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Charleston Past Midnight

Page 6

by Christine Edwards

  I take a step toward the massive vampire and give it right back, “Katerina was never yours and you know it!”

  He’s livid and looks as if he’s poised to attack but changes his mind, saying menacingly, “Turn her soon, Severin, or you can be sure that I will.”

  No one dictates to me. Ever.

  “You realize, Valdon, that you have violated the truce we had in place.”

  “For her abilities, it’s worth the conflict with you.”

  I stare directly into his eyes. “I’ll never let you have her.”

  His voice is measured yet confident as he says, “Now that is a very arrogant statement to make, Severin. Good luck with such an impossible task.”

  They disappear in a flash and I feel like the weight of a 747 is pressing down on me.

  Case growls low, “That fucker needs to be chained up in a cage and dumped into the harbor.”

  I turn around to face Ambrose as he asks angrily, “Why didn’t you tell us she is a seer? You had to know he would stop at nothing to have her untapped power under his control.”

  “I was waiting to see if he knew. I’m trying to protect her. I want her to stay human.”

  He shakes his head back and forth as he says solemnly, “We both know that’s not even a remote possibility now. I’ve never seen him so furious—in fact, I didn’t know the tosser was capable of emotion. Are you certain this girl is worth the hell you’re about to put yourself through on her behalf?”

  “I have no doubts whatsoever.”

  He stares at me for several seconds and then nods slowly before saying, “Then we keep the human away from him. Are we all in agreement?”

  “Fuck yeah,” Case says cockily.

  “You know it,” Alina chimes in.

  Ambrose’s hand claps down on my shoulder “We’ve got you covered, brother. Now let’s get the hell outta here. This place always did give me the fucking creeps.”

  Chapter Nine

  Present Day, Midnight

  Poco Loco’s, Downtown Charleston

  “Hey, babe! Can we get another bucket of Corona’s and a refill on the chips? Oh, and a few more limes too, darlin’.”

  “Sure.” The large group of college guys have been here for well over three hours. They’ve already rung up close to a two hundred dollar tab in food, shots, and beer.

  I hope they’re good for it.

  They are my last table of the night. The hostess stopped seating tables nearly an hour ago, and my boss—greedy bastard that he is—often keeps the place running past normal closing hours as long as the customers are buying. Come to think of it, I don’t really blame him, but he can be overly demanding. I’ve been here since eleven this morning and was supposed to get off at five. Thanks to a no-show waitress, here I am, shoving twelve Coronas into a pail full of ice at midnight. These guys had better tip. At least they are semi-polite.

  Kiana closed out and waited around for me for over an hour before I told her to head on home. She’s working in the morning, and there’s no need for both of us to be trapped here. She was concerned about me driving home alone and made me promise to text her before I parked the car so that she could come out onto the porch to watch me walk up.

  It’s true, our neighborhood is righteously awful but the worst that has ever happened to us are the relentless cat calls from the unemployed losers who seem to live on their front porches, hitting their bongs 24/7. Still, if we want to keep our heads above water with our school loans, the cheap little place is the best option. We’ve scoured the listings in the past and in a nice area, anything comparable would run at least triple what we are paying our landlord. We’ve nearly saved enough to have an alarm system installed, which would definitely help us both sleep better at night.

  Still … Severin’s stern warning, and more importantly my promise to him to stay in at night, keeps echoing in a repetitive loop in my mind. He would be so pissed if he found out that I defied him. I feel badly about breaking my promise, but it’s not like I have a choice. If I told my boss ‘No’ I would be looking for a new job. Immediately. And that’s not an option.

  I drop the beer and chips and cup of sliced limes on the weathered wooden table on the back patio and say in a friendly voice, “Afraid this is it, guys. We’re closing down. Gonna have to move the party elsewhere once you finish up.”

  There is a general grumbling as each guy reaches out to snag a frosty longneck.

  The one wearing a purple polo speaks up, “Hey, didn’t we have an econ class together last semester?”

