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Page 5

by Lexi Buchanan

  Now to find Callie and explain… Explain what though? That I fucked the girl thinking it was her? Somehow, I don’t think that will go down too well with how upset she looked. Did she hear me moaning? Did she hear me call her name?

  Moving one foot in front of the other, even though they feel like I’m lifting lead, I walk further into the club, trying to find her, which is like trying to find a needle in a haystack.

  Chapter 7


  Unable to get the image of Reece inside the skank out of my mind, the tears flow as I try to find the restrooms so everyone will stop staring at me. At least, I think they’re staring from what I can see through my tears.

  No matter how many times I’ve told myself to forget him – to move on from him, there was still that bit of hope in my heart, but now it’s died. And I’m dying of jealousy. How could he do that? Because he’s a bastard, that’s why.

  Spotting the restroom, I push my way inside and quickly lock myself in one of the stalls. Flipping the seat shut, I collapse onto it and let the sobs I’ve been holding out.

  I’m so upset I end up on the floor, huddled into the corner by the door, clutching my knees to my chest as my heart breaks.

  It’s one thing to catch the guy you’re crazy about kissing someone else, but it’s another to actually catch him with his jeans around his ankles and his cock inside someone while he comes. Knowing that she gave him pleasure instead of me.

  I start to hiccup through my tears as I hear the restroom door bang open.

  “Callie? Callie are you in here?” Thalia shouts, pushing the doors to the stalls open as she moves along. “Callie, dammit.”

  Rising, shakily, to my feet, I grab a handful of toilet tissue to try and mop up with before unlocking the door. I know Thalia will be standing outside waiting as I pull the door open and meet her eyes.

  Her eyes widen before she moves forward and wraps me up in her arms. “God, Callie. What’s wrong? Phoenix spotted you running in here and he said you looked upset.”

  “Ree–.” I hiccup before trying again, “Reece,” hiccup, “I caught him fucking her.” I start to cry again.

  Thalia freezes then cusses under her breath. “Phoenix will kill him… Shit. Why couldn’t you have fallen for Donovan? He likes you and sure as hell wouldn’t treat you like this shitbag does.”

  I start to laugh through my tears. Why, I’ve no idea? But I can’t seem to stop. My whole body shakes with my laughter as Thalia stands back, stunned and watches me. My laughter soon dies though when Donovan comes barging into the room.

  “Um, what’s going on?” He takes one look at me and says, “Why don’t we move this to the bands room.” Even through my tears and laughter, I register the unease on Donovan’s face.

  “Are you okay?” I ask with my husky voice.

  He grins. “That’s what I should be asking you, but right now we need to leave before people wonder why I’m in here. Don’t want them getting the wrong idea.” He shudders.

  “Give me a minute while I wash up.” Feeling stronger now, I turn the faucet on and splash cold water onto my face a few times before finding a huge bunch of tissue pushed into my hands to, I presume, dry off with.

  Throwing the tissue in the trash, I take a look at myself in the mirror, and apart from my eyes still looking watery; there are no telltale signs of my heartbreak. At least I’m not red and blotchy like I usually am after a heavy cry.

  With a deep breath, I look toward my two, nervous friends and offer Thalia a weak smile before walking into Donovan’s waiting arms. He sighs into my hair and holds me tight.

  I shouldn’t need his arms around me, but I do. He was there with Reece and me back in Alabama, and although it was Reece who captured me, I’d found Donovan damn hot and sexy. I’ve lost count the amount of times over the past weeks that I’ve wished it was Donovan whom I longed for…but it wasn’t.

  Kissing his chest, I move away from him. “Let’s go.” I look over my shoulder at Thalia. “I’m ready, and although I’m still pissed at him, from now on it’s about me and what I want, which is to go and party and flirt some more with Luke.”

  Turning back toward the door, I slip my arm through Donovan’s and try and pull him with me, but he doesn’t budge. “What’s wrong?”

  He looks at Thalia before meeting my eyes again. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  I let go of him and standing with my hands on my hips, I get ready to make my stand.

