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The Way of the Clan 4 (World of Valdira)

Page 18

by Dem Mikhaylov

  So, what else of interest in this entertaining little book?

  All the resources of the island regenerate very quickly. So if newly felled trees do not regrow right away, they do so very soon after. That’s how much the spawning rate is accelerated.

  As mentioned above, the island and its vast coastal area is peaceful one. Battles between players and thefts are impossible. They are forbidden. The central part of the island— the common area. Designed for hunting and gathering resources. The lagoon— that’s private. As soon as the ship of one of the clans comes upon a lagoon, it is declared a private area for the clan and others cannot get on this territory because of the magical dome, which instantly closes around it. There was also an incredible number of mechanisms aimed at ensuring the calm docking and rebuilding of ships.

  Of course, the repair will be possible if the crew has instruments for this. Without an axe one cannot cut down a tree. On the island there are only resources.

  But it isn’t a free for all. On land and in the water there are aggressive monsters, guarding the territory against intruders. So the night will be filled not only with the thud of hammers, but also the whistle of swords. One will not get proper rest there— and will always have to be on guard in order to protect the ships and themselves. What kind of monsters exactly they will be is unknown. There was only one promising phrase about these: “such that you have not seen!” And this didn’t inspire optimism. Quite the contrary.

  Overall everything was clear. Ships go there for an overnight stay and are hastily repaired by masters. Others gather food and ingredients. Still others stand guard and destroy aggressive monsters. Out into the “real” world they go in turns. Fall out of the cocoon, have a quick bite to eat, have a few hours of sleep and go right back into the game. However, most will sleep right in the game cocoon— in the event of an alarm and an immediate order to rise.

  Yeah, the journey promises to be extremely exhausting.

  But the surprises don’t end there!

  As reported by the pamphlet, one of the islands of salvation will be “black.” That is no common area of peace! The lagoons remain intact by outsiders, but in the common area, players may attack each other. Which meant that a quest for roots and vegetables might turn out to be a march to the death.

  There was no total number of islands, but they stretched on almost to Zar’graad. At the same time, stopping there was not mandatory. If the team feels that they can, they the convoy shall move out at night. They can swim without stopping all the way to the lost continent— if strength allows. To stop or not to stop— the decision is taken privately, and at your own risk.

  And if I have correctly assessed the desire of the Black Baroness, as the Navigator I am in for a few sleepless days. That is, if I decide to join the fleet of the Sleepless.

  Another small but important detail— Salvation islands are not eternal. Towards noon, they all sink into the water, disappearing into the depths of the sea. Just like a miniature Atlantis. This is to ensure that if ships get damaged too quickly after departure from the island, coming back to fix them in a hurry will not work.

  There was information about me too— the fleet who had the Navigator aboard was repaired more quickly, by a few prevent. Moreover, I was the only one not under the influence of the limitations. I could safely walk along the shore of any bay or ocean floor. That made sense— if the Navigator decided to suddenly change employers, he could happily make that decision. Hence the free access to the entire territory. Intrigues… Devils simply adored them!

  And more— on the islands and under the water were info screens. Simply put, huge magical screens upon which were constantly displayed the latest data on recently lost ships, new developments related to travel and other things. The daily roundup.

  But this was not essential.

  The brochure slammed shut and was thrown upon a pile of similar ones. And I got up and walked resolutely to the outfit laid out on the floor. Read a little… and now I’m done! I cannot sit for hours without action. It’s not in my nature.

  Dressed in my legendary outfit, I would take Tyrant with me and go to some deserted place with some monsters, not relatively strong. I’d send the cub to fight them, and have a seat on the hill and keep reading. So I didn’t forget to grab a couple of books: “The Landing Trophy” and the “Commandments”— the most important. And enough for now.

  But first… first… the Silver Legend!

  With a soft click I put the bracers onto my right hand. Soul of the Silver Wolf in its place…

  With a light rustle I pulled on the glove onto my right hand. Hand of War as well…

  I put the silver chain around my neck. Pacifier of the Wolf Soul… right on target.

  Agility, strength and endurance went up dramatically! I literally felt the power pour! Such an amount of life, strength and agility I have, not every mage has!

  - Tyrant!

  - R-ruff!

  - We are going for a walk!

  - R-ruff!

  The delighted cub quickly pounced to the door, as though afraid I’d change my mind.

  - No, my dear— I shook my head— We’ll fly! Come here, Tyrant!

  - Urff! – this time the wolf raised his voice more harshly. No more thin yelps and barking. My pet is slowly but surely turning into a menacing wolf. With a very rich pedigree…

  I was about to activate one of the teleportation scrolls when I thought of something I had forgotten and, wincing in annoyance, put the parchment back into my pocket. Stepping to the door, I threw a quick glance at the corner, where there was huddled a large matte white ball. Sleep well, baby, your time has not yet come. Daddy did not forget about you.

  Quickly going down the stairs— the cub got underfoot and I almost went upside down— I went to the registration desk and came across the cute smiling girl Nini, and put a large gold coin on the counter.

