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Tatted and Tamed (KO Ink Book 5)

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by Harley McRide

  Tatted & Tamed

  KO Ink

  Book Five

  by Harley McRide


  Carson Mackenzie

  Published by JK Publishing, Inc.

  © Copyright October 2016 JK Publishing

  Rights & Permissions © October 2016 JK Publishing, Inc.

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  ISBN #978-1-370-58056-9

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  To the readers:

  Thank you for your support. And we hope to continue to have it after you read Falon’s book. He was an easy character for us to write. Falon has many sides to him. He is the one you would love to hate because he is obnoxious and arrogant, but you find you can’t, because he is sweet and caring.

  If nothing else, this book proves there is someone for everyone.

  Table of Contents



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen


  Books by Harley McRide

  Books by Carson Mackenzie

  Excerpt Smoked and Smitten

  About Harley McRide

  About Carson Mackenzie



  “I did not faint because her bodily fluids were leaking all over my floor, which by the way needs to be cleaned up before I get home or I am selling the condo with everything in it,” I snapped and glared at Mel who was snickering in the corner while the doctor checked me over. “I was shot just last week for goodness sake, you are lucky I am even standing upright. I felt woozy from lack of blood, that is it nothing else.”

  The doctor sighed and nodded at me. “Falon, if you would just be quiet for a second, I would check your vitals and you can be on your way.”

  I glared at the man, I didn’t trust him, he was the same doctor that took care of Maria, I still wasn’t impressed with his bedside manner.

  “Yeah, Falon, shut up so we can get you checked out and into Bob’s room, we are missing all the fun.”

  I raised my eyebrow at the buff little hottie who had occupied my thoughts for the last few months, to say every time she came into my vicinity I got a hard-on wasn’t exaggerating. It happened every single damn time. It drove me nuts, no woman should have that much control over me. I heard Bob yell from next door, and the doctor jerked a little.

  “Motherfucker, is this supposed to hurt this bad? Where are the drugs?”

  “Fun?” I snapped at her and pointed to the room. “Do you hear that? She is in pain, that is not right, in fact it is unnatural to push something that big out of a small space! I really don’t want to see her pushing out a kid with all that slimy stuff around. Doc, tell her we don’t want to be in there. Did you call everyone? It seems like they are taking their sweet time getting here. And go back to her, I don’t need you here.”

  Mel smirked and shook her head. “You are an idiot, they kicked me out to check her progress. Everyone is coming, but there is a pileup on the highway, so they are slightly delayed.”

  “She is having a kid, what the hell progress needs checking? She is dropping that puppy out now!” I yelled and then glared at the doctor. “Why are you in here? Shouldn’t you be next door checking on the spawn?”

  The doctor stepped back and then snapped, “Listen, your whole family has been cluttering up my ER for a week now. I wasn’t lucky enough to miss tonight’s festivities so you are stuck with me. I have already moved the two of you to the farthest rooms from the rest of the patients because I know my ER is about ready to turn into a three ring circus yet again. You are fine, make sure you are taking your meds, and next time you think you are going to faint, sit down. And by all means, if your family would like to choose another hospital for their next event—I and the staff here would be appreciative.”

  “Whatever,” I said and then waved to the door. “Go doctor, or whatever you do. Let my family know where we are.”

  “Yeah, looking forward to that encounter,” the doc muttered and then moved out of the room.

  “What the hell is his problem?” I grumbled and then sat up and looked at Mel. “Come on, let’s make sure Bob isn’t killing the nurses.” I slid off the table and only managed to grimace one time before I stood.

  “For God’s sake, let me help you.” Mel was at my side and had an arm around my waist before I had even noticed she moved.

  “Damn, woman, you are a quick little thing.” When I looked down at her and she looked back at me with those big brown eyes that held worry for me—well, I would have to be the idiot everyone called me not to realize that she was the only woman I would do a
nything to call my own. From the first day we butted heads in Fin’s gym, every smartass comment played back and forth between us was leading us to the now. I wasn’t going to fight it any longer, I would just push until she stopped fighting it too. I laid my arm over her shoulder.

