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Ten Year Reunion: A Hotwife Novel

Page 6

by Lexi Archer

  “Tiffany!” Abby squealed.

  I looked at my wife in surprise. Sure we’d gone to a college together, sure I’d seen her interacting with her sorority sisters, but I’d never quite seen, or heard, her acting like this. I’d certainly never heard her squealing like that. Hell, I didn’t know that her voice could achieve that level of squealing. It was so loud, so high pitched, that it was a wonder we didn’t have dogs coming running from all around.

  Abby enveloped the blonde girl in a hug and I found myself momentarily transfixed. I’d been so preoccupied by the idea of her with another man that I hadn’t really given much thought to her with a woman, though now watching the way she hugged this girl I suddenly found myself thinking those thoughts as well.

  I shook my head. No. One crazy wild fantasy was more than enough for this weekend. I could worry about her and another girl later.

  Abby turned and smiled. “This is Tiffany. Tiffany, this is my husband Brandon.”

  I smiled and extended a hand which Tiffany gladly took. I was gratified to see that she was looking me up and down, though that was something I’d never actually consider indulging. Especially with my wife right here. I might be fantasizing about her stepping out on me with another man, but oddly enough that fantasy didn’t seem to extend to me getting the same opportunity with another woman.

  It was a weird fantasy.

  “Pleasure to meet you Tiffany,” I said.

  “Believe me, the pleasure’s all mine.” Tiffany smiled and looked me up and down once more and then moved back to her spot behind the registration table. I glanced over to my wife but rather than being angry it seemed like she was trying to stifle a giggle. I figured that was a good sign.

  “So I’m guessing you’re not Abby Thompson anymore?” Tiffany asked.

  “Nope. I’m under Arnold now.”

  Tiffany looked through some papers and a moment later she came out with two name tags. “Here you go. Try not to have too much fun!”

  I felt a small stab of disappointment. I’d been glancing around, though I’m not sure what I expected. It’s not like I thought her ex-boyfriend would be waiting for her at the entrance. Sure, maybe I’d fantasized about it. Maybe that had been part of my imaginings when I was thinking about this weekend, but I the rational side of my mind didn’t actually expect it to happen.

  I wondered if she’d even show up at all. There was no guarantee everybody would show up at a reunion, after all.

  Only I sort of got my wish. At least I got a little bit of fuel for my fantasy, though it came from the most unexpected place. The one place I never would have thought. Abby herself.

  “Has anyone been…”

  She trailed off. I raised an eyebrow. She probably stopped herself because she didn’t want to make it obvious that who she was asking about. At least not with me standing right beside her. She opened her mouth and tried again. “Has he…”

  Again she glanced over to me and again I smiled and tried to act oblivious. Like I had no idea what she was talking about. Meanwhile I had to shift because my cock was starting to feel ridiculously uncomfortable in my dress pants. They were a good fit, but they definitely weren’t designed to handle a massive borderline painful erection. And that’s certainly what I got as I realized what Abby was doing.

  I couldn’t be more elated. I couldn’t be more turned on. She was asking about him! Sure she was chickening out and not actually coming out and saying she was looking for her ex-boyfriend, wondering if he was there, wondering if he’d asked about her, but there was no doubt in my mind exactly who she was asking about.

  Tiffany smiled and seemed to understand the question. She also seemed to understand that Abby didn’t want me to know exactly what she was asking. I almost wanted to chuckle, but I didn’t want to give anything away.

  “Inside,” Tiffany said.

  Abby smiled and glanced at me, suddenly seeming uncertain. Tiffany also glanced at me as though she was trying to decide whether or not I’d figured out what they were talking about, but I was playing the dumbest son of a bitch who ever lived. I wanted to be the most oblivious asshole on the face of the earth as far as they were concerned. So I smiled looking back and forth between the two of them as though I didn’t have any inkling that Abby was talking about her ex-boyfriend. As though I didn’t have a raging hard on I was desperately trying to conceal as I thought about my wife asking about her ex-boyfriend and what that meant for the evening.

