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SEALed with a Kiss (Alpha SEALs Book 2)

Page 4

by Makenna Jameison

  He’s too young for you.

  Maybe if she told herself that enough times, she could convince her body to sync up with her brain. Something about him had her short-circuiting, imagining they were together together and getting ready to do the horizontal tango, not friends who had barely just met.

  “Evan, that’s so sweet, but you didn’t need to bring me flowers.”

  He shrugged, his broad shoulders rising. His large frame took up her entire doorway, and the shirt he had on hugged his massive chest and well-defined biceps. She tried not to stare, but how exactly had she not noticed how insane his body was last night?

  The man was certainly built, and the way he carried himself made her feel like he’d be confident anywhere. Competent, too, she thought as his eyes slid over her. Evan was a man who would know what he was doing in the bedroom. Why that thought suddenly came to mind, she didn’t want to focus too closely on. She wasn’t going to date Evan or go to bed with him.

  A small part of her mind started to riot, chanting friends with benefits, friends with benefits. Yeah, like that would lead anywhere close to happily ever after.

  She knew the deal with guys like him. All the SEALs on Evan’s team attracted women everywhere they went. She’d flirted a bit last night with Brent at the barbeque, long before Evan crossed her radar, but even then she’d known it was a lost cause. She’d heard stories from Patrick that made her feel like she should steer clear of any of them if she knew what was best for her. And she was certain those were the toned-down, PG-13 rated versions.

  Unless she was looking to get her heart broken again, a guy like either Brent or Evan was all wrong. If she wanted one night of fun or to become another notch on some guy’s bedpost, they’d certainly be up for it. Those guys were nothing but flirts and teases. They chased after women and loved every second of it. Taking a woman home sure didn’t mean she was anything special. Or that she’d ever see them again.

  Things had worked out for Patrick and Rebecca, but that was more of a rare occurrence than the norm. He was the only man on the team in a serious relationship. The only one who’d ever been married and had any idea what it was like to have a family.

  But as for Evan? A young guy like him wouldn’t want a family for years. It could be a decade or more before he was ready to settle down. With the amount of time these guys deployed, Evan wouldn’t even be around much. No wonder they were content to find a willing lady at Anchors and then send her on her merry way the next morning. A few orgasms and wham, bam, thank you ma’am. That sooo was not her style.

  She glanced down at the flowers again. She couldn’t even recall the last time a man had brought her flowers. She supposed it would have to have been her ex, and only then on Valentine’s Day or something. These were unexpected and…nice.

  Evan eyed her as they stood in the doorway, with something like smug satisfaction crossing his face. Those full male lips looked about ready to break into a grin again, and there was a spark in his eyes. Yes, he was definitely pleased that she liked the flowers. “What can I say? I know how to treat a lady who offers to cook dinner for me.”

  “Yeah—one who offered that because you chauffeured me around all night. This was supposed to be about me thanking you.”

  “I’m old-fashioned like that. An attractive woman offers to cook me dinner—I’m bringing flowers.”

  He winked, and Alison felt heat rising in her cheeks. No, no, no. This was not the way things were supposed to be going at all. She was supposed to be acting all big-sister like to him. Friendly. Offering him a warm meal to thank him for his help, and then sending him on his way.

  Evan was not supposed to be flirting with her, looking so deliciously tempting, before he’d even stepped foot inside her house. He leaned closer, and she caught a whiff of the aftershave he had on. She was pretty certain he had not been wearing that last night. It was spicy and masculine, enticing, and she tried hard not to flinch as the scent of him surrounded her. Or to lean closer and inhale the scent of his neck. Which would be entirely inappropriate given the circumstances.

  He brought his large hand to her cheek, his fingers caressing her flushed skin. Heat licked through her, and she was certain she’d turned an even deeper shade of red at her reaction to him. The pads of his fingers were rough, slightly calloused, yet he touched her so gently, she longed to feel them skimming over the rest of her body.

  “Shall we go pick up your car?” Evan asked, his blue eyes searching hers.

