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Separation Anxiety

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by A B Darling Little

  Werewolves Guardian 2

  Separation Anxiety

  Copyright 2019 A.B. Darling Little

  This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental. All characters depicted in sexual acts in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older. No part in this book may be reproduced, transmitted, stored, or distributed without permission of the author or publisher.


  This steamy short story contains age regression with eighteen-year-old young woman who is babied by an Alpha Werewolf. It also contains scenes of humiliation, ab/dl, diaper play, bdsm, knotting, size kink, public sex, exhibitionism & voyeurism, and much, much more.

  Look Inside

  He's deep in thought when he feels a warmth on her diaper and she starts crying louder, screaming through the pacifier and throwing herself back and forth, like she's trying to get free. He knows instantly that she's wet her diaper. She's always so fussy when she does that.

  "It's okay, baby. Shh.. It's alright. Daddy will get you all cleaned up," he says, pressing her stomach lightly, making sure she's gone all the way. She tried to hold it in once, only to lose control once he has the diaper undone. There was pee everywhere and it was such a hassle to get everything cleaned up.

  He had stripped and cleaned her up in the bathroom before putting her on the bed on her stomach.

  She had watched him with wide eyes, unknowing of her punishment to come. He cleaned the changing platform, wiping it clean first with just a towel, and then disinfecting the entire area to make sure that it will be safe for use later. Humans get sick so often.

  Once he's done, he told her sternly that bad girls need to be punished and sat on the bed, pulling her close by her waist and draping her across his lap, stomach side down. He gave her five spanks because it's her first offence, hitting her with just his bare hands so he could better control each time his bare hand hit across her bum and not use too much force.

  She had yowled and cried, sobbing hard into the bed. Her skin is had reddened so beautiful and he kissed her better afterwards, putting soothing balm on her red buttocks and kissing her tears away as she sniffled on the changing table when he dressed her up again.

  She hasn't had another incident like that ever since and he thinks he's a terrible person for wishing he had another excuse to punish her. It's her own fault, really.

  She cries so beautifully.


  Look Inside

  Chapter One: Separation Anxiety

  Chapter Two: Doctor Shaw

  Chapter Three: Panic

  Chapter Four: New Beginnings

  Chapter Five: Changes

  Chapter Six: Knot

  Chapter Seven: Office Exhibitionism

  Also Read

  Chapter One: Separation Anxiety

  The problem arises at the very beginning, when it is quickly apparent that they both got too attached too quickly.

  It's not so much a problem for now as it will be soon, once the honeymoon period has passed and the Alpha won't feel so possessive over his pup, but the same couldn't be said for her. Pups who cling now will continue to cling later on and it would only make things harder for the both of them when it's time for him to leave.

  At the end of the first week, one of his men went behind his back and called a doctor who specializes in these things. To his pack-mate's credit, he was merely worried about how badly things would go once he has to go back to work. His company needs him and the extended leave is already beginning to show in the drop of stock prices.

  He's been out of commission for the past several weeks now and has only just started feeling less like an animal, but his company needs to be run and he can't keep locking himself up in his home and pretending the rest of the world didn't exist.

  Still, he finds himself gritting his teeth and being reluctant about letting the doctor - the stranger- into his den. He peeks through the eye hole and spies the man on the other side. The door is heavy and thick enough that he can't pick up the man's scent through it. He's a small man, a good head shorter than himself with little to no muscles on his bones.

  Liam has always been aware of how much he towers over other people. His status as an Alpha Werewolf ensures that people fear him and his looming height gives him an advantage on top of that. People fear him and go out of their way to stay out of his sight.

  Despite that, things have not been going well for him in recent weeks. Not after the lost of his best friend, his brother in anything but blood. The worst thing is how underhanded it had been. Despicable. Poison, of all things.

  He sees red just thinking about it. He wraps his arms tightly around his little cub, hugging her tight and breathing in her scent.

  The time before she arrived passed in a blur for him. He had been so angry, fighting back the pack that dared to think they could take over his territory. He had killed the Alpha in retaliation and let his lawyers handle the rest. Territorial wars that causes loss of life are rarely these days, but still legal, falling in that grey area that the authorities dared not touch. He has widespread influence not just in his own territory. If they tried to prosecute, Alpha packs from far and wide would come to his defense and that's not a path anyone is ready to walk down.

  So, not only are there no repercussions to him murdering a man, the triumph appears to have caused an increase in stockmarket prices. Enough that his accountants are comfortable with this increase that they left him alone. At least for the first few weeks as he grieve.

  But the company needs him and his pack mates worry for his mental health. His hold on humanity is paper thin. It is his most trusted adviser, Lee, who had gone behind his back and arranged for a doctor. Apparently, spending all of that time taking care of his pup isn't acceptable. Unnecessarily complicated, is what it is.

  The doctor knocks again and he takes a few grounding breaths to remind himself that he's only here to make sure she's in perfect health and suggest ways for them to handle being away from each other. He's not here to take her away.

