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Falling for Bentley (Part One)

Page 3

by Borris, Shawnte

  Throwing on a tank top with my jean shorts, I headed out to the shop to load up the quad trailers with the barbwire, staples, hammers, and extra gloves. Hearing the rumble of their trucks, I walked out of the shop to greet the boys.

  “Hi, boys, welcome to the ranch,” I smiled up at them.

  “Afternoon is Mr. Wells around? Coach said that we would be working for him,” a dark haired boy asked.

  “My grandfather left on vacation this morning, so for the next two weeks you will be working alongside me.” I replied in my teaching voice.

  The seven boys looked at each other and smirked. The dark haired boy spoke again and lifted his hand to shake mine. “Great, my name is Travis Knight. This here is Bo, Andrew, Cody, Mack, JJ, and Cullen, but everyone calls him Twilight.”

  “Shut up,” shoved Cullen.

  “I can see why,” I teased.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you Ms…?” replied Cullen.

  “Haley will be fine,” I smiled. “I think today we will start on fencing the back quarter and replace any wire that looks weak or destroyed.”

  “Sounds good to us,” all the boys replied.

  “Great, then let’s get to work.” I turned and walked back to the shop. “Follow me.”

  I WALKED IN the house through the kitchen, and saw my mom pouring a cup of coffee. “Morning, Mom.” I walked over and kissed her cheek.

  “Hi, sweetheart, would you care for a cup of coffee?”

  “Please.” I leaned over my mom and reached for my favorite Garfield coffee cup.

  “I see some things never change,” my mom laughed.

  “Yeah,” I replied quietly.

  Mom sat at the kitchen table and watched me pour my coffee. “Bentley?”

  “Yeah, Mom?” I asked, turning around.

  “Come sit.” She padded the seat beside her, “Let’s talk.”

  I pulled out the chair and sat across from my mom. I looked into her eyes and noticed how tired they were. “Mom, are you feeling okay? You look tired.”

  “That’s what I wanted to talk to you about.” She held onto her cup with both hands.

  “Where’s dad?” I asked looking towards the living room.

  “He’s not here, I asked Uncle Chris to take him fishing today.”

  I let out a small breath of relief.

  “Bentley, I need to talk to you about the farm.” I looked up at my mom, and she had a grim expression on her face. “I know you are not happy here.”


  “Sweetheart,” she placed her hands on mine, “I know, and more importantly, I understand. Working with someone like your father since he got hurt can be …well, it can be a pain the ass.” Mom and I both chuckled. Mom held my hands tighter, “I want you to know that I, no we, appreciate everything you do around here. You have become a very fine man, and I am very proud of you. We understand what you gave up for us, and it’s something we can never repay you for, son.”

  “It was never a choice,” I whispered looking down at the table.

  “For you no, I don’t think you gave yourself a choice. For us, Bentley…”

  “Please stop…” I slipped my hands out from under hers and we sat quiet for a few moments.

  “Bentley, I’m thinking of selling the farm.”

  “What?” I couldn’t believe what I just heard.

  “I wanted to hold out until Travis was old enough to make the decision to stay or go and even though he hasn’t exactly said he is leaving, I’m pretty sure he’s going to. Once he leaves you won’t have help. I’m too tired looking after your dad, the house, and the farm books to even consider helping you out.”

  “What about hiring a farm hand?” I asked.

  “We both know the farm doesn’t have that kind of money, and trying to find someone worthwhile is even harder.”

  “What does Dad have to say about all this?”

  “He’s not happy of course, but then again, he never thought he’d be retired at the age of forty-seven either.”

  “Mom, we can work…”

  She cut me off, “This farm has been in my family for generations, Bentley, so at the very end, it’s ultimately my decision.”

  I swallowed, “What if I were to buy in, or we could sell off some land and cattle?”

  “Those are options, too,” Mom smiled. “But, son, you really need to decide what you want. Whatever it is, you will have our full support.” Mom looked out the window and let out a sigh. “Bentley, you need to stay for the right reasons, your reasons. You need to be happy, and right now you’re not happy. I can see it in your face every day, and as your mother, it kills me. You need to remember why you love it out here.”

  I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and kissed the top of her head. “I love you, Mom.”

  “I love you, sweetheart, more then you will ever know. No matter what decision you make, your dad and I will always love and support you.”

  I unwrapped my arms from her and went back to the table, “When do you want an answer by?”

  “I was hoping by the end of August.”

  I almost dropped my cup, “That soon?”

  “Yes, your father and I want things settled before the snow hits the ground.”

  “I see.” I said, still in shock.

  Mom turned so she could look me in the eyes, “I want you to leave, take a week off, and listen to your soul and see what it says. Now go pack a bag, and just remember to text me every once in a while to tell me you’re alive.”

  “What about…”

  “Uncle Chris said he’d help. There really isn’t much to do this week, so we’ll be fine.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, go!” she smiled and pulled me into a big hug.

