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The Monks of War

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by Desmond Seward

  5. See 'St Thomas of Acon', V.C.H., London, vol. 1, pp. 491–5.

  6. It has been said that the abbey of St Thomas in Dublin belonged to the Order but the editor of this house's cartulary believed that the abbey was one of Victorine (Augustinian) Canons from its foundations. See The Registers of the Abbey of St Thomas, Dublin, ed. P. Gilbert (London, 1889).

  7. Runciman, History of the Crusades, vol. III, p. 436.

  8. In 1309 the Count of Armagnac would write to the King of Aragon '. . . I have just learnt that the King of Granada proposes to invade and ravage your kingdom with a vast multitude of Saracens, Jews and Templars converted to the Saracen creed'. See Finke, op. cit., vol. 2, p. 188 (no. 105).

  9. See Schottmueller, vol. 2, for documents of the investigations in Cyprus.

  10. See Schottmueller, Der Untergang des Templer-Ordens, vol. 1, p. 441. Wildund Rheingraf was a title signifying 'Count of the Forest and the Rhine'.

  11. Michelet, op. cit., I, p. 34, '. . . quod observatur a Saracenis et Tartaris contra tales perversos'.

  12. ibid., p. 44, '. . . quod in cronicis, quae erant apud Sanctum Dionisium, continebatur quod tempore Saladine . . . Templarios fuisse dictum adversitatem perpessos, quia vicio Sodomitico laborabant, et quia fidem suam et legem prevericati fuerant . . .'

  13. ibid., p. 42, '. . . miles illiteratus . . .'

  14. ibid., p. 275, '. . . dictus testis, palidus et multum exterritus'.

  15. ibid., p. 276, '. . . et quod eciam interfecisset Dominum, si peteretur ab eo'.

  16. See Larking and Kemble, The Knights Hospitallers in England.

  17. Occasionally fugitive freyles of Santiago turned Moslem – see Lomax, op. cit., p. 95, on Chapter of 1251.


  1. Riley-Smith, op. cit., p. 216.

  2. The Chrónica Magistrum Defunctorum (XXIV) says that these brethren would have murdered Foulques in his bed ('in suo lecto interfecissent') had not his chamberlain helped him to escape.

  3. He died in poverty – 'Obiit frater simplex et egenus'. ibid.

  4. L. Le Grand, 'La Prière des Malades dans les Hôspitaux de St Jean', Bibl. de l'École des Chartes, LVII (Paris, 1896).

  5. Delaville le Roulx, Les Hospitaliers à Rhodes, pp. 78, 79.

  6. ibid., p. 89.

  7. ibid., pp. 94, 95, 108, 109.

  8. V.C.H., Leicestershire, vol. 2, p. 36.

  9. Stubbs, The Mediaeval Kingdoms of Cyprus and Armenia.

  10. King, The Knights of St John in the British Realm, p. 52.

  11. Delaville le Roulx, Rhodes, p. 141.

  12. ibid., p. 152.

  13. Luttrell, The Crusade in the Fourteenth Century.

  14. Delaville le Roulx, 'Deux aventuriers de l'Ordre de l'hôspital – les Talebart', Melanges sur l'Ordre de St Jean de Jerusalem.

  15. For his career, see Delaville le Roulx, Les Hospitaliers à Rhodes, and Herquet, Juan Ferrandez [sic] de Heredia, Grossmeister des Johanniterordens. The latter work has an appendix dealing with his literary activities.

  16. See Luttrell, Jean and Simon de Hesdin – Hospitaller Theologians.

  17. See Atiyah, The Crusade of Nicopolis.

  18. See Delaville le Roulx, 'L'Occupation Chrétienne à Smyrne, 1344– 1402', Mélanges.

  19. Delaville le Roulx, Rhodes, p. 309.

  20. ibid., vol. 2, pp. 478–80. There was a Hospitaller commandery at Khirokitia.

  21. Bosio, op. cit., vol. II, p. 146.

  22. ibid., p. 147, and Hill, A History of Cyprus, vol. 2, p. 487.