  Even if he is, he's not capable of doing any such thing.

  He would sooner tear the smaller man limb from fucking limb than let her-

  "Daddy," his precious pup mewls in his grip and he knows he's holding her too tightly. He loosens his hold and presses a kiss to her forehead. She smells like soap and baby powder, like familiarity and home. He feels his wolf relaxing the longer he holds her in his arms. "Daddy?" she looks questioningly at him and he can't help but lean down to press another kiss to her forehead, brushing away the hair there.

  "Daddy's fine," he murmurs and clenches the door knob hard enough to bend it out of shape. He opens the door and that's where their trouble really begins.

  Chapter Two: Doctor Shaw

  Doctor Shaw has been doing this for more than thirty years and it never stops being stressful. Mostly because he's one hundred percent human and half of his clientele, the half that matters, that he has to answer to, are half wolf. Werewolves. Not just Werewolves, Alpha Werewolves. They're known to be more powerful and amazing leaders, but are also more prone to being overwhelmed by the beasts inside them.

  It's only years of experience doing this that allows him to keep a level head as he stares down the Alpha glaring at him now, like he would very much like Doctor Shaw to leave right this moment.

  He sighs and tilts his head forward and a little to the side, offering his neck and showing his submission, letting the bigger man know he's not a threat and he's not here to take his Pup away. No one in their right minds would even attempt to do that.

  After several tense breaths, the Alpha finally stops snarling and nods. "Good morning, Doctor Shaw," he says like he hadn't just attempted to murder
him with his eyes.

  It's fine. Shaw is a professional for many many years and is used to being threatened several ways. He has marks on his skin from overzealous in defending their pups despite knowing that he's only here to make sure they're keep safe.

  This is nothing. "Good morning, Alpha Liam," he says, not acknowledging the young pup. He doesn't even attempt eye contact because he prefers keeping all of his internal organs where they belong- inside his body. He's learned earlier own that this is safest.

  "Come in," he says, turning his back to him, letting Shaw knows that the Alpha doesn't think of him as a threat. That's a good start. He lets go of the breath he's holding.

  Shaw takes the opportunity to look at the pup held so tightly in his chest. She's a slight thing and curls up in his arms snugly, only her eyes peeking up over his shoulder to look at him.

  He doesn't acknowledge her either, but he knows he's just delaying the inevitable. He'll have to conduct a full body checkup on her before he leaves, preferably without her Alpha present, but he knows how impossible that is. Most Alphas are paranoid about leaving their pups with strangers and he's only had her for a week.

  Normally, he wouldn't be checking in so early, but a packmate has requested that they expedite the process since their Alpha has been isolating himself from everyone, including his own pack mates ever since the accident that took his friend's life.

  Not an accident.


  He tries not to be involved in the politics of it all. It'll just give him even more gray hairs. He has handled post-wars before, though, for Alphas who don't make it or lose their territories. Those are never pretty and he doesn't enjoy the work that comes after, rehabilitating a pup who's used to being babied and either getting them adopted in a different home or having them returned to society. The government has facilities to keep these pups and it's always rather tragic.

  He does the preliminary checks in the presence of the Alpha, eyes, ears, response to stimuli and having her answer several questions. She's well and lost in her mind. It must be pleasant, to be in that mindset of a Little all the time with nothing to worry about other than how much cuddles she could get from her Alpha.

  The problem really starts when he suggests separating the two, partly because he wants to ask him some rather personal questions about how far he is planning to take this relationship. He will have to check her to make sure that she will be ready to take an Alpha's knot if he plans to do that, but first, a discussion.

  "If I could speak to you elsewhere?" he suggests mildly, keeping a close eye on her reaction. She doesn't know that he's beckoned her guardian away and he will be leaving her on her own shortly, judging by the way she's still sucking on her thumb and making happy little noises. She's a pretty little thing, blond hair and large eyes, lush lips that looks as inviting as they are innocent, soft and creamy skin everywhere.

  He has seen many Littles in his time, but she's quite possibly one of the prettiest he had seen. She's quite perfect as a Little, her petite size instills an instinctive reaction to protect and shield her from the horrors of the world. There is still fat around her cheeks that make her look younger than her years. He knows that she wouldn't be doing this unless she's eighteen, however. It is one of the many, many requirements.

  Alpha looks undecided for more than a few moments, frowning at him and then turning back to his pup. "Alone?" he echoes as though he hasn't heard him right the first time.

  "Alone," he nods sternly. It would serve two purposes. One, they would deal with the discussion of putting her on new diet in order to make her days go by easier and he finds that it's generally easier for the Littles to not know that they're being subjected to this new diet regimen. The loss of control is one of the things that makes life easier for them.

  "I'll just put her into the crib," the Alpha says, looking mildly concerned by the prospect of being separated already, never mind the fact that they will still be in the same house, only different rooms.

  Doctor Shaw will be more annoyed by how slowly he's moving if he wasn't used to this in every other instance. It is likely that they have not been away from each other's side since the day she was brought into his life.

