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If You Love Me, I'm Yours

Page 23

by Lizzie Chantree

  As they said farewell and her dad walked them to the door, Maud heard her mum brag about how thrilled she was that Maud had finally found a suitable young man. It was a good job she’d been too busy to tell them about Tom, as they’d be horrified to find out what kind of man he was.

  Chapter Forty-Six

  Nate was becoming agitated. Things had been going so well. He’d taken Maud out to dinner after meeting her parents and he’d finally stayed over and spent the evening sleeping with her in his arms, naked skin to naked skin. It had taken all of his self-control not to ravish her then, but she’d been so battered by her emotions that she’d stripped off, almost making him have a heart attack, then asked him to stay the night and got into bed. He hadn’t taken much persuading and had thrown his clothes off in haste, not giving her a chance to change her mind after all this time. But when he’d kissed her, she’d sighed dreamily and fallen into a deep sleep.

  He had lain next to her for hours, hoping she’d wake up after a short rest, but it hadn’t happened and instead she’d curled herself into him and he’d wrapped his arms around her as she slept. He’d been rock hard and suffering all night until he’d finally fallen into an exhausted sleep himself. He’d had dreams of sexy black shoes with red roses painted all over them, that had suddenly come alive and started entwining themselves along her silky legs and then around them both as they writhed in ecstasy.

  He woke up and groaned, as it had seemed so real, then realised that Maud was now wide awake and was kissing her way up his throat and pressing her bountiful breasts against his slick skin. He’d growled and rolled her onto her back, which had made her laugh and her skin flushed at her brazen seduction, although she was suddenly shy now that he was fully awake.

  He’d pinned her arms over her head so that he could finally look at the body he’d been dreaming of since the first time he’d seen her. He knew she was self conscious, but her shape was perfect to him. She still had soft curves and he couldn’t wait to bite into them and make her cry out with pleasure. He had stared into her eyes and she’d wriggled a little, making him even harder. He’d released her arms and began kissing his way down her body until they joined together and she screamed his name.

  Remembering how he’d carried her into the shower afterwards, he’d soaped every inch of her tender flesh as she’d come apart in his arms. The water had washed away the last few months, as he licked her mouth. She responded by darting out her tongue and he drew her into another passionate kiss. He just couldn’t get enough of her. Eventually she’d giggled and told him the water was getting cold, so he’d towelled her dry and carried her back to the still-warm sheets while he prepared breakfast in bed for them both.

  The problem was that reality crept back in as soon as she discovered he’d turned both of their phones to silent mode the night before, and taken the main line off the hook. When she slid the buttons across to activate the phones, about a thousand messages appeared. They’d spent the next two hours answering them and then he’d had to get back to the gallery while she rushed to get ready for her press conference with Dot. He’d reluctantly left and had promised to be back that night, but work had got in the way for both of them, and it had suddenly been a week since he’d seen her. They’d spoken every night and she was alive with excitement about being able to paint every day. He knew the feeling well, so he didn’t intrude, but felt miserable without her.

  Eventually he decided that the only way he could see her was if she joined him at his parents’ house that weekend. The media had called him incessantly to ask about Maud, as Marcy and Don, whom he’d met at her parents’ house, had told the world that they were seeing each other. Tom had apparently sent her a nasty text saying she was a slut and had been seeing Nate all along, which she told Nate she hadn’t bothered to reply to. Nate had wanted to ask her to block Tom’s number for her own safety, but didn’t want to come across as a jealous boyfriend. That was the part that was making him so grumpy. He’d announced to Maud and her parents that he was her boyfriend. What had he been thinking? He’d been so full of testosterone that he’d blurted it out. Maud hadn’t disagreed, but he knew she’d been shocked. They’d never discussed it, and hadn’t since. Maud was probably terrified about having another psycho boyfriend and he felt sick, letting someone into his life this way. He’d not had a proper girlfriend since Lena. He’d kept everyone as casual dates, and suddenly he was declaring to the world she was his girlfriend. It was his own fault that he was now having to hide at his parents’ house, as his flat and studio space were surrounded by press, waiting for a comment on his relationship with Maud.

