Leashed (Dark Underbelly Book 3)

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Leashed (Dark Underbelly Book 3) Page 10

by Candace Blevins

  He pulled his legs to his stomach. “Fuck, you made it hurt, Sir. I don’t think I’ve ever been this hard. Please give me some relief!”

  “You’ll talk to me about things that bother you in the future. It’ll be at least two hours before your mind tricks will have a chance at deflating it — consider why I’ve done this while you drop off to sleep. I’m going to bind your arms out to the side so you have to lie on your back. I have some things to handle before dawn, but it’s your bedtime. I’ll be in my office, but please don’t call out to me unless it’s an emergency. You don’t need to tell me you’re in agony every five minutes. I’m aware.”



  I was angry at first, when I was blindsided by meeting Kirsten without warning, but in retrospect it was probably best. I’d have worried myself sick if I’d known ahead of time.

  Sophia took me to lunch with her. She didn’t tell me there’d be a wolf named Cora, or that Kirsten would be there. We were in a private room at The Billiard Club, so I was certain Abbott had asked Sophia to set it up.

  We were the last to arrive, and I greeted everyone and gave hugs before taking my seat.

  “I’ve been curious about you,” said Kirsten. “Aaron speaks highly of you. It’s nice to finally meet you.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, too. I guess I’ve been curious as well.”

  I’ve been slowly picking up on some of Abbott’s senses, and for the brief second I touched both Cora and Kirsten, I saw a connection between them. Human and wolf. Kirsten had bound Cora to her.

  That wasn’t possible. Or, it shouldn’t be.

  “Something wrong?” asked Sophia.

  I looked to Cora instead of Kirsten. “You’re hers? How?”

  “Yes and no. I’m still Pack, but no one knows how to break the tie between Kirsten and me. Honestly, I’m not sure I want to, though Kirsten does.”

  “You felt it?” asked Sophia.

  “Yes. While I was touching them both.”

  “The short version of the story,” said Kirsten, “is that a being who used to be worshipped as a god, and with close ties to wolves, came to town and took over the Pack. Cora was at my house and we were watching a battle on live video that the supernatural misogynists didn’t want me fighting. We were touching, and I somehow drew her to me to keep my enemy from getting her. Later, I killed him, which made the Pack return to the Alpha. Cora’s still tied to the Pack, but also to me. Randall’s pissed I have a tie to one of his wolves, but he finally believes I didn’t do it on purpose and would undo it if I could, so we’re at a bit of a truce with it. Mostly.”

  “So, the two of you are…”

  “Friends,” said Cora. “We both fuck men.”

  Isaac stepped into the room with a tray of drinks — he knew what everyone wanted without asking. “I’ll be serving you today to make sure no one overhears your conversation. Do you know what you want to eat?”

  We all ordered, and our conversation went to more mundane topics when he left. I heard about various girls’ night out hijinks from the past, and they told me fun gossip about some of the bikers. I had no idea Dawg, Bash, and Angelica were a regular threesome.

  I went downstairs to Abbott when we finished, and Jonathan took Sophia back up on the mountain. I hadn’t seen Abbott at all the day before, and I missed him. He was awake, in a fresh suit, and working at his desk when I stepped in. I sat in a chair and waited for him to finish whatever he was doing. It took him a good five minutes.

  “Sorry,” he said as he pushed the keyboard away and leaned back in his chair. “I needed to get that email off as quickly as possible. How was your lunch?”

  “I’m not a fan of those kinds of surprises.”

  “I won’t apologize. I’m not a fan of drama and angst, and you’d have had plenty if you’d known ahead of time.”

  He wasn’t wrong.

  “I like her. She seems nice. Honest. She doesn’t look old enough to have a child in college, though. Also, she smells human, but she bound a wolf to her.”

  “There’s a theory she stopped the aging process during her meditation studies. I can’t talk to you about her abilities, but she’s one of the few beings on this side of the world I might not be able to beat in a fight if she has the element of surprise. She’s under my protection as well as Aaron Drake’s and Nathan Pierce’s. She’s also a friend of the Chattanooga Pack.”