  - I’m listening, dear Rosgard— charmingly smiled the girl, picking up the coin slowly.

  - I would like to subscribe to the bulletin of Valdira— I said— A daily subscription.

  - Certainly done— smiled Nini again. She glanced at the black and white wolf and screamed with delight— What a cutie! Do you love animals, Mr. Rosgard?

  - Just love them— I chuckled.


  +1 Personal goodwill to the relationship with Nini, serving the City of Algora’s hotel service.

  - And me too! – Nini nodded, slowly moving the gold coin somewhere underneath the counter— I love them! From tomorrow, you will receive the latest issue of the Bulletin each morning! Anything else, sir?

  - No— I shook my head, removing the message about personal goodwill.

  Again I had hit the bullseye. Except now I do not care about enhancing my reputation with Nini— unless of course she accidentally owns part of the Silver Legend.

  - Have a good day— I nodded goodbye, and turned to leave.

  - Be sure to come again! Just ask for Nini!

  - I will be sure of it— said I, already on the move— For sure!

  The Valdira Herald contained a lot of info. It was a sin not to use it. Caravan robberies, naval battles, news about clan wars, received advances, ads and ads— all was in the magazine. Now it was very important to me, though I have never been very interested in the news of the virtual world. But now it was a completely other situation.

  That’s why I went out— to buy today’s edition.

  As expected, near the porch, there was a hefty, sweaty penguin sitting on its bottom with an incredibly important expression and very wet, mournful eyes. Yes, the combination was wild, but that’s how it was. The slick black and white skin, beak slightly open, his chest heaving— the penguin just languished in the heat. But it stoically endured.

  Stopping in front of the sweaty penguin, I took five coins and dropped them into the satchel around the neck of the bird.

  - The Valdira Herald and a mug of cold sea! – I said.

  - Burk-burk!— che
erfully replied the penguin, opened its wide beak, and coughed. In the beak immediately appeared a tightly rolled magazine tied with red ribbon. Completely dry and clean. I took the magazine and the beak snapped shut.

  The show had not ended. The penguin slapped his sides three times and produced another “Burk-burk” and then there appeared above him a tremendous bucket, which then picturesquely tipped over his head. Fresh sea water with pieces of white ice.

  - Burr-r-raaa… -- said the penguin of joy.

  - Yes, brother— I agreed with the penguin, who was no longer sweaty— You work hard for your money. Good luck!

  - Burk! – said the seller.

  Yes, there are some weird merchants in Valdira. In Algora there are emperor penguins and pelicans. Penguins sell newspapers on the street, and pelicans are involved in deliveries. And the player can choose to “tip”— in the form of fish or a shower of cold seawater. Probably to new players of Valdira this looks wild. They can get used to it later. In Algora, though, it’s not so bad. In some summer oases the mail is brought by camels… you give them a penny, and they spit at you… with the newspaper. And you better hope your package isn’t heavy…

  Exotic postmen and sellers of newspapers are already so familiar to seasoned players, that they simply do not notice them. But a penguin clumsily waddling over the cobble street is very unusual. Just as is a sudden tumble of a giant bird with shaggy hair into your house. But over time, you get used to everything. Surely, the postmen of the real world would be very unhappy, though, if they were called penguins more frequently.

  The magazine in my bag, I finally activated the teleport scroll and said the destination softly.


  I was covered by a swaying whirlpool.


  Three-tiered waterfall.

  That was the name of the location to which I had teleported.

  Far enough from Algora and the trading posts. From the monsters you meet here, nothing particularly valuable falls. Absolutely normal loot. That’s why this place is not popular with the players, even though it’s beautiful. A wide river with gently sloping sandy beaches carried its fast waters to the ocean, and everywhere were vast meadows overgrown with birch and aspen groves, rare groups of pine trees, and immense blue sky with snow white clouds. The main attraction is a waterfall whose flow at the very top is divided into three unequal parts. Hence the name.

  And such a beautiful location houses perfectly ordinary inhabitants. No special monsters here. If any of the other players wander here, it would be either to fish or to rest. But now, as far as the eye could see, both banks of the river were pristinely empty.

  The best time for me and for Tyrant— for whom it was necessary to grow strong. So let him hunt and let me read the press. I felt just like a damn English gentleman who reads the morning newspaper sitting on a comfortable bench, leaving his highly pedigreed dog to explore around. Only I dressed worse. And there were no benches to be seen. But I would get on well enough without one!

  I found a suitable grassy hill quickly— on the shore of the river, on the edge of a large meadow and thirty paces from the roaring waterfall. Seeing a rabbit dart in the grass, I pointed a finger and said:

  - Tyrant! Hunt!

  - Rr-ruff! – the cub responded in a deep voice, rushing recklessly and following the rabbit swiftly. The rabbit was no fool and clearly decided he wasn’t going to die today. The tall grass hid the fugitive and the pursuer. I could figure out where they were only by the shifting of flowers and grass.

  Deciding not to wait on the death of the poor rabbit, I pulled out the “Navigator Commandments” out of my backpack. Kind of official. A blue background, a silver lining, the title embossed with flourishes. Author unknown.

