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The Diary of a Side Chick 6 (SCD)

Page 56

by Tamicka Higgins

  I swiftly moved towards the door and stopped right when I was inches away from the door frame. You would think I wouldn’t be nervous for shit, but nigga, lemme tell you how I was feelin’. My heart was damn near about to leap from my chest and I ain’t even know who was on the other side of this damn door frame. It was like I knew who was there, or my body knew who was there ‘cause as my heartbeat increased, my body tensed up. I took a deep breath before peeking my head into the door frame, finally seeing who was making all that noise. I peered my eyes as I saw someone sitting at the door, facing away from the door. I recognized the long hair and hourglass frame and the way this female cocked her head when she was in thought. Yup, it was Tangie alright.

  I pulled my head from the doorframe and kind of giggled internally. I ran hella different scenarios thinking about what I wanted to do to this bitch. I was thinking about going in and murking her, execution style so she didn’t see it coming. Then I thought about scaring the bitch and saying something. Yeah, I wanted to see her pretty little face freak out about seeing me in the door frame. I guess I’ll do that and watch this bitch beg for her life. That sounds ideal. All this scenario runnin’ had me getting all hot and excited, I felt like a damn female gettin’ hot flashes. This is on some other shit right now.

  I was ready to go ahead and do somethin’ instead of sittin’ here thinking about what could happen. I took a deep breath and slowly walked into the room, making sure I was quiet enough so this lil hoe didn’t hear me comin’ in. I stopped a few feet before her and raised my glock so it was facing her face when she turned around.

  “What up, bitch.”

  Tangie stopped what she was doing and dropped the pen she was holding. It looked like her body froze up because she turned around like she was a statue being spun by an artist. When she finally faced me, I saw the look on her face and wanted to fall over laughing. It was too perfect, the ideal face that I wanted to see from her. This bitch looked like she had just seen a ghost. I absolutely fucking loved it.

  Tangie’s freaked out face relaxed after the bitch realized who the fuck I was. I thought she was gone hold the face a little while longer, if she did, I was about to take out my phone and snap a quick picture of how pathetic she looked. But nah, she changed her face real quick. This bitch looked like she had something over me with the ugly ass smug face she was shooting me. I hated it. What the hell? She think she gone get passed me actin’ like that?

  “Kaleo, what the fuck you want? How the fuck did your dumb ass find me here? Get the fuck out, nigga. You ain’t needed here. Bye!”

  Tangie waved her pathetic little hand tryin’ to gesture for me to shoo away. Uh, someone tell me who this bitch thinks she is because like, this shit is hella irritating. I’m about to fucking kill her and she over here trying to shoo me away like I’m a fly or somethin’. I gave her a look of confusion mixed with utter disgust cause she had me all the way fucked up treating me like that. This shit is laughable for fucking real. I looked and watched as she turned her pretty little self back around to get back to her work. What did she think? Did this lil bitch think I was playing games or something? Did she honestly think I came here for a friendly “hello” or to just be some annoying ass nigga who wanna see what his ex-girl is up to? Nah, I’m here for a reason and this bitch is about to find out. Petty ass hoe.

  “Damn, you disrespectful ass fuck. Actin’ all brand new and shit.” I said as I sauntered over by her and put this lil bitch in a fucking headlock and jammed my nine against this bitch’s head. I was about to blow her brains and this lil girl didn’t flinch. What was I missing? Since when was she this hard ass, no fearin’, bitch?

  Tangie just sat there and laughed. What in the hell is funny? Her brains all over her desk and paperwork for her brother to see was soundin’ pretty funny, but I don’t know what the fuck is running through this psycho bitch’s head for her to be giggling like she geeked off something. I loosened my grip and took a couple steps back, still pointing my gun at her dome with my finger on the trigger ready to pop off and end her laughin’ ass. I wasn’t sure if her laughing meant she had a bomb or some shit on her or if she had something else in mind and I wasn’t ready for her to do some crazy shit that’ll end her life and mine.

  I watched as she turned around again with a bitchy ass, smug smile painted on her dainty face. Ugh, I hated her for how she looked now. Yo, I need this bitch to fucking die. I don’t understand why I’m still here reasoning with this motherfucker. She rolled her eyes and stood up, crossing her arms and shifting her weight so that it sat on one of her thick thighs. I’ll admit, she looked pretty sexy doin’ that, but that was beside the point. She can look cute and shit all she wants, she still gone die today.

  “You petty as hell for comin’ up here when I’m all alone.”

  Pause. This bitch is callin’ me petty? Nigga, everything about this bitch is petty! From when she killed my bro all the way down to how she straight looking at me right now. How the hell is she gone throw that word at me, like it ain’t nothin’ to call me somethin’ I’m not. Petty. She laughed as she saw my face curl into an angry and disgusted lil scowl.

