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Struggle for Sea Power : A Naval History of American Independence (9781782397403)

Page 61

by Willis, Sam

  Marine Committee ref1, ref2, ref3

  marine insurance ref1

  marital law, imposed ref1

  maritime evacuations ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  maritime language ref1

  maritime rights, neutral nations ref1, ref2

  maritime strength, impact of ref1

  Marlborough, HMS ref1

  Marseillais (French 64-gun) ref1

  Martin, Josiah ref1

  Martin, Thomas Byam ref1

  Martinique ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8

  Martinique, battle of, 1780 ref1, ref2

  Martinique, battle of, 1781 ref1

  Maryland State Navy ref1, ref2


  declared in state of rebellion ref1

  fishermen’s uprising ref1

  powder secured ref1

  privateers and privateering ref1

  Massachusetts Committee of Safety ref1

  Massachusetts House of Representatives ref1

  Massachusetts Provincial Congress ref1, ref2

  Massachusetts State Navy ref1, ref2, ref3

  Matthews, Admiral Thomas ref1

  Maurepas, comte de ref1

  Mazzei, Fillipo ref1, ref2

  Mediterranean, the ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11

  Melville, Herman ref1

  mercantile power, military power undermined by ref1

  merchant ships, British, lack of protection ref1

  merchant ships, Washington arms ref1

  Mercury ref1

  Merlin, HMS ref1

  Michigan, Lake ref1

  Middleton, Charles ref1, ref2

  military power, undermined by mercantile power ref1

  Minorca ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

  Minorca, battle of ref1

  Mississippi River ref1, ref2, ref3

  Willing’s raid ref1

  Mist, Jakob de ref1

  Mobile, siege of ref1

  Mohammed I, sultan of Morocco ref1, ref2, ref3

  Mohawk Valley ref1

  Moncrief, Captain James ref1

  Monmouth, battle of ref1

  Monmouth, HMS ref1

  Monongahela River ref1n

  Monroe, Lieutenant James ref1

  Montagu, Captain George ref1

  Montagu, HMS ref1, ref2

  Montagu, Admiral John ref1, ref2

  Boston blockade ref1

  and Gaspee inquiry ref1

  portrayal of rebels ref1

  replaced ref1

  Montgomery (American frigate) ref1, ref2

  Montgomery, Brigadier General Richard ref1, ref2, ref3

  Montmorin, comte de ref1

  Montreal ref1

  British fleet arrives at ref1

  fall and evacuation of ref1, ref2

  Montserrat ref1

  Moonlight Battle, the ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  moral responsibility, and sea power ref1

  Morocco ref1, ref2, ref3

  Morris, Robert ref1

  Morristown, New Jersey ref1, ref2

  Motte-Picquet, comte de la ref1

  Mowat, Lieutenant Henry ref1

  Mystic River ref1

  nails, shortages of ref1

  Nancy (American brig) ref1n, ref2

  Nantasket Roads ref1

  Narragansett Bay ref1, ref2

  engagement, August 1778 ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

  Gaspee action ref1

  Nassau, raid on, 1776 ref1

  National Maritime Museum, Greenwich ref1

  Nautilus, HMS ref1

  naval administration ref1

  Naval Documents of the American Revolution (US Naval History and Heritage Command) ref1

  naval strategy ref1

  naval surrender, practice ref1

  naval war, difficulty of waging ref1

  navies ref1

  costs ref1, ref2

  expectation of success ref1

  internal diversity ref1

  Navigation Acts ref1

  Navy Board ref1, ref2

  Navy Board of the Eastern Department ref1

  Necker, Jacques ref1

  Negapatam ref1

  Nelson, Horatio ref1, ref2n, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

