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Yes, Chef (Sizzle & Burn Book 1)

Page 26

by Linda Verji

  Letting go of her hand, Charlie lowered himself to one knee. He reached into the pocket of his tuxedo to extract a black box. “… and now I’d love to have you as my wife and the mother of my children.”

  Please don’t propose. Snow stared at him unable to voice the thoughts whirling in her head. It’s not too late to turn back. Don’t propose.

  He popped open the box to reveal the glittering, diamond-topped, silver ring encased within its velvet interiors. “Snow Harrison, will you marry me?”

  Yup. He just proposed.


  Snow couldn’t believe that this was actually happening. Her ex-boyfriend was proposing her in her current boyfriend’s restaurant. Ridiculous! This was the stuff movies were made of – only she wasn’t sure if this was a comedy or a tragedy. As she stared in open-mouthed shock at Charlie who was still kneeling and holding out the ring, countless thoughts whirled within her. Was this man serious? Had he missed all the times she’d told him they were broken up – or had she broken up with his clone?

  And all these people here – his mother, her father and Yvonne? The only one who’d been smart enough to skip this shindig was his father. The rest? She couldn’t even wrap her mind around the reason for their presence here. They all knew that she and Charlie weren’t together anymore. What would possess them to attend this sham of an engagement? And why hadn’t any of them warned her?

  Ah! She knew the answer to that last question. They hadn’t warned her because they knew that if she knew what was coming she would’ve stopped it or at least made sure to be as far away from it as possible. Her shock transformed into anger. No wonder they’d all been so calm and quiet these last two weeks. She should’ve guessed that something was going on – that they were plotting and scheming behind her back. The more she thought about it the angrier she got until she was practically seeing red.

  Nervousness in his eyes, Charlie repeated, “Snow, will you marry me?”

  “No.” The word fell from her lips unbidden and it sent shock waves rippling through the restaurant. Sharp gasps from the guests echoed through the dining-room and along with them came shocked whispers.

  Charlie seemed just as shocked as everyone else – as if he’d been expecting a different answer when he’d directed this ridiculous soap opera. His mouth opened, closed then opened again. “What?”

  “No.” This time Snow’s answer was firmer and her voice more determined. “I won’t marry you, Charlie.”

  Leaving Charlie still staring at her like a deer caught in the headlights, she turned on her heels and headed back to the kitchen. The room erupted into louder murmurs behind her. She even heard Marlene desperately calling her name, but she didn’t stop moving. She felt a sense of trembling relief when she finally stepped into the kitchen, but to her irritation she found that the news of her ‘engagement’ was already circulating in there.

  “Girl, it was an engagement party.” Pepper, one of the waitresses, was giving Vina the details with everyone else in the kitchen shamelessly eavesdropping. “He was down on his knees proposing and she straight up told him-”

  Pepper’s mouth snapped closed when she spotted Snow. All eyes swung to Snow and the kitchen descended into an uncomfortable silence. Snow ignored them all, her gaze immediately searching out Greyson. She found him on the other side of the room, obvious concern in his eyes. She wanted to go to him, but memories of how badly he always reacted when Charlie was involved froze her feet.

  Would Greyson blame this on her? Say that this had happened because she hadn’t tried hard enough to get rid of Charlie? The thought was enough to start a lump at the back of her throat. No, she couldn’t go to him. If she did, she’d end up either crying or snapping at him – and that was the last thing she wanted to do. Swallowing hard, she headed to her station where Vina was.

  Snow wasn’t sure how she managed to act and sound so calm as she took the sizzling pan from her shocked friend’s grip and said, “Thanks. I’ll handle it from here.”

  “Oh – Okay.” Vina stepped aside but her eyes remained on Snow.

  “The diners won’t serve themselves.” Greyson’s voice cut into the tense atmosphere that held the kitchen in its grip. “Everyone get back to work.”

  “Yes, Chef.” The bustling resumed.

  Through the corner of her eye, Snow caught sight of Greyson coming towards her. She braced herself for his questions, prepared herself for an argument. But before Greyson could reach her, Charlie thundered into the kitchen.