  “You ain’t shit, though, nigga. You think killin’ me is gone solve all yo lil problems? Yeah, nigga. I’ll admit to being involved in killin’ yo lil nigga brother. I’ll admit right now, that was the best plan I ever came up with. That shit went so smooth, damn. Travis was so proud of his lil sis and it made me feel like I was on top of the world when he came to acknowledge what I had done. So yeah nigga, I ain’t have no shame in what I did. So, if you wanna kill me, go ahead and do it.”

  I clenched my gun tighter and clenched my teeth simultaneously. What the hell had happened to the Tangie I knew? She was some hard bitch who was now runin’ in the same game I was in. She was cocky as hell and ready to take a bullet. She was hittin’ all the right trigger points in a nigga, making me really wanna shut her up for good. I wasn’t gone let this bitch have the satisfaction of going down by request. She wasn’t ‘bout to be the one suffering and dying a painful death. Nah, she was straight toyin’ with me and she knew it. She was makin’ it so that I was the one who was hurting and rethinking. She wanted me to act on impulse and I wasn’t ‘bout that.

  “Come on, kill me, lil nigga.”

  Pop, pop.

  I snapped. I was tired of her petty ass taunting me. So I shot the bitch, not once, but twice Nothin’ too crazy, just in both of lil mama’s thick thighs.

  I heard her squeal and fall to the ground, holding the areas where the bullets hit her. She didn’t look so tough now, she looked pretty pathetic actually. I rose my gun up at her again and watched as she didn’t flinch. Hm, aight, seems like she gets the gis, shamelessly dying by the bullet. I can respect that, kind of.

  “Here we are again, but the tables have turned and instead of you pullin’ some bullshit ass move like you did the last time, Ima end you,” I said, proud and confident. I stood over her and placed my gun against her head again.

  “Aha, you got me. Go on. nigga. Go ahead and kill me and all the other secrets and shit you may wanna know. Like i said, killin’ me ain’t gone give you what you want.”

  Chapter 19


  Shit, if he only knew how freaked the fuck out I really was. Like, he was actually here. He was going to kill me. I had to play off this shit and act like I was something bigger than I really was, but I was really just running away from him. I guess this very moment was inevitable, but still. I was hoping that this front that I was putting on was going to help me somehow, but I think it just made it worse. Now I had this nigga thinking about the possible secrets I could possibly be hiding from him. I mean, I had one major one and that was that I slept with his brother and that I was honestly planning on using him to my advantage, but that wasn’t something I was going to up and reveal to him. Nah, I would rather die with that secret and well, maybe whisper it to Kaleo in my final words if he did decide to fucking kill me. Nigga already had me on the floor
hanging on to my damn thighs. This shit fucking burned.

  “So you gone tell me what the fuck you talkin’ bout? What secrets you got hidin’?” He said, coming closer to me with that gun pointed at my face.

  I just kept my cool and tried to hold him off as long as I could so I could devise my plan to get out of this. I tried to scoot back and away but he just kept stepping close to me.


  Good shit, I got lucky. Travis busted in here with a couple of his niggas and pointed his gun at Kaleo. Kaleo freaked out and started to shoot at Travis and his dudes as he pushed his way out of the door and escaped. Travis went to follow him and instructed his niggas to come to my aid and what not. I didn’t realize that I had bled a lot until I started to feel really light headed. All I wanted was some water, oddly. I didn’t realize that I was on the verge of passing out, I was just kind of dizzy and my mouth was starting to get dry.


  My head bounced against the ground when I fell over. These niggas who were supposed to be watching over me let me fall over onto the ground. Everything was blurry and I was starting to see white. I just wanted some damn water.


  Beep, Beep, Boooooop.

  I woke up on the stretcher and real life almost had a mini heart attack. I didn’t know where I was for a second. When I finally lifted my head and took a good look at my surroundings, I realized that I was in the hospital. I uncovered my thighs and looked at the bandages on them. They must have removed the bullets out of my thighs while I was knocked out. Ugh, I felt super groggy and I still wanted some water. I looked over at the desk and saw a nice cup of ice parked next to a bottle of water. I reached over and grabbed them both, pouring the opened water bottle into the cup of ice. I couldn’t wait, I quickly ingested the water and gave myself a major headache because it was so damn cold. After sitting there for a good minute, though, it went away.

  “Hey, sis,” Travis said as he walked back inside the room and came over to me to give me a hug.

  “Hey, I don’t wanna be in here too much longer, will I be able to go home soon? I wanna go—”

  I doubled over in pain as the pain in my thighs radiated throughout my body. Travis saw me struggling and went to grab the nurse who came inside the room with a small cup filled with a couple pills. She handed them to me and instructed I take them with the water. So I did, and I stayed in pain for about another ten minutes before whatever she gave me started to work, combating the pain from the wounds on my leg. The nurse checked my vitals before excusing herself from the room. I was starting to feel loopy. She must have given me some strong ass muscle relaxants because I was starting to feel like jello and I felt hella high. I ended up sliding back down into the covers and just stared lazily at Travis. He just chuckled as he watched me become more calm and at ease.

  “Traaaavis. I don’t wanna be hereeee. Take me home, soon? Wait, what about Kaleo?”

