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Love's Foolish Punch

Page 23

by S M Mala

  ‘Molly?’ Jamie said, starting to smile. ‘Mr Mac said something to you, I know he did.’

  Sitting up straight, she started to cut up her chicken and slowly ate. All the time he was looking at her as if waiting for her to say something.

  ‘You don’t have to take me on holiday,’ she shrugged and carried on eating. ‘It was a lovely thought.’

  Molly noticed he only vaguely raised his eyebrows.

  ‘I’d like you to be honest with me, if you can,’ she continued, watching Jamie hack into his steak. ‘It would be nice to know what’s going on.’

  He didn’t respond. She watched him finish the steak and salad in seconds before pushing the plate away. Then he leaned over and proceeded to eat her chicken.

  ‘You’re very easily influenced, aren’t you? Did Sam tell you to jump and you’d ask how high?’

  ‘That’s a bit offensive.’

  ‘Mr Mac likes you and, yes, he is protective of people even though you punched him in the face.’

  ‘It was an accident.’

  ‘And Bill? Don’t listen to what he says just trust me. Can you do that?’ Then he looked at her straight in the eye. ‘I’m taking you on holiday and I won’t change my mind. I have no intention to hurt you, ever.’

  Something inside her tightened, and she felt dizzy.

  Jamie looked sincere.

  ‘Now eat this up quickly, Molly. I want to take you home to make love.’


  She gasped loudly. He was on top, slowly making love while trying to rub her nub at the same time. ‘That feels very…’

  ‘Does it feel good?’ he asked, kissing her neck then biting on her breast. ‘You feel amazing.’

  His hips were slowly thrusting as he pulled out and went back inside, building up a delicious rhythm then doing it again. She couldn’t cope with what he was doing, knowing she was close.

  Then he pulled out again and rubbed her nub very gently, all the time kissing her. Molly gulped as her inner thighs started to tighten, and the ticklish excitement in her body was building up.

  It pulsated through her, while she groaned in his mouth, and he plunged straight in, giving her a hard second orgasm.

  ‘I love you,’ she panted, kissing him frantically back and moving her hips with his.

  ‘So you should,’ he gulped and buried his head in her neck, pumping her the fastest he ever had. ‘Oh, you feel so-.’

  He then broke out into a loud groan, mumbling something into her skin. Molly was holding on for dear life until he slowed down and pressed his body tightly against hers.

  Closing her eyes, she lay there, enjoying his weight. Slowly, she licked his shoulder before kissing it. Gradually, she opened her eyes and looked at him.

  He turned his head and looked at her, his face squashed against the pillow. Then the grin appeared, spreading across his face.

  ‘So you love me?’ he whispered.

  ‘You have your moments.’ Molly smiled. ‘This was one of them.’

  ‘You’re not going to retract your statement?’

  ‘No,’ she whispered, shaking her head from side to side. ‘I’ll take what comes with saying it.’

  ‘It hurts!’

  Jamie had promised to take her out for lunch on Thursday only to find out he’d booked her inoculations for the holiday. ‘I can’t have another injection. Don’t make me!’

  ‘Stop being a baby,’ he laughed.

  Molly gasped when she saw another needle coming towards her.

  ‘Just a little scratch,’ the thin, skinny nurse said. ‘You’re being very brave.’

  She turned her head away and looked at Jamie’s smiling face.

  ‘You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?’ she gulped, closing her eyes and flinching when she felt the needle in her arm.

  He nodded and smiled, kissing her forehead.

  ‘I don’t want to go on holiday,’ she said, trying not to cry. ‘I hate needles.’

  ‘That was the last jab, and we’re all done,’ the woman said.

  Her head was spinning, and she felt faint.

  ‘Hey, don’t pass out on me,’ he said, peering into her face.

  Jamie grabbed her by the waist and walked her out of the surgery, towards the exit. All Molly wanted to do was lie down.

  ‘You’re very brave,’ he whispered into her hair. ‘You know you should have more injections to make sure-.’

  ‘I’ll suffer,’ she groaned. ‘I thought you were planning to do something nice.’

