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A Little Bit of Fur

Page 5

by Celia Kyle

  “See who’s fucking up now? Fix it, Fluffy.” Chris demanded and pointed at her.

  Oh. She mustn’t laugh at Chris’s name for Ian. Not now. Maybe after she survived this embarrassing situation and they’d left. Then she could squeal like a kid until her sides hurt. Definitely not now.

  Ian glared at his lover before returning his attention to her. “We’re fucking this up royally, aren’t we?”

  She really did laugh then. His crestfallen look popped the top off her fit of giggles and she couldn’t hold them in any longer. The big bad Ian looked so… sad. She’d swear he was giving her a sad puppy dog look if it wasn’t for the fact that she knew he was a cat.

  She shook her head. “It’s fine Ian. The both of you at least improved my mood. Tell Cole I’ll be back to work after my vacation. This evening has been forgotten. Let him know that your mission was accomplished.” She grinned at the two men. Sure, nothing had turned out as she’d have liked, but the two goofballs pulled her from her funk at least.

  “We can’t do that, Nic.” Chris informed her.

  “What? Do you want me to call Cole and let him know everything’s okay? I’m happy to—”

  Ian butted in. “Naw, sweets, we can’t leave because this doesn’t have anything to do with Cole, it has everything to do with the fact that you’re our mate.”

  Chapter Seven


  If the situation hadn’t been so serious, Chris would have laughed at the expression on Nic’s face. Eyes wide and mouth agape, she looked exactly as he’d felt just an hour ago. Poor thing. He was more than willing to soothe her. More than willing.

  Chris rose from the couch and knelt before her, pulling her hands into his. “You are our mate.”

  “You have a mate,” she tugged one hand free and he let her. She pointed at Ian. “He’s over there and,” she swallowed and he had the insane urge to lick her neck. “He looks mighty pissed right now.” She dropped her voice to a whisper. “Step away slowly and maybe he won’t go all kitty on us.”

  He mimicked her low tone. “It’s because he’s jealous. I’m touching you and he’s not.”

  She pulled to get free but Chris held fast. He wasn’t letting her go now that he’d gotten his hands on her.

  “Well, let’s stop touching so he doesn’t go all furry on us and rip you away from me, okay?” Her voice was still a whisper, but was it a bit huskier now? He liked to think so.

  “Baby, he won’t go furry, he’ll just push his way in soon and take my place. Give him a few minutes and you’ll have a caveman on your hands.” He lowered his voice further. “It’s actually kind of hot.” He stroked the inside of her wrist, testing the rapid pulse beneath the pad of his thumb. Something had her heart racing, and he hoped it was arousal or anticipation, not fear. Being only a half-Were, he hadn’t inherited the scenting ability from his father.

  “I’m sure it is for you, Chris. But I’d rather not be on the receiving end of some pissed off kitty’s rage because you decided to play a joke on me. I’m okay, the bad mood is lifted and I’ll be back at work after my vacation, I swear.”

  Hmm… “She doesn’t believe us, Ian.” He spoke to his lover, but didn’t take his eyes off Nic.

  “Thank you, Captain Obvious.” The growl in Ian’s voice told him just how close the man was to shoving him out of the way and claiming their mate.

  Out of the corner of his eye, he watched as Ian unfolded himself from the couch then knelt to take the place at his side. Now, they each held one of her hands, stroking and rubbing her smooth skin. Somehow, they had to get through to her.

  “Nicole,” Ian started. “You are our mate. We were too stupid to open our eyes before, but we have now. We’re not asking for a commitment,” What the fuck? Yes they were. “We just want you to be open to us.”

  She pulled back from them, but they didn’t release her. “Look, this joke is going…”

  “Nic,” He had to be blunt. “We’ve both known you were our mate for at least two months, but we were pussies and didn’t say anything to each other. Don’t let the fact that we’re idiots keep you from exploring this. We’re not lying.” He stared into her eyes, willing her to see the truth in his words. “You are our mate, regardless of how long it took us to get here.”

  Her focus bounced between them. “Seriously?”