  “Snow, what the hell is going on?” His eyes wild with anger, he strode towards her. “How could you say no?”

  Was he seriously coming at her for rejecting him? Snow stared at the pan in front of her, marveling at Charlie’s cheek. Blood rushed from her brain to her ears as anger flooded her senses until she could actually feel her heartbeat throbbing in her throat. She tried to pull in deep, calming breaths but it felt like there was a fist closed around her lungs, its grip tightening with each passing second.

  “I thought this is what you wanted?” Charlie’s complaints continued as he stopped beside her. “You’ve been telling me how I’m not committed to our relationship and now that I’m showing you-”

  Bang! Snow slammed the pan onto the counter so hard that the metal vibrated through her arm and oil jumped from it to land on her hand. Pain seared through her hand but it faded fast in the face of the anger racing through her.

  Charlie jumped back in alarm. “What the hell?”

  How many times had she told him they were over? Fine! If words weren’t enough, then it was time to give him action. Rage leading her, she plucked a knife from the magnetic stripe mounted on the wall above the counter and raised it.

  “Whoa, Snow!” The anger in Charlie’s eyes turned into instant fear as he took another step back. “What are you doing?”

  Honest to God, if Greyson hadn’t emerged behind her and caught her arm, Snow would’ve stabbed Charlie. She was that angry.

  “Get out.” Greyson’s deep voice rumbled behind her as he kept a firm hold on her arm, but his words were for Charlie. “Get out of my kitchen.”

  Charlie looked like he wanted to protest, but something about Greyson must’ve scared him. He turned on long limbs and pushed his way past everyone watching them to exit the kitchen. Everyone sagged in relief at his departure – everyone but Snow. Though Charlie was gone, rage still held her captive.

  “Calm down.” Greyson plucked the knife from her hand and set it on the counter. He cupped her shoulders and squeezed. “Calm down, baby.”

  His voice was like a magnet, drawing her back to him. She turned in his arms and pressed her forehead to his chest. He surrounded her with his warmth, soothing her with hushed murmurs and slow strokes of his hand on her back. It took several deep breaths and more calming words but finally her anger faded enough to for her to pull away from him. Everyone else had gone back to work and were bustling around them as if Charlie’s scene had never happened.

  She looked up at Greyson to find him glaring at the door, his eyes hard with restrained anger. Dropping his arms from Snow, he said, “Stay here. I’ll talk to him.”

  “No.” Snow quickly caught his hand. As much as she appreciated Greyson for being willing to come to her defense, this was her fight and she was the only one who could end it – for good. “I’ll do it.”

  His jaw ticking, Greyson said, “He won’t listen to you.”

  Probably! But she knew Charlie – he was even less likely to listen to Greyson. The only thing that would happen if Greyson interfered was a fight breaking out. She couldn’t let that happen.

  “This time he’ll have to.” She squeezed Greyson’s arm. “I’ll talk to him.”

  Greyson seemed doubtful of the success of that course of action. But all he asked was, “Are you sure?”

  Snow nodded. “I’m sure.”

  He exhaled and inhaled deeply before saying, “Don’t kill him.”

  Despite all the emotions churning ins
ide her, she smiled. “I won’t.” Her smile held until she was outside the kitchen, then it fell.

  This was it.

  This time she’d end it once and for all.

  Perhaps Charlie’s guests weren’t satisfied with the free show they’d just gotten because most of them were still seated at the table, with some surrounding the despondent Charlie. Even her father and Yvonne were still at the table, though a good distance away from Charlie and his fans. Both of them looked like they’d swallowed a lemon.

  Snow’s gaze landed on her father, and immediate disappointment coursed through her. She’d thought that his not accepting her decision to be a chef hurt, but this hurt much more. And it was low. Was he really that desperate to keep the funding for his hospital? So desperate that he’d practically sold her off to the highest bidder?