  ‘And no training for a couple of days.’

  ‘I’m not too bothered to miss out on that.’

  ‘I thought I’d make sure you got the injections and that I was close by, just in case you turned on the nurse. I know how you like to punch out. And it’s good to have a different little prick other than me, though as we know, I’m not little.’

  She held onto her sore arm and looked up at him. Molly desperately wanted to kiss him, and he knew it.

  He moved closer to her lips and planted a soft kiss.

  ‘And because…’ Jamie grinned. ‘I love you and wanted to make sure you’re okay.’

  All the pain in her arm disappeared.

  The only thing she could feel was happiness and love for the man standing at her side.

  That was a jab to the heart.

  Week eleven of the engagement – Hook


  Molly had spent much of Sunday looking at Jamie sleeping. He was now stirring and grinned.

  ‘You’re a sex fiend.’ He started to laugh. His hazel brown eyes seemed very alert. ‘And I love it.’

  ‘And I love you.’

  ‘I love you.’ He reached out and stroked her face. ‘Very much. Who’d have thought someone who dresses badly like twelve year old boy would steal my heart?’ Jamie let out a massive sigh. ‘But you did.’

  ‘Now you turn on the romance,’ she grinned, loving every second of it.

  ‘I’m not going to go over the top. Ten seconds a day and then back to normal.’

  His mobile started to ring, and he reached out to see who it was. Molly noticed he frowned before flinging back the duvet and getting up. She watched his small, pert arse disappear out of the room.

  She was in heaven, sighing before closing her eyes.

  Jamie was truly the love of her life, and he loved her too.

  Molly let out a long happy sigh before it turned into a yawn.

  Making love for most of the night had worn her out.

  ‘I’ve got to go,’ Jamie said, marching back in and looking agitated.



  He hurriedly got dressed, and before she could ask when she’d see him next, he’d gone.

  Lying there for a few seconds, she wondered what was going on and then heard the front door open, and he came marching back in.

  ‘Forgot to do this.’ Jamie bent down and kissed her on the lips before grinning. ‘Where’s your passport? I have to sort out the tickets.’

  ‘I’ll get it.’

  ‘And I’ve got a surprise for you.’


  Slipping out from underneath the duvet, she walked to the wardrobe and pulled out her travel wallet. She jumped when she felt a hand on her arse.

  ‘I wish I weren't in a rush,’ he said, whispering into her hair. ‘I’m feeling very horny.’

  ‘You look a bit angry, if you ask me.’

  ‘People just pissing me off.’

  He swung her around and crouched down so he could suckle on one of her breasts before letting go.

  ‘That was nice,’ Molly groaned, running her fingers through his hair.

  ‘Tonight, we will have more amazing sex.’

  Jamie let go and walked out of her flat again.

  After showering and getting changed, Molly headed off to the taxi office. She promised to help out that morning as they were short staffed.

  It was bitterly cold, but she liked the feelin
g of the icy wind on her cheeks, considering she’d been holed up under a duvet since Thursday night. And it was also now noticeable that she was a little bit sore in her lady regions.

  When she got to the office, it was quiet, and Molly made tea for Nikos and herself before putting her headset on.

  The phones weren’t ringing that much, and she checked the internet and computer requests before sitting down in a world of her own. The time flew by, but that was because she was thinking about Jamie.

  Soon as it got to two o’clock and more people were covering the phones, she got ready to go out. Jamie hadn’t called her, and she wondered whether she should ring.

  Just when she was about to dial his number, someone stood in front of her.

  It was Chloe.

  ‘Hello Molly.’

  ‘What are you doing here?’ Molly was slightly confused. ‘This is a surprise.’

  ‘I wanted to talk to you,’ she replied, looking nervously at her feet. ‘I’m not interrupting anything, am I?’

  ‘I was …’ She put her phone away seeing the woman anxiously stare. ‘There’s a coffee shop down there.’

  Panic started to seize her chest, but she tried to remain calm.

  When they got to the place, they sat at a small table. Chloe ordered a coffee and Molly a hot chocolate.

