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Breaking Bad: 14 Tales of Lawless Love

Page 100

by Koko Brown

  “But I have to draw the line with an upcoming audition,” she followed up quickly


  “It’s a dancing audition in a couple of days.”

  “What type of dancing?” he asked cautiously. He’d met enough women in his world who used dancing as a code word for a different type of stage talent and found himself instantly tensing at the idea of Regina strutting her perfect little body around a stage half dressed for any man willing to pay the cover charge to leer at her.

  She rolled her eyes but didn’t look the least bit upset. “Not the kind you’re probably thinking about from that look on your face. I’m classically trained and have learned tap and hip-hop over the years.”

  “And this audition is for a dance performance?”

  “A musical actually?”

  “You sing also?”

  She chuckled. “Sadly, that isn’t my talent. The role I’m up for is an acting and dancing one only.”

  “Is this why you came to NY?”

  She nodded, but he noticed something else in her expression before she quickly masked it. “So you understand why I can’t put it off. There are no do-overs or second chances.”

  It was a plea he couldn’t ignore. “You will make your audition.”

  She opened her mouth to speak but was cut off by a firm knock at the door.

  After Hyuk’s verbal approval a woman entered in full scrub regalia. She looked between the two of them gave Regina a cursory nod before focusing her attention on Hyuk. Regina noticed how close she moved in on him as if the concept of personal space were lost on her. Absently, the doctor smoothed a hand over the front of her scrubs and the expression on her face went from friendly to blatant flirtation. Regina took small solace in the obvious attention the doctor directed at him. It was good to know she wasn’t the only one affected. But damn if the woman bat her eyes any more Regina was certain she’d float away.

  “Mr. Chon, your nephew’s surgery was a success and he’s now in recovery. I’m sure you’re eager to see him but he’s under heavy sedation. If you’re expecting to have a conversation I’m afraid you’ll be disappointed tonight.” There was a long pause as if she expected a response from him, finally, she gave a gentle sigh and continued. “You’re welcome to visit with him for a little while, if you’d like.”

  “Thank you, doctor, we will,” he accepted succinctly.

  “Well if there’s nothing else,” she said politely at Hyuk’s prolonged silence then with a brief nod she was gone. Regina felt embarrassed for her and eyeballed Hyuk for his silent but dismissive behavior. He raised a brow in her direction.

  “Is there something you wish to say?”

  Regina silently shook her head.

  “Then why don’t we check on Jay for ourselves.”

  He gathered up her discarded jacket and they left the seclusion of the waiting room behind.

  She felt a bit self-conscious tagging along with Hyuk to visit with his nephew and questioned if she should wait outside the room to allow for a private family moment. Frankly, she didn’t know what she’d do if he broke down at the sight of his nephew attached to the machinery needed to monitor him. She remembered being a little girl and visiting her grandfather in the hospital after a heart attack. It was all rather confusing to her eight-year-old mind but what struck her most was looking at the number of cords and tubes leading to his body and the way her mother nearly crumbled at seeing him for the first time. How would Hyuk react?

  With one guard only a few feet in front of them and another hanging behind she cautioned a peek up at him as they made their way to the ICU. His expression was unreadable, the very definition of stoic. She wondered if it were a façade. Was he an emotional wreck inside? Her own stomach was in knots from the whole of it all. Yet he looked completely unfazed. He glanced down at her with eyes that looked as if he could see into her very soul.

  “Are you okay?” He asked coolly with only the slightest frown marring his brow.

  “Um, yes. Why?”

  “You’re staring and quite frankly you look as if you need to sit down.”

  “No, I’m good,” she lied but knew then that she wouldn’t need to worry about this man falling apart once they got into his nephew's room. He was a rock. Her on the other hand, well she wouldn’t be placing any wagers on her response.

  The private suite where Jay convalesced was several steps above any hospital room she’d seen. In fact if it weren’t for the monitors periodic beeping and the sterile smell she could have easily forgotten where they were. Jay looked peaceful resting in the queen sized bed, his steady breathing eased her mind. It was a far improvement over how she’d last seen him.

