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Page 6

by Lexi Buchanan

  Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath and opening them again, I look around wondering where Thalia’s gone. On that thought a small smile has my lips twitching. She’ll be locked away with Phoenix in a store cupboard or something, relieving his hard-on. I shake my head, they’re a cute couple, but the way they can’t keep their hands to themselves is quite embarrassing…especially when I’m the one who often walks in on them.

  The music is still blaring; bodies are still pumping and grinding to the beat and one couple have my eyes opening wide trying to see better because they look to be having sex. The girl is grinding her ass against the groin of the guy behind her, and he looks to be moving his hips as she writhes against him. They seem to still and then…oh…my…God. He’s putting his cock away. Fuck. I didn’t know anyone would do something like that on the dance floor. In view of everyone. God, I need to leave.

  Retrieving my cell from between my breasts, I quickly dash out a text to Thalia letting her know I’m on my way back to the hotel and would see her in the morning, not really expecting an answer considering I know what she’s up to.

  That sorted, I push away from the door and head toward the front of the club via the dark and dingy corridor, which nearly sets me off into another panic attack like the one earlier in the night. If there was a bit of light so I could see around me then my reaction wouldn’t be so bad, but I can’t…

  My chest starts to tighten, rising and falling in quick succession, my palms grow slick with sweat, and I can feel beads of moisture across my forehead. I’m beginning to think walking off alone was a really bad idea.

  Banging into the wall, I rest my hand against it to try and keep me centered as the door at the end of the corridor opens. I try and focus on the man, who’s just walked through the door, but my eyes won’t focus, I start to feel nauseous. I bring my shaking hand up to rub at my eyes, but it doesn’t make any difference when I feel someone take hold of my shoulders.

  “Hey. It’s Callie, right?”

  I recognize his voice, but who is he? Why do I recognize the voice? Dark and husky.

  Wrapping an arm around my shoulders, I catch his cologne, which reminds me of chocolate for some reason.

  “Let me help you.”

  With him distracting me, I start to become aware that I’m about to go off with a total stranger. Someone I can’t remember. I try and pull out of his arms and end up clunking my head against the wall.

  “Callie, it’s Ruben. I own the club. We met earlier when you were with your friend, Thalia.” He stays standing in front of me as though he’s waiting for me to fall over.

  Wrapping my arms around my waist, I meet his eyes. I do remember him. A gorgeous guy, although a bit too old for me.

  “I…I get a bit claustrophobic.” I’m embarrassed now I’ve admitted that to him. It’s my one weakness…well it was my one weakness until I met Reece.

  “C’mon, let me lead you away from here.” Ruben takes hold of my elbow and starts to pull me away from the wall and back the way I’ve just come.

  “Take your hands off her.” Reece. He ends up standing in front of us with his fists clenched by his side.

  He doesn’t once look at me, but he’s glaring at Ruben.

  “Stop being an ass and put it away... Your girls sick,” Ruben tells him and I wish he’d kept his mouth shut.

  Reece moves his head to look at me. “Callie?”

  I shake my head, which isn’t such a good idea considering I want to puke.

  Reece reaches out to steady me. “I’ll take you back to the hotel,” he says before glaring at Ruben.

  Ruben throws his hands up in the air and snickers. “Here,” he tosses some keys to Reece, “use my car. It’s parked out back. You can return it in the morning before you leave.” With that he walks away, leaving me with the object of my heartbreak.

  Tightening his grip on my arm, he moves in closer and all I want to do is lay my head against his chest to breathe him in, instead I look up and meet his eyes, all my anger draining from me.

  “Are you sick?” he whispers, rubbing his hand up and down my arm as though he has to continue touching me.

  “Not really…but I could do with some fresh air.”

  He nods, letting go of me as he indicates for me to go in front of him back down the corridor toward the back entrance with his arm. I start to move past him, but my legs feel like jelly and I’m not too sure I’m going to make it as I cling to the wall.

