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Red Moon (Vampire Files Trilogy Book 2)

Page 10

by RK Close

  I clear the distance between us, no longer concerned with his mood. “You think he was there to clean up the loose ends when I find Madison? I can handle myself. We agreed to give dating a try. Babysitting was not part of our discussions.” I give him an annoyed look before turning to move away from him.

  Adam has other ideas when he grabs my arm and spins me around.

  “I am not trying to crowd you, Samantha. I’m trying to protect your beautiful, stubborn ass.” I open my mouth to retort, but he clamps his hand over my mouth while he continues. “You’ve barely learned what lurks in the shadows. Yet you feel uniquely qualified to give any monster you meet their ass on a platter. You don’t even remember what happened when you managed to kill Zachariah.” His hand still on my mouth, I glare at him.

  In a softer voice, he says, “I believe you can take care of yourself in the natural world, certainly more than others. But you attract the wrong sort of attention. Your light burns brighter than most, and that puts you in harm’s way. So many want to possess such a light.”

  Much of the anger drains out of me, as I try to understand the meaning of his words. One moment we are having a fight, the next I see that elusive part of him that rarely shows itself. He’s such a mystery. His hand slowly lowers as he studies me.

  Part of me wants to discuss this further, but another part of me reaches up to pull his head to mine. It’s a different sort of kiss then I’m used to with Adam. Usually, the passion between us is so great it threatens to consume us both. But this kiss is tender, gentle, and searching. This kiss is long, lingering, questioning. This kiss is…

  I pull back to search his face. His eyes still blaze with their blue passion, but something is different. He feels it as well. I can see it on his face. Something between us has changed with just a kiss. Feeling warm all over, I hug him close and rest my head on his chest. He responds by holding me to him. We stay like this for a long while.

  And I do feel safe in his arms, sheltered from all the darkness.


  Adam tells me he’s leaving for a while. He must be hungry; I know I am. I should have eaten at the bar, but I didn’t want to worry about the werewolf siblings putting something in my food or drink. Still not certain where I stand with that family. I want to mend those fences. I’m not ready to give up my favorite watering hole. Rúla Búla is my little weekly escape.

  And they have Guinness on tap.

  After fixing a bite to eat, I sit down with my laptop to go over the background checks on all of the peeps on my suspect list. I’ve looked these over before, but I’m concerned that I may have missed something. Everyone appears to be squeaky clean. No arrest records, no bankruptcies, not even a speeding ticket. Well, the two humans have a couple speeding tickets between them, but nothing more concerning. Werewolves must make it a habit of staying under the legal radar.

  I begin writing an email to Genevieve to let her know that I’d like to meet with her to discuss the case. She’s dropped me a couple of emails and one text message to check my progress, but I’ve held off giving her too much information. I don’t feel bad because I know she’s been holding out on me. I’m nervous about showing my cards here. What if Adam and Jacob are correct, and she decides that I need to disappear? Maybe I should take some backup. Adam won’t want to meet during the day.

  I suggest Monday evening for a meeting time. It needs to be a neutral and public place and I won’t let her choose the location. They need to understand that I’m not going to expose their family secret. I have too many of my own now. Adam will have my back, so I’ll have time to explain all of this. I hold my breath as I push Send.

  No more secrets. This could be a good thing.


  Adam returns, and I mention the meeting to him. I try hard not to think about his lips on another woman’s neck.

  He doesn’t look happy about it but agrees to accompany me. I’ll check for a response from the Taylors tomorrow.

  “Aren’t you going home?” I ask, stifling a yawn.

  “I don’t think it’s wise for you to be alone at night. The roses are a real threat. Until I know what we are dealing with, I’d like to stay close. Do you mind?”

  Did he just ask my permission to sleep on my sofa? Will wonders never cease?

  “If you insist on staying, why don’t you ‘rest’ in my bed? If you can promise to behave, of course.” That’s like asking a dog not to bark.