  I headed up to my room, but stopped halfway up and leaned over the railing, “Mom?”

  “Yeah?” she hollered from the kitchen.

  “Does Maggie know what you’re thinking of doing?” I asked.

  “Yes. She’s the one that helped me come to my decision.”

  My bags were packed, and I was nervous about where my thoughts were going to lead me. Do I want to leave the farm, or do I want to buy in? I lay in my bed, closed my eyes and just breathed. I must have fallen asleep, because when my phone went off, it startled the crap out of me.


  “Hi, Bentley. Coach Dudley here.”

  “Hey, Coach, what’s up?”

  “I was wondering if you could fill in for me at the Wells’ ranch for a few days? I have an unexpected in-law situation, and my beautiful, determined wife insists we take them places while they are here to visit.”

  I laughed, “Coach, she’s standing beside you, isn’t she?”


  “Tell Mrs. Dudley I’d love to take your place this week.”

  “Thanks, Bentley.”

  “Have fun,” I teased while hanging up the phone.

  I grabbed my keys off my dresser and my bag before heading out. I let Mom know I was leaving to go over to the Wells’ ranch to give them a hand, and I’ll most likely stay with Curtis

  “I love you, Bentley.”

  Opening the door to my truck, I looked back at my mom and took a moment to see some of the stress was gone from her face, “Thank you, Mom.”

  SLOWLY PULLING UP to the ranch, I could hear the boys laughing. I got out of the truck and followed the sounds to the shop.

  “So then, after his date left him in total disgust, he still stayed and watched the end of the movie,” laughed Bo.

  “Shut up, man. It’s not like I knew vampires could make babies,” Cullen complained.

  “That, right there, is why we call him Twilight,” taunted my brother.

  Haley was bent over laughing, “Oh God, I wish I could have seen the look on her face.”

  “She was pissed. It was so worth watching the end of the movie just to see that,” Travis roared.

  “Wait…” she pointed to all of them, “you all went and saw the

  “Well yeah, how else were we going to sabotage his date?” asked Mack.

  “So you all stayed and watched the ending?” she asked, while holding her sides still laughing.

  “We even went back and watched part two. Do you know how many hot chicks went to see that movie?” asked JJ, giving Bo a fist pump.

  Haley shook her head, “You guys are funny.”

  “Come on, Haley, I’m sure you did stuff like that in high school?” asked Travis.

  “Can’t say I did. I moved here the beginning of my sophomore year, and by that time, everyone already had their groups of friends.” Haley shrugged her shoulders.

  She walked over to the workbench and bent down to grab something. I watched her as her legs stretched and her little bum pushed out and wiggled as she tried to untangle something.

  “I think I need some help. Can someone lift the air compressor off this rope, please?”

  My team was just standing there, mouths hanging open. I cleared my throat and walked in the rest of the way.

  “Hi, Coach,” the boys said in unison.

  “Boys,” I glared letting them know they been caught ogling her perfect ass.

  Haley quickly turned around, losing her balance. Travis reached his arm forward just in time so she didn’t fall. “Lucky bastard,” one of them coughed.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked wiping her hands on the bottom of her tank top.

  “I’m the adult supervision,” I replied.

  “Haley, may I introduce my brother, Bentley, or Coach Knight,” Travis offered.

  Haley turned her head to my brother, “Coach Knight?”

  She took a step back and looked me over, “I know, Bentley. We went to high school together.”

  “No, shit,” Travis snickered under his breath.

  “Watch your mouth,” I growled.

  “Sorry, Coach,” Travis backed away from Haley.

  “I’m the defensive coach, actually. Coach Dudley is still the head coach,” I offered.

  Haley started walking out of the shop then she stopped turning to Bo, “Bo, would you mind getting that rope for me, please? I’m just going to run up to the house and grab the cooler I left on the back step.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he replied.

  “Thank you,” she muttered before practically running towards the house.

  I hurried out, “Haley, wait.” I grabbed her arm and she planted her feet glaring at my hold.


  “I just wanted to apologize for what happed at the diner this morning.”

  She gave me a funny look, “You’re apologizing for being conceited at the diner, but you won’t apologize for calling me names throughout high school and making my life hell? Nice, Bentley, real nice.”

  She spun back around, but this time stormed towards the house. I rested my hands on the back of my neck and wrung it. I let out my breath. Sometimes, I can be such an asshole. I went back to the barn, seeing my brother leaning against the door smiling.

  I TRIED NOT to let him bother me. I thought I had put the past behind me. As I made it up the steps, one tear fell down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away; I will not let Bentley Knight get to me like he did in high school. No, I will not. This is my home, my territory, and I’ll be damned if he takes that away from me.

  Picking up the cooler, I headed back to the barn. “All right boys, are we ready to head out?” I asked throwing the cooler in the back of one of the wagons. “Since there are nine of us and only three quads, how do you boys want to do this?”

  “Cullen and Bo are going to take one quad. Andrew, Cody and Mack are going to take Mack’s truck out. Which leaves JJ, you, me and my brother for the other two.” replied Travis.

