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Red Moon (Vampire Files Trilogy Book 2)

Page 9

by RK Close

  I feel the increased energy around me even before Sean and Cian reach my table. Is that because their emotions were heightened, I wonder? Sean is the first to speak to me.

  “Sam. It seems you’ve met my brother, Cian,” he says, nodding at his brother.

  “Yes, we met a few days ago, at Madison’s apartment. Why didn’t you tell me your brother was dating her?” I put my hands on my hips.

  “It’s not something I’m happy about, and he knows it. You’re still insisting on sticking your nose into this mess, Sam?” Sean asks, moving to stand next to me. Cian seems amused by our conversation.

  “Let the lady do her job. I for one would like to know where Madison is and what’s happened to her,” Cian says, giving his brother a scathing look. Now he’s all for me finding his girlfriend.

  “Back off, Cian,” Sean says.

  There is some serious tension happening with these two. “What were you guys arguing about earlier?” I ask.

  “Just like you, Cian thinks I did something to Madison. He’s crazy and foolish to think so,” Sean says, shaking his head and glaring at his brother.

  “You didn’t like her, and you made that known, Sean.” Cian moves to my other side as if I’m a battle line or something. I’m in a corner and feeling like a caged cat. It can’t be good to be in the middle of two werewolves if they go to blows. I feel a rush of panic coming on.

  “Hey, guys! You’re brothers. You shouldn’t be fighting like this.” The air is thick with something like electricity. Oh crap!

  Just when I think something bad is going to happen, a loud crash comes from near the bar. The sound draws our attention. Bending down to clean up a broken glass is Deirdre, who gives us an apologetic smile before returning to the mess.

  I have a distinct feeling she did that on purpose. It seems to have worked.

  Smart girl.

  When I’m about to relax, I feel a distinct chill in the air, and we all look toward the front door.

  Adam is standing there looking like death himself. He’s glaring at my companions like he means them harm. Sean and Cian move between Adam and me. It only takes me a few moments to realize they are trying to protect me, or at least that’s what I think.

  “Move away from her or die.” Adam’s voice is deep and steady. He looks like the angel of death; the thought makes me shiver. This will get ugly quickly if I don’t correct the misunderstanding.

  “They’re not trying to hurt me, Adam. I’m all right.” I’m trying to get around the brothers to go to him, but Sean reaches out a hand to stop me. Adam growls, and several bar patrons begin to take notice of what’s happening.

  “Sean, what are you doing? That’s my boyfriend,” I say quickly.

  Both Sean and Cian step back and look at me like I’m a crazy person. It dawns on me now, what I just said. Along with the fact that they obviously know he’s a vampire. I glance quickly at Adam, and I see a look in his eyes that I don’t recognize. Maybe he didn’t like me referring to him as my boyfriend. It felt odd coming out of my mouth as well, but I couldn’t think of anything else that would get the point across.

  “He’s your boyfriend?” Sean asks, pointing in Adam’s direction. “You wouldn’t go out with me, but you date that?” Before I can answer Sean’s rude comment, Adam has him up against the wall by his throat.

  Oh, sh…



  “If your siblings come any closer, I’ll snap your neck like a twig.” Adam’s holding Sean off the ground by his neck. At this point, we’ve made quite the scene. I don’t know if I should be more worried about the bar patrons getting involved or Adam harming Sean. “Care to insult Samantha’s choices again?”

  Sean couldn’t speak now if his life depended on it. I hope it doesn’t. “Adam! Put Sean down. Don’t you dare hurt him,” I say quickly. I can hear Cian’s breathing behind me. This could go from bad to horrible if I don’t defuse the situation, and fast.

  “Do you have feelings for this dog, Samantha? How many other suitors must I concern myself with? You seem to attract them like bees to honey,” Adam says, looking over his shoulder at me. Sean is turning blue as he claws at Adam’s fist on his throat. I can feel Cian’s power expanding behind me.