  “Are you heading in honey?” I asked.

  Abby shook her head and smiled. “Of course.”

  She reached out and took my hand. I felt a jolt as her hand made contact with mine. I spared one final smile for Tiffany and then I was pulled inside the gym. A gym that made me feel like I’d been transported back in time to a dance from my teenage years.

  Music pumped from a DJ set up on one side of the gym. He had one of those lighting setups, the kind that made any small-town school dance seem like you were at a club if you were too young to realize what it was actually like going to a club. There was a table full of food set up against one end with people were milling about it. What looked like a bar with an actual bartender stood next to the food table. Tables were set up on the other side of the dance floor from the DJ, though it was early enough that those were still pretty sparsely populated. In between the DJ and the tables was a wide expanse of gym floor that had been turned into a dance floor. There weren’t many people out there either, not yet, but already a few brave souls were out dancing to the hits from back when we were kids.

  Though I suppose they were quickly going from hits to golden oldies. Sure we hadn’t quite hit thirty yet, but it already felt like things were moving faster and faster. It seemed like it was just yesterday that I’d listen to some of these same songs blasting on my car stereo while I was giving people rides home from school.

  Time flies when you’re having fun, I suppose.

  Abby’s neck craned this way and that as she looked around the gym. I smiled to myself as I realized what she was doing. She wasn’t paying any attention to me except for the hand she had wrapped around my own.

  I figured if Abby was going to ignore me to look around and try to find her old boyfriend then I’d do a little bit of the same. I looked out across the dance floor but I didn’t see him out there. Of course I also had no way of knowing what he looked like these days. Ten years could make for a lot of changes in a person. For all I knew he started putting on weight the moment he got out of high school and now he was a fat slob who did nothing but play video games from his permanent spot on the couch in his parents’ basement.

  But something told me that wasn’t the case. Something about the way Abby was looking around for him made me think he was still in just as good a shape now as he’d been back in school. He didn’t strike me as the kind of guy to let himself go for some reason.

  I looked over towards the food but he wasn’t there either. I glanced through the tables but didn’t see him. Of course that didn’t mean he wasn’t there. There were still plenty of people streaming in through the front door and the place was starting to fill up with a pretty good-sized crowd. It would be easy for him to get lost in that growing crowd.

  I glanced over to the bar. It seemed to be a popular destination. I was surprised the school allowed them to set up a bar, but whatever. Maybe they were allowed to bend some rules in a small town like this. No sign of him at the bar either.

  “You want to get a seat and I’ll get you a drink honey?” I asked.

  Abby nodded at me distractedly. “Sure, that’s fine.”

  If only she knew what I knew about why she was so distracted. But I wasn’t going to give up the game. Not yet. Not when I didn’t even know what pieces were on the game board yet.

  So I moved over to the bar while she sat down at one of the tables. It was empty, but I had a feeling that wasn’t going to last very long. Tables were filling up with people chatting and catching up with one another.

  I was surpr
ised at how cheap the drinks were. I guess the cost of living really went way down when you weren’t in the city. I tipped the bartender and turned to make my way back to the table with a drink balanced in each hand. The place was really starting to fill up now. I was surprised, but I guess I shouldn’t have been. This was probably the kind of place where a lot of people never actually bothered to leave town like Abby did. Most of the people in her class were probably still locals which made reunion just a drive down the street for most of them instead of the hour long road trip we took.

  I shook my head as I thought of that. It was so different from what I was used to. The kind of school where everybody knew everyone else’s name. I’d never had that when I was growing up. I actually liked being able to blend into the crowd. To be perfectly honest being surrounded by a bunch of people who’d known each other for most of their lives was slightly intimidating for me considering I had my own decently sized group of friends but I couldn’t have identified most of the people I graduated with.