  ‘Is everything all right?’ Molly asked, leaning closer. ‘You look a bit upset.’

  ‘I’ve not come here to cause trouble,’ she said, watching the people around her. ‘But it’s something I think you need to know.’

  Molly knew what was coming next and put her actress head on.

  ‘Jamie’s playing you for a fool.’

  ‘I see.’

  ‘And so is Bill.’

  Biting her lips, she looked at Chloe, hoping for her to say some more.

  ‘Can you explain?’ Molly asked, watching the drinks arrive at the table. ‘Firstly Jamie.’

  ‘I slept with him weeks ago. I realised then he’d never change. Engaged or not.’

  Even knowing about the incident at the time, it hurt. She examined the woman Jamie had made love to, and jealousy surged through her veins.

  ‘He did what?’ she said, not pretending and using that emotion to look surprised. ‘With you?’

  ‘He doesn’t care about you. Jamie Cohen has his own agenda,’ gulped Chloe. ‘And what are you doing with Bill?’

  ‘I’m not having an affair with your husband,’ she said flatly, sitting upright. ‘He's very nice. I think you’re lying to cause a problem between us.’

  ‘I’m not and there is no ‘us’ for you and Jamie, can’t you see?’

  ‘I love Jamie,’ Molly honestly replied, stirring her hot chocolate. ‘And he loves me.’

  ‘He only loves himself.’

  ‘You’re wrong. He loves me, and I know it.’

  ‘What?’ Chloe looked genuinely amused. ‘He told you?’


  Chloe’s smile faded, and she stared at Molly, as if she was lying.

  ‘I wanted to give you the heads up that you’re going to get hurt,’ she said quietly. ‘And god, based on what you’ve just said, you’re really going to get torn to pieces, do you know that?’

  ‘Why would she come and see me?’

  Molly was on the phone to Bill on Monday. Jamie had been predisposed and called to say he’ll come and see her the following day. She’d not slept much, seeing that people had taken it upon themselves to warn her about Jamie left, right and centre.

  ‘Have you told Jamie what Chloe said?’

  ‘Not yet.’

  ‘And that’s all?’

  She omitted to mention the bit about Jamie getting a leg over with the wife, wanting to still keep everything calm.

  ‘She thinks we’re having an affair. How?’ gasped Molly, sitting down in her living room and looking at her laptop.

  ‘Don’t worry about it,’ he said lightly. ‘It’s not true.’

  ‘Of course it’s not true! You’re a married man.’

  ‘And you’re an engaged woman, aren’t you?’

  The sentence was loaded with a massive question. She was beginning to see that Bill wasn’t convinced but never challenged the scenario.

  ‘Are you in love with Jamie?’ Bill asked quietly.

  ‘I’ve told him you’re helping me. He doesn’t understand why.’

  ‘I like you.’

  ‘You’re not trying to shaft me, are you?’

  ‘The leads are very genuine,’ he said seriously. ‘You’re a good investment.’


  ‘I get a share of your contract, if you get hired, and Kim has been very helpful about it all.’

  Standing there, speechless, Molly realised she hadn’t taken that into consideration.

  ‘And your percentage is what?’ she said, trying to remain calm. ‘You see, I know about getting shafted when it comes to agent fees, believe me. If you ever met my ex agent, Hamish, you know no one does it better.’

  There was a loud laugh down the other end of the phone.

  ‘We have a meeting on Wednesday. I’ll send you the details.’


  ‘To meet someone who may be able to help you with this idea. It’s the first of many meetings in the next fortnight. I’ve got to go back home for a few weeks, and then I’ll be back, permanently, by the middle of March.’


  ‘Are you having a problem with your hearing? Things are changing, and I want to think about my future. Moving back to England is the way forward.’

  ‘And Chloe?’

  ‘That will have to resolve itself, naturally.’

  Molly wasn’t quite sure what that meant, but it sounded seriously ominous.

  ‘Do you think this looks all right?’

  Molly was standing in front of Sienna, Wednesday morning, modelling another outfit. ‘Does it say ‘creative children script writer’?’