  “Adam!” I’m afraid he will kill Sean. I grab his arm, and he lets Sean crumple to the floor. Deirdre and Cian move to pick Sean up from the ground, carefully keeping their distance from Adam. From another part of the bar, a couple burly guys come to Sean’s aid. Adam turns to the two men, who look at him with barely concealed fear in their eyes. They believe they’re doing the right thing, even though they’re frightened. Got to admire people who overcome their fears to do what’s right.

  Adam approaches the first man and says something to him. He repeats this with the second man, and both return to drinking their beers. I wonder if they’ll ever get this memory back. I’m so glad he can’t do that to me. That may be the only reason to be thankful to my fairy genes, if that’s what it is.

  Cian, Sean, and Deirdre all stare daggers at Adam as he returns to stand beside me. I want to be angry with him, but I’m still a bit annoyed by Sean’s snarky comment.

  “Adam, you shouldn’t have done that. I need information from them, but I’m pretty sure you just ruined my chances,” I put my hands on my hips and steal a glance at the siblings.

  “I don’t care for dogs, especially ones who sniff around you. Are you attached to this one?” Adam demands.

  Deirdre gives me an odd look before returning to clearing dishes from tables. She seems sweet. I hope she and I can get past this unfortunate situation. I like her and was hoping we’d be friends.

  Cian passes me on his way to the front door. He stops just past my shoulder and says, “If your vampire ever touches one of my family again, I’ll rip his heart out and eat it.”

  Cian’s threat makes me want to lose my breakfast.

  Now Adam’s my vampire. I did identify him as my boyfriend. Grudgingly, I watch Cian’s back as he walks out, confident and sure. Who would win a vampire-werewolf fight? Maybe I’m curious, but I never want to see it.

  Slowly, people go back to their conversations and drinks. “Sean’s a friend, Adam. He’s also on my persons-of-interest list for this case, and I need to ask him more questions. And let’s not forget that I will be friends with whomever I please.”

  Adam gives me a resigned look before taking a seat at an empty table.

  Sean sits in a chair recovering from Adam’s rough treatment, and somehow I feel responsible. When I walk over to Sean, he looks up at me with hurt in his eyes. I pull up a chair and sit near him.

  “I’m sorry for that, but I wish you hadn’t said what you did. I never led you on, Sean.”

  He glares over in Adam’s direction, before looking back at me with softer eyes. “I know, Sam. It was wrong of me to say it. But you must admit, that was some heavy shit you dumped on me. How the hell did you get involved with a vamp?”

  “That’s an interesting question coming from a person with Canis Lupus in their family tree. Imagine my surprise when I learned that my favorite bartender has an affinity for the moon,” I tease. “Seriously, what’s the difference between dating a werewolf or a vampire? If we had dated, would you have told me that you change into a wolf or whatever on a full moon? And by the way, I have a ton of questions about that.” I look at him hopefully, but he only shakes his head. “Another time, maybe?”

  “There’s a big difference. I’m still human. I have a soul. My heart beats like yours, and I may live longer than most, but I’ll die of old age like every other human. And I can father children.” He throws a look in Adam’s direction.

  He gives me a guilty look, then adds, “No, I wouldn’t have told you what I am. We’re not supposed to date outside the pack. It dilutes the bloodlines,” he says, rolling his eyes. “I was breaking the rules by asking you out. It would have been worth it, Sam.” He pauses, searching my eyes. “You understand that it’s dangerous for you t
o know what you know, right?” Sean looks over my shoulder at Adam. “I guess you have some protection, but he can’t save you if the pack decides you’re a liability. I didn’t fight back tonight because there was a bar full of people, and the result would have meant casualties. He wasn’t going to kill me here. I knew that. Cian and Deirdre knew that. He was sending me a message to stay away from you. Is that what you want, Sam?”

  Adam sits at a table with a beer in his hand, watching us hard. He raises his glass and takes a sip. I look back at Sean. “He doesn’t tell me who to be friends with. And my dating a vampire just sort of happened. We’re still getting to know each other.”