  “Snow!” Marlene yanked her from her despondent thoughts. “What is going on-”

  Snow raised her hand to stop the flow of the older woman’s words. Her gaze swept over all the guests as she said, “Since all the concerned parties are here, I’d like to make a few things clear. Charlie and I are not getting married. We’re never going to get married. He and I are done with each other. ” Her gaze zeroing in on Charlie, she added, “If he ever calls you for another engagement party, hang up on him, scream at him… I don’t care what you do, but for God’s sake don’t attend it.”

  Marlene gasped sharply. “You don’t need to be so cruel.”

  “Apparently, I do.” Snow gave the older woman a level look. “It doesn’t matter what you say, what you do, whether you stop funding the hospital or whatever-” She focused on her father. “I’m not marrying Charlie. I’m never marrying Charlie.” She swept her gaze back to her errant ex. “Charlie.”

  When his reddened eyes met hers, she said, “I’m grateful for the twelve years we had together, for everything you did for me but this is it for us. The end of the road. We’re done. For good. I hope you find someone else to spend your life with, but it won’t be me. If you ever show yourself in front of me again, I will call the police. From now on, I’ll treat you and anyone else who comes to talk to me about you like a stalker. So please, if you don’t want trouble, keep your distance.”

  Her words seemed to be sinking in because a tear slid down Charlie’s cheek. That tear was a surprise. She’d never seen Charlie cry – not even once. Had he really been sincere when he’d said he wanted her back? No, she mentally shook her head. There was no use in dwelling over his intentions or feeling bad. He’d brought this on himself.

  Before she could take back any of her words, Snow left the dining-room and headed towards the break-room. With each step she took up the stairs, the pressure inside her chest eased. There were a few members of staff in the break-room but Snow ignored them all. She made her way towards the large window that faced out to the restaurant’s backyard and blindly stared out into the night. Hopefully Charlie’s tears meant that he was finally accepting that there was no way back for them, that this was over. Closing her eyes, she took in a deep breath then smiled.

  It was finally over.

  She wasn’t sure how long she stood at the window, but eventually a deep voice cut into her musings.

  “You okay?” The owner of the voice slid his arm around her waist.

  Snow turned her head to find Greyson standing beside her and watching her with eyes shadowed with concern. She said, “I’m fine.”

  His dubious gaze raked over her face. “Are you sure?”

  “I am.” She offered him a reassuring smile. “Are they still down there?”

  “Some of them.” He frowned. “Do you want me to get rid of them?”

  “No. They already paid for their meal.” She suggested, “I’ll leave instead. I need the distance anyway. You don’t mind if I leave early, do you?”

  “No, of course not,” he quickly said. “I’ll drive you home.”

  “You can’t. Who’ll run the kitchen when you’re gone?” Snow protested. “We’re already short of two chefs. You can’t leave too.”

  Her words were enough to bring him back to rationality. “You’re right.” He nodded. “Then at least let me call you a cab.”

  He stayed with her while they waited for the cab. Ten minutes later, the company called to let him know that her cab had arrived. Greyson walked her down the stairs. As they headed to the door, she saw a determined Marlene headed her way.

  “You go.” Greyson, who’d also spotted the older woman, stopped in front of the door. “I’ll distract her.”

  Giving him a grateful smile, Snow slipped out of the restaurant.

  * * * * *

  “SNOW! SNOW HARRISON!” Charlie’s mother barreled towards the door, her shrieks echoing through the whole room. “Snow, don’t you dare leave.”

  Greyson stepped in front of the door, blocking her path. He’d seen some strange people in his life, but this woman and her son took the cake. The pair had put Snow through enough and he wasn’t about to allow them another shot at harassing Snow.

  Charlie’s mother came to a screeching halt in front of him. Anger visibly vibrating in every inch of her tall, lithe form, she commanded, “Step aside.”

  “Not if you’re planning to follow Snow,” Greyson countered calmly.

  “What?” The woman squinted angrily before trying to shove him aside with one hand. “Move.”

  He didn’t budge.

  “Who are you to keep me from following her?” she screeched, the tips of her ears reddening with her rage. “Move out of the way.”