  I made my way through the rapidly filling tables and stopped as I saw what was happening at our table.

  He was there. David. Looking down at my wife with a smile on his face and a cowboy hat of all things on his head. And she was looking up at him with a huge smile on her face as well. As I stood there she reached out and ran a hand along his arm, but she quickly drew it away. I couldn’t believe it. Had that actually just happened? Did I really just see that or had this fantasy finally pushed me to hallucinations?

  I was so transfixed that I almost didn’t want to interrupt them. We’d both been so busy looking for him and it seemed he was able to find her with no problem whatsoever. I took a deep breath to try and calm myself. My heart was threatening to beat out of my chest. I was definitely on the verge of hyperventilating. It was happening. They were together right in front of me.

  It was almost too much for me. My cock was rock hard almost to the point of splitting my pants right down the front. My cock was in severe danger of blowing a load right there as I watched them with fascination. I needed to get control of myself. I needed to have full control of my senses if I was going to navigate this minefield.

  I took one more deep breath and moved forward towards my wife and her ex-boyfriend.

  7: Old Flame

  I plastered a huge dopey grin on my face as I got closer. “I’ve got your drink honey! A Bacardi just like you… Oh! Who’s your friend? Is someone you went to high school with?”

  Abby’s reaction was priceless. She turned and looked at me with wide eyed panic in her face. She knew that I knew who David was. She knew how jealous I could get when she mentioned him. Maybe she thought I didn’t realize who he was. It was the kind of panicked look that would have me wondering just why my wife was reacting like that if she was just talking with her old boyfriend. Hell, that’s the reaction I would have had a month ago when I was still the kind of husband who got jealous.

  Of course now I was the kind of husband who got off on that jealousy, so I was perfectly fine with her talking with him. She just didn’t know it yet.

  I squinted at him and really played it up. “Wait a minute, I know you! David?” I turned to Abby. “Old boyfriend David? Right?”

  David’s reaction was entirely different from Abby’s. He turned and smiled at me with a cool confidence. He seemed entirely in his element, and why not? He’d been the unquestioned ruler of this school back in the day. Top dog, the man in charge. I’m sure there were probably still trophies in the trophy case from back when he was a big man on campus. I thought Abby said something about them winning state championships or some other nonsense like that thanks to him. I’d never actually paid all that much attention when she started talking about him to be perfectly honest.

  I just knew that small towns like this probably wore every trophy they won like a badge of honor. It probably wasn’t very often they got a state championship after all. Hell, I’m sure this hometown hero was probably still cock of the walk if he lived around here. Probably got free beer and all that crap.

  Whatever. He might be the big man in this small town, but I was the one who had Abby. I’m sure that thought galled him as he looked me up and down, even if he did look like a cool customer. I could see a flash of heat in his eyes. Yeah, there was definitely a little bit of animosity there. But let him bring it.

  Of course he also had no idea that I was very interested in seeing him and Abby together. I had to play this cool. I had to play this just right. Most of all I had to play it off like I was still that ignorant son of a bitch.

  “This is a David honey,” Abby said, some tension still in her voice. “You remember me talking about him, right?”

  “I thought that was him!” I said. I slapped him on the back and he smiled. There was still a slight flash of anger there as I touched him, but he was very good at covering it up quickly. “You two used to be sweethearts, right? Puppy love and all that?”

  I held my hand on his shoulder. He was still every bit as muscular as he’d probably been back in the day, but I figured I was definitely a match for him. I made sure to give his shoulder a good squeeze as I held his gaze.

  The message I was sending was clear. Puppy love. He might’ve had her back then, but I had her now. I figured it was best to throw in a little bit of a reminder that I was Abby’s husband before I even considered let the bombshell drop. If I let the bombshell drop. That thought still twisted my stomach, and I was still unsure of exactly how far I wanted things to go. Better to see where the evening took us. To wing it and feel things out.

  “Something like that man,” David said.

