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Broken & Burned

Page 18

by A. J. Downey

  The look stole the breath from my lungs and sent me sailing over the edge, I plunged into the deepest orgasm of my life, the sensations unfurling in a rapid tide from my center, washing out through my limbs, colliding with my edges and washing back in, filling me with bliss. Sight stopped, sound stopped, the whole world stopped and narrowed down to Draven Trujillo’s mouth on my clit and his fingers deep inside me. He was eking out every bit of pleasure he could from my body until I felt light and heavy at the same time.

  The bed became cloud nine and I lay boneless, panting for breath, my throat was raw and I didn’t know why. Dray shifted over me, his fingers slipping free of my body, the heat of his mouth replaced with the cool kiss of air from the room and I shuddered again with an aftershock. My whole body had come alive I let my eyes drift shut and reveled in these new and intense sensations, the rest of my senses slowly coming online from wherever Dray had sent them scattering.

  I heard the rustle of a wrapper, a tearing sound. I hadn’t even been aware of him removing his boxers but my eyes flicked open to reveal him kneeling between my legs, which twitched faintly. His dark eyes were glued to my face as he rolled the condom securely around the base of his thick cock and my breath caught in my throat. The sight of him making himself ready to take me was erotic to the nth degree.

  He smiled down at me and the curve of his lips was borderline cruel and for some reason that turned me on too. I reached for him and he situated himself, collapsing forward over me, holding his upper body off of mine with one arm while he positioned himself with the other. I wasn’t sure I was quite ready, I still hadn’t caught my breath but that didn’t matter to Dray, he was apparently determined to keep things going, because he pushed his hips forward and slid into me with barely any effort at all. God I must be wet and who wouldn’t be after an orgasm like that!?

  He folded down over the top of me and with our heights being so very near the same it made missionary so very close and intimate. His eyes held mine as he stroked in and out of me and he smiled tenderly down at me. My hands found his shoulders and I curved my arms around his neck and opened myself more completely to him, winding a leg around his, spreading the other a little wider. I closed my eyes for a second and just allowed myself to feel what he did to me, to drink in his spicy sweet smell and the warmth of his body against mine.

  “How you doing Baby?” he asked, voice husky and deep with passion.

  “You feel so fucking good!” I breathed back and he growled and adjusted his thrust so he went deeper and a little harder. I gasped and cried out, clinging to him harder. I couldn’t get enough of his skin against my body and finally dragged his mouth to mine. I could taste the salt of myself on his lips and I didn’t care. He took his time loving me and I did everything to love him back just as fiercely. I’d barely had time to recover from my last orgasm but already another was building. He rocked into me expertly, finding and reaching all the right places like his body was built to fit mine.

  He broke the kiss to lean up and change angle again and I wrapped my legs around his lean hips dragging him deeper still. I nipped his shoulder and he growled against the side of my neck and licked that sweet spot that sent a wash of goose bumps across half of my body.

  “Oh god Dray I’m almost there!” I gasped.

  “Good,” he growled, “I wanna feel that pussy come around my cock. Don’t disappoint me Em, you disappoint me we’re going to try again until you get it right.” he said with a playful edge of challenge in his voice. I laughed and then moaned as the head of his cock found the same spot his fingers had so lovingly exploited a little earlier. My womb grew heavy with the delicious threat of another powerful orgasm and I squeezed my muscles around him.

  “Oh god yeah! That’s it baby!” he said and drove into me steadily.

  “Oh Dray! Oh! Oh! Oh…!” I came apart underneath him. It was like he pulled the loose thread that unraveled all the best parts of me in all the best ways. I shook and held onto him as if he were a rock in a storm pitched sea as I came and I don’t know what he did but it was like he kept it going, rolling it out as long as possible for me until I was a panting, nerveless, quivering, beautiful mess beneath him.

  It was so intense, too intense! I clung to him overwhelmed by everything I was feeling and then some. Tears stood out in my eyes and he smiled an entirely too satisfied smile and held me close.

