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Page 18

by A M Raulerson

  “Thank you for coming,” I say with a smile as I step out of our hug. “Hey, you're feeding me, man. That’s all the thanks I need.” The smile on Aaron’s face shows me he means exactly what he says. Feed the man, and he’s happy.

  Even after I stopped needing Aaron as a t herapist, which hadn’t taken as long as David, he stayed in my life. A friend I can count on. And if I need it, a few phone calls or meetings. Aaron has a way of adopting you as one of his ‘special ones’ as he calls them. He never really lets you go. You’ll always be an extended member of the family.

  “That’s right. All you ever want is the food! We’re just the extras.” I laugh, knowing it’s far from the truth.

  “I hope you don’t really mean that. You come first, but food is a close second.” The smile on his face is matched with a lifted eyebrow. The question there to make sure I know I’ll always come before the food. I nod back, getting the jist. Aaron may joke, but he’s always watching for the words that aren’t said, conscious of the feelings under the words that are actually spoken. He’s always studying body language, and facial expressions, he always says ‘eyes are a gateway to the soul’.

  “So, where is everyone? I’m the one out at the club till late last night so if anyone should still be sleeping it should be me!” Aaron pretends to be insulted while he grabs a hot pancake off the stack I’m cooking. If I want to fill that man up, I have to make sure I have enough food.

  “Well, if I have to guess, Simon is down at the stables. Once he’s done he’ll be up here. David, being David, he’s telling Justin you’ll be here so he isn’t surprised, explaining why we want you to be here and that he won’t be forced to do or say anything. Justin needs to be in control right now, and if he doesn’t want to talk to you he doesn’t have to.” The warning isn’t needed, but it’s there all the same.

  “Well of course he won’t. Therapy isn’t about me digging around in his head willy nilly, making him tell me all the nasty bits. It’s about what he wants, what he needs. No one can heal if they aren’t in the driver’s seat. I’m just along for the ride, giving directions if they’re lost.” I realize Aaron heard David and Justin nearing the kitchen. The words had been specifically for Justin, said loudly so as to be overheard. The picture Aaron makes with words simplifies his job down to something more acceptable, and makes it seem less threatening.

  As David walks over the threshold Justin lags behind, worry on his face. The comical look on his face when he finally sees Aaron is priceless, making David and I roll with laughter. It’s the same look on most people’s faces who hear about Aaron before actually meeting him.

  “You're a Dom?” Justin slaps his hand over his mouth, looking terrified at speaking what amounts to an insult. Aaron practically falls off his stool, now laughing just as hard as we are.

  “Everyone says the same thing, but you my dear, have to be the prettiest!” Aaron winks, his bright amber eyes twinkling. “You better get over here and start eating before I finish all this by myself. I may be a little smaller than most, but I can put away a lot of groceries. I’m a bottomless pit, just ask Charlie.”

  “He isn’t kidding. I have never seen anyone eat more in my life! How he keeps that manly figure of his I cannot, and will not guess.” David is already pulling himself onto his stool and just nods, piling food on his own plate, and bumping hands with Aaron when they went for the same biscuit. Justin stands in the doorway for another minute before deciding he’s hungry enough not to care, and pulls up his own stool.

  Watching Aaron’s face while he watches Justin, I see the same look I got when Aaron first met me. It says everything. Justin will be another ‘special one’ to him. Looking up and meeting my eyes, Aaron is determined. Nodding his head in affirmation, he sees what I did the first time I saw Justin digging in the dumpster behind the restaurant. Fear and pain yes, but the anger Justin uses as a defense covers a soft, broken heart and soul. If anyone can help him it’ll be Aaron. The love and attention David and I are giving him will only help so much.

  The backdoor opens and I can hear Simon talking to Molly in the mudroom closet. I forgot to make a plate for her. Quickly snagging two pieces of ham and a big scoop of eggs, I cut up the ham to make it easier for her to eat. Thinking she might like the gravy I put a small amount over the eggs and ham. She’s still

  undernourished, and with the puppies nursing she’ll be twice as hungry, and need the extra calories. Looking up at Justin, I figure letting him take Molly her breakfast might be a good idea. He needs a break.

