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The Diary of a Side Chick 6 (SCD)

Page 57

by Tamicka Higgins

  Chapter 21


  I pulled my thick comforter over my head and attempted to hide from the world. Ugh, oh how I wish that was possible. I just got released from the hospital not too long ago and I made Travis rush me back to the house. I didn't want to take the risk of being seen by anyone so I made sure I got home as soon as I could. I was feelin’ off, though, the sedatives they had me on made me feel real in the zone. They gave me some before I left though too, I may find myself dipping into that bottle here soon. It'll calm my anxiety. You know what? Good idea.

  I reached over to the nightstand by my bed and grabbed the bottle of whatever the fuck this shit is. I don't care what it is, it feels good. I popped it open and popped a couple into my mouth, chasing it down with water. I was now just waiting for it to hit my system and make me relaxed. So I waited. I just laid there and let my thoughts go wherever they wanted to.

  I couldn't help but think about that night that I killed that nigga and how he said he was gone go after Travis. Well I mean I don't have him to worry about anymore but still. The idea makes me angry. Wait shit, I still have something to worry about… Kaleo. I mean shit I don't care about him but I care about my brother. Travis was so pissed when he found out what Kaleo was doing. I'm scared that Travis is going to get hurt by one of Kaleo’s goons… I need to do something about that. I know that Travis can hold his own, but still. The risk of him possibly dying is something I am not ready to face. I need him more than he thinks. Even though I can be such a complete bitch to him and he irks me whenever he gives me really big assignments, I still love him and I only want the best for him. I just want to be a rider for my brother, so he can grow and continue his career. I don't want to have to bury him… I'd be so fucking lost. Speaking of him. I reached over again to my nightstand and grabbed my phone to call him up.

  Ring, Ring.

  “You okay?”

  I chuckled at his first words, I loved how concerned he was. Made me feel like he really cared about me and loved me.

  “Yeah, I'm okay! Just a little high because of this muscle relaxer shit. It's some good shit, though, it's making me dependent on it, though. So I'm gone try to ween myself off of this shit soon. Uh anyway. I wanted you to come home so I could talk to you about some things.”

  “You ain't gone tell me now? Why can't you just tell me over the phone? I mean, I'm heading that way anyway so I guess it's aight.”

  “Yeah, just get here. I don't wanna talk about it over the phone. I want to be here when I talk about this.”

  “Aight, I'll be there real soon. I'm literally down the street.”


  I rolled back over and snuggled under the covers. I wanted to get up and meet Travis down in the living room but I just wasn't feeling up to it. I knew he would understand. Ugh, everything was spinning even though I was laying down. I closed my eyes and shoved my face into the pillow while I waited for Travis to come home. I knew he was close by so he should be any moment.

  Knock, knock.

  Speak of the devil and he shall appear? Damn that was quick. I rolled down the covers slightly as I pushed myself up and leaned against the headboard of the bed. My god, that was such a fucking struggle. I was so damn dizzy but I was able to get myself together. It was a blur, though, watching him come into the room, it was like he was floating. Shit, I need to get it together. He wobbled into the room and leaned up against the wall.

  “Are you sure you're okay? Do you need some more water or something? How many did you fucking take? I don't wanna be takin yo ass back to that damn hospital.”

  I giggled lowly and shook my head at him.

  “Yo, I love you too but shit, I'm good. I only took the recommended dose. Anyway, come sit, please. You standin’ there is giving me a hot ass headache, fuck.”

  He chuckled as he made his way to the bed, sitting right by my feet. He started to look concerned as he got closer to me. He stared at me for a good minute and clenched his jaw. Maybe he was looking in my eyes and seeing how far gone I was. I don't know. But since he is all up close and personal with me, I can now see his fatigue and the worry that he tries to hide from everyone. I wasn't gone address that shit with him right now, though. I honestly wasn't capable of holdin’ too much of a damn conversation and I'm over here trying to hold a conversation with him. Let me not get too complex.

  “Anyway. I just wanted to tell you I was concerned about you.”

  He furrowed his brows at me and gave me a look of confusion. Before he could say anything, I raised up my hand and continued to talk.

  “Hang on, don't say shit. Let me get it out before I knock out.”

  I shifted myself so that I was more comfortable and placed my hand back in my lap. He looked at me like he was ready to listen, dropping his argumentative, angry face.

  “Aight. So I was concerned ‘cause you gone see Kaleo. Right? You wanna go after him for what he did to me, right? Right?”

  He nodded his head and scooted closer to hear me. I guess my voice was starting to lower although I felt like I was takin hella loud.

