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Charleston Past Midnight

Page 7

by Christine Edwards

  I’m clinging tightly to his neck as he continues to buck harder, his fingers digging into my thighs. I know what I want more than anything, what will send me hurling over that delicious cliff.

  I tip my head to the side and whisper in a sensual plea, “Do it.” His eyes narrow for a second, as if questioning my intent. I drag in a reassuring breath and add, “I want you to.”

  His eyes bore into mine with absolute intent. Suddenly things begin to turn hazy, nearly dreamlike as he grips me tighter and closes the slight distance between us.

  “Ah! Yes!”

  My stunned cry echoes through the enclosure as his dagger-sharp fangs strike with the fleetness of a viper. There is no pain this time, only ecstasy … pure, undiluted ecstasy.

  Before I even feel him draw from me, I find the combination of being impaled by him too much to take. The torrid spasms start up, ripping right through my body with such explosive force that it feels as if I’m almost on overload. The pleasure is astounding.

  His hips power into my sex relentlessly as he sucks voraciously at my exposed neck. With the wicked orgasm still hitting me full force, I feel him speed up. The violence of the act is nothing I could have ever dreamed of, and all I can do is graciously take his pounding thrusts.

  He drives into me one last time, shoving impossibly deep inside, and I moan helplessly as he snarls down hard into his unyielding bite. I feel him go still, groaning out in ecstasy as his filling heat lashes me deep within my core. His damp forehead and body are pressed firmly against mine. We’re both shaking from the powerful encounter.

  I’m still lost in a haze of delicious tingling sensations when I feel him release my neck. He pulls back slightly to stare intently into my eyes. His have turned back to that fathomless blue color.

  I’m busy drinking them in when in a low rasp he whispers intimately, as if telling me a dark secret, “I’ve found you, by God. I’ve finally found you.”

  * * *

  Buried to the hilt in her silken channel, I watch her reaction to what I just said. Her face is still flushed the most gorgeous shade of pink. I smile inwardly, knowing how hard I drove her. Twin rivulets of blood stream down her flawless ivory neck. I lean in to gently lave my tongue against her skin, knowing that my saliva contains elements that will stop the flow.

  “Severin ….” she whispers softly.

  Fuck, will I ever get enough of that unique voice of hers? The way my name slides off her little tongue makes me harden instantly.

  I lean back, “Tell me.”

  “That was …. I’ve never ….”

  Her voice trails off, and her head shakes slowly from side to side. She is obviously still dazed. I’m patient, drinking in her beauty as she searches for the right words, still trying to gather rational thoughts.

  She nuzzles her soft cheek against mine and whispers, “Thank you for showing me how it can be.”

  Instead of answering her, I lower my mouth to press against her plump, parted lips. She clings to me as I carry her out of the bathroom, straight toward the bed. I never intended to take her in such a violent manner, especially not the first time, but when I scented her lust through the closed door and then saw it written as plain as day on her features, something deep inside me snapped. My calculated control disintegrated, and like a completely greedy bastard, I took exactly what I wanted, precisely the way I wanted to. Never have I known better. The way her tight pussy gripped me like a fine, fitted glove left me barely able to hold on, so intent was I on getting her there—making the experience just as unforgettable for her as it was for me.

  I lower her down to the center of the mattress, and with great reluctance, gently pull out of her. I’m more than ready to sink into her delicious body once again but I want to be certain that she is all right, not too sore. I also need to ensure that I didn’t draw too much blood.

  Her hands are quivering as they release their hold on my neck. I lie down across from her and smooth my hand over her shoulder before slowly pulling her against me. With our faces mere inches apart, I ask cautiously, “Are you hurting anywhere? I regret being so rough—”

  “Shh … no. I’m perfectly fine. Besides, the way you acted back there turned me on more than I ever thought ….” Her voice trails off. She is clearly embarrassed by the direction the conversation is heading.

  I love it rough, nearly always, and am astounded by her reaction. Not only can she take me that way, but she craves it. Perfection. I bring a stray lock of her hair up to my face and press it against my lips, consciously avoiding what’s to come.

