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Love's Foolish Punch

Page 22

by S M Mala

  ‘New year, new beginnings. And that’s a bit funny considering I’ve been in your bed for the first two days of the year, very much in a coma due to having a few too many. And do you want to know what? I could have gone home on the second day but wanted to stay with you.’

  ‘So I could watch you sleep?’ she huffed, looking up at him.

  ‘I’m very tired and need a holiday.’

  ‘That’s good then.’ Molly looked at him in the eye and squinted. ‘Is it because you’ve been stuck with me?’

  ‘Mental and physical has to be re-balanced,’ he replied, deadpan. ‘I’m not quite sure if it is long enough.’

  ‘You’ll recoup.’ Reaching out, she scratched his stubble. ‘You’ll have to shave this off as you won’t tan.’

  ‘I tan very easily and through my beard.’ Jamie leaned down and gently used his chin to scratch her nose. ‘Very soft, see. Pretty much like the hair between your legs. Soft, smooth and a beautiful dark auburn.’ Then he kissed her very slowly on the lips, biting her bottom one. ‘I’ll try not to miss you.’

  ‘You won’t.’

  ‘No, I won’t.’

  Closing her eyes, Molly made a mental note to remember everything about him before 31st. She doubted if she’d see him again.

  Considering she’d spread, there was no challenge.

  But it felt retched. There was a dull pain in her chest, making her want to cry.

  ‘But you can’t get upset,’ he said, whispering into her ear. ‘Even if it does hurt.’

  ‘I’ll try not to.’

  ‘You have to be brave.’

  ‘I’m used to that.’

  ‘It’s only an injection.’

  ‘What are you talking about?’ she asked, opening her eyes and seeing he was millimetres away from his face.

  ‘The inoculations.’

  ‘You’ve lost me.’

  ‘Hopefully I won’t,’ Jamie said, crawling on top of her. ‘Do you think I’d leave you? A woman in need of a holiday if only to separate you from that bloody coat. You’re coming with me.’

  ‘Oh?’ she said, wondering if he was playing a trick while his lips started to kiss her neck.

  ‘I knew from when we were dancing naked in the bedroom, all those weeks ago, I was going to take you on holiday.’ Then he looked up at her. ‘It’s coming out of your fee.’

  ‘I don’t want a fee,’ she said, her heart bursting with love for the man and her body equally yearning for him. ‘I can pay my own way.’

  ‘And who’s going to pay for the scaffolding for this place?’

  ‘I’ll use my savings and some other cash I’ve got. And I’ll do extra shifts at the office. There’s the voice over work that pays-.’

  He silenced her with a kiss.

  Pulling away slowly, Jamie smiled.

  ‘Where are you getting the money from?’ she asked, wanting to kiss him again. ‘You’ve got a new gym and all sorts going on. Surely you can’t afford it.’

  ‘I can afford it and you don’t know how much you’re helping me out.’

  ‘But being paid for something I really like doing seems silly.’

  ‘You like doing this, with me?’

  ‘Do you have to ask?’

  ‘Are you okay?’

  Molly was kissing his inner thigh. ‘You’re not supposed to giggle.’

  ‘I can’t help it.’ It looked like he was holding his breath. ‘I’m ticklish today.’

  Ignoring his little sniggers, Molly wanted to make love to him again.

  Also the idea of spending time alone with him, in South East Asia, made her giddy with delight. There had to be some sort of payback.

  Her lips continued to kiss his soft inner flesh before she licked his shaft and put it in her mouth, moving slowly and hearing the giggles had turned to moans. She continued to play with the girth, enjoying his taste and feel.

  Reaching out, she grabbed a condom and carefully placed it on his very erect little number, watching him watch her.

  ‘You’re very good at it,’ he said, pointing to her hands.

  ‘I’ve had lots of practice.’

  ‘How come?’

  ‘Sam always preferred it if I put it on for him even though I had a coil, he preferred protected sex.’ She darted a look at Jamie’s scowl. ‘What’s wrong?’

  ‘Do you still have one in?’

  ‘It stops me from having painful periods,’ she shrugged.

  ‘Skin to skin is better.’

  ‘But I know you’ve been around the block too many times.’