  He looked like he’d do anything she wanted at the moment—jump at her command, take her to dinner, jet them off to Paris… take her to bed. There was a slight longing in Evan’s gaze, like he knew he wanted more than she could give.

  Too bad he didn’t realize she was the one who needed more. She’d have to keep him at arm’s length simply because she couldn’t let anyone like him get too close.

  “Yeah,” she said, breaking their connection. “Let me just go put these in water first.”

  She turned, trying to shake off the effect he was having on her. Wow. Had she really been so caught up in Brent last night that she hadn’t noticed how insanely attractive Evan was? He’d driven her home for heaven’s sake. Maybe she’d been so flustered about nearly getting stranded out in the rain that she hadn’t noticed exactly how hot her knight in shining armor had been. Or her SEAL in a souped-up SUV. Still. That didn’t mean something was going to happen. They’d get her car, she’d fix him dinner, and that would be that. It wasn’t like she’d see him again anytime soon.

  Evan followed her into the kitchen, admiring her townhome as they walked along. Alison made a decent salary as a nurse and had been happy to invest in a home of her own. After years spent living with roommates when she was younger, it was nice to have the place to herself. Not that she wouldn’t mind a man here—eventually. She just wasn’t sure the right guy was even out there.

  “Sweet—you have a grill!” Evan exclaimed, grinning like a kid in a candy store as he gazed out on her deck. “Is that a Weber? Someday one of those beauties will be mine.”

  “You don’t have one at your place?” Alison asked, glancing over her shoulder as she filled a vase with water.

  “Nope—I’m in an apartment near base with pretty strict rules.”

  “No grills allowed?”

  “Just George Foreman’s—totally not the same.”

  “I guess we could grill tonight…. I was planning to make a vegan tofu stir-fry for dinner though.”

  Evan literally looked wounded as she snuck a glance his way. Like someone had kicked his puppy dog or something. She bit her lip as she tried not to laugh. She could tell he was trying to be polite and think of a suitable way to respond. He was definitely not the kind of man that would say anything to offend a woman. And he quite likely never ever ate tofu.

  When he finally met her gaze, she raised her eyebrows. “Or we can have the steaks I picked up earlier.”

  His blues eyes flared with amusement. Or was that arousal. “You’re killing me, Ali.”

  He sauntered over to where she stood by the sink, looking like a predator stalking his prey. One who would very much enjoy playing with what he caught. Her breathing hitched as she looked up to meet his eyes. He was tall. Broad. Muscular. And grinning wickedly. Before she could think or move out of the way, he reached down, and two large hands wrapped around her waist as he hoisted her up and over his shoulder.

  “Evan! Put me down!” she shrieked as her stomach collided with his very broad shoulder and her torso and head dangled down over his back.

  “Vegan tofu stir fry,” he muttered. “You’ve got to be kidding me, baby.”

  Evan was massive—nothing but walls of solid muscle covered by smooth, bronzed flesh. His hands gripped her securely, and their heat burned right through her clothing, sending electricity shooting from her head to her toes. She felt small and feminine, delicate even—the exact opposite of the force that was Evan. He chuckled, knowing exactly what he was doing as she weakly proteste
d and squirmed, struggling to get down. The chances of that were about as likely as her ability to scale Mt. Everest. The man was a mountain, and she was stuck on top.

  At least this position did give her a very nice view of his butt. She hadn’t planned on inspecting it up close, yet…damn. Was any part of this man not perfection?

  He ignored her protests, turning around and loping across the kitchen as his arm snared around her waist, locking her to him. Evan was as solid as a rock. Even though she should be freaking out, dangling over his shoulder like this, somehow she still felt safe. Like Evan was in control and wouldn’t let anything harm her.

  He acted like she weighed nothing at all, smoothly moving around as if he carried women over his shoulder every day. Maybe he did. Guys like Evan had women crawling all over them. Hadn’t Rebecca, who’d sworn she’d never date again, practically swooned over Patrick? That sooo was not happening to her. Ever.

  “Keys?” he asked, a smile in his voice.

  Damn him for enjoying this so very much.