  “Justin, babe. Would you mind taking this food to Molly? She has to be starving.” Smiling at him gently, I hold out the plate. Justin practically snatches the plate and scurries out of the room, stuffing a pancake in his mouth as he goes. This is probably the best time to gloss over Justin’s nightmare to Aaron. I don’t want to abuse the trust Justin gave us, but giving hints as to what Aaron should expect might be a good idea. But David gives me a look, turning towards Aaron. I know that look. David will be the one to tell him what he thinks will help without abusing that trust. He and I are definitely on the same page there, so I don’t worry about it.

  “We, of course won't tell you what Justin said, and I know you understand that. He’s the one who has to tell you what he wants you to know. This is so very hard for all of us, I want to tell you everything. I want to rush in and save him, but I know I can’t. He’s hurting and we can all see it, but can’t do anything about it. I don’t think I’ve felt this useless in a long time. There’s nothing for me to do to fix him.”

  “You're wrong, David. You're doing everything to fix him. You're here, supporting him, giving him the security and love he needs to heal. He’s got something I don’t think he’s ever had before, if I’m right, which, I usually am.” Aaron’s eyes are sad. He doesn’t want to be right, but he is. Justin has a long road to recovery in front of him.

  “David, he trusts you. Can you think of how monumental that will be for someone who’s never had it before? Never had someone he can lay his burdens down around? Never been able to relax knowing that nothing will happen to him? I can see the walls he’s trying to keep up, but you're here and he trusts you. All of you. He’s finally got someone who cares whether he lives or dies.”

  “What are you using, your Choctaw magic?” David laughs, but there’s still pain and desperation on his face. I want this to be a simple fix, but I know it won’t be.

  “It doesn’t take magic to see what’s going on between all of you. There’s devotion in that boy's eyes as he looks at each of you. The pain is there, yes, but when he looks at you? David he can take a full breath and relax for a moment. That kind of trust is fragile at first, but is all the stronger in the end. There will be ups and downs, you both know that, so you can help him. I want to sit down with just you and Justin, David. I think the less stress and pressure the better. We can always bring you in later, Charlie, but David is his Dom for right now and he needs that strength for this first meeting.” I’m a little worried, but I understand what Aaron is saying. I still want to be there, to be able to comfort Justin if he needs it, but he’s right, I might be a distraction. Starting the massive cleanup in the kitchen will distract me, so I get started.

  ************** Master David I’m concerned, about Justin yes, but I see the look on One’s face when Aaron says it needs to be Justin and I for this first time. Looking Aaron in the eyes, I cock my head toward the front of the house. Aaron can find the right room to have this first meeting. Slipping off my stool I come up behind One, wrapping my arms around him and laying my cheek against his.

  “Sometimes the best help you can give is the hardest to do. I know you want to be there, to cuddle and comfort him. But I’ll be there One, and he’ll be safe with me.” Rubbing my growing hard on into One’s ass I hear a soft whimper.

  “Oh, is One a little sore after his punishment last night?”I ask pushing my cock against his ass. “Master will take care of One later.” This time the whimper is more of a
moan. Running my hand down One’s abdomen, sliding my hand inside his sweatpants, I find One without underwear.

  “Oh, what a good boy you are. Master has free access to One’s cock.” Pulling on One’s cock, I hear a noise to my left. Looking at Justin, I smile.

  “One, we have a voyeur. Two, do you want to watch? Do you want to see Master make One cum?” I’m surprised when Two shakes his head no; but a moment later I’m floored with his answer as to why. “No, Master. I want to make him come with my mouth again. Can I please, Master? Please?” Two’s eyes are glowing softly, the desire plain on his face. Motioning for him to come closer and turning with One still in my arms, I’m now pressing my back against the counter.

  “Take his pants down Two, with your teeth. Make him feel your mouth against him, feel you brushing against his cock. Tease him, but don’t put him in your mouth yet.” Seeing the light in Two’s eyes makes my heart turn over in my chest.

  Loving the view over One’s shoulder, and watching Two have fun, I have an arm thrown over his chest and the other hand on his burning ass cheeks. The groans and moans coming from One could be from either one of them. One is now trapped between his Master and Two, just where we want him.

