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The Diary of a Side Chick 6 (SCD)

Page 55

by Tamicka Higgins

  I looked at the time and realized that it was just about time that I head out to do my job. I needed to finish my face, though. I just quickly brushed on a couple brushes of the blush and painted on the pigmented, red lip stain upon my luscious lips. I looked pretty damn good, to be completely honest. I checked my outfit once more before grabbing my keys and heading out the door. I got into my little Honda and cranked the ignition. While my car warmed up, I reached into my glove compartment and grabbed a piece of paper out of it. I saw the name and the location of where this nigga was. Cool, it was near Travis’s warehouse. I can just park the car down the block and walk around. Sounds like a plan.

  I headed out in the direction of Travis’s warehouse and when I got closer, I turned down the block and parked my car on some street. I quickly hopped out the car and walked down the street to where all these mom and pop ran restaurants were. The nigga was known to stop around at the bar on the corner and that was where I planned on making my move.

  “Hey, gorgeous!” A familiar voice yelled.

  I turned around and smiled at who called me.

  “Hey! I remember that handsome face, remind me of your name again? Don’t get offended, I just don’t want to mix it up with the other name you told me that night.”

  “Kyle! My name is Kyle. The other name you were referring to was Kaleo, my brother.”

  I walked up to him and planted a sweet kiss on his lips. He smiled down at me and caressed my face.

  “Hey, want to come with me? I’m just out with my bro right now, though. Maybe we can hang out a little later? I’ll be free later.”

  I froze in fear and my breathing started to get heavier. Holy fuck, Kaleo was here? Shit, shit, shit. I had to get the fuck out of his arms and I needed to get away from here before he spotted me. Damn it, he would have total noticed me and I would have been dead. Him finding out that I was in his brother’s arms would have fucked up my entire plan. I need to get away and now!

  I kindly took his arms off of me and smiled warmly up him.

  “That is such a wonderful offer, I would love to chill with you but like you did that one night, I have something I have to do. Sorry baby. I’ll catch you later, though, okay Kyle?”

  He leaned over and kissed me on my lips before smiling and speaking.

  “Yeah, oh. Don’t call me Kyle out loud, though, my brother calls me Dae and wants everyone else to call me that. For safety or some shit.”

  Note taken. I touched his face and spotted Kaleo in the distance. I quickly and kindly excused myself from him and made my way into the bar. I was in a safe spot where I could still see them, but they couldn’t see me. I waited patiently as I watched them congregate with each other. I kept hoping that they weren’t going to come into this bar. I saw them kind of scoot this way and it freaked me the fuck out. After watching them for a little while longer, though, they eventually got into Kaleo’s car and headed out. Whew, that was way too close. Anyway, back to my mission here.

  I leaned up against the wall and got myself together as I looked for this nigga I was supposed to get info from. Ah, there he was, a tall, muscular nigga, cool.

  I sexily walked over to the bar where he was sitting and leaned up against the counter, winked at the bartender and asked for a couple shots of Jack. I looked over my shoulder as I was about to fork out some money to pay for my stuff. Gotcha. He walked right into my trap and placed his hand on mine, pushing my hand away from the bartender and sliding the guy a hundred dollar bill.

  “Here, that should pay for all the drinks she wants. If she wants more, I’ll gladly put in for it. You ain’t need to be spendin’ yo own money, baby. I get it. I get the vibe that you independent as fuck, I like that. What is your name, sweetie?”

  I knocked back my shots and winked at him.

  “My name is Tiana. What is yours?”

  “K Smalls. You fine as fuck baby.”

  I tossed my hair behind me and shot him another seductive look as he waved the bartender over to order me a couple more shots. I knocked them back like a pro and he looked impressed. He too took a couple of shots too, but they weren’t shots, they were more like cups of alcohol. Whatever, though, the more he drank, the better it was for me. I wanted him good and drunk anyway. Oh, he was getting there too. Nigga tried to talk but kept slurring and started to wobble. Perfect.

  I took the chance and placed my hand on his hand, touching it nice and softly before I spoke again.

  “So, what do you do? You seem to be ballin’ and a bitch like me caught that. Come on, tell me.”

  “Aight, aight. Just ‘cause you are pretty as fuck and I feel like I can trust that cute face. I’ll let you in on a little secret. I used to be a part of this gang called the Killer Bees. Yeah, up until they got disbanded by some fuckboy. They honestly ruined shit. We was workin’ with a nigga on this other gang. I can’t remember his name. Starts with a T, maybe Tray, Travis? Yeah, Travis. Uh, we used to all work together and we was cool as shit, but to be honest, I hated that Travis nigga. From the get, I had a feel he was playin’ me and my niggas and I wasn’t ready for that shit. I mean, him and I are cool, we still close and shit but damn, he made a nigga annoyed.”

  I nodded and took mental notes of all he was saying. He was slurring all over the place, though. Regardless, it was still pretty clear what he was saying.

  “Sorry, lil mama. That’s all I’m gone say. I don’t wanna bore you into something that ain’t gone be relevant to you.”