  “Evan, seriously, put me down,” she protested as he swung around again, heading toward the table. Was he planning to carry her out to his car like this so all the neighbors could see? How would she explain that?

  “Is that your purse?” He snagged it from where it hung on the back of a chair as she laughed harder, watching his muscular grip of her cute little Kate Spade. Really. It wasn’t every day that a macho guy like Evan walked around carrying a woman’s designer handbag. Then again, he had her slung over his shoulder, caveman style. Maybe that counteracted the purse carrying bit?

  “Hmmm…a little girlier than what I usually carry,” Evan teased.

  “Not your style?”

  “Maybe if it were cotton candy pink.”

  Alison laughed again, unable to get the image of Evan and a little pink purse out of her mind. Evan tightened his grip as he turned to leave the kitchen, and her fits of laughter soon turned into gasps. She felt dizzy and breathless from the way that he held her, high over his shoulder with her head dangling down. Even though he’d been gentle, she struggled to catch her breath. All the laughing she was doing was not exactly helping, either. But it wasn’t every day that a man flung her over his shoulder. She practically expected him to shout out, “Me Tarzan! You Jane!” before hauling her off to bed.

  Her asthma had been under control for the past few years, but after fighting off a bout of bronchitis in the spring, she’d needed her inhaler more than usual. Laughing hysterically was only exacerbating the underlying problem. She wheezed and then pounded her fist on Evan’s back. He stiffened and instantly lifted her down, a look of alarm crossing his face.

  “Are you okay?”

  His hands rested on her hips, and if she hadn’t been in the middle of an asthma attack, struggling to breathe, she might have enjoyed the feel of his broad body looming in front of her, his large hands spanning her hips, and the concerned way he watched her. He ducked his head lower, trying to meet her gaze.

  She reached for her purse, which had fallen to the ground in the commotion, and took another wheezing breath.

  “Do you have an inhaler?”

  She nodded as tears filled her eyes. Evan tore her purse open, dumping the contents on the kitchen table, and grabbed her inhaler. She snatched it from him with trembling hands. Sinking down onto the chair, she wrapped her lips around the contraption, holding her breath as the icky-tasting medicine filled her mouth. One…two…three….

  “Shit, Ali, I’m sorry,” Evan said, crouching down to look her in the eye. His blue gaze was filled with concern, and his jaw ticked as he ground his teeth. She felt the heat radiating off his large body as he leaned closer, and he rested one hand on her thigh, stroking her reassuringly.

  “I didn’t realize you had asthma, or I never would’ve—”

  She nodded and dispensed a second pump of the inhaler, feeling relief wash over her as the wheezing began to subside. She just needed to keep her breathing under control, and she’d be a-okay. She wasn’t sure if Evan’s gentle touch was helping or hindering her. Maybe a little bit of both. Knowing Evan was there right at her side made her feel safe and protected, but the weight of his hand on her thigh also sped up her heart rate.

  Conflicting emotions danced through her.

  She didn’t respond to Evan, and he seemed to understand that she needed a minute. SEALs had medical training, so he must have some clue as to what was happening. He was calm and collected, attuned to her breathing, but he looked angry with himself.

  A single tear escaped and rolled down her cheek, brought on more from stress than discomfort or sadness. God, how embarrassing. First she’d had an asthma attack in front of an insanely hot Navy SEAL, and now she was sitting here crying? What next? Maybe she’d trip and fall down the stairs later on, landing on her butt right in front of him. Or somehow catch the kitchen on fire when she was cooking dinner. That might top this in terms of awkward moments.

  Even if they were only friends, Evan was the first man she’d had over to her place in months. The only man she’d offered to cook for since her ex shattered her heart. And here she was crying at her kitchen table, barely able to catch a breath.

  “God, Alison, I’m a complete jackass. I just threw you over my shoulder like some goddamn caveman—”

  “I’m fine.” She brushed her tears aside and made a move to stand up.