  A slight grin adorns his handsome face and my heart melts.

  “I’ll be the perfect gentleman,” he says, already heading for my bedroom.

  I may regret this arrangement.


  I’m in a long white corridor with so many doors; I can’t count them all. The hall appears endless, like looking into mirrors reflecting other mirrors. Walls are white, doors are white, and the monochrome effect is blinding. I watch and wait, unsure what I’m supposed to do.

  When nothing happens, I walk. I begin to test the door handles, but the ones I try are locked. A noise catches my attention, and I squint to see what it is.

  Down one direction, a door opens, and a figure emerges. The woman is too far away for me to make out her features, but I know it’s Madison. She’s wearing the long gown from my previous dream. She looks at me before turning to walk in the other direction. I follow her. She begins to jog, and I do the same.

  From somewhere behind me, another door opens. Glancing over my shoulder, I watch an enormous wolf emerge from one of the doors. This is the one from my nightmare. Fear forces me to increase my speed.

  I’m gaining on Madison, but I sense the wolf is gaining on me. I can hear its claws hitting the polished tile floor, and by the sound, it’s getting closer. I don’t dare slow down to look back.

  Suddenly, Madison stops and looks at me before opening another door and slipping inside. I’m horrified that I’ll need to slow my pace to open the door. I skid to a stop just before I grab the door handle. Stealing a glance as the wolf dives toward me through the air. I pull the door open and stumble inside. The door slams shut from the wolf colliding with it, seconds after I clear the threshold.

  I’m doubled over trying to catch my breath. I watch the door for several seconds to make sure the wolf isn’t coming through. When it seems safe enough, I look around to get my bearings. I’m shocked to find that I’m in Madison and Juliet’s apartment. It’s different but the same. There is none of the destruction that I discovered.

  Moving around the apartment, I look for Madison. I find her standing in front of her bedroom. She disappears into her room, and for the first time, I realize that she wants me to follow her.

  Once I reach the door to the bedroom, I see a familiar scene. The room looks like a cyclone hit it. Madison is standing next to the dresser with drawers pulled out and broken on the floor. She looks angry and on the verge of violence. I think she’s upset with me, but I don’t understand why.

  “What do you want from me? I’m doing everything I can to find you. Help me,” I say over the roaring sound that is growing louder in the room. Objects start to shake and rattle like an earthquake is taking place. Madison just stands there glaring at me. I wish she would speak to me like Zac did.

  Finally, objects start crashing around the room, and I’m forced to dodge a lamp as it slams into the wall above my head. When I look back to Madison, a wolf is in her place. This is not the wolf that has been chasing me. This wolf is solid white, and it’s holding something in its mouth. I flatten myself against the door preparing to run, when the wolf moves toward me slowly. I’m paralyzed with fear when it drops something in front of me and then backs away, watching me carefully.

  Cautiously I reach down to pick up the small envelope and look inside. There is a small flash drive and nothing else. I look back at the wolf, but it’s gone.


  Bad Decisions

  I wake alone in my room, except for Wilbur who’s snuggled at my feet. Disappointment shadows my mood when I don’t find Adam lyin
g next to me.

  Slow down, Sam. You despise needy, remember? What does he do when I’m sleeping. I’m known to sleep like the dead so I wouldn’t know if he watches TV or has a party.

  This morning I remain in bed longer than normal, hugging my extra pillow. It smells like Adam. My dream is still fresh in my mind. It feels more like a memory. Will I ever dream normal dreams again? At least this one didn’t feature my boyfriend trying to kill me.

  Still, it wanted to tell me something. I have a strong urge to go back to Madison’s apartment and do a more thorough search. Could there be anything to find after the Taylors had it cleaned and repaired? This may be a good time to follow up with Juliet.


