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Tatted and Tamed (KO Ink Book 5)

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by Harley McRide

  Anthony Sr. stepped around a corner and said, “Well RIGHT ON!”

  There was noise again at the entrance and we all looked as the first stretcher was rushed in. The ER doctor walked quickly toward them and then pointed down to the room closest to us and shook his head. I distinctly heard him say, “She is one of them, just join the nuthouse.”

  I laughed loudly and shook my head and then looked at Falon who was about ready to say something else. Reese held up his hand and looked at him, “You say one more word, I am gonna kick your ass.”

  “What?” Falon grinned. “This reminds me a little of the Christmas Incident.”

  “No,” Fin shook his head at his brother and growled, “Do not bring that up again, I am sick of Dad talking about it.”

  Falon laughed and said, “But…”

  “No!” Fin snapped and I frowned at Falon.

  “Dude, you just fainted, if you get your ass kicked you may get admitted.”

  Falon glared at me. “I am not talking to you.”

  I rolled my eyes and said, “Why?” in a patient tone because he was moodier than most women.

  “Because, I forgot you were the one who busted my door down because you thought I was fucking Bob!”

  I heard a growled and froze and looked over my shoulder. Bear was standing there glaring at Falon. “Excuse me?”

  Christ, I was surprised the man was able to survive this long with his mouth. I nodded absently. Resigned to the fact that whatever was starting between us, I would have to stay in top condition just to keep people from killing him. “I did, I admit it. Because if you were standing outside of the door with me you would have killed him.” Bear focused his glare on me and since he let Falon off too easily, I added, “In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if he hit on your woman.”

  “What?” Falon yelled and then shook his head. “Hey, Bear, the doctor opened the door again, Bob is waving at you.”

  The large man turned quickly and Falon glared at me and then walked away. Reese and Brooklyn were rushing to their mother’s room, now that they had her situated in the room where Falon had been. While the other stretcher, which held Judge Sanders, was wheeled in next to her.

  “The bigger the families grow, the more outrageous we get,” Mia said as she walked up with Sonia and Olivia and their friend, Mrs. Honeychil, in tow.

  I opened my mouth to tell her that the families were great when Reese snapped, “Mom, what in the fuck?”

  Tony motioned to me and I walked to where he and Fin stood. “Yeah?”

  “Mel, I was walking by that room a few minutes ago.” Tony motioned with his head toward the room with the two cops standing guard. “I heard the doctor talking to whoever is in there. There is something weird going on. Can you see if you can get some information?” Tony whispered and I looked up at him and nodded.

  “Do you know the cops?” I asked and he shook his head.

  “Nah, but Juarez went in there, which is weird since he is in the 48th Precinct, but the cops, they are from the 45th. Not sure what the fuck is going on, we would have heard if there was a multi-jurisdictional case going on other than ours. One of the nurses said they were moving the man as soon as possible to another hospital, which makes no sense whatsoever, especially when she said the police asked for the transfer. Which makes me wonder who the fuck is in that room?”

  “I’ll find out,” I said and then looked at the group of people who were standing and waiting outside of the multiple rooms. “Maybe you can help me out, create a diversion.”

  Fin rolled his eyes and said, “Really, like that is not gonna happen on its own.”

  “Yeah, but maybe you can help it along, at least long enough for me to get a peek at the files,” I said quietly and Tony grinned.

  “I’m glad we hired you, takes a special kind of crazy to pull this off,” Tony said.

  Chapter Two


  “I swear I don’t know what happened?” Ms. Maddie cried to Sonia and Olivia who were trying to calm her down. I was standing outside because well, I wanted to get the story to give Reese and Brooklyn some shit. Brooklyn was in the room as well, she was just standing with her face against the wall pounding her head, it was cute.

  “Honey, it is okay, things happen,” Sonia said and then whispered, “How long has this been going on? I mean, tell me this wasn’t the first time, it would suck if you weren’t actually well, satisfied.”

