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One More Day

Page 16

by Hadley, Auryn

  "I'm fucking baked," he admitted. "And thirsty."

  Mack giggled. "Kool-aid," she said softly.

  "God, you're cute," Colby said, laughing with her. "Fucking kool-aid all the way around, bro!"

  Ryan sighed and pulled himself from the couch to grab the entire container and three glasses. He set them out on the coffee table and filled each, sucking back half of his before refilling it.

  "Hungry?" he asked.

  "Yeah." Mack was completely amazed. "I am!"

  "Steak? Chicken? Fish?"

  She groaned. "Steak, oh my god, I can't remember the last time I had that."

  Ryan grinned. His eyes were a bit glassy and the corner of his mouth seemed to be perpetually hiked up, but he didn't act as high as Mack felt. He headed into the kitchen, then started pulling things out, but when Colby tried to stand he stopped him.

  "Load another bowl, bro. She's not giggling enough." Ryan gestured to the table. "And you cook like shit."

  Colby didn't even try to disagree. He just refilled the pipe and moved to the corner, pulling Mack closer to him. She laughed, but shifted, leaning her back against his arm. The two of them burned through the entire thing while Ryan screwed around in the kitchen. Mack couldn't stop watching him. He had little habits, like that crooked smile or the way he wiped his hands on a towel between tasks, that she'd never consciously noticed before.

  "He's fucking hot," she told Colby.

  He laughed, shoving his hand against his face. "You've said that before."

  "Yeah, but shit." She grabbed the pipe. "Look at him." She flicked the lighter and sucked, finally doing it as easy as Colby had.

  "Needs more ink," Colby said, snagging the pipe before she was done. Then her stomach growled, making both of them laugh harder. "Come hit this shit," Colby called.

  "I'm good," Ryan said.

  "For now," Mack whispered. She laid her head against Colby's shoulder and rubbed at her face. Everything felt strange, but good. She didn't ache. Her stomach wasn't constantly threatening to revolt. She felt stupid, but that was ok, because she was with true friends who wouldn't care.

  "He'll hit it again," Colby whispered. "Then he'll start to talk about poets."

  "Heard that," Ryan said.

  "You know something?" Mack asked, sitting up. "I feel great!"

  "Good," Ryan said. "That's kinda the point."

  "Yeah," she sighed. "I fucking love you guys. When I get better, can I still work here?"

  "No other fucking option," Colby teased. "We'll have you so inked up you can't get another job."

  They both laughed, then started talking about stupid tattoos Colby was going to give her. They ranged from a penis on her forehead to a big puffy heart as a tramp stamp. With each suggestion the pair laughed harder and harder, until tears were streaming down Mack's face.

  From the kitchen Ryan looked over and smiled. Finally, after so many days of watching her, wondering what it would be like to talk to her, the girl of his dreams was laughing herself senseless in his apartment with his closest friend. She was everything he'd imagined - and so much more. He should have talked to her sooner, he thought. He should have just told her how beautiful she was, but he hadn't. He wished he had been able to see her before she was sick.

  He didn't care, though. They would get through this, and he'd see if she still liked him as much when she didn't need help. He turned back to the food he was working on. She could do so much better, and he was half afraid that he'd hold her back, but he couldn't imagine a life without her in it. Not anymore. She had no idea how much he lived to see her smile, even if she had to be stoned to do it. Or on the back of his bike.

  He'd smoked enough that his own mind was wandering, and he couldn't help but think about that ride. Mack had clung to him, but like she enjoyed it, not like she had any fear. She treated her cancer the same way. He knew she'd break soon. He'd watched his mother do the same, but this time he wouldn't lose her. He wouldn't let her despair. He'd prove to her that she had one hell of a life to live for. He'd convince her to keep fighting this shit until she won.

  "God," Mack said from the other room. "I could eat a fucking cow!"

  He laughed. "Coming right up."

  "Dude?" Colby called. "We've come to a decision, man."

  "What's that?" Ryan asked.

  "You're the best fucking boss ever."

  Mack giggled. "And you have a nice ass."

  "Hey!" Colby said, tapping her shoulder. "I have a damned nice ass."

  "Shit pants," she shot back.

  "No!" He stood, turning his ass to her. "Fucking no shit in there, babe."

