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SEALed with a Kiss (Alpha SEALs Book 2)

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by Makenna Jameison

  She was soft and feminine compared to his tall, muscular frame and hell if he didn’t love the contrast. The feel of her warm body up against his had made him want to haul her off to her bedroom. Forget the damn car. He’d take care of all her needs, pleasuring her until she was sated. Then he’d order delivery so they could eat dinner together before round two. And three.

  But had he listened when she’d said to put her down? Not a chance. He’d grabbed her purse, prepared to head for the front door. With Alison still slung over him. It was only when he realized she was gasping for air that he released her. And felt like the biggest dick in the world.

  “Evan, I promise, I’m fine. I have asthma. Sometimes I have asthma attacks, which is why I carry an inhaler. It’s not a big deal.”

  “Maybe I should call one of the guys to meet us down there. They can drive your car back, and you can ride with me.”


  He sighed. There was no arguing with Alison now that her mind was made up. She’d just spent the past ten minutes assuring him she was okay. He just hoped she wasn’t putting on a brave face for him, trying to look stronger than she was. Then again, her breathing had returned to normal. She wasn’t gasping or coughing or whatever that was. What the hell did he know about inhalers or asthma? Alison was the one with a nursing degree. Although he’d been trained in field medicine, his knowledge was more about patching up bullet wounds on the battlefield and applying tourniquets to bleeding soldiers. But treating respiratory problems? Not exactly.

  “Fine. But I’m cooking dinner.”


  He climbed into the driver’s side of the SUV and flashed her a grin. “No protests. I’m cooking, or we’re not eating.”

  Alison rolled her eyes.

  “Are you always so feisty?” he asked as he backed down the driveway. She was cute when she was mad. Did she think that little pout was going to change his mind or something? No chance in hell.

  “Are you always so bossy?”

  Evan sighed. “Do we need to swing by the grocery store after we get your car?”

  “No, I walked over this morning and bought a few things.”

  Evan nearly slammed on the brakes. “You walked?”

  “It’s just down the block.”

  “But you have asthma.”

  Alison laughed. “Seriously Evan, I’m not an invalid. Guess what? I exercise, too. And do yard work. And take care of patients at the hospital.”

  “All right, all right. I’m sorry. But we could’ve gone together.”

  “I was trying to do something nice for you, remember?”

  He relaxed a little. She could walk down the street. There was no need to go all alpha male on her. “You just really freaked me out earlier.”

  “Look, I appreciate your worry. But I know my limits. I just couldn’t catch my breath before, and all the laughing wasn’t exactly helping.”

  “Yeah, what was so damn funny anyway?” Not that he hadn’t enjoyed her laughter. It had spurred him on even more. Making her smile like that had made him feel about ten feet tall. But no way was he pulling a stunt like that again at the expense of her safety. Illness or not, if just laughing brought on an asthma attack, he’d have to be careful.

  “You looked pretty cute holding my purse.”

  “Cute, huh?” He raised his eyebrows and glanced over at her, a gleam in his eye. Was that a hint of a blush starting on her cheeks?

  “Don’t push your luck.”


  An hour later, Evan was flipping steaks on the grill at Alison’s townhouse. Alison’s Accord was safely parked in her driveway, right next to his SUV, like they both belonged there or something. When he’d pulled in next to her and she’d flashed him a smile, his heart had stopped for a second. It was like some weird déjà vu, alternate universe type thing. Like he’d done it a thousand times before. Things were easy with her, and he’d just met the girl—officially—last night. How crazy was that.

  The lady at the impound lot had tried to charge Alison for the tow, but he’d flashed a grin her way and fed her some mumbo-jumbo about serving his country. They’d been in the wrong, not Alison, but sweetening up the woman at the counter certainly hadn’t hurt. Yep, the SEAL bit had the ladies eating out of his hand every time. Alison had been oddly silent during the exchange. Huh.