  My eyes widened and I leaned back to hear ‘cause Ms. Maddie whispered something, “We have been seeing each other for a while.”

  “Hell yeah!” my mother said and I frowned. “Look at all us old ladies getting some!”

  “Ma!” I snapped and turned. “Nightmares, stop saying that!”

  My mom looked at me and rolled her eyes. “How do you think you got here?”

  “A stork,” I said innocently and my mother glared at me.

  “Go away, and quit eavesdropping out there. We have things to discuss.”

  I shrugged and crossed to the room opposite and leaned against the wall and just stared, so much shit going on. This is how I dealt with it, I joked and laughed.

  “Are you fucking kidding me, this is not a joke!” Bob yelled and I turned and walked to the door and stuck my head in. I felt connected to Bob since she had gone into labor with me, well, not really, I just wanted to give her some shit too because she ruined my carpet.

  The doctor was standing there and my eyes narrowed. “I’m sorry, you have progressed to far for an Epidural, you are dilated to nine and will be pushing soon. We are hoping to get you up to the floor, but it is full right now.”

  “No, no, no,” Bob yelled and then Shady began to slink by her and the doctor and Bob latched onto her arm. “Cut me!”

  Shady looked down at her friend and snapped, “What the fuck?”

  “I can’t take it anymore, just cut it out of me, everyone knows you will, you are mean and scary!” Bob yelled, Bear grimaced and shook his head, and I placed my finger in my ear and rotated it. Damn, I didn’t know a woman’s voice could go that shrill.

  “Baby, listen,” Bear said.

  “No, I’m not talking to your stupid ass, you got me into this in the first place. There is no fucking way I am having another kid!”

  “Are you nuts?” Shady snapped. If I didn’t think the woman would kill me, I would have laughed. It had taken her a few seconds to answer from the shock of what Bob wanted her to do.

  “No why?” Bob asked with a frown.

  “I’m letting this slide because you are in labor and out of your fucking mind but, bitch, you better believe you owe me something nice! Like a mani/pedi or something,” Shady said and pointed her finger at Bob and continued, “Now, suck it the fuck up and push when they tell you to.”

  The doctor smiled and said to Shady, “You want a job?”

  I leaned out the door and looked at everyone outside and shook my head. “Sonia, you are needed in here.”

  I saw Mrs. Roark look up and smile, she waved from standing next to Ms. Maddie and called, “Tell her I am on my way!”

  Tony walked up to me and smiled and said, “I need a favor.”

  My eyes narrowed and I said, “What? I am not allowed to do anything while on medical leave.”

  Fin stepped up and rolled his eyes. “Bro, can you be anymore blond?”

  “What? I was shot last week, man. I had a scare today. That chick totally leaked on my floor, have you ever seen that, I gotta tell you, it is scary as shit.”

  Zoey who was sitting down with the others against the wall in the chairs that were there, snapped, “Really?”

  I turned and said, “Honey, I’m sorry to say, but Michael and Reese, they both had big heads when they were little, abnormally so. Remind me to show you their baby pictures.”

  Petal frowned and then looked at Bry and Reed who were walking down the hall with a tray of drinks and snacks, “Yo,” she yelled and both men stopped and looked at each other confused. “Do not even thin
k about impregnating me with your spawn, you have huge heads too.”

  “I’m not sure what is going on,” Bry whispered and Fin smiled and shook his head.

  “Don’t make eye contact,” I whispered to them.

  “Listen, this is important,” Tony said and my attention went back to him.

  “Fine, what?” I said slowly.

  “Mel is gonna do something for us, we need a distraction,” Tony whispered.

  “What is she doing?” I asked, looking around for the little spitfire, she was nowhere to be found. “Where is she?” I asked, feeling my blood run cold. Ever since this shit started and Mel seemed to be right in the thick of things, I felt uneasy. Not just for her, for all of them. Dammit, Mel wasn’t known for doing anything small. If she was doing something for Tony, it meant she could get her cute little ass in trouble. Fuck.

