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If You Love Me, I'm Yours

Page 24

by Lizzie Chantree

  Dot frowned, and then flushed as her eyes darted back and forth. Maud watched her trawl through her memory banks for possibilities that what she’d said was true. Maud waited for her to see it as clearly as everyone else did and, when that moment dawned, a smile lit up Dot’s face and she hugged Maud excitedly, almost knocking them both to the floor.

  Nate found them sitting on the decked area outside on the veranda with their bare legs hanging over the side, resting on the cool grass. He walked over as Maud and Dot turned, and Dot jumped up and hugged the woman with him, who was sitting on a mobility scooter. She looked curiously familiar, wearing a headband with a parrot at a jaunty angle on her long grey hair. She was dressed in a patterned wide-strapped top, with a bright blue cardigan over the top and a ruffled skirt that exploded like a cloud around her legs as they approached.

  Nate was laughing and carrying her drink, which seemed to be a humungous glass of Baileys, as the fragrance of chocolate and whiskey wafted around them. Nate offered Maud a hand and pulled her up too. ‘Nan came in and declared the party officially open, even though everyone’s been there for hours,’ he told them, making them both giggle, eyes sparkling.

  He smiled at Maud, keeping hold of her hand now he’d found her again. ‘Have you met our nan, Elize Ridgemoor?’

  Maud smiled politely at the woman, holding out her hand to say hello, while whispering to Nate that she could see where Dot got her original look from.

  ‘I heard that, young lady,’ chided Elize with a twinkle in her eye as she regarded her grandson and the flushed woman by his side. Maud saw that she’d noticed his hand cupping her waist and the way she leaned into him. Maud moved her body away from Nate’s slightly, aghast that she might have offended Dot’s nan, but Elize just cackled with laughter and drove further towards them, almost knocking them onto the grass. ‘Go and get me an iced Martini,’ she told Nate, ‘while I interrogate this lovely lady of yours.’

  Nate looked at the huge glass he’d just got for her at the bar and sighed as he put it down on an intricately-carved iron table beside an overflowing planter. ‘Go easy on her, Nan.’

  Chapter Forty-Eight

  Nate’s nan had been a hard taskmaster. She’d asked Maud to walk alongside her and had made her sit on a low wall with lavender bushes at its base. It smelt heavenly, but Maud had suddenly sobered up and been a nervous wreck about talking to the matriarch of the family. Maud knew from the long telephone conversations she’d had with Nate, sometimes into the early hours of the morning, that his nan was a very famous artist herself and Maud was in awe of her work, so she was a bit tongue-tied.

  Elize had looked at her thoughtfully for a while, while Maud sat feeling terrified, then she had leaned across and taken her hand, making Maud feel instantly more at ease. Elize had asked her about her relationship with Nate and they had talked for an hour about Lena whilst Maud learnt more about the man she was falling in love with. Nate returned with the drink, but Elize had brushed him away and said they both now needed coffee as it was getting cold outside. Nate had grabbed some soft blankets from a hamper beside one of the double windows which led onto the terrace, draped them across the shoulders of his two favourite women and then sighed as he went in search of coffee.

  It had been a magical night and her life had been a whirlwind since. She’d had invites to so many parties and events that she could barely keep up. Dot had hired them both an assistant and Maud was trying to manage the new pace of her life. It was madness. Dot insisted that it would calm down, but for now they would have to sleep less and do more.

  Nate had crept into her bungalow a few times over the past couple of weeks and they were growing more comfortable together, but they still hadn’t had time to talk about what was happening with them. He had been so busy with his new exhibition that she knew she’d been a bit distant with him lately. He’d had to meet the gallery deadline, so he had put her off on the last few nights she had suggested. She was terrified that he was bored with her now and didn’t know how to tell her.

  Both Dot and Maud had been at work in Dot’s studio the day before Nate’s next launch, with the door wide open as it was a stuffy day and they’d needed some air. A man in a smart suit had casually walked in and handed them a note to say a hotel suite had been booked for them on the following night for Nate Ridgemoor’s private gallery viewing, as an extra birthday present from Nate to his gorgeous little sister and her best friend. Both girls had been surprised and excited when they’d read the handwritten invitations, which were exquisitely made with black card and gold writing with filigree edges.