  ‘I always package up safety,’ he grinned. ‘Shag me senseless.’

  ‘Jamie? Romance?’

  ‘Shag me senseless, pretty please, my darling hot babe.’

  ‘If that’s the best you can do…’

  Molly kissed his stomach and slowly moved up to his chest, biting and nibbling his skin. She wanted to devour him. Every inch. Then she sucked on his nipples before moving up to his neck.

  ‘You’re good,’ he groaned, grabbing her head and kissing her hard on the mouth. ‘Second time, the engine is revving and raring to go.’

  She sat up on her knees and held his protected dick in her hand, before slowly moving down.

  The initial orgasm of him going in jolted Molly, making her shudder. Then she gyrated her hips, feeling him inside. Jamie’s hands held her arse, and she looked at him, watching her.

  ‘Sexy woman,’ he sighed.

  Her movement was slow, and she wanted to enjoy every moment of it as he started pushing his hips against her.

  He then sat up on his elbows, all the time watching her as if he was entranced. It made Molly smile.

  Then they both stopped and she couldn’t quite figure it out.

  Within seconds they’d flung their arms around each other and were kissing passionately, his tongue in her mouth and she didn’t want it to stop.

  ‘Amazing,’ she said, gulping in air.

  ‘You’re not so bad yourself,’ he said, rubbing her back.

  Then they started moving again; she could feel him inside her; his gentle thrusting and his mouth was now kissing her breasts, sucking on each one. Molly was so turned on she thought she was going to explode.

  Jamie held her tightly and lifted her body up before moving his hips faster. Molly held onto him as he pumped away, and their mouths met again, exploring and tasting.

  She could hear his gulps and groans then Jamie came while they were kissing.

  It was wonderful.

  And what Molly realised was that she couldn’t ever remember feeling like this with Sam or anyone else

  The moment of true abandon and love.

  Week eleven of the engagement – Jab

  ‘Well, haven’t we polished up our act?’

  The greeting came from Hamish, sitting at a corner table. It was Monday, and Molly knew she had to get this over and done with. ‘And you’ve brought Kim. How delightful!’

  He got to his feet. He was an ex-actor, tall and handsome, now supporting the fashionable grey hair as he was in his late fifties. Sun kissed skin and a sparking smile; he was packaged well. Heads would turn when he walked in the room.

  Molly knew this was because people were waiting to see how quickly the knife would go in between the shoulder blades, as he took his customary fifteen percent plus expenses from your wallet.

  The sharpest and the most deceitful agent in town.

  Molly half smiled and looked up at the towering Kim, who was 6ft 2inches with white blonde hair. She was no pushover and could handle Hamish’s slippery charm easily.

  ‘I brought her along as I know what you’re like, and I need a witness,’ Molly replied, avoiding the fake air kissing. ‘And you’re paying for lunch.’

  ‘Ah!’ he said, letting out a big sigh before kissing Kim. ‘You still hold a grudge.’

  ‘You’ve still got my money, I take it? Or have you used that on a face lift?’

  ‘Funny girl,’ he said, crossing his legs and grinn
ing. ‘How’s tricks?’

  ‘Hamish,’ Kim said in her deep tone. ‘You want to speak to Molly and she has been gracious enough to agree to meet you. Your falling out a few years ago was rather large and full of animosity. Do you want to tell us now or wait for the cheese board?’

  ‘Cheese board,’ he immediately replied and Molly noticed he was staring. ‘Best to buy you lovely ladies a meal before the deed has to be done.’

  Kim flashed Molly a concerned glance as they waited to hear what Hamish had to say for himself.

  Over an hour later, when everyone had started with a cocktail and progressed to champagne (the only tipple Hamish would drink), Molly was already thinking about Jamie.

  He’d filled her head and her body for the whole week with amazing sex.

  And he was perfect in every way.

  ‘Are you engaged?’ she heard Hamish ask as the coffee came to their table. ‘I see a sparkler there. Does Sam know?’

  ‘It’s a friendship ring,’ she immediately replied, not wanting Hamish to know what she was up to, let alone Kim. ‘And what’s Sam got to do with anything? He wants to talk to me, but I can’t think what about.’

  Hamish closed his eyes and for the first time, his smile over lunch slipped.

