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Separation Anxiety

Page 2

by A B Darling Little

  The doctor nods in understanding and he's grateful that the doctor isn't making this harder than it could be. He's heard of cases where doctors will declare the Alpha as a lost cause and simply let them continue being codependent with one another.

  As comfortable as he is with his pup right now, he knows that's not the way to live. He will have to go to work eventually and quite possibly learn to trust someone else to take care of her while he's gone for out-of-state business meetings. He has a strong feeling she would not handling travelling through airports well.

  The rest of the meeting goes mercifully well. The fact that he is ready to acknowledge it's a problem is, apparently, leaps and bounds beyond what the doctor has had to deal with in the past and he's optimistic that Liam will be able to develop the relationship in a healthier manner so that both of them can be happy and healthy.

  He puts off the body checkup until afterwards, when he is less possessive of his pup. They don't talk about her change in diet until after they're both sure that she's well and asleep, and he understands why, he supposes. She still gets fussy sometimes when he has to take care of her and clean her nappy and bath her in the baby bath that he had purchased specifically for her.

  He's reluctant to switch her diet completely, but the doctor reassures him that this will be good for both of them. It'll make her less fussy and help her with the rest of the changes that's about to happen to her body.

  "What changes?" he'd asked.

  "If you intend to knot her, there will need to be some biological changes inside of her body to make sure she can take it. Most humans can't do it without getting injured in the process due to how their bodies are."

  He hadn't even thought of doing it before, but now that the doctor had brought up the possibility, it is all he can think about. He knows she had been warned about the possibility of being knotted by an Alpha Werewolf when she signed up as a Little, but he can't help but feel as though he's taking advantage of her like this.

  Fuck. He's taking completely advantage of her if he decides to fuck her - when he decides to fuck her. Just the thought of it is enough to make him fucking hard. She would be so lovely, pliant and soft underneath him, mewling and whimpering in that sweet little voice as he fucks into her soft body, filling her up until her belly is round and lovely.

  He feels somewhat dazed for the rest of the meeting with the Doctor, signing all the documents set out in front of him. His lawyers had read through them already, so he's not worried about signing something he shouldn't.

  Once the doctor leaves, he goes into the kitchen and makes her dinner with the new milk supplement the doctor had brought for him. It smells like the old formula that he had been given, but the consistency does feel a little bit thicker.

  When he goes to take her from the crib, she's already beginning to rouse, making fussy little noises as she curls up into his arms, pleased an annoyed in equal measures.

  "Yum-yum, baby girl," he coaxes her into eating by pressing the bottle's nipple between her lips. She clenches her teeth together and turns her face away.

  "No, Daddy," she whines.

  "Come on, baby. Daddy put some honey so it's sweeter. Have a taste, baby. It's nice," he promises, sitting down on the rocking chair and pushing the tip of his thumb past her teeth, forcing her mouth open and stuffing the nipple into her mouth. He squeezes the nipple tip and tilts her head back, letting a few droplets coat her tongue before sliding his finger out.

  He had tasted it on his own earlier and the different formula is blander, so he added honey to make it more palatable. He must've added more honey than he thought because she makes a pleased little noise at the taste. She starts sucking straight away, even with her eyes closed, and as he rocks back and forth on the chair, she makes herself more comfortable and swallows mouthful after mouthful, pausing only to draw breath when absolutely necessary. It's a heady feeling, having her trust him so much that she's just drinking the milk in her mouth without opening her eyes to see what it is that she's drinking.

  "Almost done, baby," he hums, combing her hair back from her eyes as he watches the liquid drain from the bottle into her mouth and her throat bob as she swallows. "That's it. Good girl," he grins, tugging the bottle away so she isn't swallowing air into her stomach.

  Her eyes fill up with tears immediately when she blinks her eyes open at him. "Daddy," she cries, unhappy about finishing her bottle. She reaches for it with both hands despite knowing that there's nothing left inside.

