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The Monks of War

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by Desmond Seward

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  JOINVILLE, J. DE, Histoire de Saint Louis, ed. N. de Wailly (Paris 1874); trans. M. R. B. Shaw, Chronicles of the Crusades (Penguin 1963).

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  MONTLUC, B. DE LASSERAN-MASSENCOME DE, Commentaires de Messire de Monluc, 2 vols. (Lyons 1593), trans. C. Cotton, The Commentaries of Messire Blaize de Montluc (London 1674).

  PARIS, MATTHEW, Chronica Majora, ed. H. R. Luard, 7 vols. (Rolls Series, London 1872–83).

  STUBBS, W. (ed.), 'Itinerarium peregrinorum et gesta regis Ricardi', Memorials of the Reign of Richard I (Rolls Series, London 1869).

  VILLEHARDOUIN, G. DE, La Conquête de Constantinople, ed. E. Faral, 2 vols. (Paris 1938–9), trans. M. R. B. Shaw, Chronicles of the Crusades (Penguin 1963).

  VITRY, JACQUES DE, Historia orientalis seu Hierosolymitana, ed. J. Bongars (Hannau 1611).

  3. Later Sources and Studies of the Orders


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  S. PEDRO, M. MÚÑOZ DE, Don Gutierre de Sotomayor, Maestre de Alcántara (Caceres 1949).


  OLIVIERIA, M. DE, 'A Milicia de Evora e a Ordem de Calatrava', Lusitania Sacra I (1956).


  GUTTON, F., L'Ordre de Calatrava, Commission de l'ordre de Cîteaux, P. Lethellieux (Paris 1955).

  O'CALLAGHAN, J. F., 'The Affiliation of the Order of Calatrava with Cîteaux', Analecta Sacri Ordinis Cisterciensis, vols. 15 and 16 (1959–60).

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  CLINCHAMPS, G. DU PUY DE, La Chevalerie (Paris 1961).

  COCHERIL, M. M., 'Essai sur l'Origine des Ordres Militaires dans la Péninsule Ibérique', Collectanea ordinis Cisterciensium Reformatorum, vols. 20 and 21 (1958–9).

  Encyclopaedia Britannica: articles on Order of St John of Jerusalem, Teutonic Knights and Templars.

  FOREY, A., The Military Orders from the twelfth to the early fourteenth century (London 1992).

  Grande Enciclopedia Portuguesa e Brasileira: articles on Alcántara, Aviz, Calatrava, Order of Christ, Santiago, etc.

  LLAMAZARES, J. FERNANDEZ, Historia Compendiada de las Cuatres Órdenes Militares (Madrid 1862).

  LOMAX, B. W., The Reconquest of Spain (London 1978).

  MACKAY, A., Spain and the Middle Ages (London 1977).

  NICHOLSON, H., Templars, Hospitallers and Teutonic Knights: Images of the Military Orders (Leicester 1994).

  SALLES, F. DE, Ordres Religieux de Chevaliers, 2 vols. (Paris 1887–9).


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  BELABRE, F. DE, Rhodes of the Knights (Oxford 1908).

  BERTINI FRASSONI, C. A., Il Sovrano Militare Ordine di S. Giovanni di Gerusalemme, detto di Malta (Rome 1929).

  BOISGELIN, P. M. C. DE, Ancient and Modern Malta and the History of the Knights of Jerusalem (London 1805).

  BOUHOURS, A., The Life of the renowned Peter d'Aubusson (London 1679).

  BRADFORD, E., The Great Siege (Hodder & Stoughton 1961).

  BREMOND D'ARS, A. DE, Le Chevalier de Téméricourt (Paris 1904).

  CAMPO BELLO, CONDE DE, A Soberan Militar Ordem de Malta e a sua acção em Portugal (Lisbon 1931).

  CAVALIERO, R., The Last of the Crusaders (Hollis & Carter 1960).

  CHAFFANJON, A., and GALLIMARD FLAVIGNY, B., Ordres et Contres-Ordres de Chevalerie (Paris 1982).

  DAUBER, R., Die Marine des Johanniter-Malteser-Ritterordens (Vienna 1989).