  “No, no, it just may be relevant to me. What if I wanna be your girl or somethin’ down the road? It’s better to be upfront with me about it than me finding out later. Right?”

  He looked at me amazed like I said something that was super profound and life changing. Looks like a little charm goes a long way, huh? He touched my arm and smiled at me.

  “Why don’t we carry this conversation elsewhere? Like my room?”

  I smiled and went along with it, followin’ this nigga across the street to one of the hotels. I was ashamed to be here doing this. I covered my face as I walked down the hall, seeing the same staff I had seen the other day when I took Kyle or Dae, whatever when I took him up here. I bet they thought I was some cheap hoe. Ugh, if they only knew.

  We stepped into the elevator and rode it up to the top floor. This nigga had a suite, nice. We made our way into the suite and he led me out to the balcony to look over at the city. It was gorgeous.

  “It’s beautiful, just like you.”

  He turned me around and started to make out with me. Damn, nigga had a nice set of lips on him, this wasn’t going to be as bad as I thought. I swear, if a nigga knows how to kiss and tease me, then I’m cool. I could taste the alcohol from his mouth mixing with the taste from mine.

  I broke from the kiss and dragged him to the couch where I stripped off my dress and watched him undress. He was nice and drunk and I just wanted to do this and use this as a way to get information off of him. So that meant minimal foreplay.

  I got onto my knees and started to suck on his dick, bobbing my head as I stared up at him, giving him real seductive eyes. He groaned and wiggled as he placed his hands on the back of my head, pressing me down so that I was taking more of his monster dick into my mouth.

  When he was nice and hard, I climbed on top of him and lowered my body onto him, rocking my hips slow and steady as a tease. He really liked that and reciprocated by pulling me close to him and biting on my neck. Ugh, his lips were so nice and they felt so good against my neck. I squirmed in pleasure, increasing the speed that I was bucking my hips, making it feel good for the both of us. It didn’t take too long before we both came at the same time. That was quick and for once, I wasn’t complaining about how it only took the nigga less than ten minutes to come. It’s not like I was trying to make something long term with him anyway.

  I rolled over and sat next to him, reaching over to the coffee table to grab us both some Hennessey that he had ready in some glasses. He knocked back a few more before asking fo
r the entire bottle in which he just started to drink out of it. Damn, I know it was his anyway, but shit that was disrespectful. I took my two tiny shot glasses and drank them as I watched him drown himself in the liquor.

  “So, you were in the Killer Bees? Do you still have that gangster mentality? Are you still a bad boy?” I said as I caressed his chest. He laughed at my remark before he answered me.

  “Yeah, speaking of. I have some major plans I need to take care of. That Travis nigga? Yeah, he really gettin' on my damn last nerves. My plan was to find and kill the nigga. I think I still may do that. Maaaayyybeeee”

  He started to slur all over the place and I started to get agitated, I just didn’t want to show it to him. He wanted to kill my brother and that annoyed me. I played it off though and just went along with it. I just buried my head onto his chest and listened to him talk. He stopped all of a sudden, though.

  It was weird, he went from being all over me, to being suspicious of me. His demeanor changed drastically. He stared at me with a disgusted look on his face. Something inside of me told me to hurry up and put my clothes back on, so I did. Lucky for me, I had a gun stashed in my dress, just in case. I got up and put on my clothes, grabbing the gun to hide it behind my back.

  “Aye, where the fuck are you going?”

  I froze and smiled at him.

  “I just wanted to put my dress on. Are you aight?”

  He looked me up and down and started to stand up.

  “Now that I have had a better look at you in some good lightin’, I have a feelin’ that I have seen you somewhere.”

  Nigga stood up and kept eyein’ me like he had it all figured out. I was trying to get to my shoes to pick them up and put them on, but that was just a stupid idea. I made it over to my shoes though and picked them up with my free hand. I kept scooting away and tried to make it out the door when we kept coming my way.

  “Hold up. You’re his sister! You ain’t no Tiana. Yo ass is Tangie! I remember seein’ you when we had to work together on some collaboration type shit. Oh, fuck no.”

  He looked beyond pissed and started to charge at me. He looked like he was ready to come grab me by my neck and snap it in half. I wasn’t gone die today, though, that was for sure. I revealed the gun in my free hand and shot the nigga in the face and then in his chest. He fell over and bled to death. My heart raced as my breathing started to get heavy. I almost died. Fuck, he was too close. Shit.

  I quickly busted out of the hotel room and tried to slyly walk down the hallway. People were coming out their hotel rooms and were asking what that sound was. I forgot to bring my silencer, I really wasn’t expecting to use my gun tonight though. No one looked at me suspiciously as I walked out, though, so that was good. I got into the elevator and slid my heels back on. I looked at myself in the reflection of the elevator door and fixed myself up before it opened up to the main lobby. I walked through and walked out to head to my car. When I got here, I hopped inside and quickly drove all the way back home. What a day. I just wanted to get home, so I drove as fast as I could to my house.

