Book Read Free

Come To Me

Page 6

by Genevieve Ash

“Milk please, and cut the blasé attitude. You can’t fool me, little sister,” she giggled cheerfully.

  “Well, who’s been fooling whom? I get an SOS call when there’s practically a blizzard outside. Then I find my sister glowing from a night of obviously hot sex and I’m the one holding back. Puhleez!” Megan’s exasperation bubbled over.

  “Okay, I see your point. Just to clarify, it was not a hot night of sex. It was an early morning interlude.” Somehow, making the distinction delighted her.

  “Excuse me? I’d say that’s all semantics, wouldn’t you? So did you do the deed or not? I want details!”

  “Well, Megs, you’re not getting all the details but, to answer your question—no. I did not do the ‘deed’ as you call it.”

  “Why on earth not? You had a hot guy in your bed and you couldn’t follow through?” Her sister seemed incredulous.

  “I know that my virginity offends you in some way. Why, I don’t know. After all these years, I’m not as eager to part with it as everyone else seems to be.”

  “What about poor Stew? He waited a year. I bet the boys were so blue by then that it’s no wonder he gave Melinda a ring.” Megan cringed before the words finished leaving her mouth.

  “I’m gonna give you a pass on that one because I love you. If you must know, I never felt that way with Stew. I guess I just let that part of the relationship slide. Anyway, who really cares? I’m so much better off without him.” She explained carefully.

  “I’m glad to hear you say that. I knew you would eventually realize what a dog he was. We did try to tell you.” Her sister crooned righteously.

  “I know you did. Love is blind, right? And dumb!” The hot tea soothed her throat and her spirit.

  “Mandy, quit trying to change the subject. Spill the beans.” Megan tapped her toe rapidly against the leg of the table, her arms crossed tightly against her chest.

  She took a deep breath and let it out slowly, before looking her baby sister straight in the eyes. “I’m gonna ask you to please let me finish the story before you butt in. I know you already think I’m losing it, but you must believe that what I’m telling you is real. Okay?” She took another sip of tea. “And quit looking at me like you feel sorry for me. I’m fine and quite sane…I think.

  “Do you remember a couple weeks ago when we went shopping and Peter gave me that new mirror for the ballroom?” Megan nodded. “Do you remember me telling you about my dream lover, the one that came to me through the mirror?”

  Her sister squirmed in her seat, dying to speak, and Amanda silenced her with a practiced look.

  “He’s real and he’s been here with me a couple of times.”

  “Shit, Mandy. I love you so much but I have to insist you see someone.” Megan’s voice reeked of concern.

  “You mean a shrink? No, thanks. I know it sounds crazy. I thought I was insane, but you promised you would let me explain.” She persisted with determination.

  Throughout the tale, Megan sat transfixed, her mouth hanging open slightly.

  “Megan, close your mouth before you catch a fly. I know this is all hard to believe. After I go to meet his folks tonight, I’ll be able to tell you more,” she added casually.

  “Whoa, Nelly! What did you just say? Meet his folks!” Megan leaned forward anxiously. “How exactly would that work? I’m no history major, but if they did really exist, wouldn’t they be dead by now?”

  She had delayed telling her sister about the immortal part. She knew Megan wouldn’t give up on this, so she related that part offhandedly.

  “Immortal? I’m so worried about you, honey. Please come home and stay with Wayne and me for a couple of days. Rufus would be thrilled to have Auntie Amanda there. Bring Zoë and we’ll have a slumber party. Just like the old days.”

  Speaking slowly for as much impact as possible, Amanda started again, “Listen to me carefully because I will only say this once. I am not insane. And I am not making this up. I’m going with Cameron tonight to help him break this curse. Time does not move the same way in his realm as it does here. I only know that he promised I would be back by Christmas and I believe him. Do not tell anyone unless something goes wrong and I don’t get back in time. Please take Zoë home with you and tell Mom I went to the Bahamas or something. Understand?”