  ‘Is Sam all right?’ Molly asked and noticed Kim frown at Hamish. ‘I know the last two films bombed.’

  ‘I am his UK and European agent,’ Hamish said quietly, looking up at Molly. ‘Thanks to you, I managed to secure Sam Price.’

  ‘Where’s my cut?’ Molly laughed, feeling a little bit relaxed but still wary.

  ‘What’s going on Hamish?’ Kim asked, leaning closer. ‘Molly’s my client and I have to protect her from anything Sam Price might have in mind.’

  ‘I don’t know the full story,’ he said, shaking his head. ‘And Sam’s not letting on but it concerns you in a big way. He doesn’t want you to find out and get the wrong impression.’

  ‘What impression would that be?’

  ‘That he used you for the time you were together.’

  Molly sat up straight and looked at Hamish. The sentence was like a little stab.

  ‘I’ve never said that about Sam,’ Molly gulped, looking at Kim. ‘I don’t want to get involved in his press and publicity. God, did you see the website I was on? People who get dumped when their partners get famous. It was horrible.’

  ‘If you don’t know what it’s about, then how come you know about it, so to speak?’ Kim asked, shaking her head. ‘I think you do know but won’t say.’

  Hamish sat back and looked at them before shaking his head.

  ‘I know you don’t think so, but Molly I care a great deal about you. I know you were a scapegoat over that Tommy Halo fuck up, and I tried to keep your job.’

  Molly interrupted with an unimpressed grunt.

  ‘Unfortunately,’ Hamish continued, rolling his eyes. ‘Anyone connected with him was tarnished, even you and that bloody baboon. People thought you knew about Tommy’s little secret. Being a gay man, I see nothing wrong, but it’s how you behave and Tommy… he didn’t behave well. And I gather, he’s writing a book about the circumstances of his little slip up.’

  ‘He can read and write?’ laughed Kim, putting a napkin to her mouth. ‘Sorry, but he never came across as the brightest.’

  ‘It’s what he’s writing is the worry for all of us.’

  Sipping her coffee, she wondered what he was getting at.

  ‘Spit it out,’ she asked, shaking her head.

  ‘Sam wants to see you, face to face, when he flies back after January. He’s doing some pilot in New York. Something is really bugging the poor child, and he won’t tell me.’ Hamish looked gravely at her but Molly knew the agent was lying. ‘All he keeps saying is that he needs to speak to you first.’

  ‘I’m going away for a few weeks and I won’t be back until the end of February. I’ll speak to him then.’ Molly shrugged. ‘A holiday with my boyfriend.’

  ‘So you are seeing someone?’ pried Hamish. ‘Hot like Sam?’

  ‘Hotter and less effeminate,’ she smiled then noticed a flicker on Hamish’s face.

  Something was going on.

  ‘And you’re none the wiser, Molly?’

  Jamie was holding the punch bag as Molly aimed at it.

  ‘Bet he fleeced me for money,’ she said, punching and seeing there was no movement in the bag or Jamie.

  ‘You need to keep your other hand up when you jab.’ Jamie smiled, resting his head against the side. ‘And you do look cute when you punch. On April Fools’ Day, you’re going-.’

  ‘I’m not doing it, so stop it now.’ She punched the bag hard, and he stepped back. ‘I have no intention of fighting and making a complete fool out of myself. Haven’t I contributed enough with the freebies and prizes?’

  ‘It saddens me to say,’ she heard Mr Mac say from behind. ‘That you are our best female boxer. And I use the word ‘best’ loosely.’

  He walked towards her and looked down.

  ‘I didn’t want to do this boxing thing, but it was free. You both told me I was good plus I have a free pass. After going to that boxing match over Christmas and seeing the blood, I know it’s not something I want to do. Not even for charity or your entertainment.’ She noticed Jamie started to grin. ‘There are some pretty boys in here. Why can’t you put a wig on them and make up so they can do it? Jamie for one.’

  Then she stopped and looked at him.

  The world seemed to grind to a halt.

  ‘What the hell are you both up to?’ she heard Mr Mac grumble. ‘It looks like you’ve fallen in love.’

  Molly noticed Jamie pull a face and shrug as if it was a stupid idea.

