Leashed (Dark Underbelly Book 3)

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Leashed (Dark Underbelly Book 3) Page 9

by Candace Blevins

“Wait until Cam and Cassie get here,” said Gen. “If we can get Spence on our side, too…”

  “Maybe he doesn’t want to be one of the girls,” said Tara. “Ask him before you assume, ladies.”

  “Tara’s right,” said Harmony. She met my gaze. “We have this huge ‘girls’ night out’ thing we do a few times a year. We get a limo and go to several clubs, and end up at a place called The Diamond Club, which is a wild gay bar, and we all get drunk off our asses and dance and make fools of ourselves. Cam is short for Cameron. He’s gay and… ummm, kind of like you? I mean, they have four people in their relationship, two Doms, a sub, and a slave. Cam’s the slave, but consensual, not, like…” She blew out a breath. “I’m mangling this all up. Someone help!”

  Gen wrapped her arms around her friend and told me, “Cam’s a bottom and I think you are, too. If you want to be part of our ‘girls’ night out’ we’d love to have you. If we have a paintball competition then you can choose which side you want to be on — men’s or women’s. Cam and Cassie are with us, their other two partners are with the men.”

  “I’d love to do your girls’ night out thing, but I think I might prefer to be on the men’s team for the paintball competition.”

  “You do whatever feels right,” said Tara. “And don’t forget,” she told the table, “the foursome is late because Cam had a show tonight. He’ll be tired when he gets here and may not be up to paintball.”

  “A show?” I asked.

  “He’s a dancer. You should get Abbott to take you — he’s really good,” said Gen.


  I’d worn casual black pants and a button-up collared shirt in charcoal. Casual for me, but I was the most dressed up person at the party — which was fine. I’ve never joined the paintball games before, but Isaac pulled me with him into the line and I didn’t argue. Brain went over the rules while we loaded our paintball guns, and we made our way into the woods. Isaac, Frisco, Spencer, and I stuck together and had each other’s backs. Frisco’s human but he wasn’t a liability at all. If anything, Spencer was our liability at first because he walks so loudly, but I telepathically coached him through walking softly and using the trees as cover. As with everything else, he learned fast.

  I took out Gen early on. Her limp isn’t noticeable to most people, but I could pick out her walk over everyone else’s so I could shoot her as she stepped into view without getting a visual first. Isaac managed to get Angelica and Connie, and Frisco took out so many I couldn’t begin to count them. Spencer was taken out by Harmony at about the halfway point.

  More than once, I heard or saw a paintball coming at me and stepped out of the way. My vampire speed allowed me to draw fire and protect my teammates.

  Harmony and Briana were the last two women, and we had Brain, Isaac, Patrick, and me on our side. I pulled the four of us into a telepathic conversation, but Harmony took Isaac and Patrick out from above before we could regroup. She’s human, and I didn’t sense her climbing the tree. I couldn’t get in Briana’s head, but she’s the mate of an Alpha wolf so that wasn’t surprising.

  I floated up into a tree and took aim on Briana. I got her in the leg and made my way to a different tree. Isaac had my back from below, so I put feelers out for Harmony.

  I heard a shot and saw the paint blossom on Brain’s chest. My senses arrowed in the direction the shot had come from, and I heard her heartbeat in the trees. I saw a tiny bit of movement and flew towards it as I shot in the direction I flew. I heard her intake of breath when she was hit, and then watched in horror as she fell out of the tree.

  I dove towards her and managed to catch her a few feet above the ground, kept flying, and zoomed deeper into the woods to set her down.

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah, thanks for the catch. You caught me off guard. Forgot you could fly.”

  “Sorry. Brain’s on his way.” I let go of her as he came into view, and he pulled her into his arms.

  “Pretty sure that just took a few decades off me. You okay?”

  “I’m good.”

  He looked at me. “Thanks for catching her. She’s so surefooted, I’ve never worried about her falling before.”

  “I believe I startled her and shot her at the same time. There’s likely no reason to worry in the future.”

  “We have two drunk sweetbutts who saw you catch her. Humans who don’t know. Might want to fix their heads. No one’ll believe them, but still.”