  I need to get down to business with her because at this point I’m only delaying the inevitable. She deserves to hear the truth.

  “Calla, I have to explain some things to you. Things that will undoubtedly upset you.”

  Confusion flits across her stunning face as her brows draw together.

  “And those things would be …?”

  “Every moment you spend with me places you in considerable danger, Calla, yet without my protection the threat you face would be tenfold. Does this make sense?”

  “Mostly, but you’re gonna have to elaborate, Severin.”

  I sigh, really not wanting to get into this, especially directly after what we just shared. But the girl deserves to know exactly what she faces.

  “You are what is called a ‘seer,’ Calla. Have you heard that term before?”

  She shakes her head slowly, keeping a close eye on me as I continue, “Your gift is both rare and exceptional to our kind. Your ability to sporadically see into the future will only be magnified should you ever turn.”

  “Turn? You mean, turn into a vampire?”

  The final word falls from her lips as if it’s the most frightening nightmare ever. My heart clenches having to tell her the certain likelihood of her fate.

  “Calla, regardless of how you see my kind, now that Valdon knows you exist there isn’t a corner on this planet where he would not track you down to in order to possess you, to be in control of your unique gift. Your abilities equal power and power is paramount to divinity in our plane of existence. He wants to harness that power, to dominate you for his benefit Calla. Do you understand?”

  Christ, would she be in this situation had I not intervened the night I saved her? I have my doubts. But if I could go back, there is still no way I would have let those wretched humans have their way with her. Never. I know myself too well. This is fate. It’s all playing out for a reason, but that still doesn’t mean that I can’t have a firm hand in the outcome.

  As she pushes up onto her elbow I can see the walls going back up. She says in measured tones. “I’ve waited a lifetime to reach my goal of becoming a physician, and now that that goal is in sight, no one—not you or some arrogant ancient dickhead, or anyone else—will ever veer me off course. Do you understand, Severin?”

  She is so unbelievably hot when she gets angry. I want to pin her down and command her little body to cleave to me, but I won’t stand for her speaking to me like that.

  “You need to learn to curb that sharp little pink tongue of yours, ma belle fleur. It will inevitably lead you into even bigger trouble if you are not careful.”

  She huffs and flops back on the bed. “We’ll see about that,” she mumbles. “It’s seriously been a long day, and I’m completely wiped.”

  With my index finger I brush a gleaming strand away from her eyes. “Sleep, beauty, for nothing will harm you while you’re here with me.”

  She sighs quietly and drapes her arm across my chest. I watch her eyes slide closed and inside of ten seconds her breathing is deep and even. She’s well on her way to dreamland. I wanted to discuss much more with her tonight because I feel that we didn’t even nick the surface of the iceberg that is on a collision course with her future.

  Staring up at the smoke-gray and wood-inlaid ceiling I rack my mind as to how I’m going to curtail the danger that’s gunning for her with the power a category five hurricane. I already have inexplicably deep feel
ings for this woman and I won’t let him annihilate her, which is what would happen if he tried to rein her in. She is too headstrong and would be even more so if she turns. No, her wild beauty could never be harnessed. Being controlled would destroy her. I won’t let that happen to her as it did to Katerina.

  Chapter Ten

  Sixteen Years Earlier

  Westin, West Virginia

  “Can you believe that I’ve been invited to my very first play date? I’m so excited, Brant! Are you sure this dress looks all right? It ain’t fancy or nothin’ but it’s the best I got. Man, can you believe the size of this house? Wow ….”

  My brother shakes his head at me while fighting a grin. “Yeah, well that’s because it’s a funeral home, silly. They’re always big and fancy.”

  His eyes narrow and he slows his stride as we climb the tall steps leading up to the grand white house on the hill.

  When we reach the top, he turns to me, still holding my hand and asks, “You sure that these are nice girls, Calla? I mean, I know they’re your classmates and all, but ya gotta wonder why they never played with you before now, don’t cha?”

