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One More Day

Page 15

by Hadley, Auryn

  He just shrugged. "So?"

  "So why the hell is he doing all of this?"

  "I dunno, why are you?" He didn't even look up from what he was doing, but she knew he was watching her reaction.

  "I'm the one with cancer who can't take care of myself," she reminded him.

  "Yep. So the only reason you're into him is because you have cancer?"

  "No! He's amazing. Everything about him is fucking perfect."

  Colby nodded. "I've heard that somewhere before. Right! It was from Ryan - about you."

  "But he could have half the girls in town if he wanted."

  "And you could have half the guys, what's the point?"

  "Me?" she asked, laughing.

  "Make you a deal, Mack," he said. "Watch the guys who come in today. Pay fucking attention to them, instead of assuming you know what they're thinking, and then tell me how many you could take home."

  "But still - "

  He just held up a hand. "Ryan's never been like that. Look, he hasn't had a whole lot of people in his life who care about him for him, ok? Everyone wants something. A free tattoo, money, what ever. He's done pretty good for himself, but none of us are rich. But everyone thinks that they can use him and then just dump him when he's too much work."

  "I can believe it." Humanity was disgusting.

  "You aren't like that, though. I guess I wasn't either. Least that's what he said. I wanted a chance, not a hand out. You?" He laughed. "You're giving him a lot more than you know. Shit Mack, Ryan just wants to be a knight in shining armor and not suffer for it."

  His words made the tattoo make so much more sense. With a groan, Mack shoved her head into her hands. "Thanks, Colby," she said. "I get it."


  She tapped her chest, where Ryan's tattoo sat. "Yeah. God, that makes sense. The fucking chameleon."

  "You just lost me," he said.

  "The world is trying to make him something he's not. The chameleon. He's trying to fit in. He's trying to live within the rules he's been given, but under it all? He just wants to be the damned knight in shining armor."

  "And you let him," Colby said. "It's not because you're sick either, Mack. It started before that. You cried on his damned shoulder instead of running out of the shop. You took the damned job instead of trying to save your pride. You let him in. This is what you get."

  "He's a fucking angel." She heard the bike return.

  Colby laughed. "I saw that too. You check out the ribbon girl?"

  "He told me."

  "K. Just kick the shit out of this cancer, ok? I plan to be the maid of fucking honor."

  Mack laughed, trying to smother it as the door at the bottom of the stairs opened. Her attempts just made Colby start in. He wagged a finger at her.

  "That's between us," he said.

  "What?" Ryan asked, passing across a container of blueberries as he made his way to put cream in the fridge.

  "Nothing!" Mack gasped.

  He looked at Colby, who just laughed harder. "Fucking purple taffeta," he gasped. "I don't know what taffeta is, but yeah."

  "Oh yeah," Mack agreed. "Deal."

  Chapter 18

  They all gorged on pancakes. While Colby refrained from blueberries, Mack and Ryan stuffed themselves full. When she finally declared herself finished, Colby snagged the plate.

  "K. I got these. Boots, Mack."

  She crossed the room, all too aware of Ryan's eyes following her. She'd barely stepped behind the partially closed door before she heard the guys talking.

  "I'll open the shop," Colby said.

  "What the hell did I miss?" Ryan asked.

  "Take her on the damned bike. She's doing good. Get her ass outside for a bit."

  Ryan sighed. "I'm gonna owe you a fuck load of overtime."

  "Whatever. Look, how often have you ever just screwed around, bro? Take your babe for a ride. We should be pretty damned slow for the first hour."

  So when Mack came out with her boots on, she wasn't surprised at all that Ryan handed her a vivid yellow jacket, a black one draped around his shoulders. With that shy smile of his, he grabbed her hand and pulled her down the stairs.

  "You know how many women have been on my bike?" he asked at the bottom, handing her a helmet from the closet.

  "No idea."

  "One. Colby took Katie out, once. With me? None, yet."

  She followed him out, pulling the helmet on. When her fingers fumbled with the strap, Ryan helped, then pulled on his own and stepped onto the bike. He turned it on, the engine purring with that pitch that only sport bikes have. He turned to her and nodded, and she scrambled on behind him.