  “Right. I should check on Spencer, too.”

  He chuckled. “I heard someone mentioning Angelica teaching him how to get drunk by slamming shots.”

  I shook my head and left Brain to check Harmony over, because he wasn’t going to be happy until he was certain she was okay.

  I walked into the clubhouse to see my boy dancing on tables with Cam. No, dancing isn’t quite right — these two were practically having sex with their clothes on, in a clubhouse filled with bikers. Isaac was close so they were safe, but I’d thought Spencer smarter than this.

  I stepped closer and smelled tequila. A lot of it.

  “Your boy’s three sheets to the wind. Bash and Dawg just took Angelica downstairs. She and Spence had a competition. Your boy won with seventy-three shots.”

  Spencer went to take his shirt off, but Cam moved behind him and wrapped his arms around Spencer’s torso — still dancing.

  “Cam’s keeping him dressed?”

  “Yeah. He’s had a few drinks, but he’s sober enough to know they shouldn’t do a strip tease.”

  I tapped into Spencer’s head. Boy, if you take a stitch of clothing off you won’t feel my belt for a month.

  I let Isaac hear it, and he chuckled when Spencer fumbled to tuck his shirt back into his pants.

  We watched them another thirty seconds and told Isaac, I’m going to tell Spencer to get off the table. Want me to tell him to bring your boy with him?

  “Yeah. Much as I’m enjoying watching them, we should probably at least get them on the floor.”

  Cam came willingly with Spencer, and they held hands and gracefully stepped off the table together as if they’d practiced it.

  “I wish you’d introduced me to him sooner, Sir,” Cam told Isaac as they approached.

  “You can get Spence’s phone number from Isaac later, and I’ll give him yours,” I told Cam. “I’ll be bringing him to your house next week for some time in the range. I’m pleased the two of you have hit it off.”

  I waited until Isaac and Cam were out of earshot before telling Spencer, “Your buzz wore off while you were dancing. That last little bit wasn’t because you were inebriated.”

  “It was fun, and he kept trying to block me from taking my shirt off. His arms felt good around me. I like him. I mean, I know he’s with his poly group and it doesn’t sound like they share him, so it isn’t like that. We were just foolin’ around. He said he’s allowed to dance dirty as long as he doesn’t step over the line — so no grabbing each other’s junk, no orgasms. I didn’t get him in trouble, did I?”

  “No, but I’m disappointed you chose to dance like that in a club full of bikers. I thought you were smarter than that. You’re safe with Isaac around, but it wasn’t very bright. Knowing you’re gay and seeing it are two completely different things.”

  He sighed. “Yeah. Sorry. You’re right. I’m still getting used to being able to make my own decisions and that wasn’t a good one. I got carried away with having fun and didn’t think it all the way through.” He caught himself as he said it, and corrected. “I knew better, but I ignored the voice inside telling me I shouldn’t. I apologize if I embarrassed you. I have an obligation to help you keep up the proper appearances as Master of the City. I’ll do better.”

  I kissed his forehead. “I know you will, and likely no harm done this time since the MC’s leadership is open-minded about Isaac’s foursome. Not all of the rank and file are, but it’s doubtful they’ll harm you while you belong to me.” Enough of my holding him, it was time to take my own ad
vice. I stepped back and continued telepathically. It’ll take us thirty minutes to say our goodbyes to the top people, but it has to be done. Your ass is mine when we get home. Go straight upstairs to the playroom and strip when we arrive. Put your cuffs on and choose the equipment you want me to strap you onto. I’ll expect you to be in position before I make it upstairs.

  I turned him and walked us to a group of bikers so we could say our goodbyes.



  I pulled my shirt off on the way in the house, sat on the bench just inside the playroom to unlace my boots, and took only a few seconds to neatly fold my shirt, boxer briefs, and jeans on the bench.