  “I haven’t met Nathan Pierce. I’ve seen his picture and I know who he is, but he’s one of the few powerhouses you haven’t introduced me to.”

  “It isn’t intentional. If we don’t run into him socially in the next month or two, I’ll set something up.” He stood and walked around the desk. “The Owl King is bringing me a tribute meal. I’ve fed from her before and I know her preferences. Would you like to share her with me? I can put you on bottom and in her ass, and then I can fuck her pussy before I bite.”

  “Yes, Sir. That would be nice.”


  “You won’t come in her.” I hadn’t let him come in days, and I’d given him a whole lot of hard-ons he couldn’t do anything about.

  He looked at his lap, conflicted. “I’m yours. I’ll come when you think I deserve to feel pleasure again. I’m sorry I disappointed you, Sir.”

  “How did you disappoint me?”

  “By keeping something important from you. A worry you should’ve known about, so we could talk about it.”

  “Do you still want to share her, knowing you won’t come?”

  “Yes, Sir. I want to feel her when you fuck her, when you bite her, when she comes apart from the pleasure.”

  “Strip and go into the bedroom. Lube your cock and lie on the bed so we won’t have to move you to get started.”

  I managed another thirty minutes of work before the Owl King arrived with his tribute. I sent him upstairs to eat, and Tricia into the bedroom.

  She wore a dress and slip-on shoes, and she removed both as the door closed behind us. I leaned in and smelled her neck.

  “So strong, so much energy. I always enjoy my time with you.”

  “I enjoy time with you as well, Master Abbott.”

  She’s always lubed when she arrives, so I pointed to the bed and said, “His cock goes in your ass, your back to his chest. Introduce yourself and get comfy while I undress.”

  She sat on his cock first, though she took a while to take in his long length. Spencer helped her get comfortable reclined on his chest, and when her breathing evened out, he said, “I’m Spence.”

  She chuckled and winced. “Nice to meet you. I’m Tricia, and you have a fucking long cock.”

  “I feel as if I should apologize.”

  Another chuckle. “Apology accepted.”

  “I can make it shorter, but it’ll be fat.”

  She laughed. “Now you mention it. Let’s keep it as-is. I’m used to it now.”

  I climbed onto the bed, kneeled between their legs, lifted Tricia’s legs, and met her gaze. “Pull your knees to your shoulders and keep them there.”

  She winced as she pulled them up, and I adjusted her onto my boy’s cock a little better once her legs were where I wanted. The wince turned into a blissful look the second my cock was in her, though, and I held back a chuckle.

  “Okay, Spencer, put your arms around her upper legs and her torso, and grasp your hands so you’re holding them.”

  When he was the way I wanted him, I had Tricia put her arms down to her sides, inside of Spencer’s embrace so he could hold them down, as well.

  “Your arms are my rope today,” I told Spencer. “Letting go will mean waiting a whole lot longer before you earn an orgasm.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  I fucked Tricia through five orgasms before I finally bent to taste her.

  Owl blood is unique. Smart and avian at the same time — and a lethal predator. I drank as much as I dared before giving her the cocktail for yet another orgasm, and I came with her.

  Spencer helped m
e care for her despite his raging hard-on and obvious discomfort. He got the peach juice I’d had brought in for her, and fetched the chicken fingers she’d ordered from upstairs.

  “You aren’t letting him get off?” she asked while he was gone to get her food.

  “Not at the moment. Do you want to play with him?”

  She grinned. “Yeah, but I get the feeling he’s yours in a way no one’s been for a long time.”

  “You’re correct, but I don’t mind sharing him.”

  “Really? A little cock and ball torture with him would be great fun.”

  I bound Spencer’s wrist and ankles to tie-offs on my office wall, and kept an eye on Tricia torturing my boy while I worked. She was brutal, but didn’t do anything to injure him. His head was an interesting place while she tortured him — agony, bliss, the hope of an orgasm. He didn’t think, he only felt. I have to think through every word, every decision. I envied him the ability to dive so deeply into pleasure he only needed to feel.