  “She is just getting in place. Listen, we have a lot of people in here right now, but there is someone else here, someone who they apparently want to get out of here fast,” Tony said and then Fin leaned in.

  “Just create a distraction and then we will take it from there,” Fin said and I glared at my big brother.

  “Fine,” I gritted and then pointed at Tony. “But my ma finds out, you owe me. She told me to sit down and rest.”

  The two nodded and then smiled and stepped back, walking to the edge of the cubby we were sitting in. Why did this feel just like when I was little and they would put me up to shit? I turned and looked around, trying to decide what the best course of action was when Bear came out of the room and looked up at the ceiling and let out a deep breath. Oh yeah, there is my bitch.

  “Bear!” I bellowed and the large biker turned and looked at me and glared.

  “What?” he snapped.

  “You owe me money for your lady,” I snapped and he tilted his head.

  “How you figure?” Bear asked calmly.

  “Because I have no fucking idea what the hell a ‘BLOODY PLUG’ is but fucker if it is on my carpet, you are buying me new carpet, a new floor, and fuck, I seriously am thinking my couch may need replacing too,” I yelled at the top of my lungs.

  “Oh my God, what the hell is he talking about?” Harmony whispered to Freedom who was staring at Falon with a look of horror.

  “I don’t know,” Harmony whispered.

  “What in the hell are you talking about?” Bear roared and everyone in the ER stopped and stared.

  I was reeling him in now!

  “Dude, did you not read What to Expect When You Are Expecting? It is like the bible to chicks who are knocked up. I don’t think you are taking care of your woman very well if you haven’t read it. I mean, what happened if she was having labor pains instead of Braxton Hicks when you were on your way out here. Hell, she could have dropped your spawn on the road. Then what? I mean really! SONIA! I can’t believe you are allowing your new daughter to be taken care of by this man! He isn’t even reading the books to help her. Bob could have had a medical emergency at any time. Hell, I am glad she was with me. Not only did I save Petal’s life, but now Bob’s and the Little Bob!” I yelled loudly, ending the tirade on being indignant. “You know; I think I should be the Godfather of this kid. I need to make sure it is being taken care of, I don’t trust you!”

  “Shit, look at his face, this is not going to be good!” Nike whispered and then Treat leaned forward and hit my leg.

  “Dude, do you have a death wish?”

  I turned and glared at her. “No, just being real!”

  Bear was breathing heavily, and I stared at him. He was trying to calm down, I could see it in his eyes but then Bob screamed...loud! “FUCK! THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG, WHY IS THERE STUFF COMING OUT?”

  I threw up my hand and yelled, “That is it, I am taking over. You obviously have no clue what is going on.”

  I stomped to enter the room and Bear let out a roar that would have scared the shit out of even the steeliest eyed son-of-a-bitch there was. He wrapped his arm around my neck and pushed me back. Not quite done, because I saw Mel moving to the desk where the nurses sit, I also saw the doctor pointing at us to the cops in front of a room. Then I saw three security guards run into the ER and I grinned.

  I pushed back, knocked his arm off me, and yelled, “What are you doing? I was just SHOT! I am a hero!”


  I shook my head and then looked at him and whispered, “She will like my dick better I am sure!”

  The pupils in Bear’s eyes grew, the vein in his neck pulsed, and the ones in his temple protruded out. His face turned a crimson red and I never believed that saying about blowing smoke out your ears but I was witnessing it. I heard the, “Oh fuck, we’re gonna be attending a funeral and a birth while we are here,” from I don’t know who as I braced myself.

  Maybe my last comment was a little much but hey, go big or go home. And I definitely went big.

  Bear’s arm went back and when he threw the punch, I dodged it. Years growing up in the gym finally paid off. But for a big bastard he was fast and swung again. Fuck, someone was owing my ass big time, ‘cause shit, this was gonna leave a mark. His fist made contact with my chin, my head snapped back, my eyes rolled back in my head, and before everything went black I could’ve sworn I heard Mel’s voice.