  “You know you can never have a family with him. You’ll age, and he’ll stay the same. It’s not a pretty picture for a beautiful girl like you. Even if I can’t be with you, I’d want you to have more than he can offer.” Sean is watching my reaction with his dark, intense eyes. I glance over at Adam one more time. By the look he’s giving me, I know he’s heard every word.

  “It’s none of your concern, Sean. Like I said, we are still getting to know each other. Taking things slow and all of that.” I’m annoyed that he’s voiced concerns that I’ve had all along, but with no time to sort them out. I’m still not positive Adam is capable of love. He wants me, but what does that mean to him? When does want turn to love? And will it ever be anything more?

  “Sean, I came here tonight to talk about the situation with Madison and the animal attacks around town. We don’t need to discuss my love life.” I lean back in my chair.

  “Is it love, now?” Sean teases.

  “Like I said, it’s none of your business.” My words are firm, but I give him a smile to take the edge off.

  The red marks around Sean’s neck are completely gone. His look is guarded again. “What do you want to know?” he asks, mirroring my body language.

  “First, are these deaths some sort of retaliation happening between the packs?”

  “You need to stay out of pack business, Sam. I cannot stress this enough. This is none of your concern.” Now it’s his turn to lecture me.

  “I’m already in it. I was hired by the Taylors. There have been four deaths so far, and Madison is missing. Are the deaths related?”

  He gives me a long, hard look before he finally speaks. I think he just decided that I wasn’t going to drop it anytime soon.

  “It started with Madison’s disappearance. When they couldn’t find her, the Luna Pack accused us of being involved. The score is two and two right now. They hit us; we hit back, and so on. Our pack has nothing to do with her disappearance. My father even had our people searching for her. We had our best trackers looking for a week. We don’t know what happened to her. It’s like she vanished. I hate to say it, but I suspect she’s dead. She had plenty of enemies.” Sean rubs his hands through his dark hair in a frustrated gesture.

  He speaks so casually about the loss of life. “Sean, did you have anything to do with those deaths?”

  “No. We aren’t even sure who retaliated from our pack. We suspect the first victim’s family, but nothing official has been done since they’re still grieving. It’s messed up. I don’t expect you to know our ways. It’s not always like this.” I can tell by the look on his face that he wants me to understand. His eyes plead with me.

  I’m trying, but it’s difficult. Besides, I have blood on my hands as well.

  “So, what is the story with you and Madison? And how and when did your brother start seeing her?”

  “It was one mistake after another. I wish Cian would’ve listened to me. When I met Madison, I knew who she was, but I didn’t know more than that. We hooked up one night after work, and it was fun. I figured she knew we couldn’t continue because we were from different packs, especially considering who our parents are. Madison had other ideas. We met up secretly for a few weeks, but when I thought she was getting too attached, I broke it off. She went nuts, and I avoided her. It took weeks for me to get the message across, that I wasn’t interested.” He frowns.

  “She was still trying to get with me when she pulled my brother Cian in. He wouldn’t listen to me. She has her claws in him deep. There’s nothing I can say. She’s convinced Cian that she loves him, that I was just a mistake, and that he should fight me for alpha when our father’s too old to lead.” Sean looks more and more defeated as he tells his story. Sounds tragic to me. Poor, naïve Cian.

  “What does your father say about his sons ‘sleeping with the enemy’?”

  “He doesn’t know.” He looks like he’s in pain. This family has major issues. I’m drowning in secrets.

  “Do you know anything about Madison’s little habit of blackmailing people?” I watch his reaction.

  His eyes go a little wide. “No, but it wouldn’t surprise me. Madison threatened to go to my father about the two of us, but I didn’t bite. I told her to go ahead. I’d deal with the fallout. She never did. I would have heard. Who was she blackmailing?”

  “Nobody you know. You O’Donnell boys know how to pick ‘em,” I say, shaking my head.

  “You should talk.”

  I open my mouth to argue, but then shut it without saying anything. Sean’s right. I have no room to talk. “Can I come to you with more questions, if I have them?” I stand up to leave.

  “Do you believe I had anything to do with Madison’s disappearance?” Sean asks.