  DELAVILLE LE ROULX, J., Les Hospitaliers en Terre Sainte et à Chypre (1100–1310) (Paris 1904).

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  —, Mélanges sur l'ordre de St Jean de Jérusalem (Paris 1910).

  DESCHAMPS, P., Les Châteaux des croisés en Terre Sainte. Le Crac des Chevaliers (Paris 1934).

  DUCAUD-BOURGET, F., The Spiritual Heritage of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (Vatican City 1958).

  EASSON, D. E., Mediaeval Religious Houses – Scotland (Longmans, Green 1957)

  FIGUERIDO, J. A., Nova Historia da Miltar Ordem de Malta . . . en Portugal (Lisbon 1800)

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  HERQUET, K., Juan Ferrandez [sic] de Heredia, Grossmeister des Johanniterordens (1337–99) (Mulhausen i. Th. 1878).

  HUMPHREY-SMITH, C, Hugh Revel, Master of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem 1258–1277 (Chichester 1994).

  JURIEN DE LA GRAVIERE, J. E., Les Chevaliers de Malte et la Marine de Philippe II (Paris 1887).

  KING, E. J
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  KNOWLES, D. and HADCOCK, R. N., Mediaeval Religious Houses – England and Wales (Longmans, Green 1953).

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  MICHEL DE PIERREDON, COUNT G., Histoire Politique de l'Ordre Souverain de Saint-Jean de Jerusalem (Ordre de Malte) de 1789 à 1955, 3 vols. (Paris 1956–90).

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  SAINTY, G. S., The Orders of St John (New York 1991).

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  SIRE, H. J. A

  ., The Knights of Malta (Yale University Press 1994). SPAGNOLETT, A., Aristocrazie e Ordine di Malta nell'Italia Moderna (Rome 1988).

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  GRASSIERE, P. BERTRAND DE LA, Histoire des Chevaliers Hospitallers de Saint Lazare (Paris 1932).

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  BLOMBERG, C. J. VON, An Account of Livonia with a Relation of the Rise, Progress and Decay of the Marian Teutonick Order (London 1701).

  BUNGE, F. G. VON, 'Der Orden der Schwertbrüder', Baltische Geschichtstudien (Leipzig 1875).

  HERDER, J. G., Der Orden Schwertbrüder (Cologne 1965).

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  SCHURZFLEISCH, H., Historia Ensiferorum Ordinis Teutonici Livonorum (Wittemberg 1701).


  ADDISON, C. G., The Knights Templars (London 1842).

  BARBER, M., The Trial of the Templars (Cambridge 1978).

  —, The New Knighthood: A History of the Order of the Temple (Cambridge 1993).

  BORDONOVE, G., Les Templiers (Paris 1963).

  BOUYER, L., The Cistercian Heritage (Mowbray 1958).

  CAMPBELL, G. A., The Knights Templars (Duckworth 1937).

  DESSUBRE, M., Bibliographic de l'Ordre des Templiers (Paris 1928).

  EDWARDS, J., 'The Templars in Scotland in the thirteenth century', Scottish Historical Review, V, no. 17 (October 1907).

  FINKE, H., Papstumm und Untergang des Templerordens (Munster 1907).

  LIZERAND, G., Jacques de Malay (Paris 1928).

  MARTIN, E. J., The Trial of the Templars (Allen & Unwin 1928).

  MELVILLE, M., La Vie des Templiers (Paris 1951).

  OURSEL, R., Le Procès des Templiers (Paris 1955).

  PARKER, T. W., The Knights Templars in England (Tucson 1963).

  PIQUET, J., Les Banquiers du Moyen ge: Les Templiers (Paris 1939).

  PRUTZ, H., Entwicklung und Untergang des Tempelherrenordens (Berlin 1888).

  SCHOTTMUELLER, K., Der Untergang des Templer-Ordens, 2 vols. (Berlin 1887).

  SIMON, E., The Piebald Standard (Cassell 1959).


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  CARSTEN, F. J., The Origins of Prussia (Oxford University Press 1954).

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  HALECKI, O., Borderlands of Western Civilisation (New York 1952).

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  MICKIEWICZ, A., Konrad Walenrod (California 1925).