  The smell of the steaks on the grill drew his attention back to the present. They sizzled, making his mouth water, and he grinned. He glanced around the courtyard her townhome backed up to. Green grass, lots of trees. Even a swing set for the kids. He’d love a place of his own, but with so many deployments and his still-single status, it seemed a bit pointless. Why buy a house when he had no one to fill it?

  His apartment near base was all a guy like him needed. Aside from the wife and two point five kids he hoped to have someday. He smirked. Who came up with that shit anyway? A solid three kids would be cool with him.

  Alison was inside the kitchen making some kind of chick salad to go along with dinner, but she’d also made some killer guacamole, so he’d let the salad part slide. Women.

  He watched her through the sliding glass doors as she worked. She’d pulled that long, strawberry blonde hair up into a ponytail. It swished around as she walked. Back and forth. Back and forth. Man, that woman was mesmerizing, and she had no clue what she did to him. Alison grabbed two beers from the fridge, and blood rushed to his groin as he watched her bend over in those skinny jeans she had on. Her heart-shaped ass was a sight to see, and he longed to palm it, running his hands over those sweet curves, pulling her close, and never letting her go.

  His phone buzzed in his pocket, and he shook off that thought. Glancing at the screen, he saw a text from Christopher.

  You coming tonight, Flip?

  Hell. He’d texted Matthew back earlier this morning but kept it vague. Anchors was a no go. He wasn’t sure he wanted them knowing he was over at Alison’s. Not that he had a problem spreading that news to the world, but she seemed skittish about pursuing anything other than friendship with him. No sense in spooking the woman, especially when they had mutual friends. Or, rather, when her best friend was dating a dude on his SEAL team. Maybe that was his ticket. He’d suggest they hang out with Patrick and Rebecca next weekend. It wouldn’t have to be a date, just a few friends getting together.

  “Do you want to eat inside or out?” Alison asked, her cheeks looking flushed as she poked her head out the door. She coughed once as the smoke from the grill blew her way, and Evan frowned.


  She didn’t notice the expression on his face and ducked back in to grab the plates from the cupboard. A cursory glance at the steaks let him know they’d be okay for a few minutes without his attention, and he slipped in the side door.

  Actually, sneaking up on her was decidedly not a good idea. He didn’t want to cause another asthma attack. Not that surprise caused them, did it? He’d have to do some research online tonight. The next time she couldn’t breathe around him, he wanted to know exactly how to help her.

  “Need a hand?”

  Green eyes glanced at him from over her shoulder. “Uh, yeah. Can you grab that platter for the steaks?”

  “Sure thing.”

  She turned back around, and a second later he was right behind her. She still had that insane fruity fragrance that drove him out of his mind. What was that? Her perfume? Some fancy shampoo? No matter. He was hard as a rock—had been earlier as he watched her bend over to get the beers.

  He was careful not to let himself rub up against her sweet ass, tempting as though it was. Like that wouldn’t freak her out. Still, he let his chest brush up against her back, and he didn’t miss the shiver that coursed through her at his sudden closeness. She was warm, sweet, and irresistible. His arms snaked around her, and his hands rested on the counter, trapping her. The cool granite was a complete contrast to his heated flesh, and he froze.

  Next move was hers. If she wanted him, she had him. />
  A beat passed with neither of them moving a muscle. Her breathing quickened, and his own body pulsed with awareness. She was silent, and he would’ve killed to know what was going on in her head right now. Just a glimpse inside to see if she felt any of the chemistry and connection that he did.

  Her silence spoke volumes. She didn’t move a muscle, but he could almost hear her heartbeat speed up with every quickened breath she took.

  “I could get used to this,” he said, his voice gruff as he ducked his head down toward her ear. The slight hitch in her breathing told him all he needed to know.

  He affected her. Just as she affected him. She could deny it as much as she wanted, but she was into him, too.

  “Evan.” The breathless way she said his name was something he’d never tire of hearing. Hell, there were a whole lotta things about this woman that he could see making part of his daily routine. Making her breakfast in the morning. Making dinner together in the kitchen. Making love all night.