  The aroma of coffee wafting through my place draws me into the kitchen. I love waking up to find coffee waiting for me. Adam stands in my living room reading one of my novels. I almost laugh out loud when I see the name. He’s skimming through a book I picked up the other day, by a British author, about dating vampires. Never being a fan of fantasy, I’ve found that I enjoy reading these tales. I’ve found that I enjoy reading these stories.

  He looks up at me with his eyebrows raised. Stifling a grin, I head for the coffee pot. “I love to read. And these stories don’t sound so outrageous anymore. Don’t make fun of my book choices. What are you reading these days?” I ask before taking my first sip of coffee.

  He tosses the book on the table and walks toward me. “I was not making fun of your literary choices. I’m only curious how one of my acquaintances managed to end up in your fantasy novel.”

  I blink at him while my brain processes what he’s implying. Holy cow!

  “Are you telling me that you actually know one or more of the characters in that book?” I demand. My novels just took on a whole new level of intrigue.

  “I might, but I don’t believe he’s as handsome as the author has written him.” He almost smiles, which tells me his statement is most likely bull. Wow, oh, wow! “Truth has always been hidden in literature as with most myths and legends,” he says, almost to himself.

  I’m dying to hear more, but I have the feeling this topic is done for now.

  This moment seems like an opportune time to mention my dreams to Adam. I don’t know why I’m so loath to speak of them. It’s as if talking about them will give them more power or validity. In truth, my dreams scare me more than the monsters in the shadows. Sometimes I fear that I’ll discover I’m the monster. Memories of the night with Zac are never far from my mind. I’ve never told anyone about feeling as though I was possessed or that it didn’t feel like I was in control of my actions. But I know something strange happened to me at that moment, and it haunts me to not know who or what I am.

  “I’ve had more dreams.”

  Adam’s eyes flash momentarily. “When did they start?”

  “I’ve had three in the last week.” I feel shy about my dreams and I don’t know why.

  “What happens in these dreams?” Adam looks concerned. Anyone else might think he’s just mad, but I know better. I’m learning, anyway.

  “Well, the first one begins in the old woods, as many of my dreams do. Madison Taylor was there. A giant wolf was hunting me. It lunged for me, but then I woke.” I’m not sure if Madison was leading me somewhere, or if she was the wolf trying to kill me. After last night’s dream I don’t think she was the wolf trying to kill me.

  Adam seems to consider the details of the first dream. “And the second dream?” he asks.

  Telling Adam his role in my nightmares makes me feel sick. I have no idea how he will take it. Adam takes my visions seriously. What will he think about Zac showing up in my dreams?

  “My second dream starts off good but changes. Zac is there, and you.” I look at him. Can he read it on my face, I wonder?

  “What happens in this dream?” His eyes blaze now.

  “Zac is there taunting me about you. Saying that you will kill me. That you’re just like him.” I can’t finish.

  “And what is my part in your dream?” I can see subtle changes in his expression. He suspects the worst.

  “You are chained to a wall and…” I can’t bring myself to say it.

  “And what?” he demands.

  “You have blood on your hands and mouth and…I think you want to kill me.” I lower my head because it hurts to say it aloud. I’m sure my words feel the same to him. I don’t want to see his pain.

  He’s silent, and so am I. Finally I look up at him, and he’s watching me hard. “Say something,” I encourage.

  “Do you fear me, Samantha?”

  “What? No! I know you wouldn’t hurt me. It was only a dream.” I taste the lie on my lips, and I know he does as well.

  “Then you’re a fool. Your dreams are more than just dreams. They’re knowledge. They teach you about the past, alert you of trouble in the present, and most valuable of all, they forewarn you of what’s to come. You must learn to look for the message in your gift if you are to survive. Those warnings do not exclude me.”

  “What am I supposed to do with that? Stop seeing you? I refuse to believe you mean me harm!” I’m at a loss. Tears sting my eyes but I refuse to let them fall.

  “I do not want to believe I could ever harm you. But you cannot ignore your dreams and neither can I. We must both be on our guard. Take nothing for granted. Never take off the pendant.” His words are like cold water hitting my face. Is he saying that he doesn’t trust himself not to harm me? I don’t know what to do with that. I sink low in my chair. My thoughts are all over the place.

