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Come To Me

Page 5

by Genevieve Ash

  He sighed softly and tightened his grip around her middle, pulling her closer to him. She could feel his erection growing as his jeans pressed his thickness against the silky fabric of her shorts. She couldn’t help but push her bottom back against his cock, rubbing gently and enjoying the power her body’s presence had on him.

  He pulled her even closer, this time his hand brushed her breast then settled on top of her camisole with his thumb grazing her nipple. Amanda deluded herself with a false sense of security since Cam seemed to be sleeping so peacefully. She strained toward his relaxed hand, willing him with her mind to touch her there just once. Her breasts felt heavy with desire, reaching out for his hand. All she had to do was wake him, and he would most certainly fulfill her desires. But she wasn’t ready to ask.

  The pressure and urgency of her desire filled her core, growing more insistent with each passing moment. The past month had left her in a nearly constant state of unfulfilled arousal. The dam was close to overflowing and soon would burst. She turned her head slightly to look at the rugged face so close to hers.

  The early morning sun filtering through lace curtains softened his strong nose and square jaw, throwing soft shadows across the pillows. His lips were full and supple. Against all reasoning, she desperately wanted to brush her lips across his in that tender moment.

  As she turned slowly to lie on her back, his hand dropped lazily across her breast and Amanda gasped. Cam nuzzled closer, throwing his leg across her thighs, his hardness pressing insistently against her hip. She held her breath as he slowly shifted his knee, massaging her sensitive and very swollen clit. The rough denim scratched against her tender skin; it was almost more than she could handle.

  She arched her back, raising her hips upward to bring him closer to her aching core. Each undulation afforded her the opportunity to slide her hip against his hard cock. In a swift graceful move, he shifted over her until his engorged shaft pressed against her pulsing pussy.

  His mouth found her breast and he pulled aside the thin camisole strap to better access the tender peak and suck it into his mouth, pulling gently and teasing it with his tongue. Moaning again, she leaned toward him, giving him free access to both breasts.

  “Amanda, release my cock from the prison of these jeans or I will explode.” Cam’s need hung heavy in his husky voice.

  As if unable to stop herself, she tentatively reached with shaking fingers and pulled the distended zipper down carefully. He wore no underwear and his heavy erection sprang free immediately. His size was intimidating and he obviously wanted to reassure her. He shoved the jeans off in a single motion and lay back among the rumpled covers, pulling her into his arms. Seeing her eyes feasting on his cock made him grow even harder.

  “Look at me,” he said, his voice a tender caress. “Up here, baby, in my eyes. I will not hurt you, I promise. I will make sure that you are ready for me. You will be begging for it.”

  “There is no way that I will ever be ready enough for—that! I just don’t know how to give you what you want.” Amanda pulled her legs up to ease the throbbing between her thighs.

  “Just touch me. Feel my desire for you, it will show you the way. I need you.” His words rang truer than he once might have thought.

  She reached out and stroked her fingers softly down the heated length of him. With her thumb, she gently circled the velvety softness of his shaft’s head, slipping across the drop of moisture there. He groaned in ecstasy from her cautious explorations.

  His cock was throbbing in her hand and he didn’t know how much longer he would be able to stay in control. As she stroked with a slow and steady rhythm, keeping her grip tight, he knew he must stop or the pleasure would be over before it began. Wrapping his hand around hers gently, he stilled her sliding motion.

  “Am I doing something wrong? I thought you liked that.” Amanda’s head was bent in concentration, her red hair swaying in rhythm with the motion of her hand. When she lifted her eyes to him, the thick lashes could not hide the question within her gaze and Cam’s heart squeezed in his chest.

  “Oh, my sweet girl, I like it very much—too much—but I am a man. Willpower isn’t our strong suit and you are driving me crazy with need. Gods, but you are beautiful!” He leaned over and kissed her long and hard. His tongue plunged deep within her mouth, tangling with hers. His mind swirled with emotions as she gave herself so willingly to him. He wrapped his arms tightly around her, drawing her even closer. Close just wasn’t close enough.

