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Ten Year Reunion: A Hotwife Novel

Page 7

by Lexi Archer

  Abby turned back to David and it sounded like she was trying to be serious, but she was also cracking a smile even as I started to laugh once I got enough of the whiskey out of my lungs to really take a breath.

  “David! I’m a married woman now.”

  Things were definitely shaping up nicely. Things were definitely going in the direction I’d fantasized about but didn’t quite dare to hope for. Of course it was a long shot from him making slightly off-color remarks about my wife to him getting in bed with my wife. There were a whole lot of moving parts that had to go into motion before we went from a point A to point fuck, but even if that never happened this was going to be more than enough to fuel my fantasies for a good long while!

  Abby looked out on the dance floor and suddenly I felt her hand around mine. I felt myself being pulled up. Abby turned and looked down at a David.

  “I’m going to dance with my husband,” she said. Putting extra emphasis on the “husband” part of that sentence. “And maybe when we come back you’ll be able to behave yourself.”

  David held up his hands, suddenly looking apologetic. “Come on Abby. I was just trying to be funny!”

  “I know exactly what you were trying to do,” Abby said, a little bit of heat coming to her voice. I blinked at that. Maybe there were hidden depths to their relationship I wasn’t aware of. Maybe they’d broken up for more than just the reason she gave me. For more than the distance. “Now you sit there and think about being a little nicer.”

  Then I found myself being pulled out onto the dance floor. Though, truth be told, I wanted nothing more than to be back at that table. I wanted to see where that particular bit of back and forth between Abby and her ex-boyfriend was going. Only it seemed like she had no intention of indulging in that back and forth.

  Which was also fine. If she wasn’t comfortable, if she was pissed off, then I’d let her work that out. To be perfectly honest I was starting to wonder if maybe it had been a mistake to invite him to sit at our table like that. Maybe I’d let thinking with my dick get in the way of thinking with my rational mind. Maybe thinking with the brain down below had made me oblivious to warning cues Abby was sending my way.

  As luck would have it a slow song started just as Abby and I made our way out to the dance floor. It was a song that immediately took me back to middle school dances, though back then I’d been something of an ugly duckling before sports and a newly discovered obsession with the gym had transformed me into the handsome muscular swan I was today.

  Abby fixed me with a sharp angry glance as soon as we were out there, as soon as her arms wrapped around my shoulders and mine moved around her waist pulling her against me. She felt so incredible in that dress. Her body felt so incredible pressing against mine. Even if nothing else happened this weekend I was glad I’d convinced her to come to this shindig if I got the chance to dance with her like this. Sure we’d danced before at college parties, or when we went out to dance clubs, but there was something different about the experience now.

  Of course there was still that angry expression on her face.

  “What the hell Brandon?”

  I decided to play innocent. I didn’t think it would work, but a guy could try. “What are you talking about honey?”

  “You know exactly what I’m talking about!” she hissed. Even though the music was pumping it seemed like she wanted make sure this conversation was only between the two of us. “You can’t stand David, at least you always seemed to get upset when I brought him up, and now you’re inviting him to sit with us at our table!”

  I shrugged. “I figured I should be nice to the guy. You know, be magnanimous in victory.”

  She arched an eyebrow. “Victory? So was I some sort of a battle prize and I didn’t know it?”

  There was a dangerous undercurrent to her words. There was a tone there that told me I was moving through very dangerous territory. Very dangerous indeed. And for the second or third time that day I felt that strange burning sensation rising. That strange lightheadedness as I found my mind telling the rest of me that now was the time to just tell her already. To come out with everything.

  “Okay,” I said.

  We moved around the dance floor, though when I say we moved around the dance floor it really was more of the awkward shuffling twirl that you think of when you think about an old school dance. Arms around each other moving in a circle without any real moves. It was amazing how the simple act of coming to a reunion could cause both of us to regress like that. Maybe she was into re-creating the old school dance experience with me as well.

  Abby prodded me. “Okay? That sounded like you were about to say something.”

  I took in a deep breath and sighed. “Okay, so maybe in the past I got a little more jealous than was strictly necessary.”

  “A little?”

  “So maybe it was a lot more jealous than I had any right to be.”

  Her eyes widened in shock. That was one hell of an admission considering how annoyed I used to get when she brought him up. Considering how I was reacting now that we were face-to-face with him. And suddenly I was seeing things from her point of view. I was seeing her imagining coming to the reunion, imagining the two of us meeting, imagining the kind of blowup she no doubt expected from me considering my past behavior. And I realized what an ass I’d been, regardless of this fantasy. I was the one she’d decided to marry, the one she decided to be with forever, and that in itself should’ve been enough to calm any jealousy I might have felt.

  Only it hadn’t been enough. And she had to deal with me acting like a complete prick whenever her old boyfriend came up.

  Suddenly I felt like a raging asshole.

  “I’m so sorry.”

