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The Way of the Clan 4 (World of Valdira)

Page 17

by Dem Mikhaylov

  There were also special animal potions— reinforcing and protecting. But their cost was very expensive and they did not act for very long. That was for the rich. And I, as Kira expressed, was just a wooden Pinocchio with five gold coins in my pocket. So I had to spend the minimum on Tyrant. He would live on grazing. Anyway, until I got obscenely rich.

  In theory, I can “dress” my pup and give him things to “consume,” I only had to contact the Black Baroness and confirm my consent. After that, I will get lots of things. And not only for the wolf— also for myself. From gear to potions to partners, and maybe even a farm of monsters. But the only thing is that such an agreement costs too much. That’s why for now I prefer doing things the old-fashioned way.

  While I was meditating on these themes, my hands operated automatically, laying out all of the things I had on the floor.

  Most I immediately laid aside— not worth going over these. Regular garbage.

  But some things I carefully laid directly in front of me, dropping it to the floor gently and reverently.

  The Silver Legend. The equipment of Grim the Silver hammer.

  Legendary set, for which I’d been through fire, water and werewolves.

  Bracers for the right hand. My very first item from the set, obtained recently from the hand of Grim the Inconsolable. With the beautiful title “Soul of the Silver Wolf.” The bracer gives bonuses to strength, endurance and protection. And had a strange effect: “Awakens the soul of the Silver Wolf.” It is designed for the warrior class.

  Gauntlet for the left hand. The second thing I got from the Algora Mage’s Guild. The name far more formidable and promising: “Hand of War.” It gives a special bonus to agility, strength and protection. It also gives a special effect— three times increased protection if the glove is connected to the “Soul of the Red Wolf.” Just as I suspected— that’s what the bracer of the left hand is called, which I do not have yet. That is, judging by the name of the right bracers. That is, if the glove meets the bracers my entire left hand, to the elbow, will have increased protection against physical damage. This is very cool, if not for a tiny “but—“ I didn’t have the bracers for the left hand. Also targeted for warriors.

  Silver Medallion. Round, thick, massive. But with a solid silver chain. Before, I didn’t have time to deal with examining it— but now, I had the time. It’s time to take a closer look at one more item of the legendary set in my possession.

  Not lowering my gaze, I rubbed my fingers on the round medallion. I took a deep breath, exhaled, and only then looked at the subject. And opened my mouth in surprise. So specific, so singly directed at a certain goal. And not in the effects— which were themselves quite nice— but the skills. Very, very strange. Including the name itself.

  Type: equipment.

  Title: Pacifier of the Wolf Soul.

  Description: Silver medallion, part of the legendary armor of Grim.

  Object Class: Legendary!

  Durability: Impossible to destroy! In addition: Impossible to steal!

  Attention! Part of the legendary set!

  Total number of items in set: 14

  Minimum level restrictions: None.

  In addition: The subject’s levels increase in proportion to one’s character level.

  Current effects:

  +20 protection from physical damage.

  +20 protection from magical damage.

  +25 intelligence.


  100% divine protection from the effect of Gravital’s Fury (deactivated.)

  100% divine protection from the effect of Gravital’s Madness (deactivated.)

  100% divine protection from the effect of Black Moon (deactivated.)

  100% protection from the effect of Divine Bloodlust (deactivated.)

  100% protection from the effect of Divine Berserker (deactivated.)

  The ability of “Saving Grace” Active. Recharging skills: 24 hours (not set.)

  Number of equipped items from the set Armor of Silver Hammer: 1/14.

  Additional equipped bonuses: None.


  It took several long moments of thoughtful study to study the effects of the medallion, and a few more to figure out what’s what.


  The name of the medallion was truly consistent with its purpose. It really was a cage for the werewolf— the silver cage for his dark and bloodthirsty soul.

  The fact is that anyone can pick up the equipment of a slain monster, so long as the items were not destroyed in battle. That’s why it was hard to gauge its properties. Divine protection from turning into a bloodthirsty werewolf— this won’t fly. A player can’t transform into anything, let alone a werewolf. So the skill will be useless for him. Therefore, the medallion is fully consistent with the legend, or for a mage. It is for a magician, not a warrior. Soldiers had no use for such a thing.