  Maud had texted him a cute little message to apologise for her parents’ neighbours’ behaviour. He’d brushed it off, saying it didn’t matter, but he was feeling increasingly claustrophobic being back at home and having to live with his own parents’ antics once again. Maud said hers were still a bit angry with her, although they were also secretly enjoying the attention they were getting from their bridge club members. They’d even been offered their own interview in the local papers. They’d shyly called Maud and asked her permission. Welcome to his world!

  He was watching to see her car arrive at the house from the upstairs window, fed up with listening to his parents harping on about how Dot had got the art gene from them, and wanting him to listen for hours to their crazy ideas for her birthday party. Dot had told him she was looking forward to it this year, so that was one good thing to come out of all of the planning meetings. Everyone always got so drunk that a table of food and an open bar would be enough anyway. He couldn’t work out what all the fuss and a year of planning was about.

  Seeing Maud’s car pull up and her sexy legs stretching out after she’d opened the door, he decided that he’d had enough of being grouchy and single and it was about time he stopped pussy-footing around and claimed his girl. Taking the stairs two at a time, he was out of the house and had swept her up into his arms before she closed the car door.

  Chapter Forty-Seven

  Maud looked into the mirror and ran her hands down the dress she was wearing. She’d been eating properly again and her figure had settled back into womanly curves. She decided she preferred this version of herself. The waif look that suited Dot just didn’t work for her. Nate seemed to enjoy her body whatever her size, and he showed her at every opportunity. It was getting embarrassing. She grinned at herself and saw how smug she looked. It felt good to be desired so much by a man like Nate. Sure, he could be grumpy and bossy, but so could she when she was trying to finish a work of art.

  She’d had to move into a new studio, as Nate had said she’d need somewhere safer to store her art and keep people away from her home. She thought it was because they had a free studio next to him and then she was there for sex on tap, but who was she to complain? The man was red hot.

  She looked for her black shoes with the roses painted on them and frowned. She was sure they’d been around earlier. She sighed and grabbed a spare pair she’d thrown into her suitcase this morning and slicked on some soft pink lipstick. Her dress was sewn in tones of dusky pink to deep plum. It had a fitted skirt and the bustier was cut across her breasts with several straps of ribbon going from the centre of her bust to wide on her shoulders. It was feminine and exotic, and she loved it.

  Today was Dot’s big birthday party. She’d already spent a few hours with Maud discussing their latest projects together, and chatting excitedly about her party. She looked amazing in a long gold dress that shimmered as she walked. Only Dot could pull it off, the dress was cut so low at the back you could almost see her bum cheeks as she moved... almost. She looked stunning. Maud had given her a beautifully-wrapped present earlier and Dot had cried. It was a painting of Dot, Maud and Daisy, surrounded by woodland creatures and their habitats. All three women were smiling and hugging. Maud didn’t usually paint people, but this one had taken ages and she was thrilled with the result.

  Daisy had apparently run home from school as soon as the press
left that day, and was waiting on her Ryan’s doorstep when he got home. He’d raged when she’d told him what had really happened and driven to Tom’s to confront him. Luckily, Tom had jumped on a bus to his real home. They’d found out he was actually living with the pregnant dinner lady now. Ryan had held Daisy as she’d cried and cried, but they had both been so relieved that she hadn’t cheated, and he’d said he was so sorry for doubting her. He hadn’t had much choice in deciding if it was true, as she’d confessed. Daisy had said they’d not let each other out of their sight since. They couldn’t come tonight as Ryan had a gig, and Daisy had gone with him, but Daisy had bought Dot a CD of whale music, so that she could relax while she was working. They still hadn’t quite sorted out their differences, but were united over what a nasty specimen Tom was. Little did Daisy know that Dot already had a weird sculpture her old school friend had sent her that made strange whale-like noises, and hated the sound! She’d appreciated the sentiment nonetheless.