  “No, but can you do something about the killing? Stop the retaliations, maybe?”

  “I’ll see what I can do. No promises. Take care, Sam.” He gives me a quick hug that I wasn’t expecting, then makes a beeline for the bar.

  Adam is by my side before I can turn to look for him. His firm hand slides around my hip as I look up at him.

  “Thank you for staying away and giving me time to do my job.”

  He leans down and brushes his lips gently across mine. Right now, I wish the noisy bar would disappear. We walk into the cold night air, me and my protective shadow.


  Adam and I arrive at our building and walk through the lobby. We both stop dead in our tracks as a nervous dread settles in the pit of my stomach. Sitting on the counter next to Harold, our building manager, is an enormous bouquet of stunningly exotic black roses. There must be three dozen of the strange flowers. Harold notices us standing there for the first time, and gives us a toothy grin.

  “Ah, Samantha! Look what came for you, my dear. You must have an admirer. Hello, Mr. Blackwell,” Harold says, still smiling and glancing between me and the flowers.

  I look up at Adam, who is staring at the bouquet like it’s alive and dangerous.

  What now?


  What Dreams Tell

  Like the elephant in the room, a large bouquet of black roses dwarfs my dining room table. I didn’t want to leave them with Harold, so I convinced Adam to bring them up with us. He didn’t like this idea, and I’m already regretting the decision. Their haunting beauty fills me with dread.

  I toy with the card that accompanied the flowers. Penned in an eloquent hand are the words:

  An eye for an eye.

  If there was ever any question that the black roses come with ill intent, it’s crystal clear now.

  “What do you think it means?” I ask. We’ve both been standing in the living room, silently staring at the flowers. His silence worries me more than the arrival of the flowers themselves.

  “It is a threat, but from whom? Someone wishes you harm. Of that, I’m certain.”

  “What enemies would I have? Why would a vampire want to kill me? I understand Zac’s motives, as twisted as they were, but who else?” I’ve only known three vampires. I’m dating one, friends with the other, and the third I killed in self-defense.

  “Someone may want to scare you off the case. It could be meant as a smoke screen to make you believe the threat comes from a vampire.” Adam rubs his chin in thought. He hasn’t stopped glaring at the flowers since we arrived. I expect to see smoke coming out of
his ears at any moment; his concentration is so intense.

  “Don’t you think they’d just tell me to stay away?” Surely it wouldn’t be the Luna Pack. They could just fire me if they wanted me off the case. My stalker comes to mind. “There has been this guy following me, and I’m pretty confident he’s a werewolf or something.” I stare at the flowers, trying to figure out what I’m missing.

  A silent chill in the air alerts me to a change. I look over at Adam’s furious face.

  “Who has been following you, and for how long?”

  He looks like he might go vampire on me. His eyes are glowing like blue fire. I almost cringe from the fury coming off him in waves. His anger is a physical presence in the room. Impulsively, I step back.

  “I was going to mention it but kept forgetting. The first time was when I went to Madison’s apartment. And then again when I met with the Taylors’ son, Chad. And finally, today when I went for a run this morning. Creepy Stalker Guy was there, but this time I chased him down and tried to confront him. That’s when he ran away so fast that I knew he wasn’t a human creep.” I close my mouth because I think I’m making it worse.

  “You’ve encountered the same stalker three times, and this is the first moment you think to mention such an important detail?” Adam’s speaking slow and controlled. I’d rather he yell at me. This is his scary voice.

  “Adam, it really wasn’t anything I couldn’t handle. I have my dagger with me always, and I’ll start wearing the pendant again. I think he works for the Taylors. Maybe they were just worried that I would learn their secret.” I put my hands on my hips because now I’m annoyed. He’s not my babysitter. I don’t have to tell him every detail of every day.

  “You don’t see the danger in what you just said.”

  “What danger? I think I’ve got it under control, is all,” I argue.

  “What do you think the Taylors planned on doing if you were to discover their secret, Samantha? Give you a check and send you on your way?” Now he sounds condescending, which makes me even angrier.


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