  And I really meant it. There must have been something in my voice, something in the way I sounded, because her face softened. It seemed she could tell I actually meant it this time. That I wasn’t just saying I was sorry for the convenience of ending an argument quickly.

  We twirled around one another for a few more minutes. People surrounded us, but as far as I was concerned we were off in our own little world. And I was really enjoying that little world we were off in. Especially with the way her legs were pressing up against me seductively, the way my hand was moving down to cup her ass.

  And I suddenly remembered why I was here. What I’d been fantasizing about. I glanced over towards the table saw him there. There were other people at the table now, though our spots had been protected. Only he wasn’t talking and laughing with any of them. No, he was staring straight at us. He had an unreadable expression on his face, but I could only imagine what was running through his head. I could only project what he must be feeling based on how I’d feel if I was in his position, watching my wife dance with some strange man. I could only imagine the mixture of jealousy and arousal coursing through him, a mixture of arousal and jealousy that probably wasn’t that different from the same mixture of arousal and jealousy I used to feel whenever Abby brought David up.

  I turned back to Abby and saw she’d followed my gaze over to David. Now she was looking up at me and there was definitely a question on her face.

  “You’re not telling me everything.”

  “I’m not.”

  “Brandon… What the hell is going on?”

  I took another deep breath. Let out another sigh. I felt like I was on the verge of passing out I was so incredibly turned on. I was so incredibly worried about how she might react.

  “Does it have to do with me in this dress? With you wanting me to dress sexy? Does David have something to do with it? Is that why you wanted this?”

  I was amazed at how easily she could hit right at the heart of the matter. How easy it was for her to figure me out. It was as though I was an open book and she could flip to any page she wanted at any moment and know exactly what it was I was planning.


  “You wanted me to look sexy for him?”


  “Are yo
u sure you’re okay? Is that the whole reason we’re here?”

  “Yes, and yes.”

  Abby stared up at me but she wasn’t looking at me as though I’d sprouted a second head. She wasn’t looking at me as though I was crazy. She only looked curious, and perhaps a bit turned on? She had that thin mysterious smile.

  “I knew something like that was going on! I knew it!”

  I blinked. “You knew?”

  Abby ran a finger down my chest as she pressed her body against me, as a she subtly started grinding her pussy against my rock hard cock. “You can’t hide much from me baby. Even when you think you’re being sneaky.”

  “I don’t know what it is. It’s like all the jealousy, all the anger I feel when I think about you with him is somehow turned to arousal. The thought of you and him together just gets me going. It makes my cock rock hard.”

  “Well that explains how wild things have been for the past few weeks,” she said.

  “Yeah, that has a lot to do with it.”

  The song was coming to an end. Soon enough we’d be done, we’d be heading back over to the table. And now she knew just how hot it got me when she was with him. Just how turned on I’d been over the past couple of weeks thinking of her getting with her old boyfriend. The question was how would that change things? Or would it change things at all?

  “You’re sure it turns you on?” she asked.

  “Yes,” I managed to get out, though it was more of a strangled gasp than actual words. I couldn’t believe we were having this conversation. I couldn’t believe I was actually admitting this to my wife!

  “So if I was a little naughty you wouldn’t mind?”

  I brought our dance to a halt as the song played out its last few bars. People started coming apart on the dance floor and moving back to the tables or getting ready for the next number. I looked down at my gorgeous wife as she looked up at me, the bright light from the DJ’s equipment reflecting on her eyes. A naughty smile played across her face. She was so fucking beautiful.

  This was one of those moments. One of those defining moments in life. My answer would affect the course of tonight, the course of this weekend, hell it was going to affect the course of our whole relationship! I felt weak in the knees. Holding onto Abby was the only thing that was keeping me steady. My scalp was tingling. My stomach was twisting into nervous knots that made me think I was either about to blow my load against my wife’s gorgeous body and dress or I was going to puke in the middle of the dance floor.

  It was the same reaction I had every time I was about to make a major life altering decision. It was the same way I’d felt when I proposed to Abby. When I asked her for that first dance at a house party so many years ago.

  I opened my mouth. “I don’t think I’d mind at all.”

  Abby smiled and took my hand. Led me back to the table where David was waiting.

  8: Forbidden Dance

  I was ridiculously keyed up by the time we made it back to the table. Abby sat beside David and turned to smile at me. She reached down and put a hand on my thigh under the table, then her hand started moving up.

  David looked at her and raised an eyebrow.

  “God that was fun out there on the dance floor,” Abby said. “It reminds me of some of the old times we had. You remember those, right David?”

  David opened his mouth and looked as though he was about to say something, but the only thing that came out was a strangled gasp. His eyes widened in surprise and I wondered what the hell was going on. Then I realized I couldn’t see my wife’s other hand. I felt her hand move up and then her fingers danced lightly along my cock. She turned back to me and her eyes were positively twinkling even as my cock twitched while I imagined exactly what she might be doing to get him to look surprised like that.

  Where the hell was her other hand?”

  “Yeah, we had some pretty good times in this gym,” he said.