  Two is nuzzling softly, brushing the scruff of his chin against One’s cock, teasing his tongue over the head. Breathing on it, but refusing to take it in his mouth has One thrusting forward, whimpering, and wanting him to put him out of his misery. I said no, and Two is following my order no matter how hard One thrusts against his mouth.

  “Is he dripping pre come yet, Two?” Looking up at me, and slowly nodding, Two’s eyes have gone soft and glassy. He’s enjoying this as much as One is, small moans coming from him every time One thrusts up against him, covering Two’s face with pre come.

  Slowly lifting One’s right leg up high enough that Two c an reach his hole, I start to chuckle as the position finally dawns on both One and Two. Two looks up at me, checking to make sure this is what I want. Nodding for him to begin I hold One’s leg, knowing just what will happen.

  I can tell the moment Two’s tongue hits One’s hole. One throws his head against my shoulder hard and has me chuckling again. Two looks at me, definitely excited by this new treat.

  “Oh Fuck, Master. Oh shit, let him do it. Fuck.” There’s a reason I have gags. One has a problem being quiet sometimes. But now I want him to make as much noise as possible. It’ll warn Aaron and Simon not to come in. And it excites Two, if you were to go by the look in his eyes.

  “Are you liking this, Two? Do you see how much One likes what you're doing?” All Two does is nod quickly and dart back in.

  “Oh shit...oh yes!...I love it, Two...Oh shit...” One is losing his ability to speak, but I’m not done with him yet. “Use his pre come, rub it in, then lick it off, Two. Use your tongue to press it inside him, get it in as far as you can.” One loves being rimmed, it drives him crazy to feel a tongue rub inside his hole. I love watching him fall apart with pleasure. It won’t be too long before One is begging to cum.

  Taking One’s arm, having him grip his own th igh and holding it high, I want to play too. Rubbing up and down One’s chest slowly and circling his nipples, I suddenly use my fingernails to pinch the tips. Pinching hard, One almost screams, panting heavily.

  “Oh Shit! I don’t think I can hold it, Master! Please...please...please!” “Not yet One! Not until I say. Tell me what you're feeling,” I demand, tormenting One. He’s never been very good at speaking while he’s flying high. It takes concentration, but that’ll stave off his orgasm for a little while longer.

  “Oh God! His tongue...Shit… Master, please!”

  SMACK!!! I slap the inside of the leg One is holding up. The scream and thrust of his hips lets me know that, while it’s punishment and it hurt like hell, it felt good too. The inside of One’s thighs, and the spot right where his ass cheek meets his thigh are some of the most sensitive areas on One. I admire the red hand print I left on his creamy white skin.


  I lay another hand print on One’s thigh slightly higher this time. I’m getting close to his cock and balls, and I know One is nervous. “One do you want me to spank your cock? Do you want Master to spank your balls? Have you been a good boy for Master today? Why don’t we ask Two. Tell Two what you want, One. You won’t get it until you convince him to say yes. His tongue is in your hole so you’ll have to convince him to stop. To watch while Master spanks your cock and balls. Beg him, One.” My voice is a quiet, silky murmur, just loud enough for One and Two to hear. Leaving me chuckling as One thrusts his hips toward Two’s face, an involuntary thrust at the mention of spanking his cock.

  “Shit. I... I think I want that. God, Two, I want it please. Please. I want to feel it, I want to know I’ve pleased, Master. Please. I want you to watch, Two. Want it so bad. Please.” One’s voice gets louder, begging and moaning from the rim job that Two is giving him. Looking into Two’s eyes and smiling, letting Two know he really does want it. Pushing his tongue through One’s outer ring one more time and enjoying his cry of pleasure, Two nods at me, pulling away a bit to watch with curiosity.

  “Say thank you, One. He was enjoying himself, but he stopped for you.” I’m so high from endorphins racing through my body, I almost miss the whispered, ‘Thank you’.