  Mack grabbed the baggy seat, and laughed harder. "Diaper butt."

  "Grab that shit," Colby said. "Hard as a fucking rock."

  Mack just laughed harder, falling on her side on the sofa. Gasping for breath, she looked up, covering her mouth with one hand. "Ryan?"

  "Yeah, sweetie?"

  "We have to do this again."

  "Oh yeah," he agreed, unable to stop smiling. "You're fucking adorable with the giggles."

  "She is!" Colby agreed. "Bro, the two of you?" He sighed. "You are so fucking cute it makes me want to puke."

  "Nope," Mack said. "Puking is my job."

  Ryan laughed and pulled out a set of plates. "She has a point."

  "I gave that shit up with the fucking booze," Colby said. "Although, I coulda rivaled her performance. She pukes like a girl."

  "Do not!" Mack said, smacking him gently.

  "Do so," he shot back, tapping her nose. "But that's a good thing." He sighed. "Ryan, I gotta get me one of these."

  "These?" Ryan asked.

  Colby nodded. "A damned good woman. One that thinks I'm super-fuckin-man."

  "Gotta dump Katie first," Ryan said. "Not gonna be meeting girls that are into dicks until you get away from that shit."

  Colby made a dismissive noise. "Shit, man. Then what? I fuckin' hate moving."

  "Move upstairs," Mack said. "We'd be like the three fucking amigos."

  Colby giggled at that, but shook his head. "Nah, Mack. Least I got something."

  She leaned against him and pulled his arms around her. "Colby, you're my best fucking friend in the world, man. Bitches be stupid if they aren't jumping on your dick."

  "Yeah?" he asked, a hint of insecurity creeping into his voice.

  "Yeah," Mack said. "You're good looking, have some fucking amazing tattoos - those are sexy you know - and the second best man I know."

  Colby grinned and hugged her. "Yeah, Mack. I think you're my best friend too. Well, both of you."

  Chapter 20

  Ryan finished dinner and carried the plates to the coffee table. The three of them dug in. Mack ate as well as either of the guys. Ryan wouldn't let her forget her meds, though, and the pot made her drink glass after glass of cherry kool-aid. When they were done, he packed yet another bowl, smoking nearly half of it himself.

  Climbing back on the couch, he convinced Mack to join him, then twined his body around hers. They laughed, the conversation flowing from one thing to another, all of them glassy-eyed. The euphoric feeling made Mack brave, and she no longer worried about showing affection to the best man she'd known. When he kissed her neck, she closed her eyes and leaned into it, rather than trying hard to not make those around her feel awkward. When he twined his fingers in hers, she snuggled closer.

  "I want to ride on your bike again," she said, glancing up at him.

  Ryan grinned and nodded. "Anytime you want." He looked at Colby. "She's a fucking monster."

  "Yeah?" Colby asked.

  "No fear in this one," he said proudly, making Mack beam. "She was egging me on."

  "You didn't pull the Han Solo move?"

  Ryan nodded, weaving with his hand. "Like the fucking asteroid belt, bro, with my bitch clinging up against me. Fuck yeah."

  "What?" Mack asked.

  They both laughed, but Colby answered. "Babe, ain't just chicks that love that shit. Having a hot girl cl
inging to ya, it's a pretty nice turn on."

  "Oh yeah," Ryan agreed. "Having one that knows how to move is even better. Fucking last time I took a girl on my bike - "

  She cut him off, "Thought you said no women had been on that!"

  "Not that one," Ryan said. "Shit thing I had in high school. Yeah, she was like a damned brick on the back. Kept thinking I was gonna dump it in the corners. Not Mack, though."

  "Bragging rights," she teased. "That's all I am!"

  Ryan shook his head. "Oh hell no. You're the fucking Venus de Milo, baby. Yeah, I'd be bragging if I owned that shit, too."

  "Owned?" she teased.

  "The statue," he said. "Not the woman. You ever think about that, bro?"

  "Owning a statue?" Colby asked.

  "No!" Ryan laughed. "That some guys think they can own a woman. I mean, seriously. Kinda goes the other way around, if you're doing it right."

  "I own you?" Mack teased.

  "Yeah," he said, then grinned. "I'd fucking come on command."