  Hyuk stepped away from her to inspect the monitors before moving to the laptop sitting on a stand next to the monitoring equipment. One click and the screen came to life. She noticed the password protected pop up. Undaunted, Hyuk quickly clicked a series of keys which surprisingly got him access to the computer. A few more strokes had something launching on the screen she couldn’t make out from her distance.

  “How do you have access?” she asked lamely.

  He gave her a sideways glance, a slight smirk playing on his lips.

  For him, the look may have been innocent enough, for her it was downright sexy.

  An age old fluttering started in the pit of her stomach and her heart leapt in her chest.

  “We require our own security system in place. It provides access to only a select few.” he turned back towards the laptop.

  Reggie quietly looked between him and the resting Jay until Hyuk lowered the screen.

  “And that all made sense to you?” she asked.

  “Of course,” he said giving his nephew another long look before nodding towards the door.

  So much for a lengthy visitation.

  He reached for the door pulling it open and extended his arm for her to proceed him. When they exited the room a man she hadn’t seen before was in place in front of the door. Hyuk spoke to him again in the unfamiliar language to which he responded with a curt nod. Hyuk’s hand at the small of her back signaled it was time to go. Her heart went into instant overdrive with the contact. She refused to believe that his touch alone was the cause of it, choosing instead to blame it on the events of the day and the uncertainty of tomorrow.


  Regina wasn’t quite sure what she expected Hyuk’s home to be like. They obviously didn’t run in the same social circles and she’d never met anyone remotely like him…ever. His home could have been featured on one of those TV shows she swore was meant to make the average American feel ashamed about their own humble accommodations.

  The exterior was an impressive tanned brick structure which at first glance she mistook for an apartment complex but remembered that this Upper East Side area was littered with extravagant townhomes, or at least it was what her friend Pickle had said in one of his many city explorations. A lover of architecture he always relished giving her personal and usually impromptu guided tours. He’d probably wet himself knowing she was actually stepping foot in one of the exclusive homes.

  It was a bit awe inspiring being led up the stone staircase lined on both sides by inky wrought ironed fencing which had to be at least seven feet high. Shorter spear tipped posts featured cracked glass light fixtures and strategically led to a set of wide columns that reached up to a long stone terrace. A guard proceeded them into an ornate vestibule that could have comfortably fit a party three times their size. Within was a wide door that was the perfect blend of wood with bronze fixtures. The guard pulled the door open wide allowing them entry into a beautifully simplistic foyer walled with dark wood. Four wooden steps invited them into a large sitting room to the right with a prominently displayed fireplace in the center of one long wall. Furniture was placed around it in a mixture of deep gold and burgundy’s, classic and very masculine. Beyond the room was a staircase curving its way to the upper levels of the house. She was curious about what lay beyond b
ut held her tongue, instead, allowing her gaze to soak in the architecture and décor. There was so much to see. No doubt it would take weeks to soak it all in.

  Weeks, her stomach knotted. As beautiful as it all was she definitely hoped things wouldn’t drag out that long.

  “I know it’s late but with all that’s happened have you had a chance to eat?” Hyuk asked at her side.

  Food, she thought about the forgotten takeout probably lining the belly of a homeless animal.

  “I haven’t eaten but given everything that’s happened I’m really not hungry.”

  “If you’re ready to turn in then we can take the elevator up,” Hyuk said leading the way into a hallway just beyond the staircase leaving Regina no choice but to follow. She vaguely noted the guard had remained outside.

  “Did you say elevator?”

  “Yes, the guest rooms are on the fourth floors,” he answered matter-of-factly.

  The wait for the elevator only took seconds and he allowed her to proceed him inside.

  “You’ll have your own ensuite bath. There is a gym in the basement and an all season pool on the roof. The library is on the second floor along with a couple of guest rooms and the kitchen is on the main level we just left,” he supplied as if he expected her to remember.