  "Scared?" he asked, his voice muffled through the helmet.

  "What? I might die?" she yelled back.

  "Then hold on."

  Something about Ryan made her feel confident and in control. What had started out as just trying to make it through one more day had quickly turned into savoring every moment of her life. The girl who'd dreaded challenges and wanted nothing more than to just survive had found her own strength in the most unlikely place: cancer. She had nothing to lose, now, and everything to gain.

  As he gently eased the bike into gear, Mack pressed close against his back, her thighs caressing his ass. A month ago, she would have put on her brave face and forced herself to enjoy this, but not now. She was wrapped around the Super Hot Guy, enjoying the cool December day, waiting for one last car to pass before they pulled into the road.

  She could feel him chuckle through her hands as he let off the clutch, then the whine of the engine drowned out all sound except the wind whipping against the helmet. He wasn't babying her. He wasn't driving carefully. Leaned low over his rock hard body, they wove through traffic, his eyes always checking for another vehicle, planning the next move, the bike crying its pleasure. She saw the light turn red and felt the rumble of the bike under her ass as they slowed, his leg reaching out, holding them up.

  "Still with me?" he asked.

  "That's fucking amazing!"

  "Just wait," he warned a second before the light turned green, releasing them like a rocket.

  He knew where he was going, and while it was fast, she noticed he was always careful. Ryan lived on the line, but he never crossed it. He made a turn, his hand reaching out to brush her thigh just before the bike leaned, and she flowed with him, feeling the power as they surged back upright gaining speed. Buildings changed from well tended to tired, then began to disappear, and he shifted again, still gaining speed. The road curved and snaked, giving her a reason to cling to his body, crushing her breasts against his back. They tilted first one way, then the other. It was amazing.

  Then they slowed, pulling into a small park on the side. He sat up, and coasted into a spot, turning the engine off before he tugged at his helmet. Following his lead, Mack pulled off her own, waiting until he had the bike braced before stepping off.

  He looked at her with a grin. "Yeah," he said. "Figured the first time I tried to show off, you were going to scream in fear."

  "Fuck no," Mack sighed. "Damn. I want one of those."

  Ryan shook his head. "Nah. I think you do better right where you were."

  "Oh," she teased, stepping closer to kiss him. "Isn't that a thing with you boys?"

  "Don't burn yourself," he warned, glancing at the exhaust by his leg. "And yeah, it kinda is. Damn, I don't want to go to work today." He sighed.

  "Yes you do. Just think about how insanely jealous all those cute little college girls are going to make me."

  "Really?" he asked.

  She tilted her head and smiled. "A bit. You don't even realize you flirt with them, do you."

  "I am not flirting," he insisted.

  Mack nodded. "Yeah, you kinda are. Then again, those damned eyes of yours probably get you in a lot of trouble."

  "My eyes, my ass, what part of me don't you like, Mack?"

  She bit her lip. "I'd say the honor, just because I wish you'd cave a few times, but that w
ould be a lie. It's kinda my favorite."

  "I just like the way you look in my jacket." He kissed her again.

  "The bald girl in your jacket?"

  His hand slid down the inside of her hip tracing the crease of her leg. "Not bald yet," he reminded her. "Not quite."

  "That's just because I'm not fucking shaving again." The tip of her tongue jutted out between her teeth. "And you're about to have little purple fuzz everywhere." She tilted the helmet, showing the iridescent hairs stuck to the lining.

  "Damn you're going to be a sexy bald chick. Now get on the bike so we can go to work."

  "You gonna take me fast again?" she asked with a wink.

  He laughed. "I've created a monster!"

  "Well, now you've slept with me, showered with me, laid me out, and taken me hard and fast. What else is there?"

  "I can think of a few things," he warned, pulling on his helmet and starting the bike.

  Mack did the same, sliding in close behind him, laughing when he took things up a notch. With her hands slipped under his leathers, he let the tire break loose and turned back the way they came, laughing at her squeal of enjoyment.

  The ride back was the same, always pushing things just to the limit, but never beyond. They got back only twenty minutes after the shop had opened, laughing as they walked in the back.