  1. V.C.H., Leicestershire, p. 37.

  2. Belabre, p. 28, gives this account but does not quote his sources. Bosio (op. cit., pt. II, pp. 162, 163) gives few details save that after forty days the Egyptians, having done much damage with their artillery, were then driven back to their ships by a sortie. It is also known that Lastic and Middleton were in the convent.

  3. See King, The Knights of St John in the British Realm.

  4. See R. Bagwell, Ireland under the Tudors (London, 1885).

  5. See Ducaud-Bourget, The Spiritual Heritage of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, p. 153.

  6. ibid., p. 154.

  7. See Bouhours, The Life of the renowned Peter d'Aubusson.

  8. '. . . a diabolical hypocrite . . .' – see Taaffe, op. cit., vol. 3, p. 50.

  9. See Caoursin, Obsidioms Rhodiae Urbis Descriptio, trans. Kay, p. 14, '. . . and thereabout the sea is at every tide, flow and ebb, wherefore there were thrust down pipes and tuns and tables full of nails . . .'

  10. ibid., p. 24, '. . . an engine called a Trebuchet, like a sling, which was great, high and mighty and cast great and many stones'. Bosio, op. cit., pt. II, p. 331.

  11. See Bosio, op. cit., pt. II, p. 338.

  12. Caoursin, op. cit., p. 30. 'But the Lord Master had five wounds of the which one was jeopardy of his life . . . but through the Grace of God and help of leeches and surgeons.'

  13. The Master wrote a letter with a lively account of the siege to the Emperor Frederick III which is printed in Taaffe – the Latin original is in bk. 4, app. CLXXII and a translation in bk. 3, p. 53.

  14. See Knowles and Hadcock, Mediaeval Religious Houses.

  15. Bosio, op. cit., pt. II, p. 488.

  16. ibid., p. 489.

  17. ibid., p. 491.

  18. Suleiman's letter is printed in Vertot, op. cit., II, p. 456.

  19. Bosio, op. cit., pt. II, p. 525.

  20. Bosio gives a complete list of the names of brethren present, many misspelt – pt. II, p. 533 et seq.

  21. See 'The begynnynge and foundacyon of the holy hospytall, & of the ordre of the knyghtes hospytallers of saynt Iohan baptyst of Ierusalem. (Here foloweth the syege, cruell oppugnacyon, and lamentable takynge of the cyte of Rodes.) Imprynted by Robert Coplande: London, the xxiii of Iuly 1524.'

  22. These are Bosio's figures – op. cit., pt. II, p. 544.

  23. Vertot, op. cit., vol. II, p. 482.

  24. Bosio, op. cit., pt. II, p. 558.

  25. ibid., p. 559.

  26. ibid., p. 560 and 563; Vertot, op. cit., vol. II, p. 482.

  27. For the Amaral affair, see Bosio, op. cit., pt. II, pp. 576, 577.

  28. ibid., p. 578.

  29. Roberts's letter is printed in Taaffe, op. cit., bk. 4, app. CCIV.

  30. Bourbon, op. cit., p. xxxviii.

  31. Taaffe, op. cit., bk. 4, app. CCIV.

  32. Bosio describes Fairfax as 'Huomo molto spiritoso e prudente', op. cit., pt. II, p. 578.

  33. ibid., pt. II, pp. 589, 590; Baudoin, op. cit., vol. I, pt. 267; Taaffe, op. cit., bk. 3, p. 25.


  1. For John Rawson, see the Dictionary of National Biography.

  2. For William Weston, see the Dictionary of National Biography.

  3. For the unenthusiastic report of the commissioners whom the Order had sent to investigate Malta, see Vertot, op. cit., vol. III, p. 41 et seq.

  4. Schermerhorn, Malta of the Knights, p. 108, who takes the story from La Soberana Orden Mil. de S. Juan de Jer; par Un Caballero de la Orden.