  My cuffs were in the top drawer, but I only put the ankle cuffs on for the time being. I grabbed the suspension cuffs and two spreader bars, and worked the winch so the hook was a few feet over my head. Once in the center of the room, I set the suspension cuffs on the floor in front of me, hooked one spreader bar onto the winch and the other one between my ankles. I stood and grasped the spreader bar over my head, and waited. When Abbott arrived, he’d have to put my suspension cuffs on, hook them to the bar, and then raise the winch to wherever he wanted it.

  I’m not sure how long I waited. Perhaps ten minutes. I heard a motorcycle outside but figured it stopped somewhere else, and I didn’t hear the front door open or close.

  So, imagine my surprise when Abbott walked in with Razor.

  “My boy was a horrible tease tonight, wasn’t he?”

  “Horrible? I’d say he was quite good at it.”

  Abbott chuckled. “It looks like he’s made his entire body available. Do you want to whip the front or the back?”

  “I’d prefer the front so I can see his face, if it’s okay with you.”


  Razor is a raven, and they rely on their sight more than smell or hearing. He wanted to see my face. I’d never had sex with a raven before, but I’d heard tales about how fat their cocks are. He still had his jeans on, so I’d have to wait to see it. Or feel it.

  They each grabbed a suspension cuff and put them on me, and Abbott stepped to the wall to lift me. He let me keep just the tips of my toes on the floor — enough I could hold myself in place and not swing around in circles as I was beaten.

  They used floggers instead of whips, and gave me a minimal warmup, but it was perfect. Razor flogged my cock, balls, thighs, chest. He concentrated on my nipples a while, too, until they were on fire.

  And Abbott whipped me from my shoulders to just above my knees.

  “He needs decoration,” Razor said after a perhaps thirty minutes.

  “Yes. Perchance a parachute and weights on his balls?” I loved it when Abbott forgot not to use obsolete words and phrases.

  “Perfect. How about clothespins on his cock?”

  “Oh, I have clamps we can line his cock with — strong enough the flogger usually can’t get them off, but it’s fun to try.”


  For now, I intended to dole extreme pain out at most once a week, possibly every other week. I wanted Spencer to learn to enjoy a gentle flogging, or even just rough sex with no impact play. He’d been trained to enjoy the hard stuff though, and I could sense the cloud he was floating on now — pain and bliss and euphoric agony. He was higher than cloud nine, begging in his head for more pain, harder strikes.

  We stretched his balls down with weights, and I let Razor put clamps on his cock while I pulled and twisted his nipples. We eventually swapped places so I flogged Spencer’s front while Razor flogged his backside.

  “You want his mouth or his ass?” I asked Razor when I sensed Spencer’s shoulders and arms were beginning to hurt worse than the flogging.

  “Not picky. Whichever you want to let me have is more than I would’ve dared ask for.”

  “I get my pick of either anytime I want. Which do you prefer?”

  “His ass, but you know I’m a raven so I’ll understand if you’d rather I didn’t.”

  “He’ll survive. We’ll leave the bar between his ankles to move him. If you can disconnect the suspension cuffs from the upper bar, I’ll carry him to the bondage table.”

  I settled him on all fours on the table, and tied the ankle cuffs off to the side before removing the spreader bar. I took the suspension cuffs off his wrists, replaced them with his regular ones, and curled his fingers around the table.

  “If you move your hands, I’ll tie them down and put you in a chastity belt a few days. Do you have enough control to keep them there?”

  “I’ll do my best, Sir.”

  I tousled his hair and moved in front of him.

  “Come wherever you want, on him or in him,” I told Razor. “I’ll shift him to wolf and back to human before we go to bed. You don’t have to worry about your scent lingering on him.”

  “Thanks. Appreciate it.”

  I got a look at his cock and stuck mine in Spencer’s mouth. “Suck, boy. Razor’s got a nice, fat cock, and I think you need to take it without being stretched first.”

  “You sure?” Razor asked me. I looked at him again. The largest plug I’d used on Spencer was almost as big around as the base of the biker’s dick. My boy had squealed and screamed, but he’d taken it without splitting open. Razor’s size would push the limits of what Spencer could take, but I wanted to overwhelm him with pain on this night.

  “Yeah. Lube yourself good, swipe a single lubed finger inside him. Don’t go easy on him once you enter. Drive in.”