  "Good girl. There's daddy precious baby girl," he praises, lifting her so she's half-sitting on his lap. He pats her back rhythmically until she burps. She cries a little bit as she does it, but he just keeps praising her as he snuggles her into another embrace.

  He pokes the pacifier into her mouth once her tummy is no longer bloated. She sucks on that happily too and he smiles, hugging her close to his chest as he starts rocking again, humming a medley of music that he remembers from when he was much younger.

  "Daddy's thinking of going back to work soon," he says quietly, testing the words on his tongue before putting down the groundwork for it. It leaves a bitter taste in his mouth, but at the same time, it feels right. He can't keep hiding here forever. The longer he leaves his company, the higher the chances of him being replaced by someone inferior. He had built the company from the ground up. He isn't going to let someone else seize control.

  He needs his pack to come back to him too and his hold on his territory needs to be strengthened. The idea of leaving her alone is daunting and he doesn't like to think about it, but he must.

  "Daddy needs to earn money," he says even though that part isn't true. He has more money than he knows what to do with already. That's not right. "Daddy needs to be in control." Ah. Yes, that's much better. "And in order to be in control, Daddy needs to be seen," his voice drops, "and feared."

  He has her to protect now and it is even more important than ever to ensure that nobody would ever think of taking her away from him.

  He'll have to find her a babysitter, someone he can trust. But he has a few weeks left before that becomes a real issue he has to face.

  The doctor says the most important thing he is supposed to do now is deal with his aggression. He can't return to civilization with his wolf so close to the surface like this and risk hurting innocent people.

  He's deep in thought when he feels a warmth on her diaper and she starts crying louder, screaming through the pacifier and throwing herself back and forth, like she's trying to get free. He knows instantly that she's wet her diaper. She's always so fussy when she does that.

  "It's okay, baby. Shh.. It's alright. Daddy will get you all cleaned up," he says, pressing her stomach lightly, making sure she's gone all the way. She tried to hold it in once, only to lose control once he has the diaper undone. There was pee everywhere and it was such a hassle to get everything cleaned up.

  He had stripped and cleaned her up in the bathroom before putting her on the bed on her stomach.

  She had watched him with wide eyes, unknowing of her punishment to come. He cleaned the changing platform, wiping it clean first with just a towel, and then disinfecting the entire area to make sure that it will be safe for use later. Humans get sick so often.

  Once he's done, he told her sternly that bad girls need to be punished and sat on the bed, pulling her close by her waist and draping her across his lap, stomach side down. He gave her five spanks because it's her first offence, hitting her with just his bare hands so he could better control each time his bare hand hit across her bum and not use too much force.

  She had yowled and cried, sobbing hard into the bed. Her skin is had reddened so beautiful and he kissed her better afterwards, putting soothing balm on her red buttocks and kissing her tears away as she sniffled on the changing table when he dressed her up again.

  She hasn't had another incident like that ever since and he thinks he's a terrible person for wishing he had another excuse to punish her. It's her own fault, really.
  She cries so beautifully.

  Chapter Four: New Beginnings

  There are so many things Sandy hasn't been able to do since she fell into the Adult Baby lifestyle. That's all her life can be broken down to now: pre-ABDL, and post-ABDL. She can't go anywhere like she used to. She can't even pee like she used to. No, Daddy makes sure she pees in her diaper and then cleans her up, wiping her with a napkin that smells comforting and then dabbing her buttocks with baby powder before wrapping her up in a new diaper.

  At first, she had been mortified every time he needs to change her, crying and sobbing. Once, she even tried to hold it in and that wasn't a pleasant experience she wanted to repeat. Now, she's gotten fairly used to getting her diaper changed, so she empties her bladder into the diaper, feeling it grow wet and heavy as Daddy rocks her on the chair, humming to her until she feels ready to pee and she doesn't hesitate for as long as she did before to wet her nappy now.