  5. By 1548 English brethren in Malta were reduced to pawning their plate. See Scicluna (ed.), The Book of Deliberations of the Venerable Tongue of England 1523–1567.

  6. For Adrian Fortescue, see the Dictionary of National Biography.

  7. Fuller, The Historie of the Holy Warre (Cambridge, 1640).

  8. For Thomas Legh, see the Dictionary of National Biography; for the houses' surrender, V.C.H. Leicestershire, vol. 2, p. 38.

  9. Bertrand de la Grassière, L'Ordre Militaire et Hospitalier de Saint-Lazare de Jérusalem.

  10. See Vertot, op. cit., vol. III, p. 291 et seq.

  11. Cellini, Memoirs, p. 396; Montluc, Commentaries, p. 288. For Strozzi's career, see Brantôme, Les vies des hommes illustres et grands capitaines françois, vol. 2, p. 352.

  12. For Romegas, see Vertot, op. cit., vol. III, p.
411 et seq. For his miraculous escape, see Bosio, op. cit., pt. III, p. 367.

  13. There is a colourful account of Sigena in modern times – before its sack and destruction in 1936 by Spanish Republicans when the entire community was murdered – in Sir Sacheverell Sitwell's Monks, Nuns and Monasteries (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1965).

  14. Balbi, op. cit., p. 27.

  15. For Thomas Tresham, see the Dictionary of National Biography.

  16. For James Sandilands, see the Dictionary of National Biography.

  17. See Helyot, 'De l'Ordre Militaire de Saint Étienne Pape & Martyr en Toscane', Histoire des ordres religieux, vol. VI, p. 248.

  18. Einar Rud, Vasari's Life and Lives; the first art historian, trans. Spink (Thames & Hudson, 1964), p. 74.

  19. See Balbi, op. cit., pp. 28–31, and Vertot, op. cit., vol. III, pp. 421, 424.

  20. Balbi, op. cit., p. 36 – I have accepted Balbi's figures.

  21. ibid., p. 41.

  22. Vertot, op. cit., vol. III, p. 436.

  23. ibid., p. 444.

  24. Balbi, op. cit., p. 56.

  25. Vertot, op. cit., vol. III, p. 461.

  26. ibid., p. 432.

  27. Balbi, op. cit., p. 81.

  28. Bosio, op. cit., pt. III, p. 561.

  29. ibid., pp. 572, 573; Vertot, op. cit., vol. III, p. 490.

  30. Balbi, op. cit., p. 91.

  31. Vertot, op. cit., vol. III, p. 492.

  32. ibid., p. 492.

  33. ibid., vol. IV, p. 3.

  34. Balbi, op. cit., p. 101.

  35. ibid., p. 111.

  36. ibid., p. 117.

  37. Vertot, op. cit, vol. IV, p. 51.

  38. ibid., p. 61.

  39. ibid., p. 80.

  40. Balbi, op. cit., p. 189.

  41. Dal Pozzo, Historia della Sacra Religione Mililare di S. Giovanni Gerosohmitano, vol. I, p. 19.

  42. ibid., p. 30.


  1. For the Teutonic Knights at Candia, see Voigt, Geschichte des deutschen Ritterorden in seinen zwölf Balleien in Deutschland (Berlin, 1857–9), vol.II, P. 387.

  2. See D. D. Macpherson, De Poincy and the Order of St John in the New World (St John's Gate, 1949).

  3. See Scicluna, The Church of St John in Valetta.


  adelantado – governor of a province

  alcalde – governor of a castle

  bailiff – senior officer

  bailiwick – senior officer's command

  balleien – bailiwicks

  cadi – Moorish magistrate

  cavalgada – cavalry raid

  chapter-general – council attended by all brethren

  chevauchée – cavalry raid

  clavero – key bearer (i.e. castellan)

  cofradias – confraternities

  confrater – honorary knight brother

  Deutschritter – Teutonic Knights

  domi conventuales – houses in which the rule was observed

  encomienda – commandery (Castilian)

