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Page 24

by Bvlgari, M. F.

  They reached an intense climax together, sweaty bodies brushing against each other with the same urgency, never stopping kissing.

  He stays on top of her, giving all he had accumulate inside him all these weeks since they left the island. He was hoping all this time that she could desire him again, that’s why he wasn’t able to be with another woman, even when he went out with friends although the women offer themselves to go home with him, but he couldn’t stop thinking about Carolina, and how he wished to be with her and feel her and not any other woman. He didn’t move from top of her for a few minutes, taking himself out of her when he lost completely his hardiness, lying next to her, hugging her tight waiting until their bodies return to normal and recover energy.

  It had passed to many weeks since he felt her for the last time, he missed her so much and so did she. They were insatiable for each other and didn’t need much time to start all over again. After the second round, they fall asleep naked and spooning, as usual he fall asleep with his arm around her, protecting her from the world and knowing she was there with him for him. They slept until lunchtime and Carolina woke up with messages arriving at her phone.

  The messages were from the boys asking if she was going to meet them today, she said she would be there before dinner time and would make dinner for all.

  The beginning

  JP remains asleep and Carolina sits on the bed with her arms tucked to hold her legs, leaning on her knees watching him sleeping. Why can’t they stay apart from each other?

  She felt that night had changed them, they hadn’t made sex, they made love, and it was so involving and intense. It seems that the universe was in charge to put them constantly in test throwing them always into each other's way. She was so afraid the she could be wrong and it could end always the same way as before. They had the best sex in the world and after that he always step back to stand apart, humiliating her and making her suffer.

  She was afraid to stay alone as always.

  However this time Carolina felt that something had really changed, she really wanted to believe it had been for the better, but she was not sure and was afraid of his reaction when he woke up. Admiring him to prolong the beautiful moment they had, before he wakes up and goes back to reality, before the reality hits her again. JP finally wakes up and she knows that most likely there are back on square one as always.

  He smiled at her.

  "Good morning my love"

  He says.

  Coming close to her, kissing her, going down kissing her body all over, her breasts until he reaches her feet, going up again stroking her leg, kissing the inside of her legs going around and up, opening her legs with his hands, he kissed her clit, licked and sucked it gently, forcing Carolina to lie down comfortably to enjoy him. He runs his tongue across her feminine areas licking her repeated and in no hurry, wetting her with his saliva while he enters with his tongue inside her, lifts his head and teasing her says:

  "You smell and taste at sex, did you had sex recently my love?"

  She laughs at him and replied teasing him back:

  "I was up all night having sex with a stranger"

  He smiled at her and says rising his head to look in her eyes.

  "Really?! I was hoping you had wonderful love making with your husband"

  “Hello Mr. Stranger”

  “Hello my wife”

  Returning to his task, licking her, causing her an orgasm that made her hold his hair, forcing his head to stay between her legs with both hands at the same time she reached climax. She didn’t understand how he did it but was so easy to have pleasure with him. JP lies down beside her looking and smiling at her, "Good morning again my love"

  She shakes her head and lets out a laugh:

  "Good morning"

  At least he didn’t act strange today after they wake up, he continued sweet and caring with her. He continues caressing her and kissing her.

  "My dear, my wife, I will wake you up every morning like that, you look now much more relaxed, you have a beautiful smile this morning"

  He said full of enjoyment of his achievement.

  Carolina looks at him with a serious expression "Please don’t tease with serious things. We're heading for a divorce, remember?"

  "I haven’t forgotten, but you make me feel good and when I'm not around you, I miss you so badly, L love sleeping with, I love your smell, I love being inside you and lick you, I want this every day" Adding "Wouldn’t you like to consider the possibility of giving ourselves a chance and forget about the divorce for now?!"

  She was stunned to hear his words, the magic words that she always wanted to hear from him, had just become real, all she wanted was to be with him in all the way and it was exactly what he was asking her, after what happened tonight she was now sure that something in him had changed. She had hoped that he might one day come to like her almost as much as she liked him.

  "Why don’t you say anything? I thought you wanted to try also?!"

  He was confused by her standing still without any reaction. Finally she goes close to him, embraces him and kisses him saying:

  "Yes, I want to try"

  "I was hoping so Mrs. Carolina Bennett"

  He said between kisses, showing all his happiness.

  "J.P. Bennett's is it your full name? And I adopted your name?!"

  She asks, because she had never thought about it before.

  "You're my wife, you got my name."

  They made love again before they got up and grab something to eat, they were hungry of so much physical activity. Carolina did a quick lunch for two, took a shower and went out to see her sons as she had promised them. At night when she returns to JP's house, she couldn’t stop thinking what her boys said to her, although they saw her face looked a little bit pale she looked happy and they were very happy that she had found a man who made her well. They even said to her, that they don’t believe that he will go ahead with the divorce, they realised from the first moment they saw him that he loved her very much.