  "No!" Colby laughed, covering up the sound of Mack's giggles. "Ah shit, he's just gotten deep on us."

  "Seriously, though," Ryan said, chuckling a bit. "Why the fuck do things happen the way they do? I mean, I chased that hot little ass for a year."

  "Did not," Mack countered. "Reading a book is not chasing."

  "Ok. Checked out. First time I almost had the nerve to talk to her, and some bitch starts asking me about my damned book."

  Mack gasped, sitting up. "Blonde, in a white sweater. God, she was hitting on you so hard."

  "No shit?" Ryan asked. "I just wanted her to leave me alone. I'd already decided what I was gonna say and everything. It was like fate was shooting me down cold. By the time she shut up, you'd left."

  "You two are cute," Colby teased. "Ryan, she knew the exact woman."

  "Yeah." He smiled down at her. "I noticed. But why was it that every time I tried, something happened to make me not talk to her?"

  "You wouldn't have offered her a job," Colby said.

  "And I probably wouldn't have believed you," she admitted. "Fucking hottest man I've ever seen wanting to talk to me? I would have assumed you'd lost a bet or something."

  "Shit," Ryan sighed. "I'm so fucking hot, I've had five girlfriends in my life, and that includes Hailey."

  "Hell," Colby laughed. "I've even got you beat."

  They both looked at Mack. She shrugged. "How are we counting?"

  "People you called your boyfriend," Colby said. "Sex, no sex, whatever. But you had to have referred to him as your boyfriend."

  Mack nodded, thinking back through her life, trying to remember. "Three," she said.

  "No shit?" Ryan asked.

  She nodded. "Yep."

  Colby lifted his head and looked over the arm of the couch. "Including or not including Ryan?"


  He nodded, then looked at Ryan. "Including or not including Mack?"

  Ryan sighed. "Not."

  "You?" Mack asked.

  "Seventeen," Colby said. "I was a fucking slut. How many you fuck?"

  "You first," Mack said.

  "More than I called my girlfriend," Colby said with a grin.

  Mack looked at Ryan. He glanced away. "I plead the fucking fifth."

  "Nope," she said. "You got me stoned, boss. Have to answer."

  "Four," he said. "Your turn."


  "How long'd ya date?" Colby asked, glancing over at Ryan. Their eyes met for only a moment.

  "Almost two weeks," she said. "He dumped me because I was fat."

  "Dumb ass," Ryan muttered.

  "How many times, Mack?" Colby asked.

  She held up two fingers and giggled. "I'm damned near a fucking virgin."

  "Doubt that," Ryan said. "You're a fucking succubus."

  She laughed. "Not quite."

  "Shit, bro," Colby said. "That's pressure."

  "Nah, man," Ryan said.

  "Yeah, I mean later, when this cancer shit's all over and she can fuck you."

  Ryan looked down and laughed. "You told him?"

  She shrugged. "It may have come up."

  "She said she wasn't fucking her boss, bro," Colby said. "I'm crass, I'm not fucking stupid. I know where a damned cervix is."

  "You two have some interesting talks while I'm not around, don't ya?"

  Mack nodded. "I like him," she told Ryan. "He's sweet."

  "So are you. And you're killing my reputation as a damned stud."

  Colby laughed. "No way, bro. Those damned bitches all want a piece of you. If you didn't have that damned rule, you'd be a slut."

  "Rule?" Mack asked.

  "Shit," Colby said. "Never mind, Mack. Fucking pretend like I didn't say shit."

  "I'll only have sex with someone I'm in love with," Ryan said. "That's what he's talking about."


  She didn't know what else to say. Ryan had been in love with four women. The most perfect man in the world, who could have had anyone he'd ever wanted, and he'd only ever met four women that he wanted to sleep with. No wonder he wouldn't let her get him off. Then she remembered the bitch in the office.

  "You were in love with Hailey?"

  Ryan laughed. "No. Didn't fuck her either, kinda pissed her off. She tells everyone I did, but never happened."

  "Serious?" Colby asked. "Swore you hit that."

  Ryan nodded. "She came upstairs one morning, and caught me in bed. Tried to fucking jump on me. That's what ended it. I told her to get her skanky ass off me if she just wanted to get off. She got an eyeful though. Unfortunately, so did I."

