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The Boys Next Door: An MFM Menage Romance

Page 12

by Miranda Silver

  She tried to pull his other hand to her throbbing mound, but he just pushed her own hand back in one easy movement and pinned it against her pillow. Diana squeezed his fingers, so close to coming that Ian’s pinches on her tight bud were almost enough to put her over the edge.

  “I need you, Ian,” she pleaded. “I need to come.”

  “You were doing so well when I got here.” His voice was husky against her ear. His warm male body pressed against her soft curves. He rubbed his thumb over her wrist and rolled her puckered nipple between his fingers, and she groaned. Her pussy was a pool of juices, desperate for his touch. “You had everything you needed, didn’t you, Diana? Why don’t you just go on. Play with your little pussy for me the way you like it.”

  “No, I want you.” God, she was begging, shamelessly, and he was making her do it. “Please, Ian, please…I just want you.”

  In the dim light, she could barely see his smile.

  Then she muffled a yelp in his shoulder as fingers met her eager pussy, finding her wetness again. Something was different —

  “Uhhh,” she groaned, her cunt spasming around thickness. His thumb, she realized. His thumb was filling her pussy, massaging her sensitive entrance, and his fingers were following the river of cream down between her cheeks.

  “Oh fuck,” she said out loud, forgetting to keep her voice down. “Ian—“

  Her ass clenched and fluttered around the tip of his finger. More fingers found her clit, teasing the hard little pearl. One arm surrounded her, holding her securely against him, as both his hands pleasured her.

  Was that shriek hers? She couldn’t— Her parents would wake up— Swiftly, Ian covered her lips with his, swallowing her cries, working his hot tongue into her mouth as his finger penetrated her ass.

  “Ian,” she gasped into his mouth. “That’s far enough—“

  Her rosebud clamped down, trapping his finger. Ian kept his hand in place, caressing her melting clit and twisting his thumb firmly inside her cunt. Her whole body tingled. She felt totally open to him, totally filled and totally in the palm of Ian’s hand.

  “It’s okay, Diana.” His voice was so comforting, so lulling, it could have been his brother’s. “It’s okay, baby. You can do this. Let me into your hot little ass.”

  She moaned softly, tense and excited, then let out a long sigh and relaxed against him. Without warning, her narrow channel relaxed too, opening to Ian’s finger, and he slipped deeper into her tight warmth.

  “Yesssss. That’s right.” He kissed her hotly. Diana arched her back, needing more now. “That’s so good. That’s perfect. You love this, baby,” he rasped, sounding like Ian again, but his tone was hypnotic. “I knew you would. You want to be fucked everywhere, don’t you? You need it so badly, you dirty girl.”

  “Yes,” she whispered, dazed.

  Ian’s finger in her ass was setting her aflame, stroking nerve endings she didn’t know she had. God, having his touch there felt shockingly intimate and somehow familiar and safe at the same time.

  Diana squeezed his hand between her thighs as his thumb and finger moved together inside her, massaging her pussy and ass, stretching her tightness. Her pussy was tingling, but her ass gripped his finger with a different kind of strength altogether. Her juices were soaking his hand.

  “Fuck, you’re tight and hot, baby,” he grunted softly.

  She buried her face in Ian’s warm neck again, tasting his sweat. His fingers on her clit sent jolts of need through her swollen cunt, and God, her ass — it felt so pleasurable, it was almost painful. So much…so good…so full.

  “Ian,” she panted. “Iaaan…”

  Everything swam in front of her eyes. The bed dropped away. It was just Ian, all around her, filling her completely. Oh God. It was more pleasure than she could take, and he just didn’t stop. All she could do was relax into his hands and open to him, more and more.

  She cried out into his neck, whimpering, as her orgasm washed over her in slow warm waves. Her juice-slicked cunt and ass rippled around his thick fingers, contracting again and again with glorious tightness.

  Finally, the sensations subsided. Slowly, even gently, Ian eased his fingers out of her. Panting for breath, she rested her head on his chest, feeling it rise and fall.