  Tricia played with him nearly two hours, and I left him on the wall with his hard-on for another hour while I talked on the phone and handled some legal matters.

  I gathered coconut oil and gave him a handjob before I let him down — but I once again took him to the edge of an orgasm and stopped. “Get dressed and go upstairs to eat. When you come back downstairs, undress in the hall and walk into my office naked with a hard-on. If you have to beat yourself off in the hallway to make it happen, do it.”

  He turned and I caught a whiff of… dejection. Despair.

  “Stop. Come here.”

  He did, and I probed. It wasn’t there.

  “Show me. Don’t hide your feelings, Spencer.”

  The wall in his mind evaporated and a wall of grief and misery hit me. I stood and drew him into my arms.

  “Talk to me. You need to say this aloud.”

  “I’m so sorry! I’m trying not to bother you with my drama, but I don’t know how to make things right between us!”

  I held him as he cried, and I realized he’d never cried for me. I lifted him in my arms and moved us to the sofa so I could properly hold him. “Let it out, Dearest. I love you. You’re mine. I’m the one making things right between us. All you have to do is follow orders.”

  Once the tears started, they didn’t stop, but I didn’t ask him to calm down or stop crying. He needed to let it out.

  And I considered my next actions while I held him and let him cry.

  He was being punished for hiding his feelings, and he’d hidden his feelings about the punishment. Obviously, long-term punishments weren’t the right approach for my boy. I couldn’t let this go, but we’d have to approach it exactly right.

  When he’d cried himself out I took him to the bathroom, washed his face, and kissed his nose. “I ordered you four burgers, two orders of fries, and some cheese sticks. You can eat down here. I’d like you to tell me what you think consequences for hiding your feelings about being punished for hiding your feelings should be. I have a few ideas, but I’d like to hear it from you.” I caressed his cheek. “And to clarify, I had to come into the valley to handle an emergency last night, and didn’t have time to get home before dawn. I didn’t leave you for the night and day to punish you. It’s just the way it worked out.”

  He flashed a punishment he’d endured — a vampire beat him with his fists until he was a mess, and then a half-dozen vampires fed from him at once. When he was nearly dead they changed him to wolf and back, and did it again. And again. He was emaciated when they finished — skin and bones, mangled skin from being beaten. A huge bruise. No one had changed him so he could heal. He was stuck hurting for weeks, until the next full moon.

  I shook my head. “No, Spencer. Eat your food. I love you too much to…” I shook my head again. “No.”

  I finished my most pressing issues while he ate, and I took him into the bedroom when he finished. “I intended to give you an orgasm just before dawn, but perhaps we need to cuddle and talk tonight? No sex, no more hard-ons. Tomorrow night we’ll deal with both transgressions at once and put them behind us.”

  A once-and-done punishment. Nothing else long-term. At least not for a year or two.



  I should’ve been a nervous wreck all day, but we’d talked for two hours before the dawn took Abbott this morning, and I’d fallen asleep shortly after. I now understood the difference in “creating drama” and letting him know how I felt.

  I’d been wrong to hide my feelings, and whatever happened tonight would wipe the slate clean.

  I spent time with the flock, helped two of them study, and looked up a recipe for a pasta dish one of the girls missed from an Italian restaurant. It took a while to find someone who’d replicated it, and I gave the recipe to the housekeeper to see if she could make it without garlic.

  I stopped at Holly’s old room and wondered how she was doing. I knew she’d agreed to stay past her six weeks and she was in some kind of specialized training, but nothing more. Abbott would only tell me things were going well but I couldn’t see her. I knew he’d been allowed to feed from her and fuck her, but he said Bran felt my presence might interfere with the positive strides she was making. Abbott told me she’d asked him to thank me for my care of her, which made me feel better. Bran had told me she’d needed time to heal from the ravages of the drugs and her previous lifestyle, and it was good she had time with me before she went to him. I sighed and continued down the hallway. I had a feeling things weren’t certain for her and Abbott didn’t want me to get my hopes up that things would work out.