  “Anyway. I don't want you to do that. I want you to let me get Kaleo on my own. Now that he's after me, I wanna play this damn game and get to him before he gets to me.”

  He started to look at me like I was crazy.

  “Hold on. You want to get Kaleo? Bitch, why? Not with the way you are right now! Let me get my goons on ‘em and let me handle this shit. I ain't bout to lose my baby sis to no fuckboys.”

  I rose my hand up, motioning that he lower his voice because him yellin’ like that was givin’ me a big ass headache.

  “Yo, shut up. My head can't handle yo loud ass voice. But I ain't wanna lose my only brother to them fuckboys either. It fucking works both ways, Travis. Really, though, let me do what I gotta do. I have this shit all planned out anyway. I ain't know what the fuck yo ass is gone do. Do you have yo shit planned or was you plannin’ on just showin’ up and killin’ the nigga?”

  He looked at me like I had a point and I kind of appreciated that. In a way, it made me feel like I really stumped the nigga. He nodded his head and shrugged his shoulders, he knew he was wrong.

  “Well then, tell me what yo plan was. What did you want to do?”

  I leaned up against the headboard even more after I folded in my legs to hold me up better.

  “So, my plan was for you to let me do what I gotta do. Look, I found out that his brother, Kyle, is out here workin’ with him now. I am uh, close to this Kyle nigga now and I'm sure if I could just get a hold of him and use him for information, we can get Kaleo to be alone or somethin’ or we can find out where he gone be at so I can go and do what I gotta do to the nigga. I may consider bringin’ you along once it is all said and done, so please, just let me do what I have to do. My plan has already been in motion.”

  He smiled at me and chuckled.

  “I knew you was a smart one. Aight then. Go on and do what you got to, just don't get all crazy right now. You still under them heavy sedatives, aight? Get some rest and then do what you have to. If you need me, I'll be here.”

  He rubbed the back of his neck before he continued.

  “Just be really careful. I liked my damn idea. Shit, what's so bad about just showing up and shootin’ up the place? The bullet would eventually hit the dude.”

  I let out a sedated laugh and found myself sinking deeper into the bed. Travis tossed the covers over me and started to make his way towards the door.

  “Well, the problem with that one is, yo ass ain't the only one with a gun. So niggas would be shootin’ at you.”

  He chuckled and waved to me as he left the room and closed the door. I laid there and stared at the ceiling. I was so ready to get over these meds and get on with my plan. I felt like I needed to act fast before Kaleo did something. That nigga was always thinkin’, little did he know that I was always thinkin’ too. I needed to be ahead. I needed to get some rest.

  Chapter 22

  Tangie />
  I found Dae’s number off some social media site. I knew I didn't have his number and in order for my plan to work, I needed to actually be in contact with this nigga.

  Ring, Ring.

  “Uh, who the fuck is this?”

  “Mm, is this Dae?”

  “Yeah, who are you? Your voice sounds familiar but then again, shit I dunno. Who is this?”

  “It's me! From that one night. Remember? I never told you my name. My name is Tiana! We uh, laid down that one time. You got that cute ass name that is similar to your brothers?”

  He was silent for a second before he gasped all excitedly and changed his tone of voice.

  “Yeah, yeah!! I remember you!! Aw damn! I ain't see you in a hot ass minute. How did you find my number?”

  “Uh, I uh. You gave it to me! I found this little piece of paper in my bra and figured it would be your number. We were both so drunk, you probably don't remember.”

  “Ooooh, damn. Was I that wasted? My bad girl! Anyway, though, what is up?”

  “I… Well. Since I found your number, I thought it would be cool for you to come see me or somethin’. I really liked you and uh, I kind of missed you. Is that aight or am I askin’ for too much?”

  “No no no!” He answered immediately. “Just uh, give me the address and I'll head that way right now. I have nothing goin’ on so I'll be there!”

  “Oh my gosh really? I would love to see you right now. Yeah, uh, I'll text it to you! See you soon!!”


  Damn that was too easy. I was feeling a lot better and I was more than able to get into my car and drive to this place. I gave him a location that Travis never really used. It was a nice lil vacation house that was just collecting dust. It wasn't too far from where I was, but I needed to hurry the fuck up and get into my car and drive that way. I don't know how close that nigga was from the house. I sent him the text and then hurried to get into my car. I only grabbed a bag of clothes and then went on my way.