  ‘I think it says you’re colour blind,’ grimaced her friend at the red and green ensemble. ‘Don’t try to dress as a children’s presenter. You need to show you’re classy and confident with an extreme case of wit.’

  ‘Or wind, if they ask about my past,’ she said, pulling a face.

  Sienna got up and went through her wardrobe.

  ‘You have nice clothes, you just don’t wear them,’ her friend sighed. ‘And have you kept your clothes on for lover boy?’

  Trying hard not to smile, she couldn’t help it.

  Again, they had an amazing evening and morning of making love before he headed off to check his new gym.

  ‘I’m in love,’ Molly said quietly, waiting for the raised eyebrows and an unimpressed glance from her best friend. ‘And he says he loves me. We’re going to go away in February. He even forced me to get the inoculations, so I know he means it.’

  ‘Or he’s a sadistic bastard and likes seeing you in pain?’

  ‘Aren’t you happy for me?’

  ‘Come here.’

  Sienna grabbed her arm and plonked her on the bed, staring right into her eyes.

  ‘Oh god, this is bad, isn’t it?’ grumbled Molly, knowing that look so well.

  ‘It’s not bad but you have to be careful. If you have people warning you off, there has to be a reason, can’t you see? I know you need some focus in your life. You’ve been through an awful couple of years, but don’t go hedging your hopes on these… these men.’

  Thinking hard, she knew Sienna had her best interests at heart.

  ‘And Jamie? Wasn’t he sleeping with Bill’s wife only moments ago? And you’re telling me it’s okay for him to walk away from her with no hard feelings? Then there’s Bill. What if he knows and this is him playing a game? Chloe seems to be upset and her warning you off isn’t because she likes you! If I were her, I’d hate you for bagging my lover.’ Sienna took a deep breath. ‘And Mr Mac? This guy is telling you to be careful, and he allegedly loves Jamie? As someone with a level head and a modicum
of intelligence, you’re not thinking straight.’

  Examining the face of her friend, she didn’t know what to say. So all she did was grab her camera phone and show a picture of Jamie.

  ‘Ah,’ smiled Sienna. ‘I understand clearly what’s going on. He’s hot, yes. Handsome, yes. Charming, of course. And you’re blinded by it all. Makes perfect sense.’

  ‘I can’t remember Sam ever making me this happy.’

  ‘He only cared about himself.’

  Slowly getting up, Sienna walked to the wardrobe and pulled out a dark pair of jeans and a black polo neck top Jamie bought her weeks ago.

  ‘Wear this and knock ‘em dead.’

  ‘Are you saying that these people can’t genuinely like me?’ Molly gulped hard. ‘And Jamie doesn’t love me?’

  ‘I’ve not met them, but I’m looking after you,’ she gently said, walking closer to Molly. ‘Not everything that glistens is gold, is it?’

  ‘So what’s your pitch?’

  Molly’s palms were sweating as she sat in a room with a commissioning editor and Bill. They seemed to know each other quite well. And it was in the building of a well-known children’s channel. She was now beginning to see that this was more serious than she’d previously thought.

  ‘George, my pitch is very simple,’ she said, seeing Bill smile. The nerves were getting the better of her. ‘It’s on the pages. Bert the Baboon is a boxer, and it’s what he gets up to in the gym and the people he meets. The format is only for just under fifteen minutes. I wanted the pieces to be short and succinct. Very much like the ‘Banana Splits’ were in the 70’s.’

  The man was in his late twenties and would have been a graduate trainee, elevated to the high echelons based on where he studied, not his grade. And more than likely, a relative worked in television.

  Molly gathered it must be his dad.

  ‘I don’t want clever gimmicks or anything like that. Just jokes and pieces that will make kids laugh. That’s why Bert was originally commissioned,’ she flatly replied.

  ‘I’ve read what you’d got, and it’s a simple idea but children nowadays want something more in line with high end animation. Sticking a hand in a piece of material doesn’t really cut it,’ the man sniffed. Molly got the impression he thought she was behind with the times. ‘And puppets, other than the Muppets, work. Everything else fails.’


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