  Chris nodded and Ian voiced his confirmation. “Yes, you are. We’re not pushing anything… for now. It’s enough just to be near you.”

  She looked dazed and Chris took advantage of the opportunity. He closed the distance between them and brushed his lips across hers. Just the barest hint of touch and his cock instantly grew hard in his jeans. Strawberries. Her lips tasted of sun-ripened strawberries and sunshine.

  Nic moaned and leaned in to his kiss, following him as he leaned back. The moment their lips parted, Ian took his place and his dick grew harder still. His mate, kissing and petting his other mate was too much for him to bear. He stroked her arm, slipping his hand beneath her silken robe and then back down again. Her skin was softer even than the silk she wore to cover herself.

  Ian deepened their kiss and Chris’ cat snarled at the other man taking liberties he’d not yet had the joy of experiencing. Ian and Nic’s tongues tangled and danced. Ian ground his erection against the unforgiving couch while Nic squirmed. Yeah, he just bet she enjoyed Ian’s kisses. Chris knew that he enjoyed Ian’s talented mouth when he was on the receiving end.

  Just when he felt his control nearing the breaking point, Nic wrenched her mouth away from Ian and leaned back against the couch eyes closed.


  If she kept her eyes closed, the dream would stay. Of course, this was more along the lines of ultimate fantasy seeing as they were offering the whole mating thing, but she figured they were just playing up the situation a smidge. She wanted them. No doubt about it. Her pussy was already achy, throbbing and growing more damp by the second. She wanted whatever these two guys would give her and then some. She was greedy with wanting. And it was for them, all for them.

  She eased her lids open and glanced at the two men before settling on Chris. Chris was the easy one. Lighthearted and relaxed, she could talk to him. Ian… Ian was all feral animal clothed in human skin… barely.

  “No more talking of mating and all that. This is twenty-four hours of fun. Okay?” She licked her lips and fought a grin when both men groaned aloud. Oh, this could be fun.

  Chris nodded. “Okay, Nic, whatever you say.”

  Hmm… whatever I say?

  Though this had quickly turned from embarrassing to arousing, Nic felt comfortable with the transition. All along, she’d hoped, wished, and prayed that the guys picked out for her by Cole would be similar to Chris and Ian. And now… she had the ones she really wanted.

  Must resist urge to happy dance. Must.

  She licked her lips again. Not because they were dry, but simply because it amused her beyond measure to listen to Chris and Ian’s breathing hitch when she did. “Okay then, boys, I can think of at least one place where we’d be more comfortable.

  They shifted and rose together, pulling her along with them. Two men. For her.

  Must… not… wiggle… ass.

  At the hallway, Chris took the lead and Ian crowded her back, urging her along. His cock, hard and insistent, rubbed against her lower back with each step. If there was any question remaining about their desire, it vanished in that moment. She’d already seen Chris’s dick straining against his jeans and now, she had proof that Ian was in the same state.

  They stepped across the threshold of her bedroom and in a flash doubts invaded her mind. These were two men. Two, virile, hard bodied and aroused men. What if… what if she couldn’t please them? Hell, the breadth of her experience was with Marvin, and he was gay. Maybe they could slow things…

  “Sweets, why don’t you crawl into the middle of the bed?” Though phrased as a question, she knew Ian’s words were an order. His breath fanned her neck,
sending shivers down her spine and she moved quickly to obey. It didn’t take her long to settle onto the middle of the mattress, legs crossed, and a pillow in her lap to cover her girly bits. She nibbled her lower lip.

  Ian remained on the left side of the bed, while Chris moved to the right. Her attention focused on Chris when he pulled something from his back pocket. My book.

  He flipped through the pages and settled on one. “Now, according to the pink highlighter on page 156, I think it’s our turn to run the show. Only…”

  Ian picked up where Chris left off. “You’re not tied up.”

  She sucked her lower lip into her mouth and froze. What had originally sounded seductive and erotic, now just sounded… scary.

  “I think we can leave her free as long as she promises not to move. What do you think, Fluffy?” Chris smirked at Ian and she began to relax when the other man nodded.

  “Yeah, Kit, I think we can let it go. This time.”