  “Yes, baby?” His lips teased the shell of her ear, oh-so-close but not quite touching. She actually shuddered.

  “We can’t.”

  “We can’t what?”

  “We’re better off just being friends.”

  He didn’t say a word, deciding how to play this. Did he turn her around and prove her wrong? Back off and leave? Go with the “just friends” thing for now?

  “We’re just standing in your kitchen,” he teased, deciding on the latter. The gravel in his voice betrayed him, but he kissed the top of her head as he pulled back, leaving her space. She turned around, and there was no mistaking the flush spreading across her cheeks or the arousal in her eyes.

  He grabbed the platter from the top shelf and handed it to her. “I’ll go check on the steaks.” He winked before turning around and forcing himself to walk away.

  Chapter 6

  “You should take off Mondays more often,” Alison said to Rebecca the next afternoon as she dipped her toes in the pool under the hazy, late afternoon sun. Ahhh. Perfect. Cool water. Clear blue skies. Margaritas perched on the table between their lounge chairs. This was the stuff summer was about. All that was missing were some cute cabana boys. Rebecca, of course, only had eyes for Patrick. Too bad those guys were all on base today doing drills. They’d look mighty fine shirtless and in swim trunks, fetching them drinks.

  Including Evan, whose image was now seared into her mind. That chiseled physique of his felt rock solid beneath his clothes. She’d probably give in if she ever saw the man partially unclothed. He was way too tempting—in more ways than one. Aside from being hotter than sin, he was sweet to her. Gentle. And, as she decided already, way, way too young.

  Alison stepped into the pool, letting the water surround her. Her dark green bikini made her fair skin look even paler—the curse of being a redhead. Despite hours clocked in at the beach and pool this summer, she slathered on the sunblock each time and was pale as a ghost. Unlike Rebecca, who looked like some sort of bronzed brunette goddess lounging on a chair. Patrick was a lucky man. Her best friend was a knockout, and Alison couldn’t help but feel slightly self-conscious in comparison. She was petite and slender and wouldn’t mind Rebecca’s killer curves. Not that Evan had seemed bothered in the slightest by her small frame. If anything, he seemed to enjoy picking her up and hauling her around.

  Her mind skipped back to him caging her in at her kitchen counter last night, those muscular arms trapping her as his broad chest brushed up against her back. She could feel his solid pecs, tight abs, and scorching heat. She’d actually shivered at his closeness. He was all man and ready to do whatever she’d wanted. All she’d needed to do was say the word, and the night would have ended much differently. The look of lust filling his blue gaze as she’d turned around was almost enough to make her change her mind about him. To throw caution to the wind and allow him to kiss her senseless and drive her out of her mind.


  If only she was young enough for a summertime fling—Evan would top that list by a long shot. And who was she kidding? She’d been going through a dating drought recently. The accountant she’d gone out with a few times wouldn’t even be on the list.

  She sighed, splashing a little water up onto her arms and shoulders to cool off. The heat of the sun felt good on her skin. Warm. Comforting. Drops of water cascaded down her arms, and she remembered shivering in Evan’s car the other night as she escaped the rain. Without even saying a word, he’d turned down the air conditioning, noticing she was cold. Without her even asking him for help, he’d been the one to pull to a stop and offer her a ride.

  He was a great guy that someone would be lucky to end up with. It just couldn’t ever be her.

  “Long weekends are made for summertime,” Rebecca agreed, sipping her margarita. “Wow, that’s strong. How much tequila did you put in these?”


  “Guess I’ll be sticking to one.”

  “That’s okay—more for me,” Alison joked.

  “No fair, you don’t have to drive home—or work tomorrow.”

  “There are definite perks to my shift,” Alison agreed. “But I don’t feel too bad about you returning home to a smoking hot man.”

  Rebecca blushed and glanced over to make sure her daughter wasn’t listening. Abby was a few feet away, happily arranging her pool toys on an empty lounge chair and didn’t so much as look up.