  I don’t want to admit it, but he’s right. Every recess I skip rope on my own and watch the pretty girls with the shining bows in their hair playing all sorts of fun games together. They never look my way or talk to me and I’m fine with that. When I get too lonely, I go pick flowers from the small patch of grass by the bus lot—well, they’re more like weeds, but I imagine that they are beautiful pink posies. When Marlene asked me to come to her house on Saturday morning for a girls only play date I was so excited that I could barely answer her.

  I look up into my big brother’s eyes, which are filled with concern. “Maybe they just realized that I’m fun, Brant. Go on now. I’m a big girl.”

  “All right, Calla. I’m headed over to the field to play baseball and I’ll be back at lunchtime to walk you home. Don’t you go nowhere till I come for you, all right?”

  “Okay, Brant. See ya.”

  Nearly bouncing in my worn pink cowgirl boots, I ring the doorbell.

  I hear footsteps racing to the door. They’re happy to see me!

  The tall wood and etched glass door swings wide and Marlene, Dana, and Jeannie grin at me.

  Suddenly I feel shy, knowing that I don’t look fancy like they do. I look down at the ground and then back up through my lashes and give a small, silent wave.

  “Well, come on, silly, come in! We’ve been waiting for you. We have some really fun games to play today. Come with us!”

  I try not to gape at how pretty and clean everything is as we all race down a hallway with floors that are so shiny I can see my reflection in them. Maybe I should have taken my boots off, especially because their glossy shoes aren’t all dirty like mine. Oh well, I’m too excited to care.

  Marlene and Dana are twins, but it’s not hard to tell them apart because Marline has darker brown hair. They stop running once we reach a glass room that looks out over a garden filled with brightly colored flowers. I wonder if we can go out there to play.

  I would love to see the happy flowers up close. Nothing grows in our trailer park but dandelions, and I don’t even think you can really call those flowers.

  “Here, have some.” Dana points to a round table with a cutwork tablecloth on it.

  My mouth waters at the delicate plate of pastel colored cookies sitting beside a full glass pitcher of what looks like pink lemonade. I start to reach for a cookie and pull my hand back hesitantly, asking, “Are you sure?”

  My cheeks flush as they start giggling. “Um, yeah. Don’t be silly Calla. That’s what they’re out for. It’s snack time.”

  I sink my teeth into the delicious cookie that tastes like it’s filled with raspberry jam, thinking to myself, Momma never has snack time for us.

  I take a long drink of the yummy lemonade and see that they are all watching me.

  “These are delicious, don’t you want some?”

  Marlene laughs and says excitedly, “No, we already had some, Calla, before you came. Are you ready to play now? We made up a new game and we’re gonna be on teams.”

  Sounds fun! I wonder if someone will want to be my teammate.

  I shove the rest of the cookie into my mouth, not wanting to waste a crumb. I really want to put some in my pockets to share with Brant but I think that might be wrong. I always feel bad when we have to take food that isn’t ours. I hope that one day we won’t be punished for it.

  Dana speaks up, “Marlene and Calla are team one and I’m with Jeannie. It’s team hide and seek. When it’s your turn you’ll hide but always in a separate place from your partner. If we don’t find both of you in five minutes then you win. We have a kitchen timer and everything, look.”

  I love games! I tighten my ponytail as she asks, “Ready?”

  I grin at my partner, but she is looking at the other girls. I watch her wink at them before grabbing my hand and calling out, “We’re ready!”

  My heart races as Dana twists the white timer and calls out, “Go!”

  I run along beside Marlene, so glad to have a partner to help me find a good place to hide. We make several twists and turns through the beautiful house and I’m panting with excitement when she comes to a stop in front of a set of tall, solid white doors.

  My partner turns and grabs hold of my shoulders as she whispers to me, “You go in here, Calla. It’s the perfect place. I’m going up to the next floor. They’ll never have enough time to find us both.”

