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Ten Year Reunion: A Hotwife Novel

Page 5

by Lexi Archer

  From the moment we left the house my stomach was clenched with a mixture of nervousness, fear, and arousal. Nervousness because we were finally going to her reunion after a month of silently fantasizing. She was finally going to see him. I wasn’t sure how they’d react to seeing each other for the first time in nearly a decade, though I had a suspicion from the way I’d seen her smiling when she thought I wasn’t looking.

  Those looks were also the source of the fear. I was nervous about the fantasy that had been dominating my life for the past month. I was nervous that it wouldn’t happen, and even more afraid that it might actually happen. And that dovetailed nicely with the third emotion that was nearly making me sick to my stomach.

  Arousal. I was surprised Abby didn’t notice the way my cock was straining out for nearly the entire ride up. Do you have any idea how uncomfortable it is to make a long car trip when your cock is straining against your pants the entire way? It was so bad that I briefly considered asking her to help me out, but that would bring up more questions than I wanted to answer right now.

  Conversation. That was the ticket. I needed to distract myself with some conversation.

  “So what are you looking forward to the most at your reunion?”

  Damn it. I was trying to distract myself from thinking of her and this David guy at the reunion and here the first question I asked her is something that of course is going to naturally lead to him! What was I thinking?

  I had a pretty good idea that I wasn’t thinking. I had more than a sneaking suspicion that my cock and this impossible fantasy had taken control of my subconscious completely and that’s where that question came from.

  “Oh I don’t know,” Abby said. “It’ll just be nice to see everybody. To see how they’ve been doing over the last decade.”

  “Are you sure that’s it? You pretty much keep up with everybody online anyways.”

  Damn it. Here I was again leading her towards him. Towards her old boyfriend. And yet I couldn’t stop. I had to try and figure out if she was at least thinking of him a little bit. I had to know if there was a chance of this fantasy being fulfilled. The fantasy that I dreaded and anticipated in equal measure.

  “Oh I don’t know,” she said. “I guess I do keep up with almost everybody.”

  Almost. So she was thinking of someone she didn’t keep up with online.

  “So there’s nobody you haven’t talked to in the last decade that you’re really looking forward to seeing?”

  Abby gave me a funny look and I wondered if I’d gone too far. I wondered if I’d tipped my hand. Only that funny look disappeared and was replaced by a smile. Was that a knowing smile?

  “I don’t know,” Abby said. “There might be a few people that I haven’t caught up with for one reason or another.”

  For one reason or another. Like she ended up meeting the love of her life and getting married when she went off to college and so there was no point in getting in touch with her old boyfriend from high school and dredging up old memories. That thought echoed in my head as my cock throbbed in time with the fantasies coursing through my body. I was on fire and I couldn’t let on a bit of it.

  “So does this mean we’re going to have to go to your reunion next year?” she asked.

  “What? What would give you that idea?” I asked.

  “You’re the one who suddenly seemed to think I needed to go to this,” she said. “I just wondered if maybe you were angling for getting me to your ten year reunion next year without any complaint. I know you’ve been acting weird lately and I figured that’s what was going on. I’d be fine with going.”

  I wanted to laugh with relief. So she’d noticed me acting weird, but she came to all the wrong conclusions. Which was fine with me. The truth was terrifying. I had a feeling that the truth would lead to a conversation I wasn’t ready to have with her.

  “We can think about that next year,” I said.

  There. Let her think that might be the reason I’d been acting weird. Lead her away from the truth.

  Yet as I thought about it, as I had nothing to occupy my mind other than our conversation and cornfields flying past us on the two-lane highway, I couldn’t deny there was some appeal to the idea of just letting her know what I was thinking. Letting her know what I’d been fantasizing about. Letting her know exactly why I was so excited at the idea of going to her reunion.

  I opened my mouth and almost said something. It almost came spilling out. I almost revealed the whole thing to her. The truth will set you free and all that good stuff. Only I didn’t say anything. I couldn’t say anything. The consequences would be too severe if she took it badly.

  No, better to sit back and see what happened this weekend. At the very least I figured I could get a few good memories when she met up with him. Maybe a few fantasies to keep me going. Sure this had become an all-encompassing obsession for the past couple of weeks, but the line between fantasy and reality was still there. It was still very black and white. Nothing had happened yet and I had no indication that anything would happen when they finally met each other. Hell, there was a good chance he might not even be at the reunion. Strangely that thought comforted me and disappointed me at the same time.

  “What’s on your mind? You’re being awfully quiet,” Abby said.

  I looked over at her and reached out to squeeze her thigh. I smiled. “Just thinking about how beautiful you are.”

  Abby’s face lit up with a beautiful smile. God I loved it when she smiled like that. And it’s true, I was thinking about how beautiful she looked. So what if I left out the part about how I was thinking about how gorgeous she’d look splayed out on some bed with her old boyfriend in between her legs, his cock buried in her pussy as he rammed home inside her over and over again?

  What I said was mostly the truth. Mostly.