  SALLES, F. DE, Ordres Religieux de Chevalerie, 2 vols. (Paris 1887–9).

  SCHUMACHER, E., Die Burgen in Preussen und Livland (1962).

  SIENKIEWICZ, H., The Teutonic Knights (trans, ed., London 1943).

  TREITSCHKE, H. VON, Das deutsche Ordensland Preussen (Leipzig 1915); trans. E. and C. Paul, Treitschke's Origins of Prussianism (Allen & Unwin 1942).

  TUMLER, P. M., Der Deutsche Orden im Werden, Wachsen und Wirken bis um 1400 (Vienna 1955).

  VOIGT, J., Geschichte Preussens, 9 vols. (Koenigsberg 1827–39).

  VOIGHT, J., Geschichte des deutschen Ritterordens in seinen zwölf Balleien in Deutschland, 2 vols. (Berlin 1857–9).

  WAL, G. DE, Recherches sur l'ancienne constitution de l'Ordre Teutonique (Mergentheim 1807).

  WIESER, K. (ed.), Acht Jahrhunderte Deutscher Orden (Bad Godesberg 1967).

  * The Franks called them 'Hermins' and their country of Cilicia 'Erminie'.

  * 'Magister Militum Templi' – it is perhaps significant that 'Magister Militum' had been the title of the Commander-in-Chief of the later Roman Empire.

  * Professor Rilcy-Smith believes that the tradition of a Basilian rule may stem from the fact that a considerable number of the Order's first brethren were Greek-rite Italians – many names from southern Italy are found witnessing the earliest known charters of St Lazarus.

  * See Chapter 5, 'The Crusade on the Baltic'.

  * Fra' Nicholas Roberts's rendering of his outlandish name – see p. 263.

  * I must thank Dom Alberic Stacpoole for this analysis of strategy and tactics.

  * For the last twenty years of Outremer we are la
rgely dependent on the Chronicle of the Templar of Tyre (in the 'Gestes des Chyprois'). Its author was probably Gerard de Montreal who belonged to the Palestinian gentry and was not a Templar but merely 'ecrivain sarrasinois' or Arabic secretary to Master Guillaume de Beaujeu.

  * Israeli archaeologists have disproved an impression, based on contemporary chronicles, that Acre was completely destroyed; almost a third of the crusader city remains, including the Hospitaller refectory and several streets in the Genoese quarter. I owe this information to Professor Riley-Smith.

  * The Spittler's headquarters would later be at Elbing at the mouth of the Vistula – the modern Elblag – in western Prussia.

  * Oddly enough, Hitler's Wolfschanz, from where he directed his own Drang nach Osten, was near the site of the Teutonic Order's Komturei of Rastenburg.

  * Conrad Bitschin was so heartbroken that he composed a lament filling nearly a page of his chronicle and entitled 'Exclamacio dolorosa contra maliciam Hussitorum'.

  † A work which would one day have great influence on Martin Luther.

  *The enthusiastic author of the near contemporary 'Historia Brevis Magistrorum Ordinis Theutonici . . .' calls Heinrich 'alter Hector et Achilles'.

  * Westphalians continued to dominate the Order, even during this period. One of the last Landmeisters was Heinrich von Galen, whose family also provided a Prince-Bishop of Munster and, in our own day, Cardinal Count Clemens von Galen, Bishop of Munster, notable for his defiance of the Nazi regime.

  * Chastity was interpreted as 'coniugal castidad': the Rule comments that 'It is a better thing to marry than to be burnt in the flames'. (Clause I.)

  † The Rule states that 'The intention of all shall be to defend the Church of God, in order to give souls to Jesus Christ and to go against the Moors not for plunder but for the increase of the Faith of God'. (Clause 34.)

  * In 1221 King Fernando ordered that Monfrac – the rump of Montjoie – should be incorporated with Calatrava.

  * At the Chapter of 1259 Santiago reserved castellanries for freyles of noble blood, limited profession to candidates of knightly birth and reserved many privileges to brethren – lay and clerical – of knightly birth. Lomax (op. cit., p. 88) believes that before this date many freyles caballeros must have been of plebeian origin.


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