  He shook his head once, but got himself and Spencer ready, and lined up.

  “Here he comes, boy. My cock stays in your mouth. Suck. Scream and suck if you want, but don’t stop sucking — and make sure those hands remain where I put them.”

  Spencer yelped and fought to stay still when Razor entered him, and he was screaming around my cock a few seconds later. His knees came off the table and Razor had to push his ass back down and hold him still, but my boy’s hands stayed put.

  I was near crazy with lust by the time Razor made it all the way in, and I fucked my boy’s face hard while Razor gave him a chance to adjust.

  Before long we were both moving though, and I could feel my boy’s sensory overload. He’d once been used to taking two men at once but it’d been a long time. He’d missed it.

  I came twice and was working on a third time when Razor finally held my boy’s hips and came deep inside him.

  “If you don’t mind?” I asked him. “Pull your belt from your jeans and use it on him while I finish? I figure fifty strikes, the last ten hard and all at once. I’ll aim to get off during the final ten. Don’t worry about breaking skin — I’ll change him when we finish.”

  “Works for me.”

  Razor laid into my boy hard. He was in agony long before we reached the final ten, but I’d wanted to take him a little past what he could handle tonight. He swallowed me down, I disconnected the ankle cuffs, and gently pulled his wolf out of him. I could do it without any discomfort or pain at all now, and I took a few seconds to pet the wolf and let him smell me before I pulled Spencer’s human form back into existence.

  I situated him so he was comfortable and stepped away to put my clothes on. Razor followed suit.

  “Thanks for sharing him with me. He’s a gem.”

  “He is. My housekeeper has steaks on, and I believe she fried some potatoes. Please stay and eat before you head back down the mountain.”

  He started to decline, but changed his mind. “Thank you. That’d be nice.”

  “You want to know if I can do that to all wolves?”

  “When I came to town, I was told the club has an agreement with you, with Drake Security, and with the lions. If we see you or your people in trouble, we help. If any of you see us or those under our protection in trouble, you help.”

  “Correct. My people know if they’re downtown and are in serious trouble they can go to your compound. My top people would go to any of your houses if they got into trouble, but I don’t see tha
t happening with my vampires. A few of us have human and shapeshifter partners though, and it’s good knowing they can go to your compound or businesses for help. Likewise, if you show up at my home, the coterie house, or The Billiard Club, we can offer safety. My other businesses likely cannot, so please don’t bring danger to them.”

  I sighed. “The answer to your question is that if I saw you in trouble and in mid-change, I’d help you along. Otherwise, while I’m capable of changing most lone wolves, I won’t do it unless there’s a good reason. Spencer is mine — he’s the exception to just about every rule.”

  The night was clear and perfect, and my housekeeper set the table on the balcony. Razor had recently transferred to Chattanooga from the Memphis RTMC chapter, and I had an enjoyable and enlightening conversation with him about the supernatural political climate on the other side of Tennessee. I had hot tea, which let me occupy my time with pouring and drinking while the two wolves ate.

  When I finally took Spencer to bed, I fed from him and injected the cocktail to give him a hard-on.

  He reached for his cock as it kept growing until it hurt, and I kept injecting more and more venom to make sure he stayed granite-hard for hours. No touching. No relief. This is punishment for not telling me your concerns about Kirsten. I will not dump you and return to her if she decides she wants me back. He hadn’t known I was in his head when he’d let himself think about her. I was livid he thought so little of my feelings for him, but mostly I was hurt he hadn’t let me know his concerns. He’d hidden them from me. I was doing everything I could to be open with him, and he was hiding something we’d needed to discuss.

  “How do you know you won’t? I believe you now, but things change when someone’s in front of you, professing their love for you!”

  I pulled my fangs from his neck, licked the wounds, and rearranged my arms around him.

  “I know, Dearest. I would’ve taken her back for a while, but it would’ve been a political nightmare. I’m far enough removed from the situation now to see it objectively. Even if I wanted her back, it wouldn’t be feasible politically — the Master Vampire dumped by a human, who then takes her back when she changes her mind? It can’t happen.”


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