  When I got home, I ripped off my heels and hopped into the shower to wash away everything. The nasty feeling from being touched by that nigga, the nasty hotel suite, the disgusting bar, and all this makeup on my face. Ugh, I just wanted the feeling all gone and off of me. I finished up and got dressed soon afterwards. I felt so much better after that.

  I walked over to my desk and grabbed the niggas file, K Smalls. I wrote down what he told me and closed up the file. I then took out a notebook and wrote down about me seeing Kaleo and who his brother was. We knew his name was Kyle but we definitely didn’t know he was being referred to as Dae. I needed to look more into this and what Kaleo’s plan was with his brother. Was he a replacement because Kairee was dead? I mean it won’t take much to kill him too, it really won’t. Aha, as heartless as that sounds, it is something I am willing to do.

  I closed the notebook and headed over to my bed, crawling under the blanket and throwing the heavy comforter over my head. I was so nice and snuggled. I just wanted to sleep and forget what happened today. I damn near died by the big ass nigga named “Smalls” and then I saw Kaleo for the first time in such a long time. That was way too close for comfort. He looked tired though and real life stressed. It was weird to see him like that, I kind of felt bad, but at the same time, I didn’t.

  Chapter 18


  Ring, Ring.

  “Hello? You aight?”

  “You always ask me that whenever I call you, Kaleo. I’m fine. I just wanted to confirm that the female frequents here a lot more so it is definite that she stays here. I found out her pattern. She should be here tonight, so it is best that you come tonight and check it out.”

  “Sounds good. Thanks a lot, bro, I really do appreciate you doing that for me, I really do.”


  Well then, it was time for me to make my move. Dae had already done so much of the footwork, it was just time for me to step it up and make my appearance to confront this bitch. I was ready for this. Nightfall was upon us and I was already dressed and good to go. I followed in Dae’s footsteps and went for the all-black look. I grabbed my keys and headed out to my car. I cranked the ignition and peeled out of my driveway and down to this warehouse.

  “I swear to God, I’m ‘bout to kill this fucking bitch. She actin’ all brand new and shit and thinks that a nigga like me would let her go this easy? Nah, bitch. She got me all the way fucked up. If this bitch only knew all the work I put into finding her conniving ass. Fuck her and fuck the fact that she is actin’ cool as shit. I’m beyond pissed off with her.”

  I parked my car a couple blocks down from this weird ass building that lil bro located a while back. Earlier when I gave him the task, he at first didn’t see her. Somethin’ told me to come back though, so I made it a point to go there at some odd hour so she wouldn’t expect me to come. I don’t even think she was expecting me to find her here anyway. I bet you she felt hella safe out here. I had lil homie watch the place and he confirmed that her dumb ass frequented here every once and awhile. After he watched her for a good amount of time, lil nigga, Dae, found that she had a pattern for coming to this place. I knew he was a good addition to the team, he had been through some shit and he almost gave up on me, but I knew he was stronger than that and I am so glad lil nigga stayed. If he only knew how much him just being near me meant.

  It was pretty fucking cold tonight and I was glad I brought my heavy winter coat even though it was summer. This weather is bipolar as shit, either that or I’m just one weak ass nigga. I highly doubt it was the latter, I ain’t no punk, it’s just too cold for a nigga right now. My heart started to race as I made my way closer to the rinky ass looking building, partially excited but somewhat nervous. I don’t know why I was nervous, shit, I was fucking ready for this moment. I was this close to fucking murking the bitch who decided it was sweet to kill my lil bro. Maybe I was partially nervous ‘cause it was my girl and my long time best friend. But shit, all that flew out the window the second I found out it was her punk ass who was involved. Maybe now I need to listen to my own advice and believe that you really cannot trust no bitch, not even yo long term best friend who turned out to be yo girl. Now that has me thinking, did this bitch get close to me knowing what shit was going to go down? Aw, hell nah. That is petty on so many different levels. Yup, her ass is getting it tonight.

  I stared down the weird lookin’ building and spotted a door on the side that was waving open and close. I assumed that was the safest way in, being it wouldn’t be the smartest of ideas to go through the front door. I mean, Tangie and I ain’t cool like that, can’t be pulling up and expecting this bitch to be all friendly and shit with me. I would be hella weirded out if she was being all friendly and shit, though. I would def think the bitch would be tryin’ to coy me into something, talkin’ all sweet and then pullin’ out a nine on a nigga. Yeah, I ain’t up for that shit. She can’t take my bro’
s life and then try to take mine. Damn bitch.

  I peeked my head inside the door of the two story weird lookin’ house building and saw that the hallway was dark except for one room. I slowly walked into the hallway and pressed my back against the wall, waiting to hear some type of movement before I made my next move. I kept my eyes on the light that was shining out the door and illuminating the hallway. I saw a small shadow in the light and heard papers shuffling. Before I moved closer to this room, I made sure there were no other movements to indicate that there were other people here. I was only left to assume that there was only one person in this building, because after listening in for some time, I heard no other movements besides the one that was coming from that room. I didn’t have time to wait for any other movements, I needed to move fast if this really was her. If someone else was here, I had my gun and I knew how to use it. I had to just hold my own if this was the case.


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