  Before I try and take another step, I’m swept off my feet and into Reece’s arms, tight against his hard chest. My heart rate picks up as I think ‘what the heck.’ I’m exactly where I want to be so I slip my arms around his neck, snuggling in tight. I close my eyes to shut out the darkness and closed space, but other things start to take over, like the scent of his cologne, which is so Reece. Dark and sensuous. I remember his hard chiseled body with his arousal jutting forward, waiting for my mouth. He’s long with a wide girth, which made me struggle to fit all of him into my mouth. It didn’t seem to bother him though because he’d come down my throat within minutes of my tongue and mouth working him over.

  Feeling the fresh air against my skin, I open my eyes and realize while I’ve been distracted with my naughty thoughts about the man holding me in his arms, he’s managed to get me safely outside.

  Thank God for the fresh air though. The last thing I need is for him to realize he still affects me, although after the hot session in the band’s room he probably has a good idea not to mention the fact I can’t stop squirming in his arms.

  Chancing a look up into his face, I see the smirk he’s not trying to hide. Fuck! He knows what he’s doing to me.

  “What’s so good that has you blushing…and squirming?” he whispers into my ear. I whimper.

  Chuckling, he holds me tighter. “Baby, I’m not sure what’s going on with you, but I’m not letting you out of my sight tonight.”

  I open my mouth to protest, shutting it again rather quickly. There is no way I’m sleeping with him again. I’m not sure my heart can take it. But…I’m not sure my heart can take him walking away from me again.

  Sometimes, I wish I had more experience with guys. I mean, I have more experience than most considering it isn’t everyday a girl gets to be with two men, but dealing with men, especially sexy idiots just isn’t me. I feel like I’m completely lost in how to deal with Reece.

  “Callie, although I wouldn’t mind having you in my arms all night, I think you might prefer to be in your bed alone,” he grins. “Get the door, babe.”

  He’s standing beside a huge, black SUV with tinted windows. I reach out and open the door, pushing it wide as he shoves it further open with his shoulder before moving to place me on the seat. He doesn’t put me down though. Resting his forehead against mine, he says, “I’m not good at explaining myself…to anyone, but we can’t keep avoiding each other. Will you let me stay and look after you tonight?” I stay silent unable to get my tongue to work because listening to what Reece is saying is unexpected to say the least. He continues, “I can see you’re not well regardless of my teasing. If I promise to behave, please let me stay, Callie. Please don’t ask me to walk away especially now that you’re not well.”

  Fudgesticks! I can’t refuse him. I need my head examined.

  “You left me,” I blurt out and start to cry. God, what’s wrong with me.

  Reece cusses and places me into the SUV, but as soon as my butt hits the seat he turns me toward him. “Ah…Callie.” He steps between my legs, wrapping his arms around my waist as my arms go around his shoulders; I bury my face into his neck and sob.

  Chapter 10


  What the fuck should I do? Should I say? I knew I’d screwed up royally, but I had no idea I’d upset the girl in my arms as much as I obviously have. I have no doubt that she’s going to be pissed as hell in the morning once she’s had a chance to sleep on it. Perhaps, sneaking out before she wakes might be in order – fuck – I can’t do that. Not
this time.

  I gradually untangle myself from her arms, and grab some tissues from the box on the floor of the SUV, which I shove into her hands.

  She turns away, refusing to look at me.


  Shaking her head, she continues to use the napkins to mop up with and gets herself comfortable in her seat, still avoiding my eyes. And some seat it is. Ruben has one hell of a ride with this black beast. Even the interior is black – black leather seats, black marble dash. It sure as hell suits him.

  Moving my gaze back to Callie, I start to get exasperated with her, but I refuse to budge until she acknowledges me. No way am I going to let her get away with the silent treatment, and if she thinks I’ve forgotten about wanting to talk she can think again. First things first though, I want to know what the hell happened to her back there. She’s getting some color back into her cheeks, but she still looks clammy.