  I look him over, trying to remember. “I think so. Enjoy your beer.” I give him a pleasant smile and walk away to start cleaning down my inside tables. I have a clear rule; I never date guys I meet at work. Most are half drunk when they ask for my digits anyhow. So not charming.

  * * *

  I’ve just finished cashing out my tips and am almost to the back door when my boss calls out, “Hey, thanks for staying on for the second shift, Calla. Bucket night is always slammin’. Enjoy your next few days off. You’ve earned ’em.”

  “Thanks, Johnny. See you Thursday.”

  “All right, sounds good. Drive safe.”

  I nod once and push open the back door that leads to a three-car parking area sandwiched tightly between two brick buildings and a hulking metal dumpster. The humidity is thick, even at midnight. I’m glad that I’m sporting a ponytail because my neck is already sweaty. Remembering Severin’s warning, I waste zero time making a beeline to my nearby car. I’ve just opened the door, poised to hop into my ancient Saab, when a large hand clamps down on the top of the doorframe, and that unmistakably seductive voice whispers from directly behind me, “You really shouldn’t defy me, Calla.”

  I gasp and spin around so fast that I drop my keys in the process.

  I crane my neck up to stare at him, and before I can open my mouth to say anything, he says, “I don’t want to hear your excuses. Nothing has changed. You’re still in extreme danger and apparently the only one who doesn’t realize it is you, Calla.” He leans into me and practically hisses my name.

  He’s furious and it’s scary as hell to witness.

  Breathing deeply for confidence I reply, “I-I know what you told me but if I don’t work then I don’t eat. Does that make sense to you? Am I supposed to weigh what’s more dangerous—not eating and not having a roof over my head versus the possibility of some freak harming me? Step back and think about my reality, Severin.”

  He takes his time processing what I said and I can see the agitation ease a bit from his chiseled features. It’s a relief because the man is terrifying when his is furious. Yeah, so not a good look for him.

  His head lifts and he scans the rooftops behind me before dropping his gaze to mine once again. “It’s not safe for you in the city, Calla. I would like you to come with me for a few days until I get this situation sorted out.” He leans in even closer and says too quietly, “Before you try to balk at my proposal, know that I’m not asking, Calla.”


  “Did you not just hear me?”

  “Oh, yes. Loud and clear, but why should I let some weirdo chase me away from my own house? And on top of that, what about Kiana? What if he comes looking for me and she’s placed in danger?”

  “Case is all over that.”

  “What?” I whisper, completely astonished.

  “You heard me. He’s outside, watching her building as we speak. He’s been there since dusk.” Curt, direct.

  His eyes track the starry night and the buildings once again. “Get in the passenger seat. I’ll drive us.”

  I huff out a breath, realizing that I could stand here all night arguing with him, and knowing his tenacious, inflexible personality, we would be here until dawn. Then that would be a problem. If it wasn’t for the gripping fear that the terrifying vampire named Valdon caused in me, there is no way I would agree to go with him, but I’m not stupid. I wouldn’t stand a chance against that guy and his henchmen if he showed
up at my door. Besides, deep down I’ve been longing to spend more time with Severin.

  “Fine.” I grumble, bending down to pick up my keys before handing them over and rounding the back of my silver car. I wonder if I’ve totally lost my faculties to be going home with him for the sole reason of safety. Damn! I can smell the queso and greasy chips on my work clothes and know that he can as well. Welcome to the unglamorous world of making it on your own.

  He pulls out onto King Street and I look over, “I need to pick up some things from my place.”

  Keeping his blue eyes locked on the road he says simply, “No.”

  “But, I—”

  He cuts me off. “I’ll go back for your things, and when I do I’ll explain to Kiana that you are keeping me company for a few days.”

