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Breaking Bad: 14 Tales of Lawless Love

Page 101

by Koko Brown


  She sat, still in awe of the perfection, craning her neck to see the manicured lawn and pond the steadily falling water pooled into. Periodically, she caught the briefest glimpses of fish swimming in and out of her line of site.

  “Do you approve?”

  The smooth voice interrupted her admiration but it didn’t startle her. She’d expected him. Regina turned from the window to catch Hyuk pulling on a t-shirt over his head, down a well-sculpted chest and abs people would pay nightly to see.

  It wasn’t until he was settling into a seat across from hers that she realized she’d held part of her bottom lip between her teeth.

  Subtle, real subtle.

  “It’s a gorgeous site to behold,” she commented not sure exactly what she was refereeing but glad the yard gave her an excuse to fix her gaze somewhere else.

  “I agree. It’s my tranquility spot.”

  “I can see why.”

  “I apologize for the lateness of the morning, I overslept, which is uncharacteristic for me. I’d hoped to catch you for breakfast after my morning swim.”

  Regina found she was able to look at him again stilling herself for the reaction of having the ice blue eyes focused on her.

  “That’s right you did say you have a pool.”

  “On the roof,” he reminded dropping into a vacant chair opposite her. “It’s heated and enclosed if you’re interested.”

  “Thanks, but I was actually hoping there’d be some word today on finding the culprit?”

  “Unfortunately not, but there are some things I need to check after breakfast.”

  As if on cue a three “man” team of Hyuk’s domestic staff descended on them. The light clicking of their shoes against the marble floor announced their imminent arrival. Two of the staff carried covered trays which they arranged in the center of the table before removing their silver covering. Regina’s mouth watered at the sight of omelets, bacon, hash browns and an assortment of fruits.

  “Did you want something else?” Hyuk inquired after a period of silence.

  “Um, no. It all looks good.”

  “They’re waiting for you to make your selection.”

  Just one part of being waited on hand and foot she supposed. Oh, the problems of the one percent. The one female in the crew executed her request with precision and handed her a plate before taking a step back.

  “She’s waiting for your opinion,” Hyuk explained.

  “Oh.” Regina forked some eggs into her mind trying not to focus on the amount of attention being paid to her.

  She had to stop her eyes from rolling up into the back of her head with the first bite.

  “Oh my god,” she said having had the forethought to swallow seconds before speaking. “Delicious.”

  The woman nodded formally before turning her attention to her employer who said something in a foreign dialect but that seemed to be what was needed to have the trio leaving. The two male servers returned with a carafe of coffee, water and some sort of juice before disappearing once again.

  “Wow, is this what a meal is normally like for you?”

  He looked confused. “I don’t get your meaning.”

  She shrugged, “There is far less pomp and circumstance in my house. Mom usually managed something slightly passable and depending on how edible determined how badly my sister and I fought over the viddles.”

  He cracked a slight smile… sort of… well it was either that or he had gas.

  “My family stood on a bit more ceremony I’m afraid, but your way sounds more… entertaining. Perhaps I will suggest that to the cook for our future meals, but you should be warned I’m a very determined man.”

  It was her turn to smile. “Yeah, I’m sure that will go over well.” Unable to resist the alluring smells wafting around her Regina took a few more bites before plunging into the next topic.

  “You mentioned a possible lead, like what?”

  “At this stage, it’s unimportant, once we have the suspect I will ask you for an identification to be certain.”

  She stopped mid bite. “You mean I’ll have to see him again.”

  “Only in photos. Do you think you can do that?”

  She nodded. Of course, she would have to identify the perp somehow otherwise how else could the guy be put away for his crimes. But it didn’t make the reality less unsettling.

  “Have you had a chance to check on Jay this morning?”

  “Yes, he is awake and recovering well from surgery. He should be cleared later on to come home and convalesce.”

  That surprised her. “So soon. I would think they would want to keep him for observation.”

  “He will receive the best round the clock care from here. His room is being converted and will have the necessary monitoring equipment and a full staff should an emergency arise.”

  “Are you worried about another attempt on his life?” she asked hesitantly.

  “There is always that possibility, it’s far easier to guard him here in a controlled environment than in a busy hospital.”

  She nodded her understanding but couldn’t think of anything to say. This whole situation was so far out of her realm she had no point of reference. Hyuk relayed everything to her with a level of calm that she found… disturbing. Was this a normal happenstance for his family?

  “Practice space is being made in the gym if you need it to work on your routine for the audition.”

  Audition? Yeah, right. Her normal reality. The one in which she was an aspiring dancer and not a witness to an attempted murder.

  “Thanks and thank you for my clothes but your men didn’t need to bring my entire wardrobe, a few items would have sufficed.”

  “Perhaps, but I think it’s best to be prepared for any eventuality.”

  “But you’re still thinking this can be resolved in a few days?” She needed confirmation.

  “We will do our best until then you are my guest and anything you want is at your disposal.”