  "Good girl," Daddy praises, pressing her tummy a little to make sure she's emptied her bladder completely. He probably doesn't want a repeat of last time. She blushes at the memory of being left naked on the bed and then spanked until her buttocks stung.

  She pees a little bit more when Daddy applies pressure on her tummy and she can't help but cry. It's uncomfortable and she doesn't like it when Daddy forcibly empties her bladder like this.

  "Good girl. Daddy's so proud of you," he says, pressing a big kiss on her cheek. It's wet and she kind of wants to wipe her hand across it to get rid of it.

  "No, Daddy," she whimpers, turning her face away when he tries to kiss her other cheek.

  "Poor baby's all fussy today," he chuckles, plunking her down on a changing table. He used to tie her up for this part, but she behaves well enough nowadays that he doesn't have to strap her down anymore.

  She isn't behaving today, though. She feels extra unhappy because of the stranger who had come in earlier and told Daddy to leave her, and then Daddy let her nap again even though she's already had her morning nap and her schedule's all ruined now. He straps her down by the waist and upper chest so she can't move, but she tries to kick at him anyways and he captures her little feet in his grip and presses kisses on her ankles.

  He undoes the straps of the onesie and strips off the wet diaper, murmuring to her reassuringly the whole time. She cries the whole time he cleans her, wiping her off and touching her everywhere. She can't help but let out a high-pitched squeal when the wipe touches her clit, though. She hasn't been touched there for so long that just the softest touch is enough to arouse her and it makes her feel so embarrassed. "Daddy," she whines, kicking out again, but not hitting anything because he's standing between her parted legs and she is too weak to really do much.

  Normally, he doesn't respond at all when she gets wet, but he pauses now and his nostrils flare. "Daddy will help you with that later, okay, baby?"

  And isn't that cryptic. Her cheeks heat up as she wonders if he's saying what she thinks he's saying. Surely, he's not suggesting that he would help clean up her pussy? That's absurd. He's been so proper the whole time she's here. What's changed? Even as she thinks this, she knows the answer. There's a reason the doctor had came today. She wanted to stay awake to listen to what the doctor said, but her body has been feeling weaker and weaker lately and it's only too easy for her to fall asleep.

  He puts a fresh diaper on her before she can wonder what he means and she's distracted by the feeling of him taping up the sides of the diaper. That had been such a horrible thing to get used to at first, too. It's big and bulky and make so much noise whenever she moves. The whole thing had stuck to her skin and made her terribly itchy the first few days before Daddy figured out he needed to be generous with the amount of powder he dabs on her.

  Going potty was another big thing. She still grimaces and cries when she needs to go potty in her diaper, but Daddy's so quick about getting her cleaned up afterwards that she isn't too upset about it these days. There's no use worrying about something that hasn't even happened yet. She whimpers lazily as she watches Daddy button up her onesie.

  "All done," he declares, bending down to smack a kiss on her stomach. "That wasn't so bad, was it?"

  She nods, still crying distractedly. He picks her up and coos soothingly at her, cradling her so that her head is resting on his shoulder.

  "It's alright, baby. Remember how Daddy promised to take care of everything for you? Daddy's going to make sure you feel good too," he says, turning so he can kiss her cheek. "Daddy's going to take care of you forever."

  She keeps crying when he sits back in the rocking chair and wipes her face with a tissue. Of all the new changes she has had to get used to, being cuddled all the time is the one that she embraced only too readily. It's been so a long time since anyone has held her close and despite all the emotions going through her mind, his warm chest feels good.

  Eventually, her sobs taper off into sniffles and she's too tired to summon more tears.

  "Daddy knows you're tired, baby. Why don't you go back to sleep?" he suggests lightly.

  She shakes her head. She's not sleepy. She had spent enough time sleeping already today and she is going to be awake night long now.

  She falls asleep thinking about how hard it will be for her to sleep.

  Chapter Five: Changes

  It's two days after the Doctor's visit that things really started to become different.