  She felt happy.

  She opens JP’s house door, went up the stairs and again sees a path of candles, going up the stairs, passing the floor where her room was, continuing to the last floor. If she had seen this show two days before she would perhaps not have followed the trail of candles, but now seemed to have lost all the fear of being with JP, since it was not just sex. Now he was different, he was gentle and affectionate with her and sex turned into making love. She loved to be discovering this new side of him. Going up the stairs to the top floor, always following the lighted candles and there was lavender pleasant smell coming from the candles, making her remember the smell of his bed when she was there for the first and only time together in JP’s bedroom. So much had happened since the first time she had been there, and so much had changed.

  Entering the room she sees candles everywhere, champagne on ice and strawberries covered with chocolate, next to the bed. He is lying on the bed watching TV waiting for her when he sees her, rises, walking to her until he kisses her hugging at the same time.

  "Hello my love, are you alright? I have here something that belongs to you"

  With his voice full of excitement getting close to kiss her on the lips at the same time. He shows her a small box, she looks at him with a suspicious look and opens slowly the small box and she saw the rings, her wedding and engagement ring and his wedding ring. He takes Carolina’s rings and puts them on her finger, where they belong. Without taking his eyes from her eyes, she takes his ring and put on his finger.

  "We are now husband and wife for real, and I want to be forever"

  He whispered on her ear. She was over the moon with his acts and words, he just made her the most happy woman on earth, she thought she would never hear this words from him, she had lost hope, but he finally realise that he wants her and wants genuinely to try to be together with her, and the rest of the world doesn’t really matter anymore. Without a word she embraced him and kissed him in a long and caring kiss
. After they kissed JP opens the bottle of champagne, pours the liquid in the flutes and gives one to Carolina. She picks up a strawberry covered with chocolate, biting and leaving half out from her mouth as he takes the other half pressing his lips in Strawberry breaking it in half while kissing her. They drink champagne and eat some strawberries. The champagne starts to work in Carolina’s head and she begins to lose her inhibitions with JP.

  Undresses him forcing him to sit on the edge of the bed, she kneels between his legs, she takes a sip of cold champagne, but doesn’t swallow instead leads from her mouth to his erection which is already ready to receive her mouth at any time, she leaves the liquid drain from her mouth falling gradually and slowly all his length. When she drops all champagne from her mouth, she grasps his hardiness and puts inside her cold mouth from the champagne, he shudders from the cold and pleasure at the same time, with one hand she holds him firmly grasps and slides up and down in a will and comes in tune with her mouth sucking only his head. While making the up and down movement with her mouth, she looks at him who is leaning back on his elbows watching her, their eyes meet, she keeps looking at him, realizing that he is loving every second. He asks her to stop because if she doesn’t stop he will explode inside her mouth. She ignored his pleadings and doesn’t stop, continuing her movements of pleasure, he can’t help it and he explodes inside her mouth, she receives all his orgasm inside her mouth and swallows, finishing just licking the edge of his head.

  Carolina feels JP’s taste he tasted slightly sweet and she liked.

  She knew that men who took a healthy diet the taste was not unpleasant, but it wasn’t a walk in to Baskin Robbins either. But for her there was nothing, but absolutely nothing that she didn’t like about JP, he was perfect even with his imperfections. She lay down next to him, she felt in paradise with him. When he returned from heaven he got up and took off Carolina’s pants. He never gets tired of licking and gives her infinite pleasure only stopping when he reached his goal, making her always achieve a great orgasm and that’s what he did and conclude with success in the next minutes. Although they got up late, they hadn’t slept much the night before, so they were felling tired. JP was blowing out candles that were scattered around the house, leaving only the candles on in the bedroom until they burn until the end and would go off by themselves.

  They fell asleep in their usual spooning, with his arm around her, protecting her. In the morning Carolina wakes up not knowing what time it was, forgetting where she had the phone to check the time, grabbed JP phone to check the time, it was still early. He wakes up and starts kissing her.

  "I would like to continue, but I have to go to work"

  Carolina said preparing to get up.

  He pulls her into the bed.

  "You know you don’t need to work, don’t you? We could stay in bed all day and make love to exhaustion"

  Said grabbing her, throwing her on top of him until he can turn around and be on top of her, trying to control the situation and get what he wants.

  "I like to work and I will not stop working just because you feel like, don’t do it"

  She said middle upset.

  Who does he think he is?

  She thought. But she quickly forgot that she was kind of upset with JP when he started kissing her saying he needed to be inside her before she goes to work. He rises from the bed and she is looking at him.

  What gave him now?

  Wondered Carolina full of curiosity.

  He goes to a drawer and returns with a small bottle of lube. He asks.

  "Do you want to try?"