  “I’m not saying you shouldn’t go and have fun, but, well, Luke… Really? He’s after one thing from you.”

  I’m pissed now. “Well, now. As I recall that’s all you and Reece wanted during the summer.”

  Hmm. He’s blushing.

  “You got me there.” He rubs at his eyes before looking back to me. “You were different, Callie. I felt it and so did Reece. I still think he’s running scared for what you made him feel. It was your innocence that hooked him.” He gives me a wolfish smile and I know he’s thinking about how innocent I was in the bedroom.

  Ugh! “Well, after what you two did to me, you can’t exactly call me innocent anymore, now can you?”

  “What the fuck is going on in here?”

  We all turn to look at the guy standing in the doorway.

  While I’m ‘admiring’ the muscle on show, Donovan takes my hand. “Sorry, Ruben. Slight problem, but everything is cool now.”

  Ruben narrows his eyes, but holds the door open as we file out with Thalia following behind us only to be greeted by some desperate to pee women who give us strange looks.

  Donovan pulls me into him, as Phoenix appears from nowhere, wrapping himself around Thalia who turns into his arms and practically climbs up him.

  Shaking my head, I look away and continue to put one foot in front of the other as Donovan leads me to a quiet spot close to the back exit. The door that I walked out and felt my heart break.

  Donovan takes in a lung full of air before releasing my hand and pulling me into his arms. He feels good against me, but I’m not sure I can do this. I know before he said he was willing to let me act with him to make Reece jealous, but…I’m not sure this is right. He’s Reece’s friend, he shouldn’t be caught in the middle.

  Raising my head, I meet his eyes. “You know we can’t do this, right?”

  He uses his fingers to brush my hair back from my face, ignoring my words and I feel a lump forming in my throat. God, he’s so sweet. Not a word to be used to describe a guy, but as long as it stays in my head, there’s no problem.

  Taking his hand into mine, before he pulls it back completely, I kiss his knuckles while I get straight in my head what I want to say.

  He really is a ‘sweet’ guy with an amazingly hard body and he sure didn’t miss out in the looks department. I loved being naked with him, and he did give me orgasm after orgasm with his talented fingers and deliciously long cock, not to mention his tongue.

  I start to squirm and he grins, leaning into me. “Are you sure about that,” he whispers, sliding his hands over my hips to my butt before pulling me against him and his arousal.

  Groaning, I drop my head to his chest and feel him kiss me on the top of my head.

  “It’s okay, Callie. I know. You’re damn hot and seeing you remembering what it was like is so fucking hot.” He laughs. “Honestly, it could complicate my life even more than it is if I end up convincing you to use me to get at Reece.”

  Does he mean because he’s more attracted to me than I am him or… “You’re sweet on someone?”

  He laughs and pushes me slightly away from him. “You seriously did not use the word sweet? Because trust me, sweet does not cover what I want to do to her.” He coughs. “I mean, well…”

  I interrupt him by covering his mouth with my hand. “I get it.” I smirk and looking around, my gaze and thoughts search for Reece. Did he leave or is he somewhere in the bar? As hard as I try, I can’t stop thinking about the man.

  Chapter 8


  Unable to find Callie, or Thalia for that matter, back here, I’m about to push my way through the doors to the main part of the club when I a feel a hand on my shoulder. “Let’s talk.”

  I stay put, torn between going with Donovan to ‘talk’ and finding Callie. Everything in me screams to chase after Callie, but in my head, I have no clue on what to say to her if I find her. With one last look at the crowd, I turn and follow Donovan into the band room we’re using.

  Shutting the door behind me, I rub at my neck muscles, which have gone into a tight knot thanks to being caught with my dick inside someone else. How would she react if I admit I’d fucked her with my eyes shut? That I was getting lost in memories from the summer, and it was the only way I managed to go through with it. The only way I managed to stay fucking hard. Shit, I’m a fucking pussy!

  Holding my temper back, I meet Donovan’s stare head on. “There’s nothing to talk about. Callie’s gotten the message; loud and clear… I’ve moved on and what happened during the summer is well and truly over.” Liar!