  Netherlands, the ref1

  American gunpowder trade ref1, ref2

  American trade ref1

  blockade ref1

  British declaration of war on ref1, ref2

  Caribbean holdings ref1, ref2, ref3

  isolation ref1

  Jones in ref1

  and League of Armed Neutrality ref1, ref2

  loss of Cape of Good Hope ref1

  loss of empire ref1, ref2

  loss of St Eustatius ref1

  maritime trade ref1n

  mobilization ref1

  shipbuilding ref1

  support for America ref1

  threat neutralized ref1

  threat of ref1

  treaty with America ref1

  neutral nations, maritime rights ref1, ref2

  Nevis ref1

  New England ref1n

  New England State Navy ref1

  New Hampshire State Navy ref1, ref2

  New Jersey, British withdrawal from ref1

  New Jersey (American gondola) ref1

  New Jersey Palisades ref1

  New Jersey State Navy ref1n

  New London, Connecticut

  naval defence ref1

  powder house raids ref1

  New Orleans ref1, ref2

  New York

  anchoring ground ref1

  arrival of British fleet off, 1776 ref1

  British capture of ref1

  d’Estaing’s blockade of ref1, ref2

  evacuation of, 1783 ref1n, ref2

  fireworks display ref1

  harbour ref1

  Howe immobilized in ref1

  population ref1

  Rodney’s arrival in ref1

  vulnerability ref1

  New York (American gondola) ref1

  New York campaign

  achievement ref1

  American evacuation ref1

  American evacuation from Long Island ref1

  American forces arrive ref1

  arrival of Admiral Richard Howe ref1

  Atlantic crossing ref1

  battle for Long Island ref1

  bombardment of city ref1

  British forces ref1

  British reinforcements ref1

  capture of Fort Washington ref1

  capture of New York ref1

  capture of Newport ref1

  casualties ref1

  exodus from city ref1

  fires ref1

  Hell Gate navigation ref1

  impact of British fleet ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  landing sites ref1

  landings ref1, ref2

  Manhattan bombardment ref1

  Manhattan landings ref1

  occupation of Staten Island ref1

  peace offerings ref1

  plundering ref1

  strategic situation ref1

  Throggs Neck landing ref1

  Tories ref1

  the Turtle attacks ref1, ref2

  Newport, Rhode Island ref1

  blockade of ref1

  capture of ref1

  d’Estaing leaves ref1

  engagement, August 1778 ref1

  evacuation of, 1779 ref1n

  life in ref1

  powder house raids ref1

  Rochambeau’s expedition occupies ref1

  Rochambeau’s headquarters ref1

  Washington Street ref1

  Newport Harbour, Rhode Island, early naval incidents ref1

  night-vision technology ref1

  Noailles, comte de ref1

  non-state violence, authorization of ref1

  Norfolk, Virginia ref1, ref2n

  North, Lord ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13

Carolina State Navy ref1

  North Sea ref1

  Norway ref1

  Nottoway River ref1

  Nymphe (French frigate) ref1

  oared craft, noise ref1

  oars ref1, ref2

  O’Brien, Jeremiah ref1

  Ocracoke Inlet ref1

  Olive Branch Petition ref1

  Oliver Cromwell (American spy-ship) ref1

  Ordnance Board ref1

  Ozanne, Nicolas-Marie ref1

  Ozanne, Pierre ref1

  Paine, Thomas ref1, ref2

  Pallas (French frigate) ref1

  Palliser, Hugh ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

  Panin, Nikita ref1

  Panther, HMS ref1, ref2

  Paris, Franklin in ref1

  Paris, Peace of ref1

  Parker, Captain Hyde ref1, ref2n

  Parker, Rear-Admiral Sir Hyde ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

  Parker, Commodore Sir Peter ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