  All is simple.

  It was stated in the list of skills of the medallion, which were now deactivated.

  “Wild fury—“ when applied to a player, he falls in protection and intelligence, but increases in strength. So for the soldier player, this effect is sometimes useful, since intelligence is not critical for him. But it is the magician’s downfall. Because of the fact that his damage depends primarily of his intelligence points. Bring down the intelligence of a magician— and it will surely kill him. A piece of meat thrown at the swords of soldiers.

  “Madness,” “Bloodlust,” “Berserker—“ all of these had almost the same effects as the previous one. Two of them pull down wisdom. Useful for soldiers, and a death sentence for mages.

  The effect of “Black Moon—“ about this, I haven’t ever heard. Apparently the legend of transformation, where a man turns into a werewolf when the moon is full. Something mystical. In general, the medallion worn by Grim was like a reusable rune. Or, worn around the neck, protected against rabies. A highly specialized object. What was there about skills and abilities? The last point… and the only active one.

  “Saving Grace”— teleportation. This was clear. Once in twenty four hours I can port anywhere within the territory of Valdira, without using up a scroll. Nice. But not enough. Players of high levels sometimes have to teleport about thirty times a day. That Black Baroness probably is always on such “missions”. So the ability to port home once a day didn’t especially solve anything— at least not right now. But in the time of battle— it would be perfect. I just needed to set up a code phrase, shouting which I would immediately find myself at a predisposed place. Convenient— no need to reach for recipes nor to shuffle a spell. One shout— and you teleport.

  But I’m more interested in the fact that in the medallion, there were no negative effects towards Grim. Only saving effects, thanks to which he could not turn into a beast even if he wanted, but at the same, during the full moon, received wildly increased regeneration and other werewolf benefits. In the medallion, there were no properties which suppressed werewolf effects. And it turned out that, when the night sky blazed with a full moon in Valdira, Grim kept his human form and mind, but became ten times more dangerous. Almost immortal, for that matter. The mind of an experienced warrior, who had gone through dozens of battles and been wounded, and this increased power— a deadly combination. Almost like Wolverine from the X Men. Thank all the gods in Valdira that Grim had decided to visit me in animal guise. But… what am I talking about? No. Vice versa. Better if Grim had clashed with us without the transformation. Because the majority of the effects of the medallion, in any case, remain deactivated.

  All that is connected to “Gravital’s protection from…” are turned off completely. Because Gravital is no longer a God. He fell from the divine Olympus to earth and was imprisoned in the abyss of Tantarial— where, not so long ago, I had been rudely sent. So, at the moment, the medallion is just a round piece of silver with beautiful runes and several useful options… plus intelligence, and protection from magic and physical damage. That’s al

  A pity— if the skills were active, I’d have danced a jig of joy. As a mage I wouldn’t have minded these benefits. But not everything is so lucky. In order for the divine protection to work I would have to drag Gravital himself out of hell and place him in the skies.

  Tyrant sniffed the medallion quietly and let out a muffled growl.

  - Don’t worry— I chuckled, patting the wolf’s neck— The enemy is already dead… damn… my little orphan! Your mom was a zombie, no less, and your dad… furious… Okay! Time to get to the next part of the program! Tyrant, wanna eat?

  - Rr-rruf! R-ruff!

  - Got it— I nodded, standing up and walking to the door leading out— We’ll arrange something for you to chew, and for me to read… each according to his ability and to his needs! Wait, Tyrant, daddy will be back. With milk and raw meat for the younger generation!

  Walking into the corridor lined with thick carpet, I went downstairs and found a woman at the registration desk. She was a blonde woman with bright amber eyes and she smiled genuinely at me:

  - Hello, Mr. Rosgard. May luck smile your way today.

  - Thank you— I smiled warmly in return— But I’m not going to leave yet.

  - Can I help you somehow? – the girl brightened.