  “Thank God they hadn’t put me in one of those damn hospital dresses,” I grumbled and she blinked, then broke eye contact. I smiled to myself because yeah, she felt something between us too.

  “Aww, poor baby, not want me to see your ass?” Mel laughed but it sounded strained and my smile grew bigger.

  “Nah, just thinking the first time you see my ass or any part of me, it will be right before I sink into your welcoming body.” The slight shiver I felt go through her body told me what I needed to know but I also knew Mel would never let me get by with shit and she didn’t disappoint.

  “Oh my God, did they give you drugs before I came into the room? And for your information, not every woman wants a piece of you,” she huffed and we continued toward the doorway.

  “Nope, and you aren’t every woman. You don’t want a piece—you want the whole package.” I knew it would set her off, so I waved my free hand from my head to my feet.

  “You are so arrogant. You do realize I can kick your ass?” She let go of my waist and tried to move away but I held her tight to my side with the arm around her shoulders.

  “Do you think that bothers me, my tiny fighter? On the contrary, I have a list compiled of people for you to beat up for me.” I looked down at her and she was fighting to keep from laughing.

  “I’m not tiny,” was her only argument as she placed her arm back around my waist and we continued on.

  It had been a long fucking day, and apparently it was going to be a long damn night. As we entered the main room of the ER after coming out of our cubby, I noticed two things. Indeed, we were in the back part of the ER, and I could see the front doors only if I squinted my eyes. “Well shit.” I looked at Mel. “They are here.”

  Mel looked around and shrugged. “Who?”

  I raised my arm and pointed to the doors where currently, my family, the Roarks, everyone who had been working on Maria’s house, and yep, the Ops Warriors dressed in their finest leathers, and looking like the badasses they were.

  “Oh shit,” Mel said softly and she turned to me. “You realize that after this, your family actually will need to go to another hospital?”

  I smiled and shook my head. “Nah, they would totally be bored without us, hell, I’m pretty sure they are naming a room after us. I will make someone donate money.”

  “Where in the fuck is my woman?” Bear bellowed and the staff of the emergency room all stopped and stared. Mel and I stopped to watch the show.

  “Shit, better tell Kink to donate too while I’m at it,” I muttered and watched in horrific glee as the large man stomped through the ER after hearing Bob yell loudly.

  “Oh my God, you need to get your hand out of my vagina!”

  Chapter One


  When I got out of the military I seriously was worried I would be bored in the civilian world. I mean seriously? What could be more exciting than playing with guns every day? I now had my answer, because there was no fucking way being involved with this group of people was boring. Every single freaking day was an adventure, today just so happened to be more so than the others. I kinda felt like I was at a tennis match because my head just kept going back and forth so I could catch everything that was going on. I mean, this was cheap entertainment, and was always reliable and you could count on it always to be hilarious.

  Falon ventured toward the men while I stood next to Maria who was smirking at the men freaking out about the stirrups on the bed. “Who would think of something like that?” Fin whispered.

  “I don’t know?” Kink said with a confused expression on his face. “I mean, I can see where it would come in handy, but damn, not for this. And whoever thought it was a good idea to have those things on a bed, should at least have the bottom of the bed pointed away from the door. It seems so wrong. Half of the people walking by that glanced into each room totally just got an eye full. I mean, there are some things I don’t need to freaking see, and Bob’s pussy is one of them.”

  “Just saying, we may need to bleach our eyes,” Maxi muttered and Sofia glared at him. I hid my face when Maxi glanced over at her as if he felt the touch of her eyes. “What? I don’t think you get how possessive Bear is, now we have all seen something we cannot un-see.”

  “Come on,” Kink said to the group of men. “Let’s go to the cafeteria, I am starving and there is no way I am standing here all night with my stomach growling waiting for Bear’s mini-me to make an appearance.”

  “You know there’s a fifty percent chance it could be a girl, right?” Boo said to Kink.

  “Babe, life wouldn’t be that cruel.” Kink turned and the other men chuckled and started to follow.

  “Hell yeah,” Creed said and then looked at Harmony as she too was glaring at the men. “Babe, page me when she pops.”

  Tony chuckled and then shook his head. “Man, I am glad we live on the East Coast, no need for us to get killed in the crossfire.” His phone rang and he lifted his chin and stepped back to answer it.