  “Yeah, hopefully, I won’t have to be here long enough to have to memorize all of that,” she said lightly but could almost feel an instant tension fill the small enclosure.

  Regina was grateful when the door opened on the fourth floor.

  “So what’s on the third floor?” she asked to relieve the ensuing silence while Hyuk led her to what she could only assume was her temporary domicile.

  “It’s my private suite,” he said evenly, but his monotone response unnerved her.

  Why? Was it meant as some sort of warning?

  Well, he didn’t have to worry because she had no desire to invade his space.

  The room he showed her didn’t disappoint, like what she’d seen so far it held an old world feel with a modern design. It could have easily swallowed two of her entire apartments inside. She didn’t let that intimidate her choosing instead to soak in the beauty of her provisional accommodations. The space contained a large four poster bed and a sitting area furnished with a small love seat and matching lounger. Floor to ceiling windows nearly took up an entire wall. The curtains were left open and gave a spectacular skyline view, a far cry from her practically windowless apartment.

  “I trust you’ll be comfortable in here?” he asked and Regina realized she’d allowed herself to drift towards the window, so lost in her own thoughts she’d forgotten Hyuk’s presence.

  “Yes, this is fine.”

  “You seem to have a fondness for windows. I noticed you gravitated towards the one in the waiting room several times.”

  She smiled sheepishly. “Guilty as charged. There is something completely electric about the New York skyline, it’s always caught my attention even on television. Sometimes I can’t believe I’m actually here, a part of the cities hum,” she stopped herself sure she sounded like the country bumpkin he practically accused her of being back at the hospital.

  “I’m sorry, I’m sure it must sound silly to someone like you, with all of this.”

  He cocked his head as if observing something particularly curious. “Not at all. New York has a quality all its own and I find people either love it or hate it.”

  She nodded her agreement unsure of what else to say.

  “I take it your key is in your jacket.”

  “Key?” she parroted.

  “To your apartment, you preferred to have your own clothing remember?”

  I did? She questioned mentally before realizing he referenced their earlier conversation. What had they said again? Her brain scrambled to recall the final outcome of their conversation. Did it really matter? She was at his home now. It was late and she far too tired to come up with an alternative.

  “Yes, my jacket. My phone is in there too.”

  “I’ll take care of it why don’t you focus on getting settled. You’ll find toiletries in the bathroom through there,” he pointed to a door on one side of the fireplace. “I apologize but on such short notice I could only provide one of my night shirts for you to sleep in tonight.”

  “No worries, I don’t usually wear anything to bed,” she said absently, realizing too late what she let slip. She froze as his gaze dropped to do a slow perusal of her again. Why did she feel the need to cover herself? Geez, it was a slip of the tongue, and they were two mature adults, not silly teens looking for hidden meanings and invitations behind every word.

  “I think everything that’s happened tonight is finally catching up with me if you don’t mind some shut eye would do me good.”

  His gaze met hers, again.

  “Of course,” he gave her a polite nod and quick good night before exiting the room. Regina resisted the urge to immediately rush for the lock on the door.

  “He’s just trying to be helpful,” she muttered under her breath before her thoughts shifted to the temptation of a hot shower. She had said all she needed was a shower and a good night’s sleep and tomorrow she could deal with the rest. Time to test the theory.

  The gentle trill of the harp sounded even louder this time, unlike before when it seemed to be so far way it felt like a niggling in her subconscious.

  Not a harp, she realized as the fog of sleep faded away. She didn’t move, not even to open her eyes. There was no confusion or uncertainty about where she was or even why she was there. It all came back with a clarity of acceptance.

  Shouldn’t there be denial or some hint of shock even?


  Regina let her lids drift open in anticipation of the sound she recognized as a phone ringing.

  This time the trilling sounded less melodic.