  - I would like to order something from the nearest food shop, library and bookstore— I told her— Is that possible?

  - Of course! I’m listening! – instantly confirmed she— Our service will not disappoint you, Mr. Rosgard!

  - Five liters of fresh cow’s milk and ten kilos of raw bovine meat— I began to list, looking at the girl as she wrote my wishes on a light green piece of paper.

  My specificity wasn’t superfluous— in Valdira, milk doesn’t only come from cows. There are sheep, mares, camels and other animals of the real world. Just to make sure that it wasn’t milk from volcanic salamanders— my Tyrant would be left in a little pile of ashes. And about the meat I could say nothing. Moreover, the prices and qualities were vastly different. If was necessary to specify.

  - You have a good appetite, Mr. Rosgard— said the girl— I got it. What else?

  Chuckling, I continued, remembering a letter which came to me a long time ago from the administration:

  - From the bookstore I would like to purchase “The Holy Commandments of the Navigator”— “Boarding,” “Award of Crossing,” “Underwater Menace,” and “Bay of Rest.” And everything else related to the series “Path to Zar’graad!” The latest and most complete versions, please.

  - Accepted. Anything else, Mr. Rosgard?

  - Yes. A few books to borrow from the local library of Algora. Historical chronicles and Legends about Grim the Silver Hammer and his lover Myrta. Also the most complete versions, and preferably illustrated.

  - Got it. Do you want to continue the order?

  - Yeah – I nodded, remembering another part of the letter— I want to buy another book. “Legends of Valdira: Bloody Reefs” authored by “Vagnar the Goose Feather”. Regular edition. Not the exclusive.

  - The exclusive version of “Bloody Reef” is no longer available— casually informed the girl— All sold out on the first day.

  - Clear. Then just the usual – I shrugged— That’s all for my order.

  - Great! – enthusiastically exclaimed the employee— Is it an urgent order? If yes, then the delivery is very fast, but ten percent more expensive. If the usual urgency— it will be delivered within the hour.

  - Urgent order— I said.

  Nothing crazy expensive. In fact, work instructions and old books. Nothing exclusive.

  “Bloody Reefs” just so that I could find out all the background information, and try to understand how exactly a unique spell ended up in the Nursery of Algora.

  Books about Grim and Myrta— in order to read the ending. Maybe there is a hint somewhere about the rest of the Silver Legend items. It is unlikely, but I find any clue useful. I didn’t have any other sources of information yet, and I had no leads at all. I wouldn’t go to Snessa again, after all…

  The blonde beauty did not lie— the delivery was, in truth, very fast. Very fast. Ridiculously fast compared to the real world.

  Hearing a delicate knock, I opened the door, and wanted to smile widely, but the smile literally froze on my lips. From shock. At the front of my door with a cute round copper handle were two square wooden boxes, each of a height just above my knee. Above the boxes lay a large bundle of cloth, and next to it stood a bottle filled to the top with milk. Hmm… food is perishable, topping spiritual sustenance… that’s how we live.

  Only the spiritual food seems to be a little too much! And the perishable food is only for Tyrant. I can chew only on the granite of science…

  Next to the delivery of goods was a single woman employee, holding a very long, long scroll, whose edges reached to the floor.

  - Your order is delivered, Mr. Rosgard— beamed the girl— So…

  - Don’t! – I interrupted her— Just say the final amount, please.

  - Okay— appeasably agreed the girl— All three amounts. Fourteen silver coins for the food stalls. Total of two gold, three silver and eight copper from the bookstore. One gold and three silver from the library. Library book is at your disposal for a period of seven days. Plus a small amount for hotel service. Total is… it is…

  She wrinkled her forehead so much that I doubted that it was a “local” in front of me, driven by artificial intelligence. Judging by how long it took her to perform a simple mathematical equation which could be done on a computer in a fraction of a second. Or even faster. And here it was a titanic effort…

  - Here, please— I smiled, handing the girl six gold coins— The entire amount is there. The rest is a thanks from me. Many thanks.

  - Thank you!— the girl blossomed into a smile, taking the coins— My name is Nini.