  Alison climbed out of the water, a smile playing on her lips, and sank down onto the lounge chair beside her best friend. She didn’t begrudge Rebecca for being happy. But she wouldn’t mind if a little of that bliss headed her way. Maybe Evan had an older brother or something? Nah, that would feel weird after the surprising attraction she was feeling toward Evan. There were other guys on his SEAL team though. She’d have to ask Rebecca if anyone was worth learning more about.

  The sooner she found someone else, the sooner she’d get Evan out of her mind.

  “I wouldn’t know what a few days off felt like if it smacked me in the face,” Rebecca said, settling back into her chair. Her embarrassment had faded, but she still looked happily blissed out. Maybe that’s what amazing orgasms every night did for you, Alison thought with a smirk. Rebecca wasn’t one to kiss and tell, but Alison knew she was smitten with her new man. And satisfied, if the glow she was sporting twenty-four/seven said anything about it.

  “So take a vacation.”


  “You and Patrick could go somewhere.”

  “We could—it’s tough to coordinate our schedules though.”

  A busy lawyer at a law firm in Virginia Beach, Rebecca worked insane hours. Alison and Rebecca met for dinner from time-to-time, but a weekday afternoon spent lounging around the pool like this was practically unheard of. Alison’s three-days-on, four-days-off work schedule for her job at the hospital let her relax and unwind when she was off the clock. But as for Rebecca? The woman never seemed to slow down. That was the advantage of being a nurse—once your shift ended, so did your work. It wasn’t like she could care for patients at home. Rebecca brought stacks of paperwork home each night, whereas Alison came home from grueling twelve-hour shifts and crashed.

  Alison thought her best friend deserved a little R&R after a couple of intense court cases last spring. Rebecca was always dealing with high-strung clients—divorce didn’t bring about the best in people. One of the court hearings had culminated with a stalker chasing after Rebecca. The disgruntled ex-husband of a woman Rebecca had represented at a divorce hearing had sought Rebecca out in revenge. Luckily, Patrick had literally swooped in and saved the day, but not without a lot of drama on the relationship front.

  Their break-up hadn’t lasted long, but it had been hard on Alison to see her friend so heartbroken. Luckily all’s well that ends well. The two of them were now the happiest couple she’d ever seen. Patrick was head-over-heels in love with Rebecca, and seeing Patrick melt all over Rebecca had softened Alison up—a little. She still had trouble
trusting relationships to work, but theirs certainly seemed to be smoothly sailing along.

  “Truth be told,” Rebecca continued, “I wouldn’t mind another weekend at a hotel right here in Virginia Beach. That night Patrick and I spent in an oceanfront suite? Definitely one of the best in my life.”

  Alison grinned at her friend. “That good, huh?”

  “Let’s just say there were multiples of everything.”

  Alison giggled. Rebecca was usually so conservative, it was a little surprising to hear her even mentioning sex at all. Maybe Patrick had unleashed a wilder side in her, she thought.

  “What’s so funny?” Rebecca asked.

  “Just wondering if all the guys on Patrick’s SEAL team are as thorough as him.”

  “Uh, have you seen the way women chase after them? That’s pretty much a guarantee.”

  A feeling of unease washed over Alison. It was fun joking about the men’s sexual prowess, but actually imagining Evan with another woman didn’t sit well with her.

  “So…next week. Same time, same place?” she asked, hoping her friend didn’t mind the change of subject.

  “I wish.”

  Alison shot her a grin. “Hey, it was worth a shot.”

  Rebecca snatched a chip from the bowl, shading her eyes with a hand as she looked around. “Have you seen my sunglasses?”

  “Right here Mommy!” Rebecca’s four-year-old daughter screamed. The whole neighborhood probably heard the kid, but hey. At least she looked cute trying on her mom’s oversized shades. She’d filled up her toy watering can and was currently sprinkling pool water on all the flowerpots in the landscaped area. Alison wasn’t sure how the plants would fare with all that chlorine, but at least she was happy. It gave her and Rebecca a little girl time to chat and catch up.


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