  Megan nodded, her eyes wide. Whenever her sister got distracted as a child, Amanda had to be firm and clear with her. She hated pulling the big sister card at their age. But just in case things didn’t work out exactly as planned tonight, she didn’t want Megs’ last memory of her to be this one.

  “Damn it, Cameron! What am I supposed to do now?” she asked a little too loudly in exasperation, realizing she had actually decided to go.

  You could call me out of the mirror, baby. Cameron responded saucily in Amanda’s thoughts. History major, hmm? I bet you would look hot with your hair in a roll and some spectacles pushed down your nose.

  That would be a librarian you’re thinking of and we call it a bun not a roll! She thought, smiling at his faux pas.

  You say tomato…I say I would like to take that hair down and let it glide across my hot, hard…Cameron continued, his ardor evident in his tone.

  Amanda burst out laughing. “Okay, enough! Do you ever think of anything else?”

  “Mandy, I didn’t say a word.” Megan was scared now. “You’re really frightening me. Let’s go upstairs and pack a few things. I’d like to make it home before the roads get any worse.”

  “I told you, I’m fine. I’ll be home by Christmas. But if things don’t go as planned, please remember how very much I love you.” She hated to say these words because they sounded so final, but she wanted her sister to know how much she was loved.

  Megan jumped up, threw her arms around her sister and squeezed tightly. “I love you, too. And I don’t plan on spending the rest of my life without you in it. I’m going to have Wayne come over with some of those muscle relaxants they gave him last year when he put his back out. We will just relax and…” Her voice trembled and trailed off abruptly.

  Amanda held her out at arm’s length. “You’re going to drug me, Megs? I can’t believe you have no more faith in me than that!”

  She turned away from her sister and backed up so she could watch when she summoned Cameron.

  Amanda closed her eyes and lifted her hands toward the ceiling. “Boil cauldron, boil. Eye of newt, hair of the dog, bring to me—just kidding, Sis!” She cracked a big grin at the look of absolute horror her sister’s face.

  “Okay, super hot sex god, I need you, come on out. Dressed please!” She hurriedly added and smiled to see Cam standing behind her sister. His eyes were full of warmth and barely contained passion as he stared hungrily at Amanda.

  Slowly Megan turned around to see his rock hard stomach, six-pack included. At just over 5 feet tall, her blue eyes made a long slow climb until they reached his face.

  “Damn! You are gorgeous.” Megan reached out a hand and tentatively touched his broad chest, smoothing the skin and stroking the downy golden hair over to his shoulder. He smiled down at her a little wickedly.

  “Megan! Please stop that.” Amanda scolded, feeling a twist of jealousy squeeze her chest. “He’s not a doll. He’s a real man. And you are married!

  “And you—” She turned her eyes to Cam. “I said dressed. Remember?” She narrowed her eyes at him.

  “Hey, I wore pants! I thought a bare chest would make more of an impact,” he protested in mock innocence.

  Megan looked at the close fitting jeans that rested low on his hips, revealing a dark golden vee of hair that disappeared like an arrow straight down toward…

  “I’ll say!” Her sister whistled softly.

  “Cameron MacKenzie, my sister, Megan. Megan, shake hands politely.” She said in her big sister voice.

  Amanda leaned forward and gently led her sister backward by the shoulders. Cameron turned a thousand-watt smile on Megan.

  “A pleasure, I’m sure.” She knew he intende
d to arouse as he dropped his voice a half an octave and slowed his speech. He was teasing, but couldn’t help the color rising in her cheeks as the ugly green monster reared its head.

  “What’s wrong, babe, jealous? There’s plenty of me to go around.” He continued in a playful tone, obviously enjoying the situation.

  She replied just as heatedly, “You’re such a pig! And no, I’m not jealous. That would mean that I have feelings for you, which I don’t. And wipe that stupid grin of your face.”

  “Megan, you and Amanda are blood sisters correct? Maybe you are the key to my curse.” His eyes twinkled, holding Megan transfixed, speechless.

  “As tempting as that may sound, Mr. MacKenzie, Amanda’s right. I am a happily married woman. But boy, if I wasn’t—uh, I mean, my sister is much more your type.”