  Inside were only two pages.

  Well… let’s see what the Immortal villains have prepared for me!

  The first commandment!: The Navigator is always on duty!

  Explanation: The Great Navigator shall not come off of his post, so as not to extinguish the Guiding Star! For only he can behold this star by the light of day and by the moonlit night! After all, the path is not straight as an arrow, but like a winding snake! (During the trip to the lost continent the Navigator is required to be in the game, and from time to time to climb the bridge to monitor the correctness of direction.)

  The second commandment!: The Navigator does not oversleep the beginning of the journey! …

  - Aa-a-a-a-a-a-ah!

  A subdued but very piercing scream came so suddenly that I jumped in surprise and dropped the book. Frantically whirling around, I looked for the source of the noise. Maybe it’s the cry of the dying rabbit in the fangs of Tyrant! No, nonsense!

  - Aa-aa-aa-aa-aa! Aa-aa-ah!

  What the hell?

  Turning towards the river, I surveyed the waves, but saw nothing.

  -A-a-ah! …

  There! For a moment in the waterfall flashed a dark dot and then disappeared again.

  Someone falling from the waterfall! Rather they had already fallen. Who was so brave? A Player? A “local?” Did they jump themselves? Or an accident?

  Good thing that it happened so fast— I wasn’t met with the dilemma of “to save or not to save.” This is Valdira. Here, death is not the end.

  But I still saw him, and didn’t tear my gaze away.

  A splash of water was heard just ten feet away from me, and a big floppy eared head surfaced. Another second and unto the riverbank climbed an awkward and almost naked figure.

  Bog creature.

  But not my old friend. A very old bog creature was heading my way. Wet wrinkled skin, arms and legs as thin as matchsticks, a hunchback, but at full stride. Only in a purple loincloth! And a few bundles of shells around his neck. In his hands was a sort crooked bone. In his ears were many small bones, feathers and the like. Many piercings…

  - Here I am! – happily mumbled the old Bog Creature, stopping a few feet away from me.

  - Hello, gramps— I nodded mechanically, in stupefaction— Did you hurt yourself?

  - It’s all right— the old man reassured me— But my old lady was carried away!

  He said so happily, as though all his life he had been waiting for this moment— when the old lady was being overtaken by the rapid flow of the river.

  - We have to save her! – I blurted, nervously eyeing the river.

  - She’ll swim out— the bog creature reassured me— I’ll be Mohrusha!

  - Huh? – I hesitated— Oh! Nice to meet you! I’ll be Rosgard! Gramps, how’d you end up in the waterfall?

  - The spirits brought me! Rosgard!

  - Yes?

  - We are the ones who are rejected! – mumbled the creature, taking a small step towards me— We’re the ones who are afraid! We are the ones who are shaking! We are the ones seeking and seeking! We need a hero! I’ll give it to him…

  - Hey!

  - Oh… -- the grandfather grunted and wrapped up his speech— I’ll give him eight bundles of shells! But you’re a hero! You’ll do everything on your honor!

  - I won’t! Grandpa Mohrusha! Let’s speak without songs and poems, ok? What do you want from me, old man?

  - Alright— with obvious relief agreed the aging bog creature— You’re the one, who helped Stumpy!

  - I do not know who that is.

  - Well, there, in the swamp! And in the stinking city! Got rid of Lady Rot, freed from capture!

  - Wait! You mean the bog creature? Who lived in the Ravendark swamp? The long-eared one, likes fish…

  - Yes! This is he! He lives with us for quite some time! And he told us about your kindness! About how you’re always willing to help! Help the poor bog creatures! Help even us! Can you help?

  - Gramps, you wouldn’t believe it, but I’m just so busy— I winced— I want to, really, but…

  - Silver Legend! – he pointed a gnarled finger at my right hand.

  - … I really want to help! – I finished the phrase as planned— What did you say
about the Silver Legend?

  - Not long ago, my father, diving into the river where fish is found…

  - Gramps, come on, without poetry! What do you know about the Silver Legend? Do you have a piece of the armor?

  - No!

  - Damn…

  - But I know where to find a similar thing! – again he pointed at my “Hand of War”— The same! Except for the right hand! I saw it!

  - Where?!

  - Can you help? Can you help us?

  - Yes! – I agreed immediately— I’ll do what I can! Tell me about the Silver Legend, father Mohrusha?

  - We’ll talk on the spot! – the bog creature shook his head, beckoning me to the river— The jumpers are waiting!

  - Come on, let’s discuss now! – I pleaded, stepping over to him.

  - We’ll discuss on the way! – the grandpa said agreeably, stepping knee deep into the water.

  - Sit down!

  - Where?

  - Over here!— his finger poked directly into the water. It seems, he wanted me to sit down right there and then. Damn it!

  - Tyrant! Tyrant!

  - R-rruff?— came from the meadows.

  - Come here! Fast!

  A couple of seconds passed and the cub got to the shore, carrying something that resembled rabbit ears in his mouth. RIP…

  - Here! – I ordered, holding out my hand to Tyrant.


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