  Taking a deep breath, Maud left the room and descended the main stairs. Camille and Cosmo had welcomed her into the family, even though she still wasn’t sure of her exact status in this madcap group. Nate had called her his girlfriend in front of her parents, which had shocked her, and he’d tried to talk to her about it days ago, but then his parents had descended on him and hadn’t left them alone since. She felt so jumpy around Nate that her nerves were wrung out. He’d tried to entice her into his room as soon as she’d arrived here, but it felt disrespectful to his parents. He reminded her about their naked day in bed and she made a sick sound as he’d grabbed her for kisses, until she had to come up for air and admit that she’d been in heaven that day.

  Since the art exhibition with Dot, she’d been inundated with commission offers and she’d made the mistake of accepting a few before Dot had shouted at her very loudly and stamped her pretty little feet until she’d directed them to her agent, with apologies for her inexperience. Whoops. She’d been so busy she’d had barely any time to see or speak to Nate, as Dot was still very demanding.

  She couldn’t wait any longer to be in his arms again, though, and might have to break her own rule tonight, about respecting his family home with no sexy shenanigans. The party was already in full swing and rooms were flowing with music, laughter and brightly-dressed waiting staff weaving expertly between the guests and topping up the already brimming glasses. She immediately spotted Nate, leaning against an ornate pillar woven with ivy and fresh flowers, with twinkling lights sparkling in between. There were several of these all over the house and the balconies were draped with hanging greenery and flowers. It looked like a nymph’s paradise. Nate was near the stairs, which suggested he might be waiting for her, but when she saw he was surrounded by beautiful women, who all had faces tilted up to listen to his every word, breasts heaving and hands fluttering on his arm, her heart sank and she felt ridiculous for even thinking she could compete. They had been cocooned in their own little bubble for so long now, with Nate always there to solve her problems and soothe worries away, she’d forgotten that it wasn’t real life and she’d have to step back into reality soon. Supposing she turned out like Lena. Supposing she got so jealous that he was all she could see?

  The thought terrified her, after what she’d been through with Tom. She would never harm Nate or herself, but she was starting to have strong feelings for him and she craved him all the time. It was different to anything she’d ever felt and she was confused and frustrated. She waited until a group of people came down the stairs and blended in with them, a false smile on her lips. She needed a drink. She walked in the opposite direction to Nate, but saw him glance up the stairs while one of the women was speaking.

  Maud wandered round in wonder. She spoke to some people she’d met at the gallery and then Dot grabbed her and began introducing her to all sorts of interesting and completely zany guests. Maud enjoyed every minute of it and forgot her worries, throwing her head back and laughing at something Elliott said, before gasping as a hand snaked possessively round her waist and Nate ran his warm fingers down her spine.

  ‘I’ve had enough of watching you be entertained by the other men in the room.’ he growled and he began nibbling her ear, which made her skin light up and flame. She’d tried so hard to keep away from him, but it was too much for a regular girl like her to manage. He kept touching her when no one could see and whispering what he’d like to do to her, until he swept her into a secluded corner of the terrace and ravaged her mouth. She pressed her body into him and groaned. He had far too many clothes on and she raked her fingers through his hair. Hearing people approach the garden she reluctantly pulled away and stared with glazed eyes into his.

  Nate smiled and put his arm around her shoulders, to shield her slightly dishevelled appearance from the interlopers. ‘Don’t try and hide from me again. I’ll just find you.’

  Maud smiled and hugged him. ‘I wasn’t hiding from you.’

  ‘Yes, you were. Why?’ he asked with interest.

  ‘I’m scared,’ she said simply.