  “What is the deal with that?” Michael asked and we all turned. On the other side of the ER there were two police officers guarding a door. “Anyone know?” I looked closely but they didn’t look familiar. But after this last week and the discovery that a police officer could be involved in some of this shit, we were all wary.

  Reese shook his head. “Nah, saw them when we came in.”

  Maria leaned closer and whispered, “Isn’t that Detective Juarez?” Before I could answer her about the man walking toward the other cops, there was a loud noise from the front of the ER and we all turned. Maria’s eyes widened as Ranger and Rucker moved quickly toward her. “What on earth? I thought you were going to stay and make sure the painters were able to get into the shed in the back.”

  Ranger nodded and looked down at his son and said, “Hey, bud, why don’t you run and grab us a drink?”

  I knew something good was coming, because of the expression on his face. Yeah, this was why I loved my job and the families. Maria moved closer to Ranger as they watched Rucker walk away.

  “Is there something wrong?” Maria asked but it took Ranger a moment to answer as he looked around at the rest of us and then back to Marie.

  “There’s been a little accident.”

  “What kind of accident?” Ranger frowned and seemed to being having a hard time with whatever it was. “Dammit, Ranger, just say it,” Maria said.

  Ranger sighed, “Ms. Maddie. She is coming into the ER now.”

  “Oh my God,” Brooklyn stepped closer. “What happened, did something happen from where she was shot?” Brooklyn asked as Tony hung up the phone and smirked.

  “Well, what happened to our mother?” Reese asked when Ranger didn’t immediately answer.

  “Umm...she had a little fall,” Ranger said, then turned toward Tony when he chuckled. “What?”

  “Really that’s what you are going with?” Tony smiled at Ranger and from the look in my boss’s eyes, the explanation was going to be epic.

  Ranger closed his eyes, pinched the bridge of his nose, and asked, “Who called?”

  “Jet, he was listening to the scanner.” Tony laughed and my phone buzzed. I pulled it out of my pocket and looked. It was a media file from the office. Before I even thought, I tapped it and the scanner report blared quieting everyone as we listened.

  ‘Please respond, we have a 10-59 (security check) at the Regency room 2332’, the female dispatcher said.

  ‘Copy that, Unit 442 responding.’

  There was silence and then the policeman said, ‘Please advise we need an 11-41(ambulance needed).’

  Laughter came across the scanner and the policeman continued, ‘Contact Agent Briggs, we have a situation with his witness.’

hat is the situation?’ the dispatcher asked.

  More laughter, this time from more than one officer. I looked up at everyone who had stopped and was listening. Ranger’s head was hung down and he was shaking it. Tony had his hand over his mouth and was trying to contain his laughter.

  Poor Reese stood beside Zoey and Michael, and Fin had his arm around Brooklyn as they waited to hear.

  ‘Please advise, we have a female, age 61 and a male age 63, both in need of medical attention.’

  ‘Again what is the situation?’

  I looked back down at the phone frowning, shit, female had to be Ms. Maddie, but the male? And at a hotel? Who the hell was that? It only took a second to process. Oh shit!

  ‘Ambulance needed due to an incident in a shower, both subjects, uh...well...they kinda fell down and out of the shower, while, um...having sex., female has a possible broken hip and male, well, he got wrapped in the curtain and since he uh, took Viagra and apparently, well, he may have broken something.’

  My eyes widened and I looked back up and Reese had his hand to his nose, pinching the bridge and everyone looked shocked. I couldn’t help it. I mean seriously, I couldn’t stop what came out of my mouth. “Did he break his dick like Rodman?”

  “Oh my God?” Maria and Brooklyn both gasped and then Falon walked up and stood in front of Reese and shook his head.

  “Dude, seriously? Your mom is doing Briggs’s witness, isn’t he a judge?”

  Reese dropped his hand from his nose and glared and Falon. “Fuck off.”

  I smiled and then said, “You know, I had like three or four head hunters calling me when I got out of the service, they were all like. ‘Hey come work for us, it is an exciting opportunity’, I thank the good Lord every time something happens, ‘cause, man, you people know how to live.”


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