  I sped down the streets until I made it to the house. It was a lavish two story house that sat by the water. It was beautiful. I looked around and didn't see him anywhere near where I was so that was a good sign. I quickly parked my car in the garage and made my way upstairs to the living room. I looked in one of the mirrors and fixed myself up. I was wearing a nice all black sundress with sandals and a jean jacket. It was really nice outside so this was fitting.

  Knock, knock.

  Shit that was quick. I opened up the door and he picked me up and gave me a big ’I miss you’ hug.

  “Damn girl! You look real good. I love the dress.”

  I smiled and posed for him before I reached my arms up to hug and kiss him. I then ushered him to the bar by the patio. We sat down and helped ourselves to some drinks. We laughed and talked like we had known each other forever.

  “Girl, I missed you. I really did.”

  He then leaned in to kiss me on my lips. Ugh, I hated and loved it. I loved his plump lips but I hated how I had to go through all of this to get what I wanted. It was going to be worth it, though. I reached into one of my pockets in my jacket and slyly took out a roofie. I kept it hidden in my hand while I went in for another kiss.

  “I missed you too. But now you know where I stay! You can come here whenever you want, okay?”

  He smiled at me and nodded. He looked around the house and made a face of approval.

  “This place is so beautiful, how did you get so fortunate to have this place?”

  I flipped my hair playfully and giggled, “Hard work! Working these overtime shifts and shit have earned me this gorgeous and lavish lifestyle.”

  He rolled his eyes and nodded, agreeing that hard work does indeed pay off. He looked out to the backyard and watched the calm water hit the shore. While he was distracted, I slipped the roofie into his drink and pushed it aside to let it dissolve.

  “That is such a gorgeous view for such a gorgeous girl.”

  I winked at him and he leaned in for another kiss. While we kissed, I looked at the drink and saw that it was all good to go. Perfect.

  “Cheers, to finding one another again!” I said as I grabbed his glass and poured a little more Hennessy into it. He picked up his glass and drank the entire thing while I knocked back a couple shots of vodka.

  He sat there for a minute and started to smile again.

  “Why are you smiling?”

  “You're just so gorgeous, that's all.”

  He pulled himself close to me again and kissed me, this time, a little deeper and a lot more passionate. We went at it for a good minute or so before he started to touch up on me again. He broke from our kiss and led me to the couch where he put me on top of him and continued to kiss me. I went for it and started to kiss his neck, slowly rotating my hips as I nibbled on him and moaned softly into his ear.

  After a while, I sat up and looked at him. His eyes were nice and glossy and it looked like he was starting to sweat from the drug. Perfect. He grabbed onto my hips loosely but couldn't hold onto me as tight as he usually would. He then started to slur his words. Dae was under the influence and he was sliding in and out consciousness. He was starting to lose control of himself. I had to take the chance while it was there while he was still somewhat aware of what the fuck was going on.

  I giggled maniacally and watched as he looked so confused. He tried to talk but it didn't work.

  “Aha, well. Let me give it to you now while you can kind of understand me. My name ain't Tiana. It's Tangie.”

  His face lit up and he tried to get up but was unable too. He tried to raise his arm to hit me or whatever but nope, didn't work.

  “Listen to me right now. You ain't ever gone see Kaleo if yo ass doesn't cooperate with me, understand? You probably won't understand any more if I go into detail right now so I'm gone just leave it riiiiight there. Aha, gotcha. You ain't even know it, but this is exactly what I wanted to happen.”

  I got off of him and watched him slump over. He looked like he was struggling for a moment with what he wanted to say or whatever. I could tell he was kind of agitated. I was just surprised the nigga ain't have a heart attack after hearing what I told him. Maybe he didn't fully comprehend. Whatever, not my issue. All I know is, this is all going to how I planned.

  Author’s Note

  I want to thank everyone who takes the time to read my stories. I have a particular way of storytelling that isn’t for everyone, so I thank you for your support.

  If you liked the book, please take a few minutes and leave a review. As an indie author, I do everything independently, so the reviews are helpful.

  If you are interested in contacting me you can reach me at my Facebook or newsletter.

  Books by Tamicka Higgins

  Side Chick Series

  The Diary of a Side Chick (free)

  The Diary of a Side Chick 2

  The Diary of a Side Chick 3

  The Diary of a Side Chick 4

  The Diary of a Side Chick 5

  The Diary of a Side Chick 6

  Trust Issues Series

  Who Can I Trust (free)

  Who Can I Trust 2

  Who Can I Trust 3

  Hustler’s Lady Series

  When It All Falls Down (free)

  Strapped Up

  Somebody is Gonna Die

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