  “You want to stay there all night?” she asks me, her voice rough because of the crying.

  “No. I’m waiting for you to look at me.” I stand with my hands on my hips as I watch her slowly turn her head toward me. Staying put and not reaching out to her takes a hell of a lot out of me. Just one look into her swimming eyes is nearly enough to undo me. “That’s better.”

  I close the door and run around to the driver’s side, climbing in I don’t waste any time in starting the engine and getting us out of there. I just hope she’ll talk to me once we arrive back at the hotel.

  ~ * ~

  I don’t do silence. Silence drives me crazy and makes me damn twitchy. During the drive back to the hotel, Callie stared out of her window without one glance in my direction. I tried. I even resorted to mentioning the weather, which was pretty damn lame. All I wanted to do was pull the SUV over, unclip our seat belts and pull her into my arms and make her forget all the stupid things I’ve done. I’m not sure that would have worked though.

  She’s now in the bathroom taking a shower while I lounge back on her bed wondering if she’ll let me share it with her. I want nothing more than to go back to the morning in Alabama when I ran out on her, except this time I wouldn’t run out. I’d stay and finish what we started…and I’d probably give her my cell number, which I never give to anyone.

  Hearing the door open, I try not to look, but my eyes have a mind of their own and zoom straight into her standing in the doorway, looking very unsure.

  “Callie, c’mon babe. You’re tired.” I climb from the bed and pull the cover back on the opposite side before indicating with my arms that she should climb in.

  After a few seconds of hesitation, she quickly moves to the opposite side and jumps into the bed, pulling the covers up to her chest.

  She’s going to kill me. Knowing there is only a thin sheet and blanket covering her sexy curves in her panties and t-shirt. Yeah, I caught the flash of panties as she jumped into bed. It was totally unavoidable while I was looking at her gorgeous legs.

  Without moving our eyes from the other, I reach out to the wall and make a quick move to knock the lights out before she notices my reaction to her. The same reaction she causes every time I look at her – every time I hear her voice. Plunging us into complete darkness, I cuss because I’d forgotten to switch the lamp on to the right of the bed before getting up.

  Groping around in the dark, my hand finally connects with the lamp. After switching it on, I chance another look at Callie, only to find her biting her lip, trying not to laugh.

  I grin before winking at her. “Although you’ve seen everything I have, you might want to shut your eyes.” Reaching for my zipper, I pull it down and unbutton my jeans before kicking them off my legs, thanking God I’d decided to wear shorts. “You know? I never knew you could be so quiet.”

  She clears her throat. “Where…” She coughs before trying again. “Where are you planning on sleeping?”

  Sitting on the bed, I keep my back to her, trying to hide my smile. “I’m sleeping right beside ya, darlin’.” Propping the pillows up against the headboard, I quickly slide underneath the covers before she has time to think and lean back. Getting into a comfortable position, I pull her into my arms, cuddling her against my chest.

  She sighs, slipping her hand slowly up my stomach with it coming to a rest on my chest. “Don’t get any sex ideas, because it isn’t happening and if I was feeling myself then you wouldn’t be in this room.”

  I hate that. The fact that she’s only being compliant because she isn’t well, which is my next question. “So, what happened back there…and don’t tell me nothing.”

  Stroking her back, I feel her take a deep breath in and out. She stays silent. “Callie, please tell me.”

  “I…I don’t do well in confined spaces – dark spaces. They send me into a panic.” She snuggles more into me. “It’s been a hell of a long time since I’ve had one like that… Stress can, um, tends to make them worse than usual.” Laughing, she says, “I can’t believe I’m about to admit this, but I’m glad you were there. To get me outta there…Thank you.”

  Lying down in the bed, I turn her over and spoon behind her, burying my nose into her neck. I inhale and then nip her neck slightly with my teeth before forcing myself to pull away, but not before I feel her shiver in my arms.

  “I’m still not having sex with you.”