  “We don’t know how accurate my dreams are. Maybe part of the dream is a premonition and part regular subconscious housecleaning.” I stand and begin pacing. Adam closes in on me and takes me into his arms.

  “I do not believe that I could ever hurt you, but your dream means something that you are intended to figure out.” He lifts my chin and kisses my lips. I want to be lost in his kiss. Let all the worries and troubles float away, so I can drown in this feeling.

  My phone rings and the moment is interrupted. We look at each other a few seconds longer before I pull out of his arms to answer the phone.

  Russell’s name shows on the phone. “Hi, Russ! How are you?”

  “Good, Sam. How have you been?”

  “I’m good. What’s going on? Do you have something for me, or is this a social call?”

  “Yes, yes. I did manage to get some surveillance video for you. I’ve got it on a little stick thing that you plug into a computer.”

  Imagining him holding a small removable flash drive and not knowing what to do with it makes me smile.

  “That’s awesome, Russell. Thanks so much for getting that for me. How many hours does it cover?”

  “It includes twenty-four hours, but it’s condensed to two, so not too bad. I can’t get it to you until Tuesday. Want to meet for breakfast?”

  Bummer. I’d like it sooner, but I’ll take what I can get. “That will be perfect. I’m hoping this gives me what I need to crack this case. It’s turning out to be a tough one.”

  “Is it something that I can help you with?” He’s always willing to lend a hand on my jobs. He’s an excellent resource to have since he still has his contacts on the Phoenix police force and in private security circles.

  “This is a huge help. I’ll let you know if there is anything else. Call me on Tuesday morning, and we’ll decide where to meet.” It’ll be good to see him.

  “Will do, Sam. See you then.”

  “Bye, Russell.”

  Adam is studying me from across the room. “You said there was a third dream. Tell me about it.” When I hesitate, he says, “Please.”

  I take a deep breath and exhale slowly. “I had another dream last night. This one was different in several ways. First, it started in a long white hall. Very modern and sterile with lots of doors. Madison was there again, and I think she wanted me to follow her. The wolf that seems hell-bent on eating me was also there. It ended in Madison’s apart
ment, her bedroom. In my previous dream, Zac was speaking to me, but Madison never speaks to me. I still feel like she’s trying to tell me something. I’m going back to search her bedroom. Another wolf that I believe was Madison gave me a flash drive in my dream. That must mean something, right?” I ask, pulling myself from memory of the dream.

  “Yes, I believe it does. How else was this dream different from the others?”

  I think for a moment. “Well, this may sound funny, but it ended peacefully. In the other dreams, I wake up screaming, feeling like someone or something is trying to kill me.” I don’t know if that means something or if I was just lucky for once.

  “It could be that you are learning to embrace your gift,” Adam looks at me thoughtfully. “Would you like to join me for dinner tonight? I can show you our home.” Adam’s eyes are shining and my heart wants to melt.

  “Are you asking me out on a real date?” I tease. This is an abrupt change in topics.

  “Yes, I do believe I am.”

  “Oh, I just remembered. I can’t. I’m having a girl’s night out with Dayna. Can I take a rain-check?” I ask, hopeful. What bad timing.

  “Monday evening then.”

  “Can’t. We’re supposed to meet with Genevieve Taylor. Can we do it Tuesday night? I’ll pencil you into my calendar with ink,” I say with a big grin on my face. I feel badly putting him off now that he finally invited me up.

  “I see that I’m low on your priority list. Pencil me in for seven,” he says, sarcastically. He throws me an annoyed look.

  “I’m looking forward to it.” I can’t seem to wipe the silly grin from my face.

  Our last “real” date didn’t end well. I’m hopeful that this one will be more romantic and less bloody.

  “I have several things to do today, so I better get moving.”


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