  Mack looked at him for a long moment. "That makes so much more sense."

  "See," Ryan said softly. "You should get me high more often."

  Colby yawned and sat up, glancing over at them. "I know there's a bed on third, so I'm taking it."

  "All yours, man," Ryan said. "You just have to clear it with Mack if you decide to move up there."

  "Be kinda nice," Colby said. "Ain't got furniture, though."

  "Mack does. Granted, if she doesn't want to live with me, you'd kinda be taking her flat."

  "Seriously?" she asked, tugging Ryan's hand until he looked back at her. "You really want me to stay down here?"

  "Yeah," he said. "I do. I'd prefer it if you weren't puking, but yeah." He smiled. "Will you move in with me, Mack?"

  She smiled. "All yours, Colby. I'm living with the Super Hot Guy."

  "I love you two," he said, making for the stairs.

  "Love you, too," Mack called back as he climbed out of sight.

  "Now this," Ryan said, "is what I call a perfect night. C'mon, sweetie, lets get some sleep, it's almost four."

  Mack stood and stretched. She didn't feel as light headed and giddy, but she still felt amazingly good. Ryan slid his arms around her waist and guided her toward the bed, stopping when they passed through the large double doors to pull them closed.

  With his back turned, Mack pulled off her shirt, yawning again. It was shocking how many aches she had simply grown accustomed to, but now that they were gone, she felt even better. She had just unbuttoned her jeans when she felt Ryan's hands on her ribs, his body pressing against her back.

  "Now that's hot," he whispered, pushing the waist of her jeans lower on her hips.

  She closed her eyes and leaned back against him. So he only had sex with women he was in love with, she thought, enjoying the way he made her feel. That's why he'd refused to allow her to get him off. It was just one more hint of how good of a man he was, but a harsh reminder that she wasn't there, yet. Who knew if she'd ever make that category, but Mack was determined to try.

  "I feel amazing," she said, reaching one arm up for his neck.

  He sucked in a breath, looking down at her body from over her shoulder, and slid his hands back up. His fingers caressed her breasts, slowly gliding across her nipples, teasing them into hard pebbles. Mack moaned softly and leaned into him, focusing on the feel of h
is hands. The more he teased, the harder she breathed, and the weaker her knees became, until she was clinging to him, her body completely under his control.

  "I think you like that," he said softly.

  "Oh yeah."

  Then his hands slid lower, pushing her jeans and panties down to her thighs. One hand trailed lazily up her leg, and he shifted the other to her chest, pressing her back against him. His dick was hard. He sucked in a small breath as her ass pressed against it, the rough denim of his jeans pressing into her as his hand brushed the sensitive folds between her legs. When Mack gasped, he caressed her again.

  "Spread your legs, baby," he whispered, shifting so he could reach around her better.

  She did, and his teasing, gentle hand caressed her again, one finger seeking, sliding between her slick tender flesh, pressing until she gasped. He did it again, and leaned over, kissing her neck, moving so carefully. Sparks radiated from his touch, and her knees went weak, but he held her up. Teasing, tantalizing, he tormented the hard knot. She could think of nothing else as her hips tried to rock into his touch, one hand reached back to clasp the cloth across his thigh. Her fingers dug in, holding her close to him as she moaned.

  He rubbed faster, pressing just a bit harder, and she moaned, opening her thighs for him, his body protecting her. His breath was coming faster with every twitch of her ass against his dick, and his mouth worshiped her neck and shoulder, making her unable to concentrate on anything but the fireworks between her legs. The feeling building, surging coursing through.

  "Oh god," she moaned. "Don't stop, Ryan, please, just don't stop."

  He didn't. With a groan deep in his throat, he raised his hand from her ribs to her nipple, pressing his face into her neck, and she exploded. Her hips bucked and her knees buckled as pleasure hit her, radiating from between her legs to the tips of her fingers. He just held her, his eyes drinking her in as she climaxed in his arms.

  He gently pulled his hand away and pushed her jeans still lower. "Step out of those, baby, I got ya."

  "Dear god," she breathed, pulling her legs free. "I feel like Jello."

  "Mm," he purred. "I hope that's a good thing."


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