  We’d talked about this, playing with the idea of cock and ball torture, but hadn’t done it yet. This is One’s decision. He wants to try this, and is trusting that I won’t truly hurt him. Every time I think about the trust my two boys have given me, responsibility of not taking things too far, another swirling inferno of pleasure races through my veins.

  Two backs up just enough to be able to watch. I know, of course, that I can’t start off hard. Just like a regular spanking, you have warm up the skin first. I didn’t have to wonder if One really wants this. His cock stands proudly erect, showing just how much he wants it.

  “Keep fingering his hole, Two. We’re going to take this slow. One, I want you to use your left hand to hold your cock against your stomach. You’re to hold it, no playing or rubbing. Hold it out of the way. Master wants to play with your balls.” The dark and husky way my voice says those last words sends a full body shudder through One, but he immediately does what I say. Breathing hard, and moaning just from the mental picture he has from my words, he thrusts forward slightly when he feels Two begin to finger his hole again. A gentle huff of breath brushes against my cheek as he turns to bury his head in my neck.

  “Good boy, One. Now what are the words?” A question I always ask when starting something new, or doing a longer scene. I need to make sure Two also hears that One is in control, that if he wants to stop, everything stops.

  “Green for go, yellow for slow down, and red for stop.” One says panting his words out with a lack of breath. “And what happens if you say red? Am I angry? Do you get punished for saying any of those words, One? Tell Two what happens.”

  “You don’t get mad, you ask what happened to make me say red. When I say yellow, you ask what it is that might be too much. You want to know what feels good and what I don’t like. What pushes me too far so you don’t do it again.” Looking into Two’s eyes One smiles.

  “He loves us too much to really hurt us, to be cruel. He wants us t o feel good, pushes our boundaries. We have these words to protect all of us, and we have to trust each other. I have to know that if I say red, it stops right then. We may talk about why I didn’t like it, or maybe I liked certain things but not others. They are safety words so that none of us goes too far. Master trusts One and Two to use the words if we need to, just like One and Two can trust Master to follow them.” Two nods, that he understands.

  SMACK!!! I leave another hand print right next to One’s balls. One jumps, shouting at the mixture of pleasure and pain. Running my fingers over the sensitized skin with one hand, I carefully slap One’s balls. Not more than a firm pat. I don’t want to go too fast, and I rub up and down his taint as One settles again. Once I feel O
ne relax again I draw my hand back again, slapping his balls a little harder this time, enough to cause One to inhale swiftly. Running just my fingertips up his taint and over his balls softly I need to know what One is feeling.

  “Where are you at, One? What color.” “Green! God please.” Chuckling I draw my hand back again, slapping hard enough to make him flinch and thrust against our hands.

  “Ungh! Shit, again please, Master. Oh please, Two, harder please!” Loving the desperation in One’s voice I nod at Two, giving him permission to follow what One wants. Two’s eyes are huge, dilated and soft looking. I watch as Two covers three fingers with the precum leaking all over One as he holds his cock against his stomach like I told him. I have to hold One tighter as Two pushes all three fingers in.

  “Fuck, Master...I can’t hold it!...I can’t! I can’t! I can’t!” I slap down hard on One’s balls one more time. “Now, One!” It’s all I have to say to have One shout with relief and a painful pleasure that has him bucking wildly as he comes all over his hand and stomach. He shakes with the power of his orgasm, crying out and moaning as his hips continued to thrust against Two’s fingers.

  “Do you want One to show you how much he liked what you did to him Two? Show him how good you feel, One.” Helping him down onto his hands and knees, One has Two’s pants unzipped and his cock in his mouth before he’s even stopped moaning from his own orgasm, swallowing him down and making Two moan and shiver, gasping for breath as One hums around his cock.

  “Master?” Two chokes out, barely able to hold back from cuming. “Good boy, Two. You did so good for One. I want you to cum, can you do that for Master, Two? Now!” Two bucks up into One’s mouth as he comes, crying out at the strength of it. He isn’t used to the feelings yet, but I’ll fix that. I have plans to pleasure Two for the rest of his life if he’ll let us.

  Sitting down on the floor behind Two, I pull him back into my chest, leaving plenty of room for One to slump into Two’s lap. I have two of the most important people in my life right where I want them.


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