  Parliament, sympathy for American cause ref1

  Parliamentary Post ref1

  Pasley, Captain Thomas ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

  Paulus Hook ref1

  peace commission, Earl of Carlisle ref1

  peace commissioners ref1

  peace talks ref1, ref2, ref3

  Pearl, HMS ref1, ref2

  Pearson, Captain Richard ref1, ref2

  Pellew, Edward ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

  Pennsylvania, Tories ref1

  Pennsylvania State Navy ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9

  flags ref1

  Penobscot expedition

  American flight ref1

  American forces ref1

  Americans prepare to launch naval attack ref1

  British dispositions ref1, ref2

  British seize Bagaduce ref1

  Collier’s arrival ref1

  destruction of the American fleet ref1

  impact of ref1

  seamanship ref1

  Penobscot River ref1

  Pensacola ref1, ref2, ref3

  Perth Amboy ref1

  Peters, Thomas ref1


  American regain ref1

  British occupation ref1

  evacuation of ref1

  evacuation of, 1778 ref1n

  fall of ref1

  Independence Seaport Museum ref1

  naval defence ref1

  Philadelphia (American gondola) ref1

  Philadelphia campaign

  Augusta explosion ref1

  battle of Brandywine ref1

  battle of Germantown ref1

  battle of Red Bank ref1, ref2

  British failure to take Delaware River ref1

  British forces ref1, ref2

  British planning and preparation ref1

  British voyage ref1

  defence of Fort Mercer ref1

  defence of the Delaware ref1, ref2, ref3

  evacuation of Philadelphia ref1

  fall of Philadelphia ref1

  impact of fleets arrival ref1

  logistical requirements ref1

  timing ref1

  voyage up Chesapeake ref1

  what ifs ref1n

  Pigeon Island ref1

  pirates and piracy ref1

  pirogues ref1

  Plymouth, England ref1

  Pondicherry, battle for ref1

  pontoon bridges ref1, ref2, ref3

  Popham, Sir John ref1n

  Porto Praya ref1

  battle of ref1

  ports, opened to foreign trade ref1

  Portsmouth, England ref1, ref2

  Portsmouth, New Hampshire ref1

  powder house raids ref1

  Portugal ref1n, ref2n

  Potomac River ref1

  naval defence ref1

  powder house raids ref1

  Preston, HMS ref1

  Prince George, HMS ref1

  Prince of Wales, HMS ref1

  Princeton, battle of ref1, ref2

  Pringle, Captain Thomas ref1

  prisoners of war ref1, ref2

  privateers and privateering ref1, ref2

  Boston ref1

  British losses to ref1

  Caribbean operations ref1, ref2

  in European waters ref1

  impact ref1

  letters of marque ref1

  numbers ref1

  Penobscot expedition ref1

  rise of ref1

  risks and benefits ref1

  prize courts ref1

  prize money ref1, ref2, ref3

  Providence (American frigate) ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7