  The moon had risen, outlining her bookshelves and desk and dresser. Diana moved her head back onto the pillow to get a better look at Ian, although there wasn’t much light to go by. From this angle, she could just see the dark freckle under his left eye. She touched it lightly with a fingertip to make sure it was there, and that little smile tugged at his mouth.

  “What were you thinking?” she whispered, too relaxed right now to be irritated with him.

  “Who said I was thinking?” His grin widened.

  She tried to tug one of the pillows out from under his head so she could throw it at him, but Ian’s hand closed over the plump cotton, and anyway, it felt like too much effort right now. “Coming in here, making me guess like that.”

  “Just checking. To see if you were paying attention.” Now his dimples were showing.

  By all rights she should be blushing now, but the effects of the joint still lingered through her body. This had been another one of Ian’s pranks, that’s all. “And what if I thought you were Brendan?”

  Ian just nipped her neck, wedging his heavy leg firmly between her soft thighs.

  “Someone’s been a bad girl tonight,” he whispered. He cupped the swell of Diana’s breast, rubbing it underneath where it felt especially good, and she sighed, enjoying it too much to drag the conversation backward. “I can smell the weed on you. First time?”

  She tried to shrug casually. “How’d you guess?” A sudden tickle of panic curled through her stomach. “Do you think— My parents—“

  “Just take a shower in the morning. And put your fan in the window. I’ll do it.”

  He rolled out of bed. Diana watched him, naked in the sliver of moonlight, as he went to get her box fan from the corner. She couldn’t drag her eyes away from his easy movements, the play of light and shadows over his long body and sleek muscles.

  Jeez, he was so gorgeous, it hurt. The question she really wanted to ask was, What are you doing here — alone? But she had no idea what kind of answer she’d get.

  She cleared her throat. “What’s Brendan up to tonight?”

  Ian shrugged, maddeningly. “Stuff. We don’t keep tabs on each other all the time. We just give each other the rundown afterwards.”

  “I thought you were inseparable.”

  “Usually.” The slow grin he gave her made her insides turn over. He bent to plug the box fan in.

  “Have you guys ever had a fight?” she asked, suddenly curious. “Or do you just make agreements?”

  Ian looked over his shoulder, startled. He put the box fan in the window, turned it on, and climbed back into bed next to her.

  “Our last fight was when we were seven.” He lay back against the pillow. “I don’t remember what the hell it was about. We got mad about something and we started whaling on each other. Neither of us was winning. We just kept trying to beat the crap out of each other.” As he turned to her, his breath stirred her cheek. The box fan whirred, making lazy waves through the air. “In the end, we knew we couldn’t win that way. We’d just keep fighting forever. So we made an agreement to never fight again, and we never have.” A warm hand rested on her stomach. Ian’s voice was soothing. She leaned her head against his shoulder. “I couldn’t make it without Brendan. He knows I always have his back, and I know he always has mine.”

  “What do you mean, you couldn’t make it?” she murmured. He was rubbing her stomach now in slow circles, teasing just below her belly button, and her nipples were beginning to pucker.

  Ian shrugged. “Brendan’s the smart one.”

  “He isn’t any smarter than you are.” Surprised, Diana pushed herself up on her elbows. “He's just more conscientious.” Her voice was so indignant that Ian began to laugh.

  “It's really okay, Diana,” he whispered into her neck, easing her back down to him. “There's more to life than kissing academic ass. Maybe someday you’ll find out.”

  That’s not the same thing— she wanted to say, but what came out was, “At least I’m good at that.”

  Ian gave her a withering look, but his scornful expression faded as she stared back at him, then dropped her eyes.

  “What?” He pinched her hip, and she reflexively smacked his hand away.

  “I’m nervous, Ian.” Shit. Had she really said that? She had.

  He glanced down at her sharply, his hand stopping its journey roaming over her body. “About what?”

  She let out a long breath. “College,” she mumbled into his chest.

  “Jesus, Diana.” He started laughing. Surprised, she laughed too. “Do you ever stop? You haven’t even graduated high school yet. A week ago you were all tied up over finals. Now you’re on to worrying about the next thing. Take a break.”