  In a way, she had been waiting for this from the moment she was 'adopted'. It had been ages since she last masturbated and she goes from zero to aroused in minus six seconds. It's ridiculous, really. She's never really had that high of a sex drive to begin with, but now, it's like everything turns her on.

  It's also been ages since she masturbated. Thought pops up naturally from time to time, and even though Daddy has never said anything, there's a hunger in his eyes that are impossible to miss. Ever since the Doctor left, he has been looking at her like he wants to just devour her whole.

  She can't sleep like she used to either. She has a nightly routine now that consists of getting wrapped up in a diaper, a soft oneside, and a weighted blanket that makes her feel safe and warm. Daddy would press a kiss on her forehead and then climb into his own bed in the adjacent room.

  She's been having dreams lately. Not every night, but often enough that she looks forward to closing her eyes at night and falling asleep. It's filled with Daddy's soothing voice in her ears and his arms around her body, keeping her safe from everything.

  He doesn't let her out of his sight and she doesn't like it even when he goes into a different room.

  The doctor says this kind of codependency isn't healthy for him - for either of them, really. But she can't help herself. She feels happier when he's around and she doesn't want that happy feeling to go away. It's been such a long time since she's felt so safe and at peace with everything. He hears whispers about how he has been getting better too. His pack members would call and check up on him every few days and he'll keep her in his arms while updating them on all the new things they've been doing together.

  It's a little bit embarrassing to have him talk about her like a proud parent, but it fills her with warmth every time too.

  She doesn't know what happened to him before, but she knows it must have been serious or she wouldn't be put under his care at all in the first place. They don't assign werewolves with Adult Babies except under dire circumstances and they had steamrolled her application and then gotten through the training so quickly that she knows it's important.

  She had been on a cocktail of drugs that got her feeling dizzy and sleepy in equal measures. She's pretty sure she slept through the first three days of training, and then the rest of the week is relatively simple too. All she needed to do is eat and sleep and subject herself to being treated like an infant by everyone who comes across her.

  It's almost pleasant, being able to let go so completely and have someone else do everything for her. Who's she kidding. It's absolutely perfect. It's w
hy she volunteered in the first place. After the government told her that she was well-matched for the program, of course. There's already a part of her that will be a good fit as a Little and they found that out very early on and were just waiting for her to turn a more appropriate age.

  One week after she signed up for the program, she's dumped into the hands of a man who is more wolf than man. They had been worried about her being torn apart at first, judging by the number of ammunition everyone had been carrying and were very prepared to deploy at the slightest indication of violence.

  Thankfully, it wasn't necessary. He had taken one look - one sniff - of her, and grabbed her, yanking her into his arms, holding her a little uncomfortably with his fingers digging into her chest and hugging her so tightly against him that she feels as though her bones are being crushed. And then, just as harshly as he grabbed her, he loosens his hold, like he knows that he needs to handle her more carefully.

  He brought her inside, slamming the door so hard the walls shook. It's frightening, really, how quickly everyone had departed after that, like she's no longer their problem.

  A part of her remembers enough from orientation week that she knows she's not in any danger. The only dangerous part of the entire process was at the very beginning, where there is the possibility of rejection. Once he's decided to take her into his home- into his territory, she'll be completely safe from everything and everyone, even himself.

  It's a last-ditch effort in hopes of getting him to return to be a contributing member of society. Or, to be more specific, she is their last-ditch effort to entice him into being human again. There are tabloids and newspaper articles alike with his face on top, one of the most powerful and successful business tycoons of the century- lost because of a traumatic event.

  She remembers seeing it a few times before but hasn't really paid attention to the intricacies of werewolf politics because she lived in an orphanage and her days are filled with lessons and chores. She worked part time too, but every penny she earned went straight back into the orphanage funds. There're more children than there are grants and either the older kids work to bring in money, or they have to turn away some of the younger kids.


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