  She rolled on the bed towards the noise, noting that even without being tired the bed felt like a little bit of heaven and the sheets were velvet against her naked flesh. Seeing the cordless device immediately, she caught it before the ringing completed its cycle.

  “Hello?” her voice sounded raspy to her own ears.

  “Good morning Ms., breakfast is being served in the dining room shortly. Someone will be up to take you down. Do you have any special requests or dietary restrictions?”

  “No, just serve me the entire horse.”

  Pause. “Sorry, Ms.?”

  “Nothing. I can eat anything and will be ready in a jiff.”

  “Very good. You’ll find your clothes in the closet.”

  “Thank you.” Regina was already sliding off the bed when her stomach grumbled loudly reminding her just how long ago it had been since she’d eaten. She thought back to her skimpy brunch the previous day then the memory was replaced by another more vivid one in her head. She paused in route to the bathroom as an instant replay of last night’s events rushed at her.

  “Damn,” she mumbled pulling herself out of the reverie. She started for the bathroom again with a sense of urgency this time, eager to know what would happen next. How had Jay done overnight? Had there been any overnight developments which might put an end to everything?

  Everything she needed had been supplied with the exception of her home creation of hair products to keep her short curls looking nice and hydrated.

  “Oh well, water will have to do for now.” She gave herself a quick once over, not exactly her normal effect. “Clothes would be a good thing.”

  Inside the closet, Regina paused realizing when the mystery woman had said her clothes would be inside she expected a few items, not everything she owned. How had she slept through her entire wardrobe being moved in there and exactly how much of an eyeful had she given whoever had brought in her things? She thumbed through the clothes, that didn’t even take up a quarter of the space as if they were foreign objects. She found her undergarments in the first of a series of built-in drawers on the opposite side of the closet. Trying not to think about who might have
been rummaging through her unmentionables she tugged on a pair of panties and suited up in a sports bra. She automatically reached for a pair of leggings, her go-to items because they just seemed more comfortable than jeans. She chose one of her favorite red long sleeved shirts to the top of her casual wear.

  No sooner than she had the shirt pulled on there was a knock on the bedroom door that made her jump.

  “Really?” she muttered, twirling around and looking overhead for any obvious cameras. Only slightly satisfied at not seeing any she made her way out of the closet but still found herself scanning for possible video surveillance.

  “Now you’re just being paranoid,” she mumbled jerking the door open to find a man she recognized from the night before at door dressed in a gray pullover and casual dark slacks.

  “Hiya,” she greeted but only got a returning nod for her efforts.

  So much for small talk.

  “Will Hyuk be there for breakfast, I have a few questions?”

  “Yes,” came his curt response.

  His single word answer effectively silenced her. It was fine because it gave her a chance to soak in Hyuk’s home in the light of day. Still very impressive, albeit the place didn’t feel very lived in. She couldn’t see children growing up in such a pristine environment. It was a bit un-PC to even think but his home was lacking even the slightest bit of a woman’s touch. Of course, it didn’t mean he didn’t have a wife or children. Maybe he and his spouse shared the exact same artistically museum like style. Hell, more than likely this was only one of many residents for him. In the grand scheme of things none of it mattered. He could own a dozen similarly decorated properties on every continent and it wouldn’t be any of her business, she was a temporary guest, hopefully with the emphasis on the temporary part.

  Mr. Conversationalist escorted her to the first level and towards the back to what could only be described as a small dining room. She used the word only because she’d glimpsed the grand dining room the night before. This was definitely small by comparison. A four seat table was strategically placed in front of a curved window allowing for a panoramic view of a private garden. It was picturesque and far grander than she imagined possible in a private home in the city. Regina spied a man-made water fall cascading down a brilliant array of rocks. A wall extended up one side of the yard and disappearing into well placed overhanging foliage that gave the illusion of tamed outdoors. The far opposite wall was covered in carefully manicured vines that crawled its way up and just slightly over. This same wildesque pattern served to wall in the remaining yard perfectly insulating it from the out outside world and prying eyes.


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