  - Nice to meet you, Nini— I bowed my head.


  +1 Personal goodwill to the relationship with Nini, serving the City of Algora’s hotel service.

  Oh! I was receiving goodwill too.

  Personal goodwill differs from the usual as heaven from earth.

  For example, I couldn’t obtain personal goodwill from male “locals.” Because growing personal goodwill results in a personal relationships. Rare meetings, regular visits, walks in the evening of Algora and so on until the great “18+”— if all goes well.

  Nodding goodbye, the girl, swinging her hips, walked away— and I, groaning, began to drag all of the boxes into my room. I wonder who brought them into the hall? Certainly not she— she doesn’t look like a hauler. But is external fragility deceptive?

  A few minutes later, everything was in my room and, in the next moment, Tyrant was devouring the fresh raw meat, and I was trying to figure out where to pour the milk. There were no dishes…

  - Eat without milk for now! – I muttered, making a decision, and putting the bottle next to the shipment from the bookstore— What a waste they brought me!

  The lid of the shipment lifted easily and soon I was holding a pretty thin book with a colorful cover depicting water bubbling over stones. The sea foam was somehow a little reddish color— perhaps mixed with blood. Plus there was a bright scarlet inscription: “Legends of Valdira: Bloody Reefs.”

  Inside the box I could see a lot of other titles, books, and pamphlets. Yeah.. and here is Rosgard’s personal library. And the truth is, it’s time to get a bookcase…

  Well then! Time to spend exactly two hours on selective reading, and then to move on— on to the adventures!

  I am sure they won’t keep me waiting!

  Although… I have the impression, that this is in the past for me— carefree adventures in the game world. Only the dreams are left…

  Cursing it all, I patted Tyrant on the shaggy shoulder and sat by his side, absorbed in reading.

  And first I opened not the book about the Bloody Reefs but the pamphlet entitled “Line of Salvation.” And on my knee already la
y a booklet with a very unfunny name “The Navigator Commandments.” There were many other books with multicolored and glossy covers, but first things first.

  It took me fifteen minutes to peruse the first booklet. And not because I have developed the skill of speed reading but because there was only a little bit of information, submitted in a very concise form. Plus a few explanatory illustrations. Overall— even a complete dumbass would understand it But reading was entertaining. And it was written very professionally.

  The proverbial line of salvation was a series of dots forming several long lines. Each point was an island.

  A giant life-saving island. A peaceful area.

  Each island was covered with a diverse dense forest, and there are several quarries with various kinds of stones. There are several rich veins of metal leading directly to the surface. A huge number of fresh water sources, rich sets of animals— and, dotting the meadows, a variety of medicinal plants.

  And nothing more. No jobs, no locals. Roughly speaking each island is a place where players may take a rest after a long and dangerous journey— where they can leave the ship, relax a bit. And most importantly, repair the inevitable damage of their warships. Replenish stocks of food supplies, medicines, and alchemic potions. This is precisely the reason for the magnificent forests, rare medicinal herbs, and variety of monsters.

  For players, food availability is not critical, but for pets— very much so. The larger in size the beloved pet, the more food it needs. And some players have not only badgers and wolves, but also real grizzlies or war elephants. And virtual elephants are no less bigger than their “real” counterparts.

  The islands were specifically designed for such purposes. Therefore, the coast abounds with deep and quiet coves, able to accommodate a huge number of ships. A little further— relatively shallow water, densely overgrown with underwater glades with delicious mussels, lazily swimming fish and wiggling tentacles of octopuses. This is for the achilot fleets. The submarines aren’t deprived of their share of the line of salvation. And in addition! The island itself is empty! It’s not even an island, but an empty turtle shell covered with land! Inside the island— a huge cavity, half filled with ocean water. With sources of fresh water and with wildlife, overgrown with algae and brightly glowing moldy walls and ceiling. I immediately made an association with the secret docks of submarines, often featured in action movies. And in the book “The Mysterious Island” by Jules Verne. The place where the famous Nautilus rested and his no less famous captain.


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