  escudero – squire

  espada – the red sword-cross emblem of Santiago

  familiares – associates and employees

  frares cavallers – knight brethren (Catalan)

  frares clergues – priest brethren (Catalan)

  freyles caballeros – knight brethren (Castilian)

  freyles clerigos – priest brethren (Castilian)

  ghazi – warrior for the faith (Muslim)

  gomeres – negro knifemen

  grosskomtur – grand commander

  halbbruder – honorary knight brother

  hauskomtur – house commander

  hermandad – brotherhood

  hermangilda – guild

  hidalgo – nobleman

  Hoch und Deutschmeister – High and German Master

  jinetes – light horse

  komturei – commandery

  landkomtur – district commander

  landmeister – provincial Master

  langue – 'tongue' (i.e. national association)

  largetto – 'lizard' – a popular name for the red sword-cross of Santiago

  latifundio – great agricultural estate

  maestrazgo – mastership (Castilian)

  Maestre– Master (Castilian)

  mestrat – mastership (Catalan or Portuguese)

  Mestre – Master (Catalan or Portuguese)

  mudéjar – Moor subject to Christian rule

  Office – prayers and psalms to be said or sung at specified times of the day

  Ordensmarschall – Marshal of the Order

  Pfleger – commander

  preceptor – commander

  professed – having taken the monastic vows of poverty, chastity and obedience

  rabito – garrison of a ribat

  razzia – raid

  ribat – fortified Moslem 'monastery'

  ricos-homems – noblemen (Portuguese)

  Schwertbrüder – Sword Brethren

  sergeant – man-at-arms

  taifa – petty state

  trezes – the Council of Thirteen (of the Order of Santiago)

  Turcopolier – general commanding native light horse

  vogt – commander (of the Sword Brethren)


  See Abbreviations on p. 13.

  1. Bullaria, Cartularies, Rules, Statutes, Chronicles, Documents and Contemporary Histories of the Orders


  AMMAN, J., Cleri totius Romanae ecdesiae (Frankfurt 1585).

  BUONANNI, F., Ordinum Religiosorum in ecclesia militanti catalogus (Rome 1714).

  GIUSTINIANI, B., Historie Cronologiche degl'Ordini Militari e di tutte Religioni Cavalleresche, 2 vols. (Venice 1692).

  HELYOT, P., Histoire des ordres religieux, monastiques et militaires, 7 vols. (Paris 1714–21).

  HERMANT, J., Histoires des Religions ou Ordres Militaires (Paris 1696).

  JONGELINUS, Originis equestrium militanum ordinis Cisterciensis (1640).

  RADES Y ANDRADA, F., Chrónica de las tres Órdenes y Cavallerías de Sanctiago, Calatravay Alcántara (Toledo 1572).


  Difiniciones [sic] y Estableciementos de la Orden y Cavalleria de Alcántara (Madrid 1609).

  ORTEGA Y COTES, I . J ., Bullarium Ordinis Militiae de Alcántara, Olim Sancti Juliani de Pereiro (Madrid 1759).

  TORRES Y TAPIA, A. DE, Crónica de la Orden de Alcántara, 2 vols. (Madrid 1763).


  PURIFICÃO, J. DA, 'Catalogo dos Mestres e administradores da illustre e antiquissima Ordem Militar de Aviz', C.A.R.H.P., vol. 2.


  Diffiniciones de la Orden y Cavalleria de Calalrava (Valladolid 1603).

  ORTEGA Y COTES, I. J., Bullarium Ordinis Militiae de Calatrava (Madrid 1761).


  Definiçoes e estatus da ordem de Christo (Lisbon 1746).


  BALBI, F., The Siege of Malta, trans. E. Bradford (Folio Society 1965).

  BOSIO, G., Dell'istoria della Sacra religione et lllma. Militia de San Giovanni Gierosolimitano, 3 vols. (Rome 1594).

  —, Histoire des Chevaliers de I'Ordre de S. Jean de Hierusalem, trans. and ed. by J. Baudoin (Paris 1629).