  “Holy fuck! Are you crazy?”

  Chapter Three


  When I walked up the hallway after getting the information Tony wanted and I saw Bear’s arm drawn back, there was no way I was going to make it before the punch landed. Instead, I watched the scene play out that now had Falon laying on yet another ER bed.

  The doctor checked Falon over. Again. Other than some swelling and the bruising that would follow on his chin and cheek, nothing was broken. The knot on the back of his head that formed when he hit his head on the floor would have to be watched but, overall, Falon was damn lucky. I sat in the chair waiting for him to come to, which the nurse said should be anytime. It gave me the opportunity to look him over without him knowing and giving some smartass remark.

  From his short auburn hair to his broad chest that led to a narrow waist, the man was gorgeous. The eyelashes that laid fanned out with his eyes closed, most women would kill for and the eyes hidden behind the lids were green and I knew from experience they changed shades depending on his mood. The artwork that graced his body only added to his beauty, each piece had been placed perfectly, from his chest to over his shoulders and down his arms, they showed well thought out pieces, not just tats randomly put because he liked them.

  The man was insufferable, but dammit if I wasn’t attracted to him and all his obnoxiousness.

  “Mel? Can we talk about what you found in the files?” I looked over my shoulder as Tony and Fin entered.

  “Get out! What the fuck were you thinking putting him up to that shit? He’s still fucking healing!”

  “Come on, Mel! We didn’t know he would fuck with Bear. We needed a diversion and Falon is good at them,” Fin said and stepped closer to the bed.

  “Don’t come near him. You’re his brother for fuck’s sake. Both of you get out. You’ll get the information when I get good and ready to give to it to you.” I turned back to Falon, giving them my back. It was quiet for a minute.

  “Do as Mel asked, boys.” I didn’t even turn around to look when Reilly O’Malley spoke to them.

  “Dad, he—” Fin went to explain but was immediately cutoff by his mother.

  “Fin, do not say one more word. We don’t need an explanation; you boys have been putting Falon up to things since he was able to walk.”

  “But, Ma—”

  “Son, I know you aren’t going to back talk your mother.”

  “Fine.” I smiled when I heard both men huff, but neither said anything
else as I heard their heavy footsteps fade as they walked away.

  Olivia and Reilly stepped around to the opposite side of Falon’s bed and I watched as Olivia ran her hand over Falon’s hair and then tenderly down his cheek. When she drew her hand back, I looked up at both her and Reilly.

  “Mel, I hope you won’t hold my son’s record with women against him. They have fawned over him since he turned fifteen. I’m not trying to make excuses for him, I just wanted to say that each one of my boys have flaws. They’ve been wild, stubborn, overbearing, and womanizers most of their lives, something the average woman is unable see past because they only look at the surface. They don’t see the loyalty, caring or loving men they are inside. It takes the right woman to bring all they have to offer on the inside to the surface.” Olivia smiled, then added, “When they give everything in themselves to one woman, that is it for them.”

  “Sorry, Mrs. O’Malley, but Falon and I aren’t...” The smile on her face grew and stopped me from continuing.

  “Oh, sweetie, did I leave out they are relentless in their pursuit and Falon is the worst. They might be slow in figuring it all out, but when they do, well, you seen for yourself with the others.”

  “Plus, Falon needs a strong woman who will have his back. ‘Cause God knows his mouth gets him into shitloads of trouble.” Reilly winked at me and Olivia elbowed him. “Oh, woman, you know it is true. We’ve worked hard keeping his own siblings from killing him.”

  Christ, I now understood why Brooklyn banged her head against the wall. It took a special kinda crazy to be in these families and I wasn’t sure I had it in me. That wasn’t even taking into account that Falon had made no advance toward me. Sure we went back and forth all the time but we never... My eyes shot to Falon, then back up to his parents who stood there quietly while I ran the last few months through my mind. Falon and I acted...oh my God, just like them. Well, fuck me.


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