  He patted me on my head and basically told me not to worry.

  “Shh, just get your rest okay? We will get you out of here soon. As for that motherfucker? We gone get him too, you ain’t need to worry baby girl, he got us fucked up for doing that shit.”

  I just nodded and went along with whatever he just said. The drugs were getting to me and I honestly just wanted to lay here and let them take over. I wanted the muscle relaxers to just make me, well, relaxed. I was going to ask him what he exactly planned on doing, but I knew at this point I didn’t have the mental capacity to understand what he was going to answer me. That and I didn’t have the brains right now to give him the reason why I was asking. I just looked up at him and watched as his lips moved but his words didn’t make any sense. I just smiled and closed my eyes as I felt him start to caress my face and run his fingers through my hair.

  Chapter 20


  I was this close to havin’ that bitch in my hands! Why didn’t I just shoot her dead instead of injuring her like I did? I would feel so much better than I am feeling right now, that is for sure. I just, ugh, I guess I was waiting on her to answer me and tell me all I wanted. Then she went ahead and said she had more secrets? Like what other secrets could she be hiding from me? It was already a big ass secret as to why she did that to me and why she betrayed me like she did.

  I hit the wall in my office and paced back and forth, angry at myself and at the entire situation. I knew now that they were probably going to come after me for doing that shit to her. She got lucky for fucking having her brother come in at that time. Had he not come at that time, he would have came home to a dead sister like how I came back to Vendetta to a dead brother. Talk about an eye for an eye. That would have evened the score for sure and I would have been content as fuck with that justification. Whatever, though, I looked forward to the challenge of their gang coming after me for trying to kill their precious little Tangie.

  Knock, knock.

  “You aight bro?” JB said as he walked into the office.

  I was so angry and distracted, I didn't even hear him come through the front door. Damn, I need to fucking get it together. I just looked up at him and shook my head. He could see that I was flustered and he just nodded and took a seat at my desk. I followed him there and took a seat behind my desk, placing my hands on my head to rub my temples. I had a massive headache and there was nothing I could do about it.

  “I'm fine, just pissed off about what happened.”

  “So, what are you going to do now?”

  I shrugged my shoulders and leaned back into the chair.

  “I guess I'll wait for them to come after me, that or I'll just continue to look for her and try to get her back so I can really deal with her the way I really wanted to. This time, there won't be many pauses or any chance for someone else to come in and intervene. It'll just be me and her. Damn it, I should have been more careful. Fuck!”

  I shook my head again and looked at JB who looked really concerned.

  “Bro, you know we got you here right? We gone do our best to look out for you and we will protect you. If they gone try to take you down, we gone be there right with you.”

  I just shrugged my shoulders.

  “I appreciate that JB. I really do. I'm just angry at myself that I didn't kill her when I had the chance, you know?”

  JB nodded his head. Just as he was about to say something, Dae busted through the door and he was out of breath. Naturally, JB and I both jumped to our feet and pulled out our nines, pointing it in the direction of Dae. After taking a second to realize that it was just him who came in, we both shook our heads and say back down.

  “Damn Dae! You know better than to do that shit, especially after all that is going on. Shit! I didn't know if you was some other niggas trying to run in on us and kill us!” I said as I tossed my gun onto the table.

  “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I was just runnin’ in here like this ‘cause I was worried about you, I just wanted to make sure you were aight.” Dae said as he inched his way into the room, lookin’ like he was afraid to make any more false moves.

  “I’m cool. You just didn’t have to do that shit. You know you need to knock to let us or me know that it is one of us coming up in the room. You damn near gave me a heart attack.” I said rubbing my temples.

  I waved for him to come on in and sit on the chair next to JB.

  “I found out that she was released from the hospital, though, I thought I would let you know that. She was just released a little over an hour ago apparently. I called in acting like I was her relative and they released it to me that she was let go but they didn’t say where she was going, so...”

  I looked up at Dae and smiled.

  “Oh really now? Thank you so much for that Dae, now I know that bitch isn’t there anymore which means it gives me a little more leeway into finding out where she really is. Now we need to think of a plan, or a few of them.”

  I sat there and watched as the two of them looked like they were in deep thought.

  “We could do the same t
hing that we did before we found her the first time. By fanning out, there is more ground being covered and we can just see if we can find some clues that way?” Dae said.

  I nodded my head at his idea. It was better than I was thinking. I was about to mention just coming straight after Travis at his place and see what to do about it. I wanted to find Travis and kill him too but damn this wasn’t going to be easy at all.

  “Aight, not a bad idea. We can all have designated areas and talk about anything we find. It worked last time so there is no doubt that it won’t work again this time. Just be on guard just in case, aight?”

  They both nodded at me before getting up to excuse themselves from my office. I sat there in silence and just couldn’t get the thought of my head. I was literally this close. Ugh, I’m going to just keep kicking myself in the ass for not taking the opportunity. I can't keep dwelling on it, though. I just need to follow this plan that we created and next time, it will be different.


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