  I sigh and look out the window at the traffic and the twenty-somethings who are out on the prowl from bar to bar on the main artery in the city. Even on a Tuesday night, the city is pulsing with energy. I glance over at him once, understanding that if they come here to feed then they would certainly not have difficulty finding what they crave. I shudder at the thought and wonder if it’s that intimate with everyone he drinks from? A wave of jealously washes over me at the thought of him pressing his gorgeous body into another woman as he did with me. I cross my arms and turn away, hoping that he isn’t perceptive enough to detect my roller coaster of emotions.

  * * *

  The wide electronic gate has just swung closed behind us and he cautiously makes his way up the uneven, narrow dirt lane. The thirty-five minute ride out of town was driven in heavy silence. I’m starting to have second thoughts about having a sleepover with a den of vampires. I flip my black clutch over and over nervously in my lap, wanting to ask if he brings ‘company’ way out here often, but then I stop, because at this tense point, I don’t particularly want to know.

  He parks my battered Saab in front of the white shed and gets out. Nerves are getting the best of me and I start to shake, not so much because he frightens me, but because of the unknown—the certain danger that is coming my way. I’m like a hanging target at a busy shooting range. At least work provided the ultimate distraction where I’m nearly able to block out the web that I’ve somehow become entangled in.

  My door creaks open and his seductive voice floats down to me. “Come, Calla, we have a lot to discuss.”

  Suddenly the funky ringtone of my cell begins echoing out from inside my small clutch, demanding my attention. Quickly unzipping it, I reach in and see the name on the illuminated screen: Kiana.

  I glance up and say quickly, “I need to take this. Please give me a moment.”

  Touching the screen I barely have the speaker up against my ear before she starts in. “You’d better have stopped at the Kangaroo for a Lifewater or some shit girlfriend because I’ve been watching out this window for the last thirty minutes for your sassy butt. You all right?”

  I need to tell her who I’m with.

  I’m just about to answer when she cuts in, “Hold up, someone’s knocking on the door.”

  I clutch the phone tight and yell into the speaker, “Kiana, don’t open it!”

  There’s a hesitation before I hear her say in a stern, no nonsense voice, “Who’s there?”

  Though muffled, I can still make out the low bass of a male voice. “Case. Open up.”

  I catch the groan of our decrepit door as it opens. Kiana murmurs, “Come in.”

  “Hey, I’m back. So, I take it you’re with that Severin guy?”

  “Yeah. I don’t want you to worry but I’ll be staying with him for a few days … minimum.”

  Wariness enters her voice as she asks slowly, “Everything cool? I can come get you. Not a problem. Just give me the address and I’m there.”

  “No, it’s nothing bad, I just … want to spend some alone time with him.”

  I can hear her suck in a deep breath. “Well, be careful, and when you’re alone, call me. We need to talk. There are some things that need serious explaining, things that are beyond messed up. Know what I’m saying?”

  She knows.

  “We’ll touch base soon. Please be safe. Case will look out for you.”

  “Oh, you got that right. It’s all good this way. You just enjoy your few days off from the taco chaos and call me back when you can. Something tells me that we’ll both be occupied tonight.”

  My breath hitches with the potent thought.

  “Night, Kiana.”

  “You too, Calla. Bye.”

  I disconnect and feel better knowing that he’s with her tonight. I shift and glance up at Severin. He’s standing patiently with his fingers extended toward me. I pull in a deep breath, slip my hand into his and allow him to help me out of the car and up the stairs of the elegantly decrepit plantation house. The shadows play against every surface, lending an odd air of life to the space.

  His fingers thread softly through mine as the elevator door slides closed. My breathing is irregular and choppy from arousal and I’m mortified that he most likely knows.

  Thankfully the doors open into the illuminated lower level hallway, and as we make our way across the length of gleaming wood I ask hesitantly, “Are we alone?”

  Keeping his eyes dead ahead on the door at the end of the hall, he says softly, “Yes, Calla, tonight we are.”

  I swallow and try my best to coordinate my shaky steps as we enter his spacious room that’s larger than both my bedroom and living room combined. I slip my hand from his, and not quite able to meet his intent stare, say in a whisper, “I’d really like to shower.”