  Amanda arched her back, pouring herself into the kiss she had waited for all her life. She could taste the spice and heat of him. The cool air outside the heavy covers brought a delicious shiver to her overheated body. He slipped his hand inside her silky shorts to find her cunt slick and ready for him. He drew the generous pool of moisture upward, using it to glide his fingers around her swollen clit. Her body jerked and she moaned loudly, breaking the hold on their kiss. She looked at him steadily as he continued to stoke the fire inside of her to a fevered pitch. He gently pushed her shoulders back down to the soft warm bed.

  “Relax,” he whispered softly. “Let me take you somewhere you have never been.”

  “Poor choice of words after last night’s talk, don’t you think?” Amanda sniffed gently, her sense of humor still intact.

  Cam laughed softly and kissed her deeply. He continued the small circular motion with his thumb, his speed increasing in time with her breathing as he gently eased his finger inside her core, stretching her narrow opening slowly.

  Her hips arched up off the bed as she tried to impale herself deeper onto his hand. But he held firm, not allowing her any leverage. He took her hands and wrapped each around a brass spindle of the headboard. Amanda could feel the cold smooth metal beneath her palms and held on for dear life, all of her senses on high alert.

  The radiator hissed as it began its day and a cool draft from the leaky old casement window slithered across her body. The pressure was mounting and she was dimly aware that a part of her mind was afraid. Although, at this point, she wasn’t sure if she was more afraid of him not stopping or petrified that he might, leaving her teetering on the edge arousal. She used all the will she could muster and pushed half-heartedly at his shoulders. Gently, he placed her hands back on the spindles.

  “Hold on tightly, my love. Close your eyes and relax.” Cam tenderly kissed her neck and licked along her jaw. She felt an inexplicable sensation of fear. Then her mind was filled with images of peace and tranquility, and she could hear him murmuring words of comfort. She was surprised by his tenderness. The close bond she felt with this mysterious stranger seemed surreal, as if she had known him forever. These unfamiliar emotions were overwhelming, especially after she had been alone for so long.

  “Ooh, Cameron. Please stop. Something is wrong. I feel so strange.” Her voice was barely a whisper and her breathing was heavy as her body moved frantically against his hand. Her hands were still gripping the spindles tightly as she struggled to hold back.

  “Relax, baby. You are feeling exactly how you should. How I always want you to feel when we are together.” His harsh breaths feathered across her skin, showing that he was just as affected by their play.

  Amanda tried to speak again, but he covered her mouth with his and kissed her hard. She tried to push him away, to stop her fall, but he would not let up. The waves of pleasure began deep within her soul, building as her breathing quickened. Her hips rocked hard against his hand as the walls of her cunt clamped down against his eager digit. She whimpered into his mouth as she filled his lungs with her breath. As her orgasm exploded within her, she screamed out her pleasure over and over. Letting go of the tightly coiled ball of pleasure, her body relaxed into the passion and her released flooded his hand.

  It seemed as though she barely had a moment to breathe before the sensations pulsed to life again. She tried desperately to push his hand away, but he continued the steady rhythm, massaging her sensitive clit to a second blinding orgasm. After her th
ird, she forcefully pushed his hand away with a tremulous smile. Tears streamed down her face as her body continued to tremble uncontrollably.

  “Baby, it’s okay. Did I hurt you? I did not mean to make you cry. The first time is always a little scary.”

  “Mmm, how about the second and the third? They were tough, too.” Amanda wiped the tears away as she gazed at him in wonder.

  “I do love your sense of humor,” Cam said with a laugh.

  “I don’t even know why I’m crying. It’s just so much, so soon. I don’t understand what I’m feeling.” Her hands were shaking.