  “Mmm,” she purred. “Really good times.”

  She held my gaze as she said that, leaving absolutely no doubt as to exactly what she was talking about.

  Damn! How far was she going to take this? I was starting to feel that mixture of nerves and arousal again, though arousal was definitely winning the day. How far did I want this to go? How far was too far?

  We hadn’t reached “too far” yet. I didn’t know when we would reach that point, or if I’d even know it when we got there.

  I reached down and picked up my drink, took a deep swig of it. It burned as it went down, it was really more whiskey than soda. I turned back to my wife. I didn’t say anything. I wanted to see what she was planning.

  “I’ve got a great idea!”

  Abby’s face lit up as though something had just occurred to her, though I had an inkling that it hadn’t just occurred to her. I had a pretty good idea it was something she’d been thinking about since we stepped off the dance floor.

  “How about we go out and have a dance for old time’s sake?” She turned to me and there was a pout on her face. “You wouldn’t mind, would you honey?”

  David grunted as though he was trying to keep something under control. I had no doubt exactly what it was he was trying to conceal, exactly what it was he was trying to keep under control. Because I was trying to do the very same thing as my wife’s hand danced up and down my cock. I couldn’t believe this. We were in the middle of her old school’s gym, she was talking about going out on the dance floor and getting with this guy who I’d been so jealous of for so many years, and I had a pretty good idea that she was also practically jerking him off under the table.

  I still couldn’t see her hand, at least.

  I opened my mouth to respond but I had a hard time actually getting the words out. “I suppose that would be fine.”

  Abby smiled and winked at me. Then she turned to David. “Sound fun to you David?”

  David looked between us with disbelief written plainly on his face. And that look of disbelief coupled with what my wife’s hand was doing was almost enough to make me blow my load in my pants. Only that was the last thing I should be doing right now. I forced myself to move my hand up, place it on Abby’s, and stop her from continuing her up-and-down motion under the table. She grinned, her eyes twinkling, but she stopped. Apparently she didn’t want me blowing my load just yet either. I was astonished at the amount of self-control I had, especially considering how she’d been teasing me all day. Especially considering the incredibly amazingly sexy turn that this reunion had taken, but there it was.

  “Then it’s settled!” Abby said. “Come on David. Out on the dance floor now!”

  And like a whirlwind my gorgeous wife in her tight dress was moving out onto the gym floor with David. A faster song was playing this time and they were quickly dancing awkwardly with several feet in between them.

  “You’re a braver man than me,” someone said to one side. I turned and blinked. Tiffany was sitting right next to me. I’d been so preoccupied with what was going on with Abby and David that I hadn’t even realized she was sitting next to me.

  “What you mean?”

  “After all the history between the two of them? Letting them go out on the dance floor like that? Let’s just say I wouldn’t be big enough to let my husband do that if I was a married woman and he had the sort of relationship they had.”

  I shrugged. “Well she did marry me, after all.”

  Tiffany chuckled. “I suppose she did, but still.”

  She nodded out towards the dance floor and I turned back. My breath caught and I had to remind myself to take in a breath as I saw them coming together. I couldn’t believe it, and yet there it was. It was as though everything I’d been dreaming of, every forbidden fantasy I’d had running through my head over the past month since she mentioned the reunion, was starting to come together out there on that dance floor.

  They danced to some boy band that had been popular back when we were in school and largely forgotten since. I couldn’t even tell you their name, thoug
h Abby could probably name off all the members of the band, their major interests, and what clothes they wore in their Tiger Beat interview back in the day. She’d been a full on boy band fangirl back in the day, and that still carried over to some of her playlists when she was alone in the car.

  Of course I wasn’t concerned with contemporary music from my youth that had since become forgotten oldies. No, I was more interested in how they were dancing.

  They’d started out apart from one another, looking for all the world like a couple at one of those old school dances who weren’t quite sure about getting close. You know the look. Only now any awkwardness, any hesitation, had faded completely. I heard Tiffany snicker beside me as they came together on the dance floor. I was completely transfixed watching them.

  Abby threw a leg up and he caught it, and then they were practically grinding together on the dance floor. They weren’t the only ones out there grinding to this particular song, all of these people seemed to have reverted to some of their baser emotions as soon as they got out on the gym floor. Maybe there was something about being in their old haunt that was causing everybody to act like a bunch of horny teenagers again. I guess I couldn’t really tell having no basis of comparison since my ten year reunion was still a year away.

  David’s hands ran up and down Abby’s body and from the look on her face she was enjoying the attention. Though when I say they were rubbing up and down her body they didn’t quite make it to forbidden territory. He never quite tried to cop a feel of her tits, though they were rubbing against his chest quite nicely thank you very much. His hand also never quite made it down to squeeze her ass, which both relieved and disappointed me. I figured if I was going to get some fantasy material out of this forbidden dance then they might as well go all the way, but I was also relieved that he seemed somewhat reluctant to get too handsy with my wife.


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