  She felt like Dorthy displaced in a very modern land of OZ where the witch packed a Glock instead of having evil monkeys at her disposal to do her dirty work.

  “A pair of magic, ruby slippers would be great right about now,” she mumbled.

  “I didn’t quite catch that.” Hyuk eyed her curiously from across the table but she feigned complete interest in her meal. “Tell me about your family Regina. You mentioned a mother and sister, what about your father or other siblings.”

  Okay, she wasn’t expecting that. “It’s just us. My dad died in a car accident when I was twelve so it was just the three of us from that point on. Mom didn’t really date anyone seriously after him in spite of our best efforts.”

  “She must have truly loved your father to honor him that way.”

  Regina shrugged. “I don’t know if it was really an honor so much as she had two daughters to think about and she was afraid of just bringing anyone into our lives. I think it was easier for it to just be the three of us plus the dance studio, which I guess is technically her third child.”

  “And this studio is where you cultivated your passion?”

  “You can say that. I was raised there. Instead of daycare I went with my mom to the studio and I loved watching her no matter what form she was engaged in.”

  “And your sister shares this passion as well?”

  “She enjoys dancing but her heart isn’t in the actual performance although I would have to say of the two of us she possessed a more natural talent.”

  “But you possess the drive?”

  “That about sums it up. Coming to New York is my way of stepping out on faith.”

  “Not many have the heart to follow their dream. I applaud you your effort.”

  She shrugged, “You only live once, right? What about you, I mean it’s gotta take a special kind of desire to do what you do. How does someone decide to be a diplomat?”

  He regarded her for a long moment. “Mine is more of a family business I inherited.” />
  “But do you enjoy it?”

  He seemed to think for a moment his gaze shifting to look just beyond her. It was a relief and loss all at the same time. It wasn’t easy having those eyes so focused on her smothering until she could barely breathe so why was it when he looked away she wanted them back on her.

  “I suppose, there are aspects of my work I enjoy.”

  She latched on, “It must be nice to travel all over the world and see so many people.”

  “Traveling can become tiresome there is never really any place like home. As for people.” His focus was back on her again. “I am enjoying some of my newer acquaintances.”

  There he went sucking the air out of the room again.

  “Have you done much traveling?” he asked.

  “Not really Wyoming, Utah, Cali and nowhere but never outside of the US.”

  “I would be remiss if I didn’t offer to take you. Once the issue here is resolved of course.” She opened her mouth to answer but realized he hadn’t really asked a question. It was more of a politely worded statement of fact.

  “It looks as if you’re done, why don’t I take you down to the gym”

  Regina nodded her agreement realizing seconds later he’d done it again, did the man even know how to ask a question?

  She should have known her version of an inhome gym would dull in comparison to the real thing. Even with the free weights, two types of ellipticals, stair climber, treadmills and several other items, one of which looked like a medieval torture device, there was plenty of room for her to practice. What was even more helpful were the wall to wall mirrors and in wall speakers which were arranged for perfect surround sound.

  “So I gotta ask, other than myself, is there anything in your home just average?” The joking comment rolled right down her brain and out of her mouth.

  He frowned down at her, “I don’t catch your meaning?”

  A nervous chuckle bubbled up. “Sorry, I have a habit of letting my internal filter go unchecked. “Just ignore me.” She quickly changed topics. “This space is more than perfect, thank you for the use.”

  Regina took a couple steps away from him to admire the area, at least that’s what she told herself, the truth of it was being so close to him did peculiar things to her. The slight distance didn’t really matter she was all too cognizant of Hyuk silently observing from behind, added to her awareness of him were the surrounding mirrors which gave a 360 view out of her periphery.

  She got that odd predator and prey feeling again, but he hadn’t moved.

  “Do you really see yourself as average?”

  Ah ha, look at who was capable of asking an actual question.

  She chuckled nervously. “It was a joke really, my roundabout way of saying your home is beyond extraordinary.”

  He made a sound in the back of his throat she couldn’t quite interpret and Regina found herself staring at him in the mirror. Arms crossed over his chest, his eyes locked with hers.

  “This stuff is just material filler,” he gestured slightly with one hand barely moving it from its crisscrossed position. “It might even be suggested that I’m missing something in my life and therefore surround myself with extravagance.”

  “Are you, missing something?” Damn, her none working filter but it didn’t negate the fact that she actually wanted him to answer.

  He cocked his head slightly as if considering the question and her. He didn’t try to hide his slow perusal of her. Regina’s knees felt weak but she locked them in place, determined not to have an embarrassing moment in front of him.

  His gaze finally made its way back up her form and their eyes met once again in the mirror “I have begun to believe there’s quite a lot missing from my life.”

  “Well, it’s never too late to rectify it.”

  “You think so?”

  “At least that’s my hope or I’ve come to New York for nothing. Speaking of which since you’ve so generously allowed me to use this makeshift dance space, I’d love to put in some time.”