  Dot and Maud were relaxing the following night in a sumptuous hotel suite with textural grey furniture, crisp white linen and vases overflowing with fresh flowers. Modern art hung on the walls of the interconnecting lounge area and there were two bedrooms for them to get changed privately, even though they had squealed and danced around in delight when they’d seen the place and both jumped up and down on Dot’s bed. After having showers and discovering the complimentary champagne, they sat with fluffy white towels wound around their wet hair and snuggled into the softest pale grey dressing gowns, which had been folded on the beds.

  Maud sighed in pleasure and stretched out her newly-painted toes. ‘Surely I shouldn’t be using your present too? I haven’t heard from Nate much lately.’ Her voice faltered slightly, but she held back the wobble she knew she could so easily succumb to. This was Dot’s day and she was here to support Nate, even if he hadn’t phoned to ask her personally and had just sent the invite with Dot’s. Maud felt he was distancing himself from her, so maybe he was another player, who had just wanted to get into her pants and then move on to find new prey. Dot had warned her often enough. Maybe she should have listened? Perhaps he was trying to let her down gently, but it was too late, she already felt devastated. She was smiling over-brightly for Dot, but inside she felt like she needed to be sick. The champagne was softening the edges, but a lone tear escaped from her eye. She brushed it away and leaned back onto the pillows of the bed, trying to make herself chill out and enjoy the moment. If this was one of the last times she was with Nate, then she might as well savour it. They’d have to bump into each other occasionally, as he was Dot’s brother and Dot was the agent for both of them, plus their studios were next to each other. It had seemed like a great way to be near him at the time, but now Maud had visions of running upstairs to her studio and peeking round doors to avoid him. Just looking at him would break her heart. She’d have to move and Dot would have to understand. Dot knew they’d been seeing each other and hadn’t commented on it, which was unlike her, so Maud wondered if she was scared Maud would end up causing him emotional problems like Lena had, when he was just starting to move on from his past.

  Dot shrugged in answer to her question, as if she’d almost forgotten what Maud had asked. ‘My mind is racing,’ she apologised, ‘of course you should be here. It’s much nicer with a friend, and I’m really nervous about Nate’s new show. It’s different from his other ones and he’s like a bear with a sore head. He keeps shouting at everyone in the gallery. They are all getting fed up and I had to tell him to back off yesterday.’

  Maud’s heart sank. If Nate was angry with everyone, then maybe he was worrying about breaking up with her and it was affecting his work. She held her breath for a moment, ‘How is it different?’

  Dot pulled a face. ‘He hasn’t let anyone but me see his latest work. The pictures are so beautiful, but not what his current clientele will expect. This work is really something else. They’ve been hidden in his studio for months and he won’t even let Mum and Dad see them. He’s banned everyone. You’ll have to wait like everyone else to see what they’re like. He’s sworn me to secrecy.’

  Maud felt sad that Nate hadn’t trusted her with his work and finally understood how he must have felt when he’d found out about her own art. She’d evaded him for months and not trusted him. Now he was returning the favour and sending a very clear message to her. She f
elt tears spring from her eyes and she sniffed. Dot looked at her in confusion as someone knocked sharply on the hotel door and, without having time to ask if Maud was ok, she jumped up to answer, making sure her dressing gown was secured tightly at her waist and peeking outside.

  A liveried doorman addressed her by name, so Dot stood aside and let him come into the room. In his arms were two big black and gold boxes, tied with blood-red ribbon. He walked over to the coffee table in the centre of the lounge between the bedrooms and placed them reverently down with a smile. Behind him were two women and a man who had been instructed to do the ladies’ hair and make up.

  Maud walked into the room from her position by the doorway to find out what was going on, as Dot was suddenly rushing around in excitement. Maud was led to her room where one of the women set about styling her hair while the man pulled a tall make-up trolley into the room and began putting colours next to Maud’s face and scrutinising her skin. She tried to protest, but he told her it was part of Dot’s present and handed her some more champagne, so she accepted her fate and tried her best to enjoy the experience, even though her heart was breaking in two.