  Heat crept over her skin. Sure, she’d been anxious about finals when the twins had climbed in her window a week ago. She’d also put on a strip-tease, squirmed and pleasured herself in front of both of them, and asked Brendan to take her from behind while she sucked Ian’s cock and ordered him to ask for it nicely. She’d figured that’s all he’d remember about that particular evening.

  She pressed her cheek to Ian’s chest, damp with sweat. “I don't know how to take a break,” she said finally. “I just don’t. I don’t know how.”

  “I thought you knew everything.”

  “You’re joking, right?” For a minute, the only sounds were the whir of the box fan and the steady beat of Ian’s heart against her ear. “That year we moved away…” She closed her eyes, gathering courage. “It wasn't a good year, Ian.”

  “You’re talking about, what, like seven years ago?” Ian’s voice was surprised, but his warm palm cupped the back of her neck. “It’s still bothering you now?”

  She nodded against his chest. God, she never opened up like this, ever. “Remember what you said about my record player?”

  “Uh-huh. You’re a poser. You’re a snob, too. Did I tell you that, baby?”

  Diana gave his earlobe a good hard tweak. Ian’s low chuckle rippled his body against hers. “The other thing. About living in the past.”

  “Sounds like you are.” He slapped her ass lightly, then rested his hand on the curve of her cheek.

  The words waited to spill over. Her limbs still felt warm and floaty. Ian’s bulk took up her bed. He was all around her, listening. Waiting. She perched right on the edge of telling him everything.

  But she didn’t want to go further. The way she’d slunk around with her head down all year — that didn’t belong here, sprawled on her sheets, with a naked twin holding her.

  “Look, I don't know what happened, Diana,” he whispered finally. Fingers explored her heavy breast, stroking so gently that she moaned and snuggled closer. The fan stirred the warm night air in lazy waves, sending currents over her bare body, entwined with Ian’s. “And I don't know how bad it was. But it went down a long time ago. What would happen if you just let go?”

  “Change is scary,” she said softly. What was she really saying? “I’m scared.” Ian’s fingers tightened in her hair. Unable to look at him, she trailed her fingers along the curve of his pecs, stroking his tiny dark nipples and the patch of brown chest hair that narrowed to a soft line. His hard stomach pulled in under her touch. His skin was so smooth. He sighed, a low sigh. "At least in high school I knew who I was." Was she really confiding in Ian, rubbing her cheek against his chest while he tugged lightly on her hair? "I didn't always like being that person, but I knew what it involved. You know?"

  “Yeah.” Ian’s voice was quiet. “I know.”

  Diana’s eyes met his. There wasn’t a trace of teasing on his face.

  “What’s it like being the bad twin?” she asked softly.

  Silence. Then lips closed over hers.

  Before she could ask him more, his hand was moving all over her body again, fondling and squeezing her soft curves. And suddenly, she needed to touch him too. Of its own accord, her hand found his cock, half-hard and slippery with both their juices.

  She didn’t miss Ian’s startled expression as she brushed her lips against his chest. But his body was so warm, and his smooth skin tasted so delicious as she lightly kissed and licked her way over his stomach, that she had no intention of stopping.

  Somewhere, some part of her was absolutely certain that Ian needed this right now.

  Her tongue explored the ripples of his abs, swiping closer and closer to his musky crotch. When his hips bucked toward her mouth, her nipples puckered, hardening in the night air as her breasts swung over his body. She’d meant to take her time, but she just wanted to taste him too badly.

  Her hands found his muscled thighs, doing her best to hold them down against her rumpled sheets the way he’d held her thighs down when he licked her cunt. She bent down and took his cock between her lips.

  Oh yes — he was completely hard now, his glossy head filling her mouth. The tang of her own juices met her tongue, and she licked them up eagerly. Ian grunted softly, his body tightening when she caressed his warm sac.

  Curious, she stopped licking the underside of his cock, just for a moment, to gently take one of his balls in her mouth. Soft textured skin met her tongue, the hairs tickling her lips. Ian was groaning over and over now, quiet but deep, sounds of need coming from somewhere inside him.

  Quickly, Diana lifted her head and engulfed his shaft in her warm mouth, sinking down as far as she could manage. It was a little uncomfortable, having her jaw open so wide and Ian’s thick cock filling her mouth, but God, it was so good, too.