  Evan collected her in his arms and gently pulled her to him. A second later she was seated in Evan’s lap, her head tucked against his chest as he held her. Not having the strength or desire to pull away, she relaxed into his solid warmth. His hand rubbed her back, moving in smooth, soothing circles, and she closed her eyes. Evan’s heartbeat pounded beneath her ear. His clean, spicy scent surrounded her. He was solid and warm and real.

  She could get used to this, this feeling of a man holding her safe and close. Which was dangerous. Evan was sweeter than she’d given him credit for—he’d been interested in her last night and had flirted shamelessly with her earlier today, but this softer side? Caring attention like this would nearly make her come undone.

  He knew how to take care of a woman. He probably knew how to drive a woman wild with pleasure, too, but he knew how to be tender. Gentle, even. She hadn’t expected that. She knew all the guys on his team had that alpha male instinct to protect others, to fight for those who couldn’t defend themselves, but that was more of an aggressive fierceness. A macho need to fight and avenge.

  But this? This closeness and tender care she couldn’t handle. Maybe Evan was the kind of guy looking for a girlfriend, not just some one-night-stand, but that didn’t mean he wanted a wife. And she wasn’t about to spend a couple years in a relationship with a younger man only to have him break her heart again. Been there, done that. All that was missing were the battle scars to prove it.

  Unfortunately, the wounds inside cut just as deep as any physical scars and reminders, and she couldn’t give a guy like Evan her heart. Not when she’d barely patched it back together after her last epic failure of a relationship.

  Alison let out a small sigh and pulled away. That had felt a little too good allowing Evan to hold her in his arms as if she were something that he could cherish, and it was time to get back to reality. Pick up her car, make him dinner, and then send him on his way. She’d find someone boring, steady, and ready to settle down. Maybe they wouldn’t make her heart catapult the way Evan currently was, but they’d never be able to hurt her either.

  She started to stand, her hands seeking balance on his broad shoulders. She wasn’t sure if it was her asthma attack or his closeness that had her feeling unsteady. All she knew was that her world suddenly was off-kilter.

  Evan’s hands instantly found her hips again, helping her to rise. He was gentle. Careful. He didn’t release her from his grip until she was steady on her own two feet. And it felt better than it should to have his hands on her.

  He hopped to his feet in a flash, moving much quicker than she’d think
a guy his size could. Must be all that SEAL training. Those guys moved with lightning speed. The contrast between his gentleness and the very-real likelihood that he was positively lethal was confusing. Intriguing. He was a man that would fight to the death if he had to, but he was nothing but careful and considerate around her. There really was more to Evan than met the eye. Too bad she’d never be able to find out the half of it. He’d make some other girl very happy though.

  Evan took her hand as she gathered her things, now haphazardly scattered across the table. His grip was solid and secure. His large hand wrapped so carefully around her own, she realized he was more concerned about her than he was letting on. The guy wouldn’t even let her step away from his side as she got ready to leave. When she’d finally stuffed her belongings back into her purse, he squeezed her hand gently and tugged her toward the door.

  She felt safe. Shielded. Dizzy—and not from the asthma attack earlier. She was confused as all get out as to what was going on with the man standing beside her. The man holding her hand so gently in his own.

  Briefly, she met his gaze.

  Why did his touch have to feel so good?

  Chapter 5

  “Are you sure you’re okay to pick up your car?” Evan asked for the third time, clicking the remote to unlock the doors to his SUV. He pulled open the door for Alison, watching her carefully. She’d insisted she was fine, but hell if he didn’t feel like the biggest jerk on earth for causing her asthma attack. Or at least contributing to it. She’d insisted her illness earlier in the year had left her vulnerable to more frequent bronchial spasms. Or some shit like that. It turned out that Alison was a nurse at the hospital, so she sure as hell knew more than him when it came to medicine. Not that that made him feel better at the moment.

  Seriously. What the hell was wrong with him?

  She’d asked him not once, but twice to put her down, but he was too busy enjoying playing the role of big, bad SEAL, tossing her over his shoulder. The way she’d laughed hysterically let him know she’d liked it, too. He’s seen Alison checking him out when she thought he wasn’t looking. And when he’d hauled her up against him?


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