  “Oh? And what type would that be?” He was obviously enjoying putting her sister on the spot.

  “All right, big guy, time to go back to the mirror. You have caused enough of an uproar for the moment.” Her tone was terse, bordering on hostility.

  “Sweet girl, you know you are the only one for me. Besides, we need to talk about our trip. It’s almost four o’clock.” He smiled sweetly, but she could tell he was trying to placate her.

  “Who said I was going? After your behavior this afternoon, I’m not sure that you’re the man I thought you were.” She turned her back on him and her sister and stared out the window above the sink.

  Darkness was already creeping in, making her feel confined, almost trapped. She heard footsteps and then felt strong hands grasping her shoulders, his broad thumbs circling the tension in her neck. She moved her head from side to side and leaned back into his touch. She could feel his arousal pressing against his now too tight jeans.

  Cam whispered in her ear, his warmth breath causing Amanda to shiver slightly. “You know we are going and you know that you want to. I think the way you’re rubbing that pretty ass against my cock means that it is not the only thing you want.”

  “Ach!” She feigned surprise. “I am doing no such thing!” But her words rang hollow.

  “Have it your way, darling. I am going to have it my way soon enough.” He slid his tongue gently into her ear as his palm softly grazed her left nipple. Gooseflesh rose on her skin and a small moan escaped her lips.

  “Hello! Remember me?” Megan called amusedly. “You two need a room or what?”

  Amanda pushed his hands away and turned to her sister.

  “Mandy, I’m happy for you. I would be happier if he was a normal, real guy.” She said critically.

  “Hey, no man is normal, but I assure you I am very real. I adore your sister and I will take very good care of her,” he said, giving Megan his most sincere grin.

  “You’d better or I’ll hunt you down and put a serious hurt on you. I don’t care what realm you’re in.” She turned back to Amanda.

  “Just make sure that you come back, okay? If you change your mind, don’t let him pressure you. Just go with your gut. It’s never steered you wrong before. I love you, Mandy girl.”

  Megan’s tears flowed freely now. Amanda patted her back, staying calm for her sister’s sake. “It will be fine. I’ll see you here for Christmas dinner. I love you, too.”

  She watched out the back door as her sister’s car backed out of the drive. Her breath fogged the glass as she leaned her forehead on the cool pane. The anticipation in the air was palpable. She wanted to turn to Cameron and show him the strong independent woman that she knew she was. Yet, somehow he always managed to make her feel tongue tied—in more ways than one.

  Amanda steeled herself before turning to face him. Deep down, she knew that she was going away with him, but her fear was getting the best of her. What did she really know about this guy anyway? She knew that her strange feeling of “meant to be” was strong, but was it strong enough? She also had an annoying habit of talking things to death and, for some reason, she didn’t want to aggravate him with that habit at this stage in their relationship. She gave him her best fake smile and moved about the kitchen, straightening up the mess. Quietly, he joined her at the sink and helped her finish the dishes.

  “I know you are frightened, but I will be with you, protecting you. Pack a small bag with only the things you will need for a couple days. I cannot promise that it will make the journey with us, but we will try. You will not want for anything while we are gone.” She heard the crack in his voice and waited as he cleared his throat nervously.

  “Dress comfortably and meet me in the library when you are ready. I have some research to do on the Internet. Oh, Amanda, wear that sexy red bra and thong. They really show off your assets.” He winked at her seductively, while waiting for her telltale blush.

  “How do you know about—Oh never mind!” She blushed on cue at his suggestive smile. “But I am curious about how you learned to use a computer. Your clothing, your speech, even your tastes in music all are current. How is that?” She furrowed her brow at him, perplexed.

  “In the mirror, I live totally in the moment. If I choose to read, I read. If I want to eat, I do. My only desire has been to find my True One and have the curse lifted. Until now, that is. I only have the desire to be with you.” He smiled winningly, starting to believe it himself.

  Amanda shook her head in resignation. “Well, I can say one thing for certain, you are a smooth talker.”

  “Amanda—” Cam started.