  “Of course.” He nodded. “I’ll have your phone and keys left in your room.”

  “Thanks, I almost forgot about them. I’ll actually need my phone for my playlist.”

  “Well then I’ll grab it for you,” he offered but didn’t move for several moments instead he stood watching her through the mirror and she was all but transfixed by his steady gaze.

  Damn, why did she feel like she was caught in a trap? Her heart quickened and the erratic thumping made her chest heave.

  He couldn’t tell, right?

  Regina thought she saw a corner of his mouth lift as if he were about to smile but she couldn’t be sure because it was gone too quickly and he was out the door.

  “What the hell was that?” she muttered to herself.

  Muscles aching and in serious need of a shower, Regina headed back to her bedroom proud of herself for not getting lost and slightly relieved she hadn’t run into Hyuk again.

  Movement down the hall caught her eye and she saw a woman coming out of a bedroom. The scrubs she wore easily identified her as medical personnel. The man trailing her looked like a member of Hyuk’s staff. Curiosity nudged her and Regina hesitated briefly before temporarily abandoning the lure of the shower. She gave a brief smile as she passed the two people who exited the room. They both gave her an acknowledging nod but neither stopped her. Encouraged Regina pushed forward. The door they’d come through was left slightly ajar giving her a glimpse into the spacious room. From her vantage, all she could see was the foot of the bed. It wasn’t her intention to eavesdrop but the faint sound of voices had her listening a little harder.

  “You’ll strain your ears out there why not come inside,” Hyuk called from somewhere beyond the door. Her heart leapt in her chest at being discovered. She took an automatic step back.

  “Now you’ve gone and startled her, Unc.”

  She recognized Jay’s voice instantly. He sounded so friendly, so alive. “Reggie, don’t be afraid I’d really like to thank you in person.”

  She felt like a kid with her hand caught in the proverbial cookie jar. Somehow, they knew she was out there but by going inside she felt she’d be affirming the fact that some definite ear hustling were involved on her part.

  “Come on Reggie.” Jay’s voice urged comically. “I don’t bite. Much.”

  She was leaning more towards the cowardly response of tiptoeing to her room when the door was suddenly pulled wide open and towering above her was Hyuk.

  Heart in her throat, she tried to stammer out an explanation.

  “I was… I was about to-“

  “Run to your room,” he interrupted.

  “Well, um yes… I’m really not visiting ready.” She nodded down towards her sweat stained top.

  His eyes locked with hers and he inhaled slowly. “You smell… inviting. Now come in before my nephew disobeys orders and gets out of that bed to say hello.”

  His words gave her pause but she didn’t have too much time to focus on them because strong fingers wrapped around her wrist and gave a gentle pull. As like every other time since this man had come into her life she gave in easily. They walked deeper into the room and she was all too aware of the warm, firm fingers wrapped around her wrist.

  Jay’s room was spacious even with the added hospital equipment for monitoring. Hyuk didn’t release his hold even after they stopped at the foot of the bed. Jay looked surprisingly well for a man who lay pale and bleeding out on the sidewalk the night before. Like…amazingly well. Propped up on a mound of pillows he was shirtless with the covers pulled up across his torso. If not for the patch of gauze bandage showing she wouldn’t have suspected injury.

  She noticed Jay’s gaze drifted down to where Hyuk held her wrist and an expression crossed his features but was quickly masked before she could interpret it.

  “You’re looking great, better than great in fact.”

  He beamed at her. “I heal quickly but the real thanks goes to you. If you
hadn’t stopped to help things could be worse.”

  “Anyone else would have done the same,” she said dismissively,

  He looked skeptical. “I don’t know about that. The humanity here ebbs and flows based on the latest tragedy.”

  “At any rate, I’m glad you’re on the speedy road to recovery.”

  “From your lips to god’s ears. Hopefully, I’ll be up and around soon and can properly thank you for what you’ve done.” Regina felt Hyuk’s grip tighten around her wrist. It was a slight pressure just enough to get her attention but she didn’t understand what caused the reaction.

  “No thanks needed,” she answered genuinely.

  “I’m just glad to see you’re okay and will be happier when the guy who did this is brought to trial.”

  The look exchanged between uncle and nephew wasn’t lost on her.

  “My uncle says you’ll be staying with us,” he continued.

  “Just for a bit, he thinks there might be some reprisal especially since the… um, shooter grabbed my wallet.”

  “You’ll be safe here. No one would dare try anything under our families’ protection.”

  “I wish that diplomatic shield had followed you into that alley, then you wouldn’t be injured,” she said.

  “Diplomatic shield?” Jay’s brows furrowed in confusion and he gave his uncle a questioning look. “I sort of went off the grid and take full responsibility for how my actions contributed to our current situation. I’m just sorry that I sucked you into our family drama.”

  “On that note, why don’t we let Jay get some rest?” Hyuk suggested.


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