  ‘Me too.’ He held out his hand for her, kissed her on her nose and led her back inside as he could hear his mother calling his name. He had confided in Maud that he was forever sorting out one drama or another with his parents, so it didn’t faze him, but this time he was taking backup and he pulled Maud after him, stroking his hand over her backside as he stood back to let her enter the room before him. She slapped his hand playfully away and he grinned wolfishly, telling her clearly that she was coming to him later and they would sort all of this out, one way or another.

  Nate was using every opportunity to brush past Maud, touch her skin when no one was looking and grab her in dark corners of the party when she least expected it, to devour her mouth leaving her flushed and wanting. Then, as soon as they re-joined the party, flustered and giggling, he would be dragged away by another party-goer and then return half an hour later and draw her into a corner again. There were so many glamorous people here, they were wearing anything from designer cocktail dresses to pyjamas, and Maud loved it. This was her element now and she felt welcome and relaxed. She’d had a few glasses of wine and was flushed with arousal from Nate’s continuing efforts to make her stay with him that night. She could have told him that she’d changed her mind about not staying in his room, but it was so much fun playing cat and mouse with him all night. He was one determined man and no matter how many women threw themselves at him, he managed to shake them off and make a beeline for her.

  The party was soon in full swing and there was a DJ in one room and a full band in another, at the furthest point of the grand house. In between were all sorts of acrobatic performers and everything was sparkling with little lights, which were strung everywhere. It looked like something out of a fairy tale and she felt like a princess, even though it wasn’t her party.

  Elliott was being hilarious too. He was so drunk and kept draping his arms across Maud’s shoulders and telling her how much he adored Dot. Maud had told him she already knew that countless times, but he still wanted to tell her again. Dot had stood up when called and was about to make her birthday speech, so El drew Maud closer to hear above the revelry, but gradually everyone had gone quiet as Dot began to speak. Just as she opened her mouth, Camille stepped in and took the microphone. She gaily told everyone, as she twirled to include them all, that she was super-proud of her talented daughter and her delightful artisan work. Camille pointed to her waist where she was wearing one of Dot’s pieces from the first show. Cosmo had bought it for her, before he even knew that Dot made them, and Dot had burst into happy tears when she found out. Everyone cheered and saluted Dot when Camille took a bow.

  ‘I think we should let her off giving a speech this year,’ said Cosmo, joining his wife and taking the microphone.

  Someone shouted from the back, ‘As long as she doesn’t sing!’ to which everyone roared with laughter and Dot saluted them all good-naturedly, not quite knowing what they meant.

  Maud saw t
hat Dot was a bit teary-eyed from her parents’ speech and sent her a kiss, but then noticed that she was staring at Elliott next to her and frowning at the brunette that had just draped herself all over him. Dot suddenly looked angry and headed their way, and Maud wondered if she’d finally worked out her feelings for him, so she moved forward to cut her off as she looked as if she’d like to do someone some damage.

  ‘Dot!’ said Maud, grabbing her arm and leading her to the side of the room, whilst smiling at everyone that stopped them briefly to kiss Dot and congratulate her. ‘You ok?’ she asked.

  ‘For some reason, that girl who’s practically horizontal on El is winding me up. I may have toned down my look, but I’m not dead yet. He’s my friend and she’s all over him.’

  Maud looked his way and he was happily chatting to the said brunette and swaying slightly, glass in hand. ‘He seems happy enough about it to me,’ she said, testing the water for Dot’s response.

  Dot looked confused and then her eyes narrowed at Maud. ‘Is she his girlfriend?’ It didn’t look like Dot was too happy about that idea.

  ‘I don’t know,’ said Maud honestly, ‘but he’s spent the last half hour telling me how much he loves you.’ Dot’s mouth hung agape and her eyes flew open. She leaned on the wall for support and threw off her shoes, as if they’d been killing her feet for the last two hours.

  ‘He what?’

  ‘Dot,’ said Maud gently. ‘Elliott has been in love with you for years. He only dates other people because you don’t notice him. He’s human. He hurts.’


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