  The bedroom is a rather cozy one, built like many other Little's rooms he has seen. It's baby-proofed so that if she were to ever escape, none of the things would hurt her. The carpet here is softer too and there are toys strewn about the room for easy access and a changing station in the corner with the bathroom door opened.

  He spies the Alpha's bedroom in the room connected to the bathroom and wonders if he would keep the doors open and simply bring her to his own room in the middle of the night, unable to stand the thought of them away from each other.

  As he begins to lower her into the crib, she starts to fuss, trying to reach up to him with her arms when he puts her down and leans away. He tries to pull away, but she has her fingers in the lapels of his shirt and is clutching as tightly as she can.

  He indulges her, smiling as he untangles her fingers. "Daddy's going to talk to the nice doctor for a while, okay, baby? Can you stay here and be a good girl while Daddy waits?"

  She seems to understand what he's saying as her bottom lip begins to wobble and her eyes fill with fresh tears, gleaming in the dim lighting from the windows. The curtains are pulled in just enough to let a little bit of light in and he finds himself wanting to turn away from the intimate moment of him pressing kiss to her forehead. "Daddy," she cries.

  "No, Daddy," she whispers, grabbing his shirt tightly. She's such a delicate thing, though. She could be grabbing him with both fists and still be unable to keep him here.

  He chuckles and lets her pull him down so he can press a loud kiss on her forehead. "Daddy just needs to go outside for a second, okay? I'll be right back."

  She sniffles when he turns his back to her. He must be acutely aware of her eyes on him, judging by the tense lines on his shoulders, but to his credit, he keeps walking. He's not sure if he's trying to prove to himself or to Doctor Shaw that there's nothing he needs to be concerned about. They aren't too attached to each other.

  Doctor Shaw always hopes that's the case.

  At first, he thinks it's working. Maybe he isn't even needed here at all and he could just call it a day and leave. But his work is never that easy.

  As soon as Alpha Liam closes the door behind him, the pup starts to wail. She lets out ear-piercing, earth-shattering screams. If he wasn't aware that they've just left an empty room, he would suspect that she's being tortured in some way.

  If the noise is hurting his own ears this much, he can only imagine how much it's hurting the Alpha Werewolf with his enhanced hearing. Instead of doing the smart thing and running in the opposite direction to save his eardrums, the Alpha turns back around and wrenches the door open so hard that the foundation of the house shakes.

  "Wait- no," he starts, moving to grab the Alpha Werewolf before he can step back inside the room. In his previous experiences, it's better to let her cry herself out and then gradually increase the time of separation until she grows used to being her own company.

  Being in here now will only give her the idea that as long as she starts wailing and crying, he will cave and give her everything she wants.

  Chapter Three: Panic

  She's inconsolable, screaming and sobbing, pulling at everything her hands can reach until she finally tires herself out and stops crying out so loudly, collapsing in a tired heap and sniffling tiredly in his lap as he does his best to soothe her, promising her he's not going anywhere and patting her back.

  Slowly, her breath evens out and her erratic heart begins to beat at a rate that is more comfortable for his own racing heart. He had never heard her cry so hard before, not even when she's throwing a tantrum.

  She's clinging to him so tightly that he feels like such an asshole for leaving her in the first place, regardless of what the doctor requested.

  "You shouldn't indulge her so much," the doctor sig
hs, looking disappointed with him but he doesn't give a fuck about what the doctor thinks.

  "She needs me," he finds himself rumbling before her could hold back and he knows that he's telling the truth. She needs him for everything. It fills a need inside of him that he never knew existed and he knows that the reverse is true as well. Just a week ago, he was ready to sell his house and spend the rest of his life as a wolf.

  His best friend- his brother- had died, all because he did not think it prudent to heed the warnings from his adviser and chase away the wolves who had invaded his territory without an official invitation.

  They had thought was merely a mistake. He is an Alpha Werewolf in one of the biggest cities in the world. There are werewolves who no longer abide by the old laws and pass by without making trouble all the time and in the beginning, there had only been three wolves.

  It wasn't a big deal.

  Until it was.

  He finds himself growling as he loses himself in the anguish of losing his best friend for many decades and it is only her quiet sniffles and soft grip of her fingers on his shirt that keeps him from losing the first to the wolf yet again. He had spent so much time as a wolf to deal with the grief and almost lost his humanity completely.

  She's here to make sure he doesn't lose himself anymore. She's his responsibility now and he will do everything in his power to ensure her safety. No harm will ever come to her while he is alive.

  "Perhaps we should just discuss things here," he says, not wanting to be left bereft again without her at his side.

  Doctor Shaw sighs. "Would you rather we conduct the conversation here or elsewhere in the house? You are, of course, able to take her with you. She will likely be asleep soon regardless and I will keep the discussion on more light-hearted notes until she is unconscious."

  "That would be best," he says, wiping her cheeks of her tears. Poor baby is exhausted from all the crying and isn't paying attention to them at all. She snuggles up to him like she's trying to crawl into him so that he would never let her go.


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