  “Don’t try to understand right now, just enjoy the moment. I know this has been difficult for you but you have to believe—as I do—that Fate has played her hand with us. There are times when you look at me and I can see that you feel it too. Sometimes, you just have to let go and embrace the magical things that happen when you do.” He stroked her hair and face tenderly.

  “Yes it is magical and wonderful. I probably wouldn’t even mind doing that again, but we have to take this slowly. I’m willing to give you the benefit of the doubt with your incredible story. But that doesn’t mean I’m suddenly in love with you. I have waited all my life for the right man to come along and I can’t just throw caution to wind when Mr. Perfect comes strolling out of the looking glass!” Amanda could feel her self-control returning slowly.

  “You will understand so much more after our holiday. Is it so hard to believe that I am The One?” She sat up on her elbows and looked at him incredulously.

  “Darling, I did not mean—” he said, looking at her, helplessly.

  “Keep your apology. You’re a prime example of what gives men a bad name. You’re egotistical, arrogant, and pushy. You may be great looking and, uh—shall we say—talented, but that does not give you license to treat me like your property.” Her temper spiked. “Perhaps I need to re-think this whole trip. I’ll let you know what I decide before midnight. Until then, I need time to think. Alone.”

  With her curt dismissal, Cameron was gone. She pulled the covers over her shivering body and wished his warm body was still curled beside her—and inside her.

  Chapter Five

  Amanda woke hours later to find a heavy wet blanket of snow covering the lawn. She sat sipping a cup of hot tea by her fresh, unadorned spruce tree in the library. Scratchy burlap was stretched over the snarled root ball and the sweet fragrance of Christmas filled the air. Unopened boxes of decorations were scattered across the heart pine floor and lights lay in a pile nearby, ready to be tested. She loved Christmas, even with the sadness it brought every year. The flurry of busyness that accompanied the season helped to ease the hurt. Her trees were normally the talk of the town but, after last night, she couldn’t bear to get started. So many things were running through her mind.

  What if I’m not here to celebrate Christmas? Who will water my tree? Will the cat knock the ornaments off again this year? Am I really going away with Cameron? What would happen if he’s telling the truth? This could be the opportunity of a lifetime. Am I losing my mind? Will his family like me?

  She had always been the strong one, the practical one, who made sure things got done. She’d never been afraid of a challenge and she was patently unwilling to back down from adversity. Since meeting Cameron, she felt weak and indecisive and didn’t like it one bit. She had let a man control her once and vowed to never let it happen again.

  She had been just out of college and ready to set the world on fire when she met Stew. He was everything Amanda had dreamed of—charming, attractive, rich, and intelligent. He constantly helped her “better herself” and, though she was wholly unaware that she needed to be improved, she enjoyed the feeling of a man watching out for her. Unfortunately, Stew took advantage of her history and wielded it like a weapon.

  After a little over a year of dating, she finally met his parents. She hoped Stew would propose during the trip to their Long Island estate, especially after she found a small blue ring box in his briefcase.

  The weekend soured quickly when his parents realized that she was not quite in the same social strata as their beloved boy. They treated her abominably and he had allowed it. A large dinner party during the weekend proved just how out of her league she was. Stew made it worse by ignoring her, and she was devastated by his abandonment.

  Mid-way through the party, she stormed upstairs to pack her bag. Flinging the heavy bedroom door open, she slammed it closed, startling Stew and his high school sweetheart, Melinda, who were on the bed she had been sleeping in. Anger rose up from deep within her at the smell of sex that lingered in the air. Grabbing her purse and her sweater, Amanda headed toward the door. As she turned to go, she caught a glint of light and saw that Melinda was wearing the engagement ring she thought had been meant for her.

  Speechless, she grabbed the keys to his sports car and left, driving to the airport recklessly and leaving the car in a tow-away zone. She smiled as she watched it being hauled away to the impound lot. Her suitcase arrived at her house two days later. No note, no call, nothing but her freedom. Amanda’s family and friends had fussed over her for weeks, concerned for her well-being. What they mistook for sadness, however, was actually her resolve never to be duped by a man again.