  An hour later, Maud realised that it was fun to be pampered this way and the three glasses of champagne had helped to ease her pain. Dot walked in with her hair pinned up with tiny diamonds dotted everywhere and silky blonde tendrils escaping down her neck. Maud gasped, as she looked like an angel. Her make-up complemented her blue eyes and made them stand out so that you couldn’t take your eyes off her. ‘You look so beautiful, Dot,’ she got up from her chair and twirled Dot around so she could take a closer look. Dot was still in her dressing gown, but laughed happily as she turned around.

  ‘You look great too, Maud,’ she said, reaching out with a look of awe to touch the soft waves that Maud’s hair had been set into. ‘It isn’t as dramatic as my look,’ said Dot candidly, ‘but with your smoky grey make-up and dark kohled eyes, you looked like a seductress. No man will be safe with you around looking like this!’

  Maud blushed, but had to admit she did feel good. The girls hugged each other and then went into the lounge to say thank you and then goodbye to the stylists. Giddy with excitement now, they pounced on the boxes as soon as the door closed. They had been told they had to wait to open them until after hair and make-up, which had been torture for Dot, who was so impatient and hated surprises. Maud knew the boxes were for Dot, so she wasn’t as bothered, but was happy for her friend and curious to see what Nate had bought.

  Dot took the first box and handed the second to Maud. ‘It’s for you, silly!’ laughed Dot. ‘We have one each.’ Before Maud could speak, Dot had thrown open the lid of her gift and delved into the layers of gold tissue inside. She reverently pulled out a shimmering silver dress. She dropped her dressing gown immediately and Maud tried not to blush. She was getting used to Dot’s open personality, but she was still such a prude inside.

  Dot’s dress skimmed her slim hips and fell in waves to the floor. It fitted her waist and had a subtle pattern that you could only see when she moved. Maud could tell that she loved it. Inside the big box was a smaller one and Dot pulled out one of her own belts and some silver shoes. She quickly clasped the belt around her waist and ran to look in the floor-length mirror in her bedroom. Maud followed her and felt elated by her friend’s happiness. Nate had gone to so much trouble for her that it made Maud sniffle again.

  ‘No more tears,’ said Dot, scolding her, whilst twirling this way and that to admire her reflection. ‘Why were you crying earlier?’ she asked over her shoulder.

  ‘I was just happy for you,’ lied Maud, which seemed to appease Dot.

  ‘Have you seen Nate lately?’ asked Dot, obviously remembering Maud’s earlier comments all of a sudden.

  ‘Um... No. Why?’

  Dot shook her head at her brother’s stupidity. Another one bites the dust, she thought. Bloody Nate! Then she remembered the second dress box for Maud and rushed back into the lounge, grabbing Maud’s hand and dragging her along. Standing Maud in front of the parcel, she pointed to it. ‘Open it.’

  Maud leaned down and opened the box. Inside was the same gold tissue paper, but the smaller box was on the top. She opened that first and then frowned as she pulled out her own black high heels with the roses painted on them. Dot looked equally confused.

  Maud set the shoes aside, hating the disappointment she felt, and reached inside the bigger box, expecting to see one of her own dresses neatly pressed and ready to wear. Nate must have stolen her shoes when she visited his parents that time. No wonder she thought she’d lost them. Maybe he’d taken a dress too, so that she could enjoy playing dress-up with Dot and her expensive clothes? Her lip wobbled and she wanted to sit down, but Dot was standing next to her and put a hand on her arm in sympathy, so she refused to be that girl. She didn’t want Dot’s pity. She just wanted to get out of here.

  Dot nudged her to pick up the dress, neither of them saying anything. Maud reached in and pulled out the dress, without opening her eyes. Dot nudged her again, this time more urgently, and she sighed, before looking down and gasping in surprise. She was holding a fitted dress with a wide neckline and delicate cap sleeves. It was completely different to Dot’s dress, as every inch of the fabric had been hand-embroidered with little climbing roses that wound their way around the dress and reached up from the hem.