  “Thinking about how beautiful your wife’s going to look in that little black dress?”

  I nearly choked on my next words. She knew about that?

  “You knew about that?”

  Abby threw her head back and laughed. God she was beautiful when she laughed. She was wearing a pair of shorts that showed off plenty of leg and the curve of her ass. She had a tank top on up above that was more conservative than the stuff she usually wore, but it was still skintight which made it a-okay in my book. Her tits even bounced hypnotically as she laughed. As I very nearly lost control of the car watching her and imagining those tits bouncing with David’s eyes on her.

  Damn. Was there nothing that wouldn’t go back to that fantasy this weekend? I was starting to think it was something I was just going to have to live with.

  “You don’t think I’m an idiot, do you? I’ve noticed the way you’ve been looking at me. I noticed the way you acted when you saw me in those clothes. Hell, you were the one who told me to go ahead and get some sexy clothes for the reunion!”

  I grinned at her. “Guilty as charged, I guess.”

  Abby’s hand moved down and ran along my thigh, up and up until it closed around my cock. I closed my eyes and groaned as her delicate fingers wrapped around my dick. That was a feeling I’d never get tired of no matter how many years passed, no matter how long we’d been together, no matter how many times she did it.

  “My,” she said, her eyes widening. “You really are excited by that idea, aren’t you?”

  “You have no idea,” I gasped.

  Abby looked at me and she was suddenly serious. “What brought this on all of a sudden? You think most guys would be jealous of other guys checking out his wife.”

  I looked over to her and smiled my most winning smile. I hoped it would work on her. I hoped it would disarm the seriousness of the situation just a bit.

  “What can I say? You’re a beautiful woman, and seeing other guys checking you out just confirms that for me. Kind of turns me on too.”

  I was surprised at how amazing it felt confessing this to her, so surprised at how amazing it felt, at how light it made me feel as though a great w
eight was being lifted from me, that once again I almost considered telling her the whole thing. I almost opened my mouth and the let her know the full extent of my fantasy.

  I opened my mouth and once more the words almost formed on my lips. Once more I almost spit it out. I felt a rush to my head as though I was on the verge of losing consciousness. It was so intense, this feeling of almost revealing my forbidden fantasy to my wife.

  And then that rush faded. I closed my mouth. I didn’t say anything. I took the coward’s way out. I was ashamed, but more importantly I was still so afraid of how she’d react to the full extent of my fantasy that I didn’t dare say anything. She’d reacted positively so far, but I needed to take baby steps.

  Abby’s hand continued that delightful up-and-down motion along my cock. I nearly swerved off the road as her hands moved up to the edge of my pants and then her fingers pressed down inside my shorts. Her fingers brushed against the bare skin of my cock and wrapped around it moving up and down the length of my shaft.

  “Holy shit Abby!” I said.


  “Pleasantly so.”

  “Are you thinking about your wife dressed up in her skimpy outfit for all the guys at the reunion?”

  If only she knew the extent of what I was thinking! But all I could get out was a strangled “yes!”

  “You naughty boy! I never would’ve figured that sort of thing would get you so turned on!”

  “You have no idea!”

  “You like thinking about them staring at me? Thinking about how much they’d like to fuck me?”

  I wanted to tell her that all I could think about was how much I wanted to watch one of them fucking her. One of them in particular. Only again, there was that fear. That worry. I didn’t dare say anything even with her hand running up and down my cock.

  My cock started twitching in her hands and I let out a strangled gasp. Just as quickly as she’d put her hand down my pants she moved down and expertly placed a finger against the base of my cock to prevent me from blowing my load. I concentrated on the road in front of me, concentrated on keeping the car between the lines so there’d be no danger of me running off the road.

  “Naughty boy,” she said one final time. “You need to save this for the reunion.”

  “Do I?”

  Abby smiled. A thin secretive smile that said she was up to something, though I wasn’t sure what. I just always knew that when I saw that smile I was up for an adventure. Suddenly I was starting to really wonder about this reunion. I was starting to wonder exactly what was going to happen here. If we were on the same page and I just didn’t know it. It was almost enough to make me come in my pants, only her finger on the base of my cock prevented that from happening.

  “I love you Abby,” I said it.

  “I know,” she said.

  I smiled. That was one of our favorite jokes. Only suddenly in this moment as we were on our way to her reunion and who knows what it felt more important to me than ever before to make sure she knew that. To make sure we’d established that baseline. Sure, I figured she already knew, but I had to say it. Had to get it out there.

  I felt like we were on the edge of a world of new possibilities. I felt like this fantasy was taking control and I had no idea where it was going to take us. And it seemed like Abby might be into it just a little bit from the way she was acting, from the way she’d figured out exactly what I was trying to do with her skimpy outfits.

  I had a feeling we were in for one hell of a weekend.

  6: The Reunion

  “A high school gym? Seriously?”

  “What? Where are we supposed to have our reunion?” Abby asked.