  As if in unspoken agreement, the two men began stripping. Chris whipped his shirt over his head while Ian popped the button on his jeans. Flesh, skin and rippling muscles were revealed at an amazing rate and she didn’t know where to look.

  Chris’s chest was a testament to his gym workouts. His biceps were thick with corded muscle that led to his shoulders then chiseled pecs. And his abdomen… All she could see was row after row of muscle while she counted his six-pack. Then, she got to those lickable lines at his hips and her pussy clenched in response. She wanted to close the distance between them and nibble those ridges of muscle, stroke them with her tongue as she traced a path to his cock.

  Speaking of cock… She shifted her attention to Ian. The man stood proud next to the bed and one glance down revealed exactly why he should be proud. He worked at the buttons of his shirt while her focus was on everything below the belt. Ian had the same well-defined lines on his hips that seemed to point and direct her gaze to his groin. The hair around his cock was trimmed short, exactly how she liked it since it seemed to accentuate a man’s length. Only, Ian didn’t need any help in that department. She stared at his erect cock, easily eight inches in length and thick. As she stared, a droplet of pre-cum formed at the tip and she licked her lips, wanting nothing more than to lick the white cream away.

  “In a minute, sweets. Right now, it’s our turn.” Ian’s words broke the sensual spell his erection had weaved over her and her cheeks heated with a blush.

  “Come here, Fluffy. Want a taste of what you’re sporting.” Chris murmured from her right.

  The two men knelt on the bed simultaneously, crawling toward each other before her. Ian stayed upright on his knees while Chris was on all fours and then suddenly Chris’s mouth was wrapped around the other man’s cock, sucking and licking Ian’s erection. Chris bobbed up and down Ian’s shaft, leaving a sheen of saliva in his wake.

  Ian dropped his head back with a moan while he twined his fingers in Chris’s hair. She watched as the other man gripped and stroked Chris’s head, but wasn’t forceful. He was… gentle. Sweet, almost. His hips rocked and shifted as Chris sucked, and Chris moaned and mewled his approval. Over and over again Ian’s cock disappeared into his lover’s mouth amid moans and sucking slurps.

  Nic, already aroused, became heated from head to toe. Her pussy throbbed and her clit twitched in time with Chris’s rise and fall along Ian’s shaft. A peek between Chris’s legs revealed that he seemed just as aroused as she was. Her juices coated her lower lips, the slick evidence of her want taunted her. As she’d fantasized many times, she was helpless before these two men as they put on their show. If not by bindings, she was restrained by their actions and words.

  Ian stroked Chris’s hair, shoulders and back, leaning over the other man to stroke the crease of his ass and Chris moaned louder in response. “Like that, Kit? Like me toying with that pretty ass of yours?”

  Chris growled around Ian’s cock and Ian’s hips bucked forward. “Yeah, you do. Suck me. Suck me just a little bit more and then we’ll play with our new toy.”

  She gulped. The only one not playing was her, which meant she was obviously the ‘new toy’ Ian was talking about. As much as her mind screamed ‘worry’, her pussy throbbed as if screaming ‘pick me’.

  Before long, Ian straightened and eased his dick from Chris’s mouth. Chris, his lips swollen and red, were almost swallowed by the other man as they shared a scorching kiss filled with teeth, lips and tongue. A kiss not unlike the one she’d shared with Ian moments before.

  Then, before she could blink, two sets of eyes were on her. Before her next breath, four hands stroked her skin, and just as quickly two mouths were kissing her… everywhere.

  Ian captured her lips in another kiss, harder and harsher than the one he’d gifted her with in the living room. He demanded entrance with his tongue and left no crook or cranny unexplored. He stroked her tongue, gums and inner cheeks with his tongue, as if drinking in the very taste of her.

  Chris scooted down the bed and remained on his knees. Tossed her pillow away and drew her legs apart, exposing her pussy to him. What should have embarrassed her, stoked her fires higher and hotter. The moan of appreciation fueled her and she spread her legs for him, willingly.