  ‘It’s beautiful,’ she whispered reverently as Dot rushed to help her try it on. Modesty forgotten, she dropped her dressing gown and stepped into the dress, which fitted as if it had been made for her – which it had!

  The dress stopped at her knees and she bent to put on her shoes. The look was incredibly sexy and daring as the front of the dress was boned, meaning she didn’t need a bra, and the back was pretty non-existent. She felt wild and euphoric, but didn’t really understand what was happening.

  Dot was staring at her strangely and hadn’t said a word while Maud was getting dressed. She seemed to be quietly digesting what she was seeing. The dress had been designed to match Maud’s hand-painted shoes and to reflect her incredible art. Suddenly Dot leaned forward and hugged her fiercely, almost cracking a rib, until Maud laughed and gently pushed her away. They looked at the time and decided to have another quick glass of champagne to celebrate looking so fabulous, giggling all the way to the lounge.

  Chapter Forty-Nine

  Nate was driving Elliot mad with his constant pacing of the gallery. It would soon be full to bursting with people, but he didn’t understand why Nate was so nervous that he’d almost changed his mind and cancelled the whole damn thing. He was always grouchy before a show and this one had been set up in record time, but he was behaving like a caged tiger and Elliott wasn’t feeling much calmer. He’d confided to Nate that he’d finally told Dot how much he cared for her and she hadn’t run a mile. In fact, she’d kissed him. That was too much information for an older brother to hear, though, and Nate had sent him a pained look before beginning to pace again.

  Elliott realised that Dot had been a bit drunk at her party, but they’d almost ended up in bed. He’d tried to resist her as she was tipsy, but she’d been so alluring and he’d waited for so long for her to want him too. He’d come to his senses at the last minute and tucked her in alone, but she hadn’t spoken to him since. By this point Nate had his fingers in his ears and had been singing loudly, ‘la la la la.’ He didn’t want to hear it. He’d explained that he knew El had listened to him moaning about women enough over the years, and had given him advice on how to confide in Maud about his past, but Dot, well – she was his sister.

  Now Elliott was confused. He didn’t know if Dot wished the kisses hadn’t happened or if she thought he’d led her on and let her down. It was such a mess. Nate’s own love life wasn’t much better. He’d purposely kept Maud at arm’s length, as he’d been so busy with this exhibition. It had probably stirred up many emotions he hadn’t wanted to burden her with, while he dealt with them. Elliott wondered if she was as confused as h
e was by Nate’s behaviour. She must be worried that she hadn’t seen Nate as much while he worked night and day to finish this exhibition. Elliot knew that he also needed time to put his past behind him and make room to start afresh. Elliott decided it was time he disappeared and left his friend alone in his misery to wait it out for another hour until everyone arrived and he could move on with his life. Hopefully Nate would be more relaxed after the show was over, but for once, Elliott put his own life first and let Nate work his emotions out alone.

  Elliott knocked at the hotel suite door and waited for someone to answer it. He could hear Maud call to Dot that she could see Elliott through the spy hole in the door, but before she could open the door he started banging on it again and demanding to see Dot. Maud quickly let him in and jumped back from the shuddering door, before gesturing towards Dot, who was looking stunned. He strode over to her and took her into his arms, surprising everyone including himself, and making Maud scurry to her room to give them some privacy.

  Dot announced that he must be slightly drunk, but he then told her that she was now his girlfriend whether she liked it or not. To his amazement, Dot seemed surprised and then thrilled, as she told him she loved this more forward side of him and was relieved he’d turned up. She leaned her head into his neck and explained quietly that she’d been mortified about seeing him, after the last time they’d met, when he’d spurned her amorous advances at her birthday party. It seemed she had been secretly fretting about it ever since.

  Dot pulled him over to sit on the side of the soft couch with her and sighed heavily. His stomach rose up and he dreaded what she was going to say next, but it was just that she hadn’t told Maud about their almost-night together, as she seemed to be having enough trouble with Nate. Elliott reached out and kissed Dot again, savouring the feeling of having her in his arms, as if she had always been meant to be there. He wasn’t about to let her go, whatever problems her friend was having with his best mate.


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