  I showered, changed into dress pants and a stiff shirt with buttons and a collar, and met my guards outside at three o’clock as ordered. I’d only had five hours sleep, but I was used to making do with less.

  They took me to Abbott, who had several people in his office at The Billiard Club. “Spencer. You know Aaron, but I don’t believe you’ve met Nathan Pierce — The Amakhosi.”

  We shook hands and did the “nice to meet you” thing. He retook his seat, and I waited for instructions. “Have a seat, Dearest. Leave the loveseat empty, please. I need to handle some memory adjustments to keep the Concilio from having to make a trip to do it. The woman coming in thinks she’s applying for a job.”

  I watched in silence for fifteen minutes, and stood with Abbott to say goodbye to everyone after the woman left. Abbott told them the old memory and what he’d changed it to, and Nathan put a big fat envelope on Abbott’s desk before they left.

  I watched him count the money and stack the bundles in a safe with a whole bunch of other bundles.

  “They paid you five thousand dollars for that?”

  “It took a special touch, and they know my discretion is impeccable. You mustn’t speak of it to anyone, either.”

  “She saw Aaron flying in his dragon form. Who would’ve believed her?”

  “She took pictures. Aaron’s hacker went into her cloud to delete them, and took them off her phone and laptop. I erased her memory and replaced it with her forgetting to take her meds for a few days, which would explain what happened as long as she didn’t show anyone the pictures. Aaron’s guy is certain she didn’t email them to anyone or upload them to social media. I verified she hadn’t shown them to anyone. The images weren’t that great, and she’d worried no one would believe her.”

  “Is that why I needed to dress in this?”

  “No, but it worked out. Take the clothes off and hang them up so you can wear them when we go somewhere later. Report to the bathroom, hands and knees on the mat.”

  He changed me to wolf and back, and ordered me to kneel before him when I was human again.

  A large enema can sat beside the sink, and I watched in trepidation as he sank a bar of ivory soap into it and circled the bar in his hand until the water was milky white.

  “Your bowels are empty, so the whole four quarts should fit.” He held up a double balloon Bardex nozzle and my insides quaked. “I’m
aware you know what this is.”

  I nodded, he lifted an eyebrow, and I said, “Yes, Sir.”

  “Knees and chest on the mat, Dearest.”

  Soapy enemas hurt. Your insides cramp as if a thousand knives are dancing inside your abdomen. I cried and screamed in pain while the water went in, but Abbott didn’t slow the stream so I could adjust to all the water inside me — and still coming.

  When it was all in and the balloons were both inflated, there was nothing I could do about the churning torment of the soapy water ballooning my abdomen 'til I looked five months pregnant.

  Abbott silently buckled my wrists into my leather cuffs, hooked them together in front of me, and walked me into a room I hadn’t been in before. It was all concrete and had a drain in the center. Chains hung down every four feet, all over the room. I smelled bleach and pain.

  “Yes, it’s a torture room, used when we have too many prisoners to deal with at once, but we need to keep them alive for some reason.” He lifted my arms to one of the chains and looped the joined wrist cuffs onto a hook.

  “Show me something you’ve hidden from me.”

  I stared at him in shock. He’d told me those memories were mine, and I could show them to him when I was ready.

  “I love you. I’ll be back in a few hours.”

  He left vampire fast, before I could protest.

  The hours passed slower than you can imagine. It seemed as if weeks passed. My gut roiled, churned, and cramped. Knives circled inside me. I cried and screamed in pain until there were no more tears. I hung limp on the chain, too tired to scream in agony when yet another cramp twisted my insides. Every once in a while one was bad enough to tear a scream from me, no matter how tired I was.

  When Abbott returned, I opened the box in my mind and pushed the memories at him. Being raped by a man when I was little, the pain of my asshole ripping open, going to the hospital and having doctors and nurses look at me there, surgery to sew me back together, and screaming when I found out this meant I couldn’t go home with my mom. I hadn’t remembered that one until this night. I’d hidden it from myself.


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