  “Don’t stop,” Ian grated, his voice raw.

  She hadn’t planned to, but her pussy ached with arousal, begging to be filled, and once he’d said it, she just couldn’t resist. She pulled her mouth off Ian’s cock and leaned over him, panting, looking right at him. His eyes went wide, glazed with desire, and the animal expression on his face sent prickles of want through her heavy breasts.

  “Tease,” he whispered. “You little—“

  With one swift movement, she climbed on top of him. His whole body jerked, and oh Jesus yes, he was panting, and the only thing that made sense was to rock her creamy cunt against his cock, letting it push into her sensitive entrance.

  “Uhhh…” she groaned, bracing her hands on his broad shoulders. “You feel bigger.”

  “Mm-hm.” The lust on his face made her shiver. Her silken pussy flexed around his smooth head as she slowly sank down on his shaft, settling her thighs against his hips.

  “You’re so deep inside me, Ian.” It came out as a whisper.

  “Mm-hm,” he said again. His hazel eyes were locked on her face, and the look in them…the way he was looking at her…she couldn’t give it a name, but it forced a sudden grunt of excitement out of her. “You’re on top now, you hot slut. Go ahead and ride me.”

  She tried rolling her hips upward and lowering her wet cunt down onto his cock, lifting and lowering, but it wasn’t easy. Sweat beaded on her forehead and trickled under her arms. Ian’s cock kept jerking inside her tight core, feeling inescapably huge.

  “This is a lot of work,” she said in surprise.

  For half a second, Ian stared at her. Then he smashed his face in her pillow, guffawing. His whole body shook. Diana had to hang onto his shoulders to keep her balance. When he was able to breathe again, he gasped, “Damn right, it’s a lot of work. Why do you think I go to the gym every day?”

  Diana gave him a murderous glare. “To stay in shape for basketball season?”

  “That too. Here.” He moved his hands firmly up her back, pressing her forward. Oooh — her pussy squeezed his cock involuntarily as Ian guided her to a new angle, his cock rubbing against her aroused walls and sliding even deeper inside her.


nbsp; “I know, baby. You can really feel me now.” He began thrusting upwards, spearing her tender pussy. Diana clutched his shoulders, feeling the muscles ripple under her fingers. He’d told her to ride him, but all she could do was bounce, her breath coming out of her in little gasps, as Ian fucked her rhythmically, one hand finding her full swaying breast. Her nipple hardened under his touch as he fondled the ripe bud. She began to moan.

  “Come on, Diana.” His voice was soft, but rough. “Don’t make me do all the work. Unless you want me to roll you over and fuck the hell out of you.”

  “Do it,” she gasped.

  He laughed softly. “Earn it.”

  “Jerk,” she muttered, and he chuckled again. God, every movement of his hips sent his thick cock rubbing against a sensitive spot at the front of her pussy and she just wanted more…and more… Diana began to lift her ass, sliding her juicy cunt up and down Ian’s cock over and over again. He slowed his plunges to match her speed, his hands roaming everywhere — her heavy breasts, her smooth belly, her quivering thighs, her round ass. The little smile curling his lips sent a hard shudder of need through her body. Her own hips jerked at his sudden touch on her clit, so much more gentle than she’d expect from Ian.

  “You like that?” he murmured teasingly.

  “Yes,” she gasped. His fingers slipped over her swollen folds, encouraging the hot juices flowing from her eager cunt to soak his cock, making the place where their bodies joined slicker and slicker.

  “Such a nice little pussy,” he murmured.

  “Just nice?” she managed. Determined to drive him crazy, she squeezed Ian’s cock as hard as she could, doing her best to milk him, and his grin twisted into a look of pained need. Oh — it was getting easier to move now. She was getting the hang of it, matching Ian’s thrusts, and he was noticing and fucking her faster.

  “A fucking amazing pussy,” he grunted. “That I want to cum in all night long.”

  Diana moaned, and as her swollen pussy tightened around Ian’s shaft, he rubbed the hard bead of her clit faster, teasing the exposed tip again and again. She clutched his shoulders, her arms trembling as she tried to hold herself upright on his engorged cock.


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