  I thought back to my five year reunion. It had been a pretty spare affair, but it hadn’t been at our old school. There wasn’t a chance in hell the administration was going to let our class go back into the school. I guess things really were different in a small town.

  “I don’t know, a banquet hall? Some sort of restaurant? Surely there’s someplace that could accommodate you?”

  “In this town? Seriously?”

  She had a point. And she was staring at me as though I was the biggest idiot in the world, which I suppose was a fair point. Especially considering how often I made jokes about her town and how small it was. I turned back to her old high school, though to me it looked more like a middle school. Or maybe about the size of my old elementary school. Yet another one of the differences between growing up in the city and growing up in a place where the only school for several towns was a centrally located building.

  “You really went to school here?” I asked. “They didn’t have a little schoolhouse back when you were here?”

  Abby smacked my shoulder. “Shut up!”

  She would only take so much of my good-natured ribbing at her town’s expense before she got defensive. Whatever. Now that I was getting a good look at her school though, in the middle of a cornfield naturally, I really was surprised that a high school could be this small.

  People in suits and dresses were walking in through the front entrance. It looked like there was a teacher, or at the very least an adult who looked older than anybody from Abby’s class, standing by the entrance dressed in a suit welcoming people. Maybe the local administration was willing to let them use the facility but wasn’t quite ready to completely let a big group like this loose in the building.

  Everything was lit up and it looked for all the world like a prom, only everybody showing up to this prom was a good ten to twelve years older than your typical high school kid. I shook my head and grinned. This was going to be a strange night.

  I put my hand on Abby’s thigh and smiled at her. She turned and smiled at me. God she looked absolutely radiant tonight. One of my regrets was that we never got a chance to do all the stuff like prom and homecoming together back in the day. It was impossible since we started dating in college. Perhaps that was a part of the seed of my jealousy when it came to David.

  Only it looked like tonight I might actually be getting a chance to fulfill some of that prom fantasy along with maybe fulfilling some of the other more R-rated fantasies that had been running through my mind recently.

  Abby looked absolutely radiant in her little black dress. The very one that had sent me over the edge and the subject of that fevered fuck session in our bedroom a few weeks back. She sparkled in the dim lighting cast off by the lights from the school. Her face sparkled as well. She was made up to the nines and had her hair done earlier in the day by some stylist she’d known back when she actually lived here.

  She looked every inch the gorgeous prom date, only even more beautiful because the years had been so amazing to her. She’d matured into a beautiful woman and she was all mine. I felt lightheaded looking at her. I felt a stirring in my pants looking at her. I started running my hand up her exposed thigh, thinking about how gorgeous she looked and particularly thinking about how everybody in the room was going to realize how gorgeous she looked when we walked in.

  The prom queen, the homecoming queen, even more gorgeous today than back when these people knew her, and she was all mine.

  Her hand moved down and stopped my exploration up her thigh. “Easy there Tiger.”

  I favored her with a sheepish grin. “Sorry Abby. You just get me so worked up!”

  That thin secretive smile played across her face again and she leaned forward to plant her lips on my cheek. Then along my jawbone. My cock stirred and definitely took notice. Particularly because one of her hands snaked down and started running up and down the length of my shaft as her lips moved up to my ear and nibbled gently. I could feel her hot breath running along my earlobe as she sucked on it gently. I quickly glanced around the parking lot to make sure there was nobody around to see us, wondering if we were about to hop in the back seat of the Lexus for a little fun.

  “If you think I’m driving you wild just wait until we get in there. Just wait until they see me and this,” she exhaled in a breathy whisper in
my ear that ran straight down to my cock.

  I very nearly came in my pants. I let out a groan and she quickly moved her hand down just like she had earlier in the day when we were driving on the highway. Her finger pressed against the base of my cock which was starting to twitch, but it was just enough pressure to stop me on the edge of the point of no return. I let out a strangled gasp as I got so close to coming and then it was denied. I looked over at her with a pleading look in my eyes and her face broke into a wide grin. God she was hot. God I just needed to come!

  “So are you ready to do this?” I asked.

  Abby sighed and looked up to her school. She had a wistful look on her face and I felt my cock twitching as I thought about what she might be thinking about. As I wondered whether or not she was thinking about him right now. That thought sure as hell was exciting me! It was probably a good thing she still had her thumb firmly on the stop button where my cock was concerned.

  She turned and smiled. “I’m ready.”

  Abby kept looking around as we made our way up to the entrance which was right next to a massive gym. I assumed from the decade old music I could hear through the gym walls that it’s where they’d be having the reunion. This really would be just like an old-fashioned prom. It was bringing back memories of my own prom as I looked around, and I hadn’t even gone to school here.

  “Oh my God Abby!”

  I winced at the screeching. I glanced at the registration table just inside the doors and was definitely intrigued by what I saw there. A pretty blonde girl. She looked like she had a little extra weight, but I could tell she’d definitely been one hell of a looker back in the day. Hell, she was one hell of a looker now. Of course she was nothing compared to Abby. In my opinion Abby had only gotten better with age and she hadn’t let herself go at all.


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