  “You okay?” he asked. I didn’t know but his wide grin was reassuring.

  “I don’t know.” I said and my voice broke on a terrified little girl sob.

  “Shhhh, you’re okay Baby, just a little intense yeah?” he asked. I nodded against his shoulder and he kissed my forehead.

  “Hang on, because I’m not done and it’s about to get worse… or better… depending on your perspective.” He said between breaths. I blinked and he hooked and arm beneath my knee and folded it upwards and started thrusting all over again, sure strokes that stoked the fires of my passion for him all over again, sure but even and surprisingly gentle strokes.

  I didn’t know if my body could take it, but Dray wasn’t going to give an inch. I liked that. I liked that a lot. He made me come at least two more times before taking his own satisfaction. I lay sweat soaked and trembling beneath him and wasn’t sure how well I would be dancing in the morning. My body felt like it had been through a thorough work out by the time he was through. Parts of me tingled with the memory of the pleasure, other places felt numb, others were so fatigued I didn’t know if they would ever work right again!

  Dray looked entirely too satisfied with himself as he disposed of the condom in the trash. He gathered me up, as boneless and nerveless as I felt, and cuddled me close, getting the blankets up and over us, nesting us down in the surprising softness of the bed. I closed my eyes exhausted but not before catching him looking at me like I was his long lost treasure. That, more than anything else, is what made my night. No man had ever looked at me with such love and adoration. As much as my da’ had loved me, not even he came close to a look like the one Dray was giving me.

  “I think I love you for looking at me that way.” I said in a softly lilting voice that was half dreamy at this point.

  “Aww sleep Baby, I wore you out.” He said gently and I laughed.

  “That’s true… but I’m still pretty sure I love you.” I whispered.

  “Good, because it would really suck to love you as much as I’m loving you and not have it returned.” He said. I relaxed just that much more and he gave me a squeeze.

  “You love me?” I asked and I could hear his smile.

  “Yeah Em. I think I do… I know I do. It’s the only explanation for what I’ve got going on inside.” He sniffed and cleared his throat like he was getting choked up. I opened my eyes and craned my neck back to look at him.

  “I’m not going anywhere Dray.” I whispered and something flashed in his dark eyes.

  “You don’t find a connection like this very often,” I whispered, “What I’m feeling for you, I don’t know,” I gave an exasperated sigh, words failing me.

  “Goes way beyond incredible sex?” he hazarded a guess.

  “Yes! God! Way beyond. What I feel right now is the stuff of fairy tales… You showed up out of nowhere a knight in armor and swept me off my feet and now you’re stuck with me!” he barked a laugh.

  “My armor’s not white or shiny Baby.” He said.

  “Well if you’re a knight who really knows your way around a sword it’s kind of impossible to keep your armor shiny isn’t it? I mean you’d be fighting in it all the time…” I yawned at the end of the observation. My father had raised a pretty practical daughter and that is what seemed practical in this certain analogy. Dray chuckled and changed the subject.



  “Why you fighting so hard to stay awake?” he asked. I blinked and relaxed into him and thought about it and the answer startled me a bit.

  “I don’t want to wake up and find out that this is j
ust a really good dream…” I said.

  “Aww well sleep tight Baby doll, I’ll most likely love you in the morning,” he said sweetly.

  “I don’t know if I’ll have it in me to go another round so soon.” I said honestly.

  “I didn’t mean physically Babe.” He said and his tone was gently chiding. I absolutely melted and drifted safe and warm against him in the deepening night. He reached up and switched out the light and I feel like my consciousness blinked out with it.

  My phone started ringing a minute later. I threw myself out of bed and felt through my clothes until I located it in my hooded sweatshirt’s pocket. I looked at the screen and groaned inwardly as I silenced the alarm. I had a bevy of bright eyed girls and a couple of boys to teach in an hour and a half. I looked over my shoulder back at Dray, he was giving me a tired but amused look.

  “Morning.” I said softly. He gave a luxurious stretch.

