of honor.”

  Immediately, everyone’s eyes swung towards her and Snow stopped cold afraid of what being the ‘guest of honor’ meant. It wasn’t her birthday, right? No, it wasn’t. Maybe they were here for an intervention. No, they were way to
o cheerful to be here to intervene.

  Charlie rose from his position beside Marlene. It would’ve been a lie to say that he didn’t look good. His broad shoulders filled out his tuxedo jacket and the white shirt underneath clashed magnificently with his caramel-toned skin. He looked taller and more imposing than he usually did as he pushed back his chair and started towards Snow. But Snow was more curious about the nervous light glinting in his brown eyes.

  What was he nervous about? Surely, he wasn’t about to do something to be nervous about - something stupid?

  Charlie closed the distance between them to come to a stop in front of her and reach for her hand. “I’m sure you’re wondering why we’re all here.” His voice was deeper than usual as he reassured, “Well, it’s nothing bad.”

  He was lying. She could feel it in her bones. Whatever was about to happen would be very bad. Snow wanted to yank her hand out of his hold, she wanted to walk away. But her limbs and muscles refused to move, as if someone had pressed the pause button on her.

  “Snow, you and I have been together for twelve years.” His thumb stroked the back of her hand as he stared at her intently. “You’ve been my rock when I needed someone to support me, my shelter when I needed someone to keep me safe. Other than my mother, you’re the only woman I’ve ever loved.”

  His words were as sweet as honey yet they left a sour taste in Snow’s mouth and a hollow feeling of impending disaster in her tummy. Please stop speaking, she begged him internally. Stop speaking. Stop speaking.

  “That’s why I can’t imagine not having you in my life.” Charlie kept speaking. “We have been the very best of friends and lovers for the last twelve years…”

  Don’t kneel. Don’t kneel. Don’t kneel.


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