  Greyson shook his head. “Sorry.”

  “Do you know who I am?” She jabbed a finger against her chest. “I’m Marlene Santos-Dumas.”

  Was her name supposed to inspire fear in him? He merely offered her a raised eyebrow and folded his arms over his chest.

  “Move,” she insisted. Greyson didn’t move.

  If he’d seen it coming, he would’ve stopped it, but Marlene’s palm cracked over his face without warning. Slap! The cracking sound echoed through the room, loud and clear, as a searing pain stabbed at the right side of his face.

  She yelled, “Move or I’ll sue you.”

  It took everything in Greyson not to cup his smarting cheek but he couldn’t help working his jaw as he stared the screaming woman. Was she seriously talking about suing him when she was the one who’d just committed assault?

  “This is kidnapping.” Marlene grabbed at his jacket and pulled at the fabric as if trying to bodily move him out of her way. “You’re holding me hostage.”

  Greyson grabbed her wrists and tried to push her hands away from him, but her grip was as determined as her expression. He was so intent on getting her to let go that he didn’t notice the tall, dark-skinned man headed their way until the man was upon them. From the pictures in Snow’s house, Greyson immediately recognized the man as her father, James.

  “Marlene, stop it.” James cut Marlene’s tirade short. His voice was firm and his expression impenetrable as he commanded, “Stop it.”

  “Stop what?” The woman’s hands fell away from Greyson’s jacket and she spun around to face James. “Stop what? You stop it. Stop Snow.”

  “Why would I do that?” James countered calmly. “She’s done saying what she needed to say and I think she made herself clear.”

  Even though the older man looked calm and collected, Greyson could tell that he wasn’t. The hands fisted at the sides of James’ body said that his temper was hanging by a thin thread.

  “Are you serious?” Glaring daggers at James, Marlene pressed her fists to her hips. “I can’t believe you would say that after what she’s done to Charlie. Look at that.” She pointed to her son. Charlie was still seated at the table with his head buried in his hands as if he was crying.

  Fuming like a mama-bear protecting her cub, Marlene turned back to James. “Do you see what she’s done to him?”

  James was just as insistent about protecting his own cub. His glare hard and unforgiving, he retorted
, “What about what he’s done to her? Ambushing her with this nonsense engagement.” Though he didn’t raise his voice, the coldness in it was spine-chilling. “I can’t believe you two dragged Yvonne and I here on the pretense that you wanted to celebrate Charles Senior’s new project. If I’d known that this is what you were planning I would never have shown up. What an embarrassment!”

  Hear! Hear! Greyson almost cheered for the older man. It was hard to believe that this was the same man Snow had told him about. The James Harrison Snow had described was an authoritative, controlling man who valued self-discipline above all else and didn’t respect his daughter’s decisions. Yet, here he was throwing a fit because someone had come after his daughter and not giving a damn about all the people who were watching the scene. People really were complicated creatures.

  James’ bitter words pierced the hard armor that was Marlene’s anger and she deflated slightly. “I thought that you… that Snow…” She exhaled heavily. “ - I thought you and I were on the same page.”

  “Obviously we’re not,” James bit out.

  “I-” Marlene lapsed into silence as she stared at James desperately.

  He returned her stare with an irritated one of his own. Neither of the two fighting bulls seemed to notice that Greyson was still there as they stared at each other. And Greyson was quite okay with that. His only goal was to keep trouble from following Snow.

  After a moment Marlene took a softer tack. “James, you know how much Charles loves Snow.”

  “Then he should’ve shown it to her when they were together.” James’ tone was unrelenting. “And what he’s doing now isn’t love. It’s harassment.”

  “I can’t believe you would say that.” Marlene gave Snow’s father a look filled with genuine shock. “After everything they’ve been through… After everything we’ve done to keep them together… I thought we had an understanding.”

  “What understanding?” James folded his arms over his chest. “The only thing I understand is that it’s time for your son to let go. Tell him to let go and stop hustling my daughter.”


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