  He tugged her rear further down the bed, forcing her to lie down, spread open for him. His first touch was soft, as if a feather stroked and teased her lower lips. Up one side and down the other, his tongue traced a delicate path over her labia, taunting her with what was to come. She wiggled beneath Ian, rocking her hips to get closer to Chris’s mouth and the man above her chuckled against her lips and broke their kiss.

  “He’s got a wicked mouth doesn’t he? You want him to lick that pretty pussy? You smell so good, hot and musky like a woman should, and he’s going to lap up every drop of cream you give him. Give him your cream, sweets. Give it all to him.”

  Those sensual words, whispered against her mouth, caused her body to release another rush of her juices just as Chris parted her lower lips with his tongue. He moaned and all pretense of teasing was discarded. He attacked her pussy, licking and sucking each bit of flesh his mouth came into contact with and she loved it. She arched and cried out, her screams swallowed by Ian’s mouth until he abandoned her lips to move further south.

  Ian parted her robe, sliding the material against her breasts, the silk catching on her nipples. He licked and sucked the hardened nubs and there seemed to be a direct line from her nipples straight to where Chris sucked on her clit. Suck, twitch, flick, suck, twitch, flick.

  Again and again the cycle went round and round as the two men drove her crazy with their mouths. She tangled and knotted her fingers in their hair, pulling and pushing them exactly where she needed them most.

  These men didn’t need road maps to anything. No need to call triple A, they found her hot buttons all on their own, and now tortured her with that knowledge.

  Her orgasm swelled and churned low in her belly, coursing through her body with each beat of her heart. Every rush of blood through her veins carried with it a new wave of pleasure nearly bordering on pain.

  Chris slipped a finger into her pussy and she cried out, arching into the intrusion. His finger stroked and rubbed her inner walls, awakening the nerve endings within and caressing that sweet spot in her cunt.

  “Again.” She demanded when his finger became still. “Please,” she whimpered. “Again.”

  Chris chuckled against her clit, but complied. He wiggled his finger in a “come here” motion that quickly had her arousal sky rocketing higher than ever before. Her toes tingled and flexed, tremors building from her feet skittered and danced along her legs, up her spine and back down again.

  Ian kneaded one breast as he suckled the other, his scorching, hard cock digging into her hip, painting her skin with his pre-cum.

  She spread her legs wider, allowing her knees to fall open and boneless while Chris made love to her with his mouth. The orgasm that had been dancing and teasing through her swelled higher with each panting

  “Yes, please. Gonna come.” She couldn’t hold it back any longer. Didn’t want to.

  Chris growled against her clit, increasing suction while Ian did the same against her breast. The bite of Ian’s teeth against her nipple catapulted her over the edge and she came, screaming their names while her pussy clenched rhythmically around Chris’s finger. Neither man relented in their assault. Again and again they sucked and licked until the tremors wracking her body turned into a soft, shuddering simmer of sensation.

  Body turned into jelly, she slumped against the bed, eyes drifting closed. Chris slid his finger free and heard a muffled “mmm…” She cracked her eyelids enough to see Ian sucking the other man’s finger deep into his mouth. The finger that had most recently been buried deep in her cunt. Oh. God.

  Already her pussy was rip, roaring and ready to go again. After that orgasm, she should have been sated, but surprisingly, she wasn’t. She wanted more. Needed more. Of them.


  It hadn’t been nearly enough. Already Ian wanted another taste of her sweet juices. Licking her cream from Chris’s fingers hadn’t nearly satisfied his beast’s desire for his mate. His teeth ached with the need to nibble and bite her, mark her as his. His and Chris’s.

  Cat, unable to wait any longer, nudged Chris aside. They’d already talked before coming here. If Nic was open to them, then Ian would go first, his beast’s calling the loudest, and most violent, of the two of them. Of course, it wasn’t as if Chris wouldn’t be getting a bit of his own enjoyment out of what came next.

  Ian centered himself between Nic’s outstretched legs and leaned over her for a soft, sensual kiss. A kiss meant to seduce and soothe at the same time.


  “Hmm…” She rolled her hips against him, stroking his cock and covering it in her remaining cream. The scorching heat wrapped around his dick and seared straight to his balls. He grit his teeth and begged his cat to calm.


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