  “Morning.” He grunted, I got to my feet slowly and he smiled, those deep, dark, lovely eyes of his hooded with satiation coming alive with lust as they travelled over my nude form.

  “Guess what?” he said.

  “What?” I asked softly, my smile growing.

  “Its morning, you’re awake and…” he looked me over again and I cocked my head to the side.

  “And..?” I prompted. Oh god I wanted to hear it, I needed to hear him say it.

  “…and I still love you.” He said and my apprehension drained out of me, through the floor and disappeared into oblivion.

  “I love you too.” I murmured softly and he gave me that beautiful, heart stopping, boyish grin that I absolutely adored.

  “Got some towels in the top of the closet there, you know where the bathrooms are at?” he asked. I nodded and fetched down the towels, taking up my bags.

  “K, come here and kiss me so I can go back to sleep.” He ordered and I didn’t mind at all. I went over and kissed him and he brushed fingers across my cheek.

  “See you when I come pick you up.” He whispered.

  “Okay.” I whispered back and wrapped up in one of the towels. I peeked into the hall but it was deserted and I made a break for the nearest bathroom with a shower.

  I was sore in all the right places which were, unfortunately, all the wrong places for a dance instructor to be sore the morning she had to instruct. I hoped the hot shower would help and it did. I took some Aleve out of my dance bag and swallowed them with some water from the tap. I did not pass go, I did not collect two hundred dollars, I did get dressed directly in my dance stuff and hauled ass out into the common room.

  “Please be up, please be up, please be up…” I chanted under my breath and sure enough she was, bright eyed and ready for the day not a hair or stitch out of place. Thank you Jesus!

  “Running late?” Ashton asked at the look on my face and I laughed.

  “Not exactly. I have got to stop for coffee on the way in. Robusta or bust.” I said and hoisted my bags higher on my shoulder. I had chosen black leggings, black leotard and a deep forest green chiffon skirt over the top. Ashton smiled.

  “Is there a place you usually stop at on the way?” She asked.

  “Renaissance. You know it?” I asked.

  “Absolutely! Let’s go.” I followed the smaller woman out to her Jeep and got in. The interior was crisp and still held that faint new car smell.

  “Nice ride.” I said surveying the tan interior, the Jeep’s paint was a deep rich red the color of a really good ruby. She smiled.

  “Dray helped me pick it out.” She said brightly.

  “Surprised it’s not black then.” I said and she laughed.

  “No, he lost on color.” She turned the key and shifted out of park and into reverse. She was very careful and meticulous in her driving.

  She drove us to the café and I ran in and bought us coffee. She was singing when I came out and when I opened the door was surprised that it was her that I heard outside the Jeep and not the radio as I first suspected. She was so small and so quiet all the time I didn’t think she got much above a whisper.

  “What is this?” I asked.

  “Phantom of the Opera.” She said and I gave her directions to the studio.

  “Do you mind if I watch?” She asked.

  “Sure, you should like it, it’s the advanced class this week.”

  “Thanks,” she said following me into the old building, “Trigger and Reaver, when they get up, will likely go work out and there isn’t yoga on Saturdays.” She made a face. I laughed. I didn’t have the patience for that crap, but I wasn’t about to call it that to her face. If yoga did something for her then awesome, just wasn’t my cup of tea.

  I downed my coffee and got on my soft shoes. I stretched and warmed up after putting on some music and my students started showing up and dropped into doing the same. God I was sore! I wouldn’t trade the night before with Dray for anything though. I sighed.

  “Everett Mary Moran!” I turned to see my best friend, hands on her hips looking pretty put out with me.

  “Mandy what’s wrong?” I asked.

  “You!” she exclaimed in a hiss when she got close to me. I frowned perplexed and she huffed out a sigh.

  “You didn’t answer any of my calls or texts last night. I was worried!” I leaned back and felt a furious blush overtake me as my face fell. Several of my students laughed.