  “Of course, this way.” He places his palm on my lower back and guides me through his bedroom to a tall door. Reaching around me, he opens it and steps back, saying quietly, “Everything you need should be inside. I’ll go for your things now. Take your time.”

  I tilt my chin up and my lips part at how painfully gorgeous he is. Somehow I manage to push out, “All right.”

  He brings his hand up to stroke the length of my long ponytail one time before saying, “I won’t be long, and when I return I will explain what’s happening.”

  I nod and head into the bathroom of the enigmatic vampire who is offering me his protection. How it is possible for life to be this impossibly complex?

  * * *

  I could’ve easily stayed in the vast granite shower all night long. The wide circular showerhead eased away all the shoulder strain from working that long double shift. With a fluffy white towel wrapped around me from the top of my chest to my knees, I do my best to work his bristle brush through my hair. If he’s not back already, he should be soon, and I can’t seem to get a grip on my aching need. Twice I gave into temptation and let my fingers drop down to play between my slick lips, which are throbbing incessantly for his touch.

  I stare into the mirror, my face glowing with lust as my heart hammers in my chest. How long can I possibly hide it from him before he picks up on it?


  I jump a bit when I hear his distinctive voice call to me from the opposite side of the door. I reach out and twist the knob, nearly holding my breath in anticipation of seeing him again. The door swings open and I completely fail at covering up how badly I want him.

  My face lifts to meet his and inside of two seconds his sexy eyes flicker to onyx black. He knows …. In the woods, before he took me down, they were terrifying. Now they’re astonishing. I shiver as my already damp pussy becomes drenched and clenches tightly in anticipation of everything he has to offer.

  I stagger back a step and gasp as the towel is roughly ripped down and tossed carelessly behind him. I offer up no resistance because even my relentless fantasies of him have fallen far short of this vibrating, delicious reality.

  He closes in on me fast, trapping me tightly against the wall where I am caged by his tremendous frame. His cool, polite façade is gone, replaced by that of a wicked male who’s about to take me for his pleasure alone. My nipples are pressing against his shirt and I sh
udder as I look down to watch him impatiently working the buckle of his leather belt. Once it’s undone he pops the buttons on his jeans and hastily shoves them down his sculpted legs. My nude body trembles against him as I watch, nearly mesmerized as his gorgeous cock jerks toward me in greedy anticipation. Its size and thickness makes my eyes spring wide open, and if I was remotely rational right now, I’d be terrified, but my brain is overloaded with the desperate urge for him to fuck me senseless.


  Huge palms waste no time lifting me high up by the back of my thighs before pinning me roughly against the cool slate wall. There is no gentleness or kindness in his touch. It is one thread away from base and animalistic and it’s making my mind spin in absolute chaos. His mouth descends to cover mine in searing ownership as his slick tongue slides between my lips, seeking out, and demanding entrance. I feel my hair drag against the wall as I’m lowered down onto his searing, rigid sex.

  I moan against his mouth as he uses my weight to work my body farther down the wide crown of his cock. The invasive stretching is borderline uncomfortable, causing a slight sting, and I pant as he takes his time entering me, allowing my body to adjust to his imposing girth. It doesn’t take long before the need overrides everything else, making me only want more.

  Those dangerous eyes are watching me with the intensity of a lethal predator. He uses his strength to lift me high before bringing me right back down. He pulls back and swings his hips forward, claiming me from below in one perfectly executed thrust.

  I tear my mouth away from his lips and cry out, “Oh! Oh God, Severin! Yes!” The way he feels, so massive and hard inside me, is astounding.

  His only response is a low, guttural sound from the back of his throat that sends shivers straight up my spine. My eyes drift down to admire his carved biceps that are holding me tightly.

  “Yes!” I plead when that glorious body begins to work me with tremendous strength.

  There’s no warning before he starts up a ruthless rhythm, fucking me with nearly violent force against the wall. I knew that his controlled grace belied the wildness of a deadly fighter, and here it is firsthand.


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