  An easy smile split his face and then that animosity was gone. He held out a hand to shake and I took it, only it appeared that maybe we weren’t quite measuring dicks just yet. He gave my hand a squeeze and I returned it in kind with a huge smile of my own.

  I heard a disgusted noise to the left and slightly down. I looked down to my gorgeous wife looking up at us rolling her eyes. “Men!”

  “I was just stopping by to say hi to your wife,” David said. “Catch up on old times, but I can go.”

  I clapped him on in the back again. “Nonsense! Why don’t you two keep catching up? Don’t let me get in the way.”

  He looked down at Abby and her face drained of color for a moment. She looked between the two of us as though she couldn’t believe I’d just made that invitation. Not that I could blame her considering how I’d reacted to talk of him in the past. Of course inviting him to join us at the table was nothing compared to some of the potential surprises I had in store for her tonight.

  I wanted to laugh as she looked up at me as though I’d sprouted a second head. She knew exactly how I felt about her talking about David, or at least she knew how I used to feel about her talking about David. Well, things had changed. They’d changed in a major way.

  Abby just didn’t know it yet.

  David was more than happy to take the invitation. He quickly took a seat next to Abby and I sat down on the other side. She looked between the two of us as though unsure of herself, but then she sort of shrugged and turned her attention back to David as I slipped her drink in front of her. I planned on keeping those drinks coming. Not out of any insidious plan to get her drunk or anything, I definitely wasn’t going to make my wife do anything she didn’t want to do, but I wanted to make sure there was plenty of social lubrication at the table at the very least.

  “So what have you been up to in the past decade?” Abby asked.

  “Oh you know,” he said. “I did the small-town hero thing for a few years. I screwed around working on my dad’s farm and getting drunk every weekend with people who were more than willing to buy me a drink because of the whole state championship thing.”

  I smiled as I took a drink. Exactly what I’d expected. I was surprised my assessment before coming out to the reunion had been so eerily accurate, but it didn’t seem like he was done.

  “Then I decided to shape up. Started my own bu
siness and everything.”

  Abby arched an eyebrow. “Your own business? Really? What do you do?”

  I leaned forward. Now this was interesting. This definitely wasn’t part of the narrative of the sports hero who peaked in high school. I was surprised to realize that I was genuinely interested in what this guy had been doing over the past decade. He had an easy-going confidence about him. I’d only known him for a few minutes but already he seemed like one of those people who it was really difficult to dislike. Even if I had been jealous of him for a few years now. Even if I had been thinking of nothing but him fucking my wife for the past month.

  I guess him being such a likable son of a bitch made that fantasy a little easier, now that I thought about it.

  “Horses,” he said. “Little girls love horses, so I run a camp where they get to come out and have the whole experience. Learn how to ride. Get to be on a horse for the first time. They can go anywhere from a day to a week and it’s been pretty popular. Especially with the whole upper middle class set from the city. They eat that stuff up.”

  “Really?” Abby asked.

  He chuckled. “Yup. Those types love nothing more than to pay top dollar to send their little girls out into the middle of nowhere to learn how to ride. I guess it’s something people think rich people do, so I give the not so rich, but rich enough, a little taste of that lifestyle.”

  I blinked. “That’s actually pretty damn clever!”

  David tipped his cowboy hat at me and grinned. “Glad you like it. I thought it was pretty damn clever myself.”

  “So how much do you charge for this camp?” Abby asked.

  “Why? You thinking of coming out to the farm for a ride?” he asked with an easygoing smile on his face and a twinkle in his eye.

  Abby’s face turned bright red and I nearly choked on my whiskey and soda. I started coughing and sputtering and Abby had to smack my back a couple of times before air started going down into my lungs like it was supposed to.

  For his part David sat back with his arms behind his head and chuckled. I’m sure he was getting exactly the reaction he’d intended with that remark. Now if only he knew just how hard my cock was thinking about him and my wife going for a ride out on that farm!


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