  I chuckle, which ends on a groan when she rubs her backside against my cock that’s not only hard and pulsing with a life of its own, but leaking in excitement, which she’s going to discover unless she stops. Grabbing her hips, I hold her still and kiss her on the back of her head before saying, “Sleep Callie…before you kill me.”

  “I’ve told you something tonight that no one knows about me apart from Thalia… Tomorrow, will you tell me what happened – why?”

  Closing my eyes, I try to think of how to answer. I know exactly what she’s referring to, I’m just not sure what the fuck to say to her. At least without Dahlia being brought into the conversation and she’s the one person I won’t talk about. Dahlia’s story isn’t mine to tell. No one knows it, not even my closest friends. Phoenix and Donovan have accepted my decision to stay quiet about her, although I took a lot of grief over her to begin with.

  I may be a dick every now and again, but the thought of losing Callie again, now I’ve gotten her to at least be in the same room as me isn’t an option. Shit, we’re sharing a bed, which I never thought would ever happen again. Okay, we’re not naked…yet, but my cock and I live in hope.

  “Yeah. Tomorrow. Go to sleep. I’m fucked.”

  Chapter 11


  Slowly coming out of my slumber, I try not to move until I can figure out what I’m lying against because whatever it is, it’s hot and hard or at least what’s jabbing into my backside is. I open my eyes and notice daylight coming through the slats of the blinds, which are only partially closed.

  I press against the solid presence behind me and freeze when I hear a groan. Fuckshit – Reece! Last night comes rushing back at me. My panic attack. Reece bringing me back to the hotel. Holding me while I admitted to him about my reaction to close spaces. He basically looked after me, and from the feel of things, he held me all night, not necessarily comfortable for him though if he’s been in that condition all night.

  But feeling him behind me with his arm still over my stomach is doing something to my body. All I want is to get even closer to him. To forget all the reasons why I should stay clear of him. All the reasons why I need to keep my libido from coming into contact with Reece. It goes haywire the minute he so much as looks at me.

  Right now my nipples are pointed tips needing his hands on them and my pussy is wet and throbbing, begging for relief. I rub my legs together to try and ease the ache going on down there, but all that does is bring me into closer contact with Reece’s dick.

  With a slight hip movement, I rub back and forth against him, unable to stop because he feels too good. Moaning, I add more pressure…and find myself flat on my back with Reece
straddling me, his cock resting on my pussy.

  “You’re playing with fire.” He breathes in and out, his chest rising and falling against my aching nipples as he holds my wrists above my head with heavily lidded eyes.

  I whisper, “I thought I was playing with you.”

  He groans before sealing his mouth with mine. No sweet, butterfly kisses. Not Reece. He goes for full attack. The taste of him is intoxicating. The feel of his tongue pushing back and forth into my mouth has my panties flooding with my wetness.

  While he continues to devour my mouth, I try to grind against him, which isn’t easy as he’s still straddling me.

  “Fuck, Callie.” He lets out a loud groan separating our mouths, panting. He lets go of my wrists and brings one hand to the side of my face and the other slips underneath my ass, holding me tight against him.

  I can feel his cock pulsing against me with only his shorts and my panties separating us. God, I want him so badly.

  He starts to pull away, but I can’t let him. I’m so close to my orgasm that I’m not sure I can survive if he doesn’t finish this.


  I grab his face with my hands and bring him back down to me, sliding my tongue into his mouth and tangling my tongue with his.

  “Callie…we have to talk.” He tries to stop me, but his lips trail all over my face to my neck and collarbone.

  I arch into him, trying to get him to show some love to my nipples. He chuckles.

  “Talk later,” I pant as the tension builds in my body. “Make me come…so close.”

  His eyes lose the laughter and fill with lust again.

  He lifts my t-shirt off over my head and looks at my breasts. I’ve always been, um, well endowed, and I’m lucky enough to have high, firm, perky breasts.

  “God, you’re beautiful,” Reece croaks out, licking his lips.


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