  He stays silent looking straight through me probably knowing I’m bullshitting him. If I tell myself the same thing over and over again, then perhaps I’ll start believing it really is over. But who am I kidding, Callie and I have unfinished business.

  I slump down on the sofa, sprawling out while I wait for Donovan to speak. My friend has something to say and I wish to fuck he’d just say it and get it over with. Unlike me, he thinks everything through before anything leaves his mouth.

  My stomach grumbling stops Donovan from thinking too damn hard. “How the hell can you be hungry again after everything you put away before the gig?” He runs his hands through his already messy hair while waiting. “Reece,” he growls.

  “What the hell do you want me to say? You haven’t really asked me a question. Yes, I’m hungry again because I puked my guts up outside. Happy now?” Standing, I move toward the door trying to get out of the room before anything is said about my asshole tendencies, but I’m not that lucky.

  “Why’d you fuck her?”

  I freeze and rest my forehead against the door in front of me.

  “I only intended to have a good time with her. I never expected to feel anything else,” I answer, purposely misunderstanding whom he’s talking about. I don’t even want to think about the chick out back now that my stomach has calmed down.

  “Stop being an dick. You know damn well who I’m referring to. I heard Callie tell Thalia she caught you fucking her. At least that’s what I think she said considering she was in floods of fucking tears because of you… Anyway, I think you’ve gotten what you wanted, she’s over you and going to go for it with Luke.”

  Breathing heavily, unable to get enough air in to my lungs, I clench my fists wanting to plant them in someone’s face.

  Yanking the door open, I say, “Whatever,” over my shoulder as I storm out, letting the door slam shut behind me.

  I really want to leave Kenza and go back to my room and drink myself to oblivion, but what I do instead is find my feet leading me along the corridor to the front of the club.

  The corridor is dark with a couple locked in one hell of a hot embrace in the corner, and it wouldn’t surprise me if he had his dick in her from the hip movement going on.

  Feeling my phone vibrate in my back pocket, I push through the door into the main part of the club as I look at the text. Dal.

  Can I come stay in a couple of weeks?

  Without thinking, I punch out my reply.

  Yes. Why? What’s happened?

  This is the first time in over six months that she’s asked to come and stay with me.

  Nothing. I just want a break.

  I rub my neck, knowing there’s something more to this request than she’s saying.

  Let me know when you’re leaving and I’ll meet you so you don’t get lost.

  Dal could get lost going from her house to the damn school. With that thought in my head, I grin and sliding my cell into my pocket, I look around and spot Callie.

  She isn’t alone. She’s pressed up tight against him. Grinding against him with his leg between her fucking legs. She throws her head back as he locks his lips to her neck and starts to move his hands up her too damn short skirt.

  Seeing red as soon as it registers that his hands have hit their target and are holding on to her ass underneath her skirt, I charge forward knocking everyone in my path out of the way. Reaching them, I slide my arm around Callie’s waist and yank her out of Luke’s embrace. “Stay away from her,” I shout before hauling away a pissed off Callie over my shoulder.

  Stomping to the band’s room while Callie beats on my back with her fists, I slam the door shut and finally put her back on her feet only to have her stamp on one of my feet, which hurts like a fucker.

  “What the hell was that for?”

  “What was that for? Are you an idiot? You’ve just dragged me out of the arms of a totally hot guy, who was actually hot for me,” she fumes. “It felt damn good being in the arms of someone who actually wants me. Someone who makes me WET.” She emphasizes the wet part.

  I’ll give her fucking wet.

  Taking two steps toward her, I push her up against the door, and holding her head still with my fingers tangled in her blonde locks, I do what I’ve wanted to do for so damn long and seal my lips over hers.

  She doesn’t fight. She dives straight in, sucking my tongue into her open mouth before darting her tongue back into mine. This girl belongs to me. I don’t know what the fuck I’m going to do about her, but she’s mine.