  “Just drop it. I’ll be down in a little while. Make yourself at home. But make very sure you’ve told me everything I need to know. I don’t like surprises.” She spun on her heel and strode out of the room with purpose.

  Now would probably be a good time to explain the mating ritual and the blood exchange. If she turned out to be his True One, then he would have no control over it. He decided almost as quickly that it would just freak her out to tell her now. When and if the time came, he would deal with it.

  Cameron grabbed her laptop to search the Internet for information on Astrid and her descendants. He also read everything he could find on the myth of Rhiannon riding her mare through the solstice dreams. He had heard the stories for years as a child from his parents, but he had to be sure he wasn’t missing anything. Time was running out and this had to work the first time. The winter solstice began at midnight and now he had to make sure they both slept soundly.


  Amanda took her backpack down from the closet shelf. What she should pack? “Always be prepared” was her motto.

  “What would I possibly need? A first aid kit, bottled water, maybe the book Peter brought me.” Nah, the book was just too big and heavy.

  “Sunscreen. Trail mix and a racy paperback. This is crazy! I’m not going to the beach, I’m entering the Twilight Zone.” She settled on a camera, an empty journal, a couple pens, a bit of makeup, the one photo she had of her whole family together and some clean underwear. At the last second, she opened her lingerie drawer. “I guess it couldn’t hurt to take the thong.”

  She put on her good jeans. They had been expensive, but worth every single penny if her backside looked half as good in them as she thought it did. A baby blue cashmere turtleneck and her tan suede boots rounded out the ensemble. She looked casual but well dressed. What does one wear to meet a legendary goddess and her family?

  Amanda brushed out her long wavy mane and re-braided her hair. As she caught sight of her reflection in the mirror, she was stunned to find no fear in her eyes, only excited anticipation. An intelligent, capable woman who was not half bad looked back. And she saw something else, too. No, it couldn’t be.

  “Cameron! Where are you?” She stomped down the hallway and down the stairs to the library. She was livid.

  Cam peered up from the laptop screen. “Ah, you look lovely, Amanda. I cannot wait to show you what I found on the Internet.”

  “Save it,” she said abruptly. “I’m tired of the sweet talk and the lies. I’ve gone over the facts time and again. Somehow, you’ve put a spell o
n me or taken over my mind. You had to. I’m not like this!”

  “Like what, sweetheart?” he asked quizzically. “Beautiful. Intelligent. Sensual. You are, you just don’t realize it,” he said soothingly.

  “Okay, see, how did you know what I’m thinking just now? You have to be reading my mind. I have feelings for you that I’ve never had for anyone, and I’ve only known you for a few weeks. Actually, it’s more like a few days.” Her argument wasn’t making sense, even to her.

  “You have known me since the day of your birth. I would not be here if you were not ready. You have waited twenty-eight years for this day, but five hundred years have passed since the curse.” He reached for her hand, but she pulled it back quickly.

  “Five hundred! How old are you?” She couldn’t hide her shock.

  “Does it really matter? Since the beginning of time, the Fates have waited for us to find each other. Many people will never know their true destiny. They become impatient and settle. Or allow fear to win.” He paused cautiously, as if weighing his words. “Will you let fear always be your master?”

  Amanda searched Cameron’s face closely for insincerity and could find none. It was so difficult to let go, to trust again. She wanted so much to believe that this was real that she was willing to give him a chance.

  “I fear no one and nothing,” she said softly, but with conviction. “I am my own master. I’m willing to give you a chance to prove what you say is true. Do not betray my trust.”

  He stood and gathered her close, pressing her head tenderly to his chest. “Do you hear my heart beating? It beats because of you. You have nothing to fear from me for I will cherish you always.” She could hear the rumble of his melodic voice vibrating in his chest.

  “Alrighty then, that’s enough of that sentimental crap,” she grumbled as she pulled away, shaking off the giddiness his words ignited in her. “Tell me what you found out that’s so important. I can’t believe it’s 10:30 already. I’m actually getting a little excited!”

  “Now that’s the girl I know and lo—um, adore.” He looked like a little boy on Christmas morning.


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