  ‘We get on,’ Molly quickly replied and punched the bag.

  ‘Yes, well, I think this is all going to backfire. Telling people you’re together when you’re not isn’t right and for what? David will eventually find out what you’ve been up to.’ He turned to a shameful looking Jamie. ‘And I think there’s more to it and you…’ Mr Mac glanced down at Molly. ‘Need to realise that Bill is not the type of man who likes to be tricked.’

  ‘I’m not tricking him,’ she replied, punching the bag again. ‘I like him.’

  ‘Why?’ Jamie asked, giving her a challenging stare.

  ‘Because he’s nice to me.’

  ‘And what’s he going to get in return?’

  ‘Nothing,’ she flatly replied and notice he looked pissed off. ‘He’s married and I don’t do that sort of thing.’

  ‘Whereas I do?’ He went a little pink, and she noticed Mr Mac was trying not to smile. ‘Okay, admittedly I’ve made a few mistakes in the past but…’ Jamie sniffed. ‘Look, you’re supposed to be doing a lesson and I’ve got paperwork to do. Can you take over?’

  Mr Mac nodded, and she watched Jamie walk away before seeing the large man bend down to look at her in the eye.

  ‘You like Jamie Cohen too much and you’re going to get hurt. I know what he’s like.’

  ‘Mr Mac, nothing’s going to happen.’ Then she grinned. ‘He’s taking me with him on holiday.’

  ‘He’s what?’

  ‘Why the look of shock?’

  ‘Right, for the next half hour, we concentrate on boxing and less talking.’

  She did as she was told, but constantly kept looking over at Jamie, who had been in the office then went off to do some skipping. He looked amazing jumping up and down, the fluidity of the rope moving around him. And he was getting sweaty.

  Molly had a massive horn for the man.

  ‘Concentrate!’ barked Mr Mac as she missed a punch when aiming for the bag and fell forward to the ground. He crouched down and looked at Jamie then at her. ‘You’re going to the Acton gym starting from next week. He’s not concentrating, and you’re a distraction.’

  Turning to sit on her bottom, she looked up at his frown.

  ‘But I like it here,’ she mumbled, noticing Jamie was smiling as he skipped. ‘And I like him.’ />
  ‘What are you doing with Bill?’

  ‘He’s helping me get some leads on submitting ideas for a children’s show,’ she replied. Mr Mac pulled her up to her feet. ‘It’s nothing untoward.’

  ‘Why’s he helping you?’

  ‘Because he likes me?’

  ‘Or he’s trying to wind up Jamie?’

  ‘I don’t know what’s going on between them.’

  Taking her gently by the shoulders and leading her away from the others, he looked down into her eyes.

  ‘Molly, be careful.’

  ‘Jamie likes me and Bill-.’

  ‘A few months ago you didn’t know these people and I love Jamie with all my heart, but something doesn’t sit right about him and you.’

  Taking a deep breath, it hurt to hear it said out aloud because she disagreed.

  ‘You don’t like me, do you?’ she mumbled, glancing over at the man she loved who was eyeing them with deep suspicion.

  ‘Bill is not a man to be messed with and even his interest in you makes me nervous.’ Mr Mac smiled gently at her. ‘In boxing we teach you how to fight but putting up your defence is equally important. And these fists…’ He held her boxing gloves in his one hand. ‘You need to keep guard of the most precious thing. Your heart. You promise me Molly, you’ll do that?’

  ‘I’ll try.’

  ‘You’re very quiet.’

  Molly had watched Jamie, sitting slouched in an armchair, as they waited for their food to turn up.

  They were in a local pub in Holland Park, and he seemed deep in thought. Occasionally, he’d flash her a disgruntled look before staring at something else.

  All that was going around in her head was why Mr Mac was warning her about Jamie and Bill. There must be more to it, and nothing was being said.

  It was some time before she realised their food had turned up because Jamie pushed the plate closer.

  ‘What are you thinking?’ he asked. She looked up and noticed he’d eaten half his steak. ‘You’ve been in an odd mood since this afternoon.’

  ‘Oh, are you speaking to me?’ she asked, looking around. ‘You’ve not strung a sentence together so I thought I’d be quiet.’


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