  He took the helmet from her, and tilted his head to the front. "You're on designs tonight, until you need a break. Just let one of us know."

  "I'm doing good," she promised. "I plan to make it through the entire night."

  Colby rounded the corner. "We'll see. You should probably start the coffee now."

  "Good idea," Ryan said, squeezing her shoulder, then leaving them.

  Mack pulled out her chair, and sank into it. Colby leaned over, resting both hands on the desk. He smiled at her through his tough guy goatee.

  "Enjoy your ride?"

  "Yeah," she said, trying to be casual. "So when do I get to meet Katie?"

  "Maybe tonight? I dunno. She stops by sometimes."

  "You never talk about her."

  He shrugged. "Not much to say."

  "Ryan calls her your fiancée, and you don't have much to say?" She raised an eyebrow, not buying it.

  "She's nothing but trouble. Refuses to even admit to being my girlfriend, has a mind of her own, and the will to use it. She's kinda amazing, but yeah. It's complicated."

  "Open relationship thing?"

  He shrugged. "Something like that." When Mack said nothing, he sighed and went on. "She's got a girl on the side."

  "And you probably aren't complaining about that, at all," Mack teased.

  "I would if I thought it would help," he grumbled. "It ain't a big fucking party, Mack. I can't compete with Laura. It's just how it is."

  She reached up and rubbed his arm. "I understand. Sorry, bro."

  He sighed and nodded. "So you gonna let me see you high?" The big, tough guy glanced at her from the corner of his eye, doing his best to mimic Ryan's shy smile.

  "Everyone's so damned sure I'm gonna be a stoner!"

  "Get the doctors to write you a note," he teased. "God, I bet you giggle."

  She shrugged. "No idea."

  "She'll giggle," Ryan said, walking back in. "Almost as much as you will."

  "I don't giggle." Colby was adamant.

  "He does," Ryan said.

  "What about you?"

  He held out his hands, offering her nothing. "I get a serious case of the munchies?"

  "And gets very deep," Colby added. "So Katie's going to be out on the town tonight."

  Ryan grinned, turning his eyes to the ground. "Right."

  "Figure with Mack designing, we'll be done pretty early."


  Colby laughed. "Unless you had a round of kinky sex planned. I mean, I know how you new cute couples are." He winked at Mack.

  She couldn't help it, she laughed. "Yeah, and I'm having a good day."

  "It'll be a trial run," Colby said. "Gotta teach ya how, you know."

  "He's the one to do it," Ryan agreed. "If she's not wiped out, sure."

  "If she is, it'll make her sleep like a baby."

  "She already does that," Ryan said. "Curls up next to me, and doesn't move all night."


  Ryan shrugged. "A bit," he admitted. "I also don't want to curse my chances of seeing both of you stoned in the same place."

  "I always thought you both were pretty straight laced," Mack said.

  "Mostly," Colby agreed. "I can't drink, Mack. Can't even be around it. Ryan won't allow even a beer in this place because of it. So when things get real bad and I want one, I roll a joint. Few times a year at most."

  "He's a violent drunk but a happy stoner," Ryan said. "Not like I'm about to do piss tests. Rule is: don't fuck up the tattoos, and I don't give a shit."

  "Speaking of tattoos..." Mack tapped his shoulder. "The chameleon?"

  "Next week," he told her. "Finals are over, and we're going to be pretty slow until Christmas."

  "Can I help?" she asked, looking between the two men. "I want to draw it on, at least."

  Ryan smiled and glanced up to Colby. "She'll need help with the connections, and she's a bit weak on shading."

  "I can touch up." Colby laughed. "We need to order small gloves, bro."

  "Already did," he said, finally turning to her. "I was hoping you'd be willing to, Mack."

  Chapter 19

  They were busy all night long. Mack refused at least seven drunks and one kid who couldn't have been old enough to get a tattoo, yet sported a gang sign on his forearm. He glared at her, but she just looked at him like she'd seen mothers do their children.

  They had one girl that was a screamer, which made Colby laugh at her until she stopped. A pair of drunk college students tried to start a fight in the lobby, and Mack kicked them out before they started swinging. But it was the cute Asian girl that amused her the most.