  She understands immediately what on his mind, he wants anal sex. She remembers that she had experienced only once while she was married and the experience hadn’t been very famous, but she was sure she would like the experience with JP. She nodded yes and smiled at him. He goes back to bed, he kisses her, walks with his hands in Carolina breasts, sliding across the stomach, reaching the clitoris massaging it gently, lingering, down a little more and comes with two fingers inside her, making her moan with pleasure. After a few minutes taking advantage of her moisture, he continues with his fingers until he reach her anus, slowly inserting one finger, then two fingers, always slow and in long movements in and out, with the other hand he puts lubricant on his working fingers and in his erection, as always already ready for her. He continued playing with his fingers in her anus entrance and she loved the experience and the feeling while he teases her.

  Carolina was a little bit tense but one thing was he putting his fingers, and something completely different was his huge and hard member entering her ass all the way in.

  She felt him taking out his fingers and began to play only with his hardiness on her anus entrance, he took a while with his head full of lube, pressing just a little bit and easing, pressing again this time a little bit further and easing again, holding this game for a few minutes, when he started pressing more his hard member against the opening of her anus, he enters finally, she began to feel him going inside her, slow and gentle.

  She ached and released without wanting “ouch”, he stops and tells her to relax and put more lubricant. She shakes her head yes. He starts again, going inside her slowly, this time despite hurting it was a pain mixed with pleasure she could stand, and he continues to introduce his member slowly and gently all the way in. He is all inside her and he feels such pleasure, feeling his hardiness so tight inside her, what a feeling. When he reached his full length inside her, he starts to move back and forth causing her a sense of filling and pleasure to Carolina because she had never experienced such a wonderful anal sex before. She was really enjoying it and having real pleasure with him.

  Anal sex was too good with JP and Carolina was hooked from the first moment with him. They didn’t need much time, for them to explode of pleasure together at the same time, during orgasm he enters her as deep as he can depositing all his sperm in her butt. When he ends, he asks on her ear if she wants him to take it off or leave it inside her.

  "Please stay, as long as you can, I love feeling you in my butt. You hooked me with butt love" she said smiling and feeling happy.

  They stayed like that for a few minutes more without moving spooned, holding each other, feeling the heat and the smell of each other with mixed sex, the smell of menthol lubricant and the smell of lavender from his bed. She had never realized how much anal sex could be pleasurable and now she had discovered with anal sex, she wanted more of it, she felt she could experience it all with him. She was addicted to him and he was addicted to her. She had completely forgotten that he had to go to work, when she looked to the phone's clock it was after 8 am, she had to hurry quickly. JP continued lying and was appreciating seeing Carolina’s getting in stress and smiling told her again:

  "See, if you didn’t have to go to work now, you didn’t need to be in that stress, we could enjoy more of each other."

  She threw him a look as if to say to him, that he shouldn’t dare to continue with the conversation. She arrived at work even in the last minute, but still managed to be the first to enter the office. Sat on the chair and felt her butt soared, smiled remembering why she was soared, JP and the great sex she had in the morning. She loved the experience with JP as they were still living life in a perfect bubble outside the island. But is that going to last forever, will he not going to change his mind at the last minute and he wants a divorce anyway and leave her alone again to go through hell. A flurry of thoughts clouded her mind, in top of it her stomach was not in his best days today. She opted to distract herself with work that had to be done, what made her well, think and focus on other issues other than JP. Colleagues noticed that she had now her diamond rings, something they had been surprised at first but hadn’t commented. Once they have seen her rings on her fingers as soon they made comment that it should have cost a fortune, she just smiled, because actually she had no idea how much it must have cost.

  Comments from colleagues didn’t stop there, they began sending guesses that her husb
and should be extremely rich to be able to give her those diamond rings like the ones she is wearing. Carolina had never stopped to think if he was rich or not, she knew he had a good home, but she had never seen money, gold cards or whatever it was to reveal any signs of extreme wealth from him. Actually she didn’t know if he was rich, very rich or extremely rich. She was not interested in knowing.

  Before returning home, she passes in the supermarket to buy fruit and food to make for dinner. When she arrived at JP’s, he was already there and she was surprised since she was living at JP’s home he came home always late.

  "Didn’t you go working today?"

  Question admired Carolina.

  "I went just for a little bit, it’s everything under control"

  He said coming close to her giving her a delicious and long kiss.

  "I'll make dinner for us and I was thinking doing tortellini with mushroom sauce, something simple what do you think?"

  Looking at him and waiting for his answer.

  "It’s great, but I need to talk to you about a an issue"

  And then here it comes the bomb, he has decided that it is best to move forward with the divorce.

  Carolina thought getting nervous to know what’s about. She waited visible anxious for him to start saying what he needs to say, he realized that she was unease, he simply says:

  "I was thinking that we should give the bloody divorce completely up.

  I decided to sell my business and I want to travel the world with you, I want to show you the world, I want a family with you, I want everything I am entitled with you."


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