  Providence, Rhode Island, powder house raids ref1

  Prussia ref1n, ref2n

  pumps ref1

  Putnam, General Israel ref1

  Quebec ref1, ref2

  American attack on ref1

  American withdrawal from ref1

  Arnold’s advance on ref1

  Arnold’s force arrives at ref1

  Arnold’s march to ref1

  capture of, 1759 ref1

  defences ref1

  garrison ref1

  relief of ref1

  Queen Charlotte, HMS ref1n

  Queen of France (American frigate) ref1, ref2

  Quero (American ship) ref1

  Quincy, Colonel Josiah ref1

  raids, American

  Iroquois Indians ref1

  Long Island Sound ref1

  siege of Boston ref1

  raids, British

  Collier’s Chesapeake ref1

  Collier’s Connecticut ref1

  Gibraltar ref1

  Rainbow, HMS ref1

  Raleigh (American frigate) ref1, ref2

  Randolph (American frigate) ref1, ref2

  Ranger (American frigate) ref1, ref2

  Rappahannock River ref1

  Raritan River ref1

  Rattletrap, USS ref1


  portrayal in Britain ref1

  restraint ref1

  reconciliation ref1

  recruits, state navies ref1

  Red Bank, battle of ref1, ref2

  Red Sea ref1, ref2

  Renown, HMS ref1, ref2, ref3

  representation, and taxation ref1

  Reprisal (American warship) ref1

  Revere, Paul ref1, ref2

  Rhode Island ref1

  Rhode Island General Assembly ref1

  Rhode Island State Navy ref1

  Rhynst, Vice-Admiral ref1

  Richelieu Rapids ref1, ref2, ref3

  Richelieu River ref1

  Riedesel, Frederika ref1

  river crossings ref1, ref2

  Washington’s Delaware crossing ref1

  rivers ref1

  boatmanship problems ref1

  defences ref1, ref2, ref3

  portages ref1

  rapids ref1

  seamanship ref1

  waves ref1

  Robertson, Archibald ref1

  Rochambeau, comte de ref1, ref2

  arrival in America ref1

  Atlantic crossing ref1

  command ref1

  condition of forces ref1, ref2

  discussion of terms with ref1

  Hartford Conference ref1

  occupies Newport ref1

  at Yorktown ref1

  Rochefort ref1

  Rockingham, Marquess of ref1

  Roderigue Hortalez et Compagnie ref1

  Rodney, Lady ref1

  Rodney, Admiral George Bridges ref1, ref2

  anti-Semitism ref1

  arrival in Caribbean ref1, ref2

  arrival in New York ref1

  Atlantic crossing ref1

  atrocities, St Eustatius ref1, ref2

  background and career ref1

  battle of Martinique ref1, ref2

  blamed for Cornwallis’s surrender ref1

  Caribbean campaign, 1782 ref1

  Caribbean fleet ref1

  Caribbean resources ref1

  dismisses Parker ref1

  and French Caribbean campaign, 1780 ref1

  and Grasse’s arrival in Caribbean ref1

  impact on Caribbean fleet ref1

  modernization of Caribbean fleet ref1

  the Moonlight Battle ref1, ref2

  Moonlight Battle reward ref1

  open orders ref1

  prize money ref1

  reforms ref1

  relationship with Hood ref1

  relief of Gibraltar ref1, ref2

  return to Caribbean ref1

  returns home ref1

  seamanship ref1

  and Spanish Caribbean campaign, 1780 ref1

  St Eustatius campaign ref1, ref2

  suspicion of subordinates ref1, ref2

  treasure fleet captured ref1

  Roebuck, HMS ref1

  Rogers, Josias ref1

  ropewalks ref1

  Rover (American privateer) ref1

  Rowley, Rear-Admiral Joshua ref1

  Royal Commission, Gaspee inquiry ref1

  Royal George, HMS ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5n

  royal government, collapse of ref1

  Royal Navy

  administration ref1

  and American evacuation from Long Island ref1

  anti-smuggling role ref1

  attempt to control gunpowder imports ref1

  battle experience ref1

  Blane’s health reforms ref1, ref2

  bombardment of New York ref1

  Boston blockade ref1, ref2

  captures, 1779 ref1

  captures first American naval ship ref1

  Caribbean fleet condition ref1

  Caribbean fleet modernization ref1

  Caribbean sea power ref1

  Channel Fleet ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10

  Charleston raid failure ref1, ref2

  coppering ref1, ref2, ref3

  cycle of construction and repair ref1, ref2

  dominance ref1

  evacuation of the Delaware ref1

  fleet victories ref1

  growth ref1

  gunpowder consumption ref1

  hygiene ref1

  impact of French entry into war ref1

  Indian squadron ref1

  Leeward Islands fleet ref1

  lessons of war ref1

  Lexington and Concord campaign ref1

  manning system ref1

  manpower shortages ref1

  mobilization ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  naval commitment ref1

  and the New York campaign ref1, ref2

  night-vision technology ref1

  officer corps ref1

  officers commissions ref1

  orders for ships ceased ref1

  peacetime role ref1

  pressed men ref1

  pressure on ref1

  relief of Gibraltar, 1779 ref1

  relief of Gibraltar, 1781 ref1, ref2

  relief of Gibraltar, 1782 ref1

  resources ref1

  royal links ref1

  seamanship ref1, ref2

  seizure of neutral vessels ref1

  shipbuilding cycle ref1, ref2

  shortcomings ref1

  small squadron strategy ref1

  status ref1

  strategic burden ref1

  strength ref1, ref2, ref3

  superiority in American waters ref1


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