  BOURBON, J. DE, La Grande et merueilleuse et tres cruelle oppugnation de la noble cite de Rhodes prinse naguères par Sultan Séliman à present grand Turq ennemy de la très saincte Joy Catholique que redige par escript par excellent et noble chevalier Frère Jacques bastard du Bourbon commandeur de Sainct Mauluiz, Doysemont e fonteynes au prieuré de France (Paris 1525).

  CAOURSIN, G., Obsidionis Rhodiae Urbis Descriptio (Ulm 1496), trans. John Kay, ed. H. W. Fincham (St John's Gate 1926).

  The Cartulary of the Knights of St John of Jerusalem in England, ed. M. Gervers (London 1982).

  'Catalogo dos Grampriores do Crato da Ordem de S. João de Malta', C.A.R.H.P., vol 4.

  Chronica Magistrum Defunctorum in Dugdale, vol. VI.

p; DELAVILLE LE ROULX, J., Cartulaire General des Hospitallers de Saint Jean de Jérusalem 1100–1310, 4 vols. (Paris 1894–1906).

  The Knights Hospitallers in England, being the report of Prior Philip de Thame to the Grand Master Elyan de Villanova for A.D. 1338, ed. L. B. Larking, introd. J. M. Kemble (Camden Soc, London 1858).

  LE GRAND, L., 'La prière qui se doit dire au Palais des Malades (a Chypre)', La prière des malades dans les hôpitaux de l'ordre de Saint-Jean de Jerusalem, in Bibliothèque de l'École des Chartes LVII (1896).

  POZZO, B. DAL, Historia della Sacra Religione Militare di S. Giovanni Gerosolimitano, 2 vols. (1703, 1715).

  SCICLUNA, H. P. (ed.), The Book of Deliberations of the Venerable Tongue of England 1523–1567 (Malta 1949).

  VERTOT, G. AUBERT DE, Histoire des Chevaliers Hospitaliers de S. Jean de Jérusalem, 4 vols. (Paris 1726).


  Regula et constitutiones Fratrum Sacri Ordinis Beatae Mariae de Mercede Redemptionis Captivorum (Salamanca 1588).


  RADES Y ANDRADA, F., Diffiniciones de la sagrada Religion y Cavalleria de Sancta Maria de Montesa y Sanct large d'Alfama (Valencia 1573).

  SAMPER, H. DE, Montesa Ilustrada, 2 vols. (Valencia 1669).


  Bullarium Equestris Ordinis S. Iacobi de Spatha (Barcelona 1719).

  Regla y Establescimientos de la orden de la Caualleria de San Sanctiago del Espada (1555).


  ALNPEKE, DIETLEB VON, 'Die Riterlichen Meister und Brüder zu Leiflant', S.R.L., vol. I.

  LETTLAND, HEINRICH VON, 'Chronicon Livonicum Vetus', S.R.L., vol. I.

  RÜSSOW, BALTHASAR, 'Chronica der Provintz Lyfflandt', S.R.L., vol. II (Bart 1584).

  WARTBERGE, HERMANN VON, 'Chronicon Livoniae', S.R.P., vol. II


  ALBON, MARQUIS D', Cartulaire general de l'ordre du Temple 1119–1150. Recueil des chartes et des bulles relatives à l'ordre du Temple (Paris 1913).

  'Catalogo dos Mestres da Ordem do Templo Portugueze e em outras da Hespanha', C.A.R.H.P., vol. 2.

  CLAIRVAUX, BERNARD OF, 'Liber ad Milites Templi de Laude Novae Militiae', in Leclercq, J. and Rochais, H. M., S. Bernardi Opera, vol. III (Editiones Cistercienses, Rome 1963).

  CURZON, H. DE, La Regie du Temple (Paris 1887).

  —, La Maison du Temple a Paris (Paris 1888).

  LECLERCQ, J., 'Un document sur les debuts des Templiers', Revue de l'histoire ecclésiastique, vol. LII (1957).


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