  I don’t hear the last part of her sentence because I’m getting really dizzy and can’t see straight. My brain isn’t working right because even though I can still feel her holding my shoulders, I see myself inside of the large dark blue room. There is a long, glossy black box against the far wall and tall white vases filled with flowers. I’m scared but want to know what’s in the strange box that looks like part of the top is split in two and propped open. I cross slowly to it, wondering if I’m even tall enough to see into it. What’s in there? My steps quicken as I come closer. Taking the final two steps, I peer over the edge and my eyes pop open. Can’t breathe! There is a scary man inside, I think he’s dead. He’s gray and his lips look sewn together. Oh God! Gotta get outta here!

  “Calla, did you hear a word I said? Now get in there!” Marlene is shaking me and trying to shove me into the room. I’m still in a daze, not understanding what just happened. Deep inside I know that I don’t want to go in there.

  Tears fill my eyes as I plead desperately, “Please, no, Marlene. I wanna go with you.”

  Her dark eyes narrow as she seethes, “Oh no, you’re not going to ruin the plan. Now you do as I say and get inside and be quiet.”

  She pushes me hard into the silent room. I clutch for the gold handle, desperate to get out, not caring if I lose the game. I hear a latch slide shut, followed by the clicking sound of her footsteps as she races away.

  Noooo, no, no, don’t turn around! My hands are sweaty and my eyes are squeezed shut. Ever so slowly, I turn and peek over my shoulder to see the same black box. He’s gonna get me! Tears roll down my cheeks and my entire body shakes as I pound my fists desperately against the white wood door screaming, “Let me out! Please, let me out!”

  Through my own choked sobs I barely hear the racing footsteps coming down the hall. Oh thank God, they’ve heard me!

  Suddenly, I hear them laughing hard as someone whispers through the crack in between the two doors, “No, Calla, you can’t come out because that would ruin all our fun.”

  * * *

  I bolt upright, screaming at the top of my lungs, desperate for Brant or anyone to hear me, to come and help me. Big hands jostle me back and forth, dragging me from the dark recollection. I open my eyes and stare into Severin’s stunned face.

  “Calla! My God … what was that? You were absolutely terrified. Was it about those men from the night we met?”

  I slowly take in my surroundings, his room. Safety.

nal thought filters back in and I say in a shaky voice, “No, it wasn’t. I just dreamed about the first time I had one of my visions. It was a really long time ago.”

  He cups his palm against the back of my head and pulls me into his strong chest. I drag in air and somehow manage to slow my ragged breathing when I feel a gentle kiss against the top of my hairline. His distinctive scent washes through me, instantly providing a soothing feeling.

  His lips pass back and forth against the top of my head and he whispers, “I have you now. You’re under my protection. That dream, that nightmare won’t ever hurt you, ma belle fleur.” He wraps his hands around my upper arms before pulling me back slightly to say, “I’d like you to tell me about it. I want to understand what you’re so afraid of, Calla.”

  Never. Those memories are too raw and frightening.

  “Please, Severin. I really can’t right now. Just hold me. You feel so perfect.”

  “Mmm. All right, Calla.”

  I’m pulled back into his embrace as my hands slide up the planes of his back, marveling at the definition of his musculature, the sheer size of him. His smooth skin feels so exhilarating against my bare chest, and I can’t resist placing light kisses along his rounded collarbone. He stills for a moment as I begin to flick my tongue across him in light, teasing licks. I glance up to see his eyes are closed, and those long black lashes fan out across his face. I smile as his breathing hitches then changes to longer, sexy drags. He tastes like raw, irresistible male and I’m completely craving where this could be headed.

  The tips of his fingers push my chin up so that I can meet his eyes. “Calla, is this what you want?”

  I watch him carefully for a thick moment before giving him my answer, “Absolutely. It’s exactly what I need right now.”

  That unwavering gaze commands my rapt attention as he says in a husky tone, “Then it’s important that you know something.”

  I try to read his heated expression as I ask warily, “All right, what is it?”

  “I need control … in all things. That’s the only way it works for me.”


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