  The grandfather clock striking twelve brought her quickly back to the present. Noon and she was still in her pajamas on the couch. She moaned softly, remembering Cam’s touch. She worked to convince herself that she could handle everything he’d said, including a visit to his home. She knew it was crazy; he was a total stranger, yet nothing had ever felt so right.

  She called Megan and asked her to come over, then went upstairs to shower and dress. The hot water felt good on her spent body, but all the soap and water in the world couldn’t wash away the memory of his touch.

  Amanda…please call to me. My hands could be soaping your soft skin. I bet you are wet and slippery. Remember how it felt this morning, baby? That was just the beginning. I have so much that I want to show you. Let me come to you. His voice was a throaty whisper in her mind.

  Get out of my head! Can’t I have a moment to myself? Have you been listening to my thoughts all morning? Amanda thought back to him.

  Alas, no, I can only be with you when you desire me.

  That was a little white lie. He had read her thoughts about Stew. Respectful of her privacy, he tried to stay out of her mind most of the time. But, at the same time, he was looking for anything that might help him understand her better.

  At first, he had just wanted to seduce Amanda to gain his own freedom, nothing more. Now, he was feeling things for her that he barely understood or recognized in himself. He did want to please her, wanted to be with her always because he felt empty without her. He wanted to take away her pain and teach her to trust again. All the years he had been trapped in the mirror, he’d never felt hope and now deep emotions overwhelmed him at every turn.

  He had given it a try with a few women throughout the ages. They released him for brief periods of time to find that they were interested only in what he gave them sexually. It didn’t take him long to realize that they could not free him of the curse.

  With Amanda, things were different. He enjoyed spending time with her, enjoyed just talking with her and being intimate on a completely different level. He felt connected to her in a way that he couldn’t explain.

  Well, as interesting as your proposition is, I must decline for the moment. My sister is on her way over and we have a few things to talk about. You’ll just distract me.

  I will be good, I promise. Very good.

  See what I mean? You’re distracting me already. Now go! Amanda threw the sponge at the shower curtain in mock anger.

  Wait, have you made a decision? Is that why your sister is coming over? Cameron asked anxiously.

  I haven’t decided yet and if you don’t go now, you won’t like my decision. I can promise you that!

  The noise Megan made as she headed toward Amanda could be heard cle
arly as she came up the stairs.

  “Knock, knock. Is someone in the shower with you?” Megan asked.

  “Of course not, Megs, don’t be silly.” She tried to sound casual and unconcerned.

  “Well, who were you arguing with then? You sounded pretty angry.”

  “I’m frustrated because I can’t seem to finish my shower in peace!” She forcefully turned off the water and stepped out of the shower.

  “Uh—where did you get the bruises?” Megan asked.

  “What bruises?” She twisted her head to see what Megan was looking at.

  “The ones on either side of your derrière. Looks like someone grabbed you and held on for dear life!”

  She felt her cheeks burn and averted her gaze quickly.

  Megan’s eyes registered shock and excitement. “Mandy! Have you been with someone? You have, haven’t you? I can’t believe you didn’t tell me.”

  “Megs, it’s complicated. I know you won’t approve, so I’ve been trying to hold off telling you.” Amanda quickly slipped into her robe.

  “Why won’t I approve? If you’re happy, I’m happy. What’s wrong with him? It is a him, isn’t it? I mean, it’s okay if it isn’t.”

  “Yes, it’s a him.” She turned away to hide a secret smile. “I’ll explain. Just give me five minutes to get dressed.”

  “Okay, I’ll put on some tea. Hurry, I’m bursting with curiosity!” Megan headed down the stairs.

  She quickly braided her wet hair, threw on some sweats, and made for the kitchen. She knew this would end up being something akin to the Spanish inquisition.

  “Milk or lemon?” Megan tried for casual but Amanda knew better.


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