  Moving my hands, I slide them over her hips and taking hold of her thighs, I hoist her up as I move in and press my hard as fuck dick against her pussy.

  She moans into my mouth as she wraps her legs around my waist, trying to get closer to me. Wriggling around, she’s driving me insane. No one else has ever made me feel this way. Although she’s hot as fucking hell, there’s an innocence about her. She doesn’t have a lot of experience, but she sure as hell makes up for it in enthusiasm. Her movements and enthusiasm are about to have me embarrassing myself by coming in my jeans.

  Rubbing against her, I move my hand up to one of her tits, tweaking her nipple at the same time as I move my mouth to her neck and suck. She starts moving frantically against my cock, which starts to lengthen as the fire in my balls gets ready to explode.

  I release her neck to try and catch my breath, which is practically impossible with her moaning and groaning, rubbing against me.

  “Babe,” I groan, slamming my mouth back to hers as the tip of my cock nearly flies off with the power of my orgasm while Callie gives one deep moan flooding my jeans with her release. God, she kills me. She fucking kills me.

  Lifting my face up from her neck, where I buried it during my release I see her tear stained face as more tears slip out from her eyes and down her cheeks. This isn’t good.

  “Callie,” I whisper. “Please don’t cry. I’m sorry. God, I’m so fucking sorry for hurting you, but please stop.” Hell, I’m practically begging her. I hate tears. A girl’s tears scare the shit outta me, but seeing Callie in tears is hurting like a fucker.

  I let her slide down my legs and pull her skirt back down over her hips before meeting her eyes. Something dies inside me when I see the look in them. Flat. There’s no life in them.

  “We shouldn’t have done that… You’ve made it clear more than once that I’m not what you want.” She laughs, swiping at her tears with the back of her hands before meeting my eyes.

  I can’t find my tongue. I’ve been a bastard to her, although having the girl out back had more to do with Callie than she realizes, but I don’t think now’s the time to tell her who it was I thought I was fucking.

  Grabbing behind her for the doorknob, I reach out and take hold of her wrist still not knowing what to say to her. Instead of whispering reasons why she should stay, I beg, “Please don’t leave. Not like this.”

  She pauses and looks to
be gathering courage, which tells me I’m not going to like what she’s about to say.

  “Please stop, okay. Stop ruining things for me with other guys. You made your choice, so please let me be because I can’t do this with you and keep my feelings out of it.” She slips out through the door after having her say.

  Cussing, and before one of the guys walk in, I head for the bathroom to try and clean the cum from my dick and jeans. Christ. I can’t believe I went ‘horny guy’ on her. I really did mean to talk to her and to apologize. I’d even planned on asking her to have coffee with me tomorrow. I sure as hell never meant to pounce on her, give her an orgasm and make her fucking cry.

  How the hell does she expect me to leave her alone? I know I should, but the truth, which is like a punch to the gut, is that I can’t. She’s under my skin. Her innocence mixed with the passion buried within her, which I’m sure I’m the only one to have seen…well apart from Donovan, is what draws me to her, or rather what pulled me to her to begin with. But the night we spent together, alone before I blew it was the happiest I can ever remember being with a girl. Yes, we spent a lot of the night fucking like bunnies, but we’d also spent time talking. I told her things I’ve never even told the guys, but skirted around Dal. I’m also positive she told me things that she hasn’t shared with Thalia.

  “Fuck,” I shout, smashing my fist into the mirror above the sink. My insides feel like they’re being torn from me. She’s going to fucking listen. To what, I’ve no idea, but she’s going to listen because I’ll be damned if she’s going to be with anyone else.

  Chapter 9


  Standing with my back to the door, I try and hold back the rest of my tears. I’ve cried buckets over Reece and I’ll probably end up crying some more before I get over him. If I get over him. Why him? Why have I gotten myself so…so…besotted with him? Or whatever the hell name you want to put to my feelings for him. There are plenty of cowboys back home, not just on my family’s ranch, but also in town. Why can’t I be hooked on one of them instead of Reece? Because he does things to you that no one else has managed to do. Ugh!


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