  “Oh. My. God.” Mandy said and turned a brilliant shade of red herself. “Okay! Um, oh my god, okay. You were busy. Got it!” She looked flustered and I closed my eyes. Thank god all my students were eighteen to twenty somethings today. I know I was still an eighteen to twenty something but I was also just that damned good to be teaching them.

  “Mandy.” I said when she really started to babble.

  “Yeah Evy?” she asked meekly, I led her over to the line of chairs against the wall and Ashton.

  “Mandy, meet Ashton. Ashton, Mandy is my BFF when I’m not busy being horrible and self-absorbed. Mandy, Ashton is Trigger’s Old Lady and knows Dray pretty well. I have a class to teach,” I gave a pleading look to Ashton and she smiled sweetly.

  “I’ll tell your friend all about Dray and how he’s not an ax murderer.” She said, reading my look correctly.

  “Thank you.” I turned on the class.

  “Places please!? First number. I want to do a run through and for anybody still laughing you can stay after and do two.” The faces fell into careful lines of not-laughter and I smiled sweetly.

  “That’s what I thought.”

  We took it from the top and mid-way through I saw Ashton on her phone. Mandy was smiling and taking pictures with hers. I laughed inwardly and pushed my class. They were getting ready for a community theater fund raiser for the homeless and some were even getting ready to try out with some troupes for tour. It was class end and I was standing with John McGuigan, one of the best male dancers I’d ever been able to pair with, when I felt that burning stare of Dray’s on me. I looked up and my smile faltered when I saw jealousy slide through his dark gaze. Oh boy. I could fix that, all I needed to do was get John to talk. He was gay and had a very effeminate way of speaking.

  I went over to the surprising crowd of onlookers. In addition to Dray was his father Dragon, Reaver, Trigger and the lanky young tattooed man everyone called Squick the night before as well as the other hang-around, the one with the custom chopper, I didn’t get his name.

  “Wow. Where did you all come from!?” I exclaimed laughing. Ashton looked sheepish. Ah ha.

  “Came to see what all the fuss was about. Ashton mass texted everyone.” Dragon laughed.

  “Ahhh, well!” I blushed, I really didn’t know what to do with all of this.

  “Hi, I’m John.” John waved at everyone and Dray had the grace to look embarrassed. It was Squick’s reaction, however, that was somewhat priceless. He looked at John, I mean really looked and it looked like he liked what he saw. I smiled at him and he startled and checked to see if anyone else had noticed.

>   Oh.

  Ashton winked at me and hugged Squick. Interesting so she knew and it was a secret. I filed that away. Mandy was looking at me and then at all of the delicious man candy and smiling at me with her ‘I am so going to get you bitch’ smile. Probably for not sharing sooner. I smiled back and shrugged a little. I’d been horribly wrapped up in Dray. I made introductions until I got to the man whose name I didn’t know, he gave me a one sided grin and supplied it for me.

  “I’m Zander. Nice to meet you Ev.” He said and shook my hand.

  “Evy Baby, do you think we could do one last run of the third dance?” John asked. Show off that he was he picked the most difficult but also the one that his partner was having the most difficulty in.

  “Trying to figure out what she’s doing wrong?” I asked.

  “Oh I know what it is but I want to be sure,” he waved a hand as if waving off a fly, “You know how she is.” I rolled my eyes.

  “Yep. Do you guys mind?” I asked and people started finding seats, grinning at my expense.

  “Guess not. Okay!” I kissed Dray and he kissed me back I sat down and switched back from my hard shoes to my soft shoes while John checked his laces on his hard shoes. I put on the music, took place and went for it.

  I swayed and spun and leaped and stepped and did what I did to the very best of my ability. Not because I had an audience but because it was how I always danced… but I would be lying if I said I didn’t put in any extra effort knowing that Dray’s eyes were on me. We danced a number that was clearly one of those ‘anything you can do I can do better’ type of dances between a man and a woman, which was a lot more complex than it sounded given him being in hard shoes and me in soft.


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