  The tattoo went from her hip to her thigh, which meant she couldn't wear a lot of clothing while it was being done. Ryan got the job and took her to a private room. Things seemed to be going well, at first.

  Ten minutes into the work, Colby yelled over. "Mack, Ryan needs you."

  "K." She headed to the back.

  One tap at the door, then she stepped in. He was bent over the girl's hip, his arm carefully touching nothing but the area he was working on, but each time the needle passed over the bone, the girl gripped his thigh. Her hand was dangerously high.

  "Can you grab me some more green?" he asked. "I didn't restock."

  "Yeah," she said, glancing at the open cabinet.

  She saw an entire row of jade green pigment lined inside it. The girl gasped again, sounding more like an orgasm than pain, her hand sliding an inch higher, her thumb nearly against Ryan's balls.

  "Don't hurt the clients, baby," Mack said, trailing her hand down his neck. "I'll be right back."


  She grabbed another bottle of green and returned. The stupid girl hadn't taken the hint. Setting the bottle on his work table, Mack reached down and grabbed the girl's wrist, catching her eye.

  "That's mine," she said, then turned to Ryan. "Want me to top you up?"

  He chuckled. "Tease. And yeah."

  As she refilled the pigment container she said, "Nah. She'll get you all worked up for me if she keeps that shit up."

  He lifted the gun, "Huh?" he asked, glancing down. "Ah. Yeah, well across the hip can be painful. Don't even notice it anymore."

  The poor girl's eyes were watching, so Mack leaned over and kissed Ryan's neck. "Looks good," she said. "That's going to be amazing in a bikini this summer."

  "Yeah," the girl agreed. "That's what I was hoping."

  She left, and Colby gestured for her to come over. "Problem?"

  "Dick grabber," Mack said with a shrug.

  "Mack!" he teased. "Send those to me."

  She laughed. "If they came with a sign, I would.

  "I'll grab your dick," a girl at the front called.

  "Mine!" Colby said.

  She had too, sliding her hand right up his thigh as he worked on her tattoo. The Asian girl, however, had gotten the hint pretty clearly and kept her clawing ways to a minimum. They were laughing about it as they started closing. It didn't take long, then the three of them were heading upstairs.

  Colby moved into the kitchen and opened the cabinet, pulling out the small baggie. "Where's the bowl, man?"

  Ryan chuckled. "I'll get it."

  He made his way to the corner of the loft that was rarely used. Behind the stairs was little more than a book case, filled with what looked like ancient books. Moving a small statue, he pulled out a small pipe and came back, passing it to Colby.

  "She smokes a bowl," Colby said, "Then we talk about food."

  "I can cook stoned," Ryan said. "And bro, you're crashing here."

  "Yeah, man," he agreed. "Just means you're closing the damned barn doors."

  Mack looked between them. "What the fuck am I getting into?" she asked.

  They both grinned at her. Colby loaded the pipe and pulled out a lighter. Holding it to his mouth, he took the first hit. With a smirk, he passed it to Ryan, who repeated the process, as Colby exhaled. The musky smell of pot wafted in the room.

  "We're getting you fucking high," Colby said, snagging the pipe from Ryan's hands and sitting beside Mack. "Ok, don't touch the bowl, it's hot," he warned, showing her how to hold it. "You're gonna cough like a bitch, but that's cool."

  "You're already high?" she asked.

  He shrugged. "It hits pretty fast, babe. Now, hold it to your mouth, light the flame, and suck."

  She did, taking a small puff at first, coughing as soon as it hit her lungs. "Fuck," she said.

  "More," Colby insisted. So she tried, inhaling as much as she could, ignoring the tickle in her chest. "Hold it," he said, pressing a finger to her lips.

  "Let her fucking breathe," Ryan teased, grabbing the pipe.

  Mack exhaled, coughing again, but not as bad this time. When she took the next breath, she realized that her head felt a bit light. "Wow."

  Colby giggled. "Pass that shit, man."

  He took another hit, then handed it back to Mack, tossing an arm casually across her shoulders. Ryan sat on her other side, and the three of them passed the pipe between them until Ryan declared it done, tapping it out into a metal bowl in the center of the large coffee table.


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