  Travis got down on one knee in front of me, with one hand on his chest and the other reaching for my hand, “Haley, will you do me the honorable privilege of riding a quad with me?”

  “There will be none of that. Travis, get up.” Bentley announced.

  “I guess you heard the dragon,” I nodded towards Bentley. “I can ride myself.” Walking over I patted the quad seat, “I think I can handle her.”

  “Fair enough,” agreed Travis, snickering at his brother.

  “Shut up and get on the damn quad, Travis,” Bentley ordered.

  I told the boys to go ahead and I’ll follow behind shutting the gates as we go. I hopped on the quad and started it up. Putting on my work gloves, I saw Bentley walk up.

  “Push back, Haley.”

  “Why?” I challenged.

  “You are riding with me.”

  “No, I’m not,” I replied snippy.



  “Haley, move back,” he tried demanding again.

  “No. If you want to get on, then you are riding with me. Hop on the back and don’t touch me,” I growled.

  “Fine,” he said as he threw one leg behind me to get on.

  On the way to the back quarter I made sure I hit every damn hole, fast.

  “Haley, slow down, it’s not exactly comfy sitting on these bars.”

  I hit another big hole, laughing to myself, “What? I didn’t hear you.”

  Bentley leaned down to my ear, “You are busting my balls.”

  I slowed down, “Sorry.” I snickered.

  “I’m sure you are,” he ground out between gritted teeth.

  I drove the rest of the way with a huge smile on my face.

  We finally got to the start of the fence line and the boys were lined up against Mack’s truck, waiting for my directions.

  “Okay, boys, let’s do this.” I clapped my gloves together, “I’ll start the first wire and Cody can string out the line. The rest of you can staple as we go. We are doing a four wire fence, but with all of us, we should get a good portion of it done today, and whoever comes out tomorrow will finish it.”

  The boys were a great help, they took out everything we needed and set it up. I was just about ready to start the wire when Bentley tried pushing me out of the way.

  “What are you doing?” I demanded, holding on tight to the fence stretcher, as Bentley tried to take it out from my hands.

  “Starting the fence.”

  “I know. I’m doing it.” I tugged back.

  “Look, I can get it tighter than you. Just give me the fence stretcher,” Bentley instructed.

  “Fence stretcher what?” I challenged, holding it still between us.

  “Haley, please give my pig-headed brother the fence stretcher,” called out Travis.

  “I’d be delighted to Travis,” I replied in my kindest voice, shoving the stretcher into Bentley’s chest before walking away. Grabbing a hammer and a pail of nails I walked my way down the fence line.

  “DAMN, IT’S SO hot out today,” Bo said, taking off his wife-beater and wiping the sweat off his forehead.

  “I know, man. I’m surprised we aren’t melting,” replied Cullen.

  “Twilight, vampire’s don’t melt, they sparkle in the sun,” teased Bo, trying to take off Cullen’s t-shirt, “Come on, Cullen let’s see you sparkle.”

  Cullen shoved him back, “Fuck off, Bo.”

  The boys started laughing, cheering Bo on.

  “All right, boys, let’s stop and see what’s in the cooler,” I offered. “Since everyone is picking on Cullen, he can sit with me and pick the first drink out of the cooler.”

  “Thanks, Haley,” muttered Cullen.

  “No worries, Twilight,” I laughed.

  Rolling his eyes, Cullen dug in the cooler, “Is this Mrs. Wells’ sweet tea?”

  “It is,” I winked.

  “Awesome,” he said, excitedly opening the lid and downing half of it.

  “Any more in the cooler?” asked JJ, “I love her sweet tea. She makes the best in church.”

  “Nope, I just saw the one bottle in the fridge,” I shrugged, downing a bottle of water.

  An hour later, I was done, so I told the boys it was a wrap f
or the day. “Thanks, guys, for all your help. I can’t believe how much we got done today.”

  “I’d say another two hours tomorrow and we should be done, Haley,” Andrew announced looking down the fence line.

  “I think so, Andrew.” I smiled at the boys. “If you are coming tomorrow, let’s start at eight so we can finish early. I hear tomorrow is supposed to be hotter. When the fence gets done, why don’t you boys bring your swim trunks and cool off in the pond afterwards,” I offered. “Then, if y’all want to stick around, we can BBQ in the afternoon.”

  Everyone else said they were coming back, except Cody. “Sorry, Haley, but I promised my mom I’d help her in the garden tomorrow.”

  “No worries. I’m just glad you were able to help today.”

  “I can come on Thursday,” he offered.

  “Sure, come whenever you can make it. I don’t want to be taking any of you away from your family, or other commitments you have already made.” I said, securing the cooler to the truck and looking over to the boys.

  “The team will be here, we made a commitment,” Bentley announced roughly.

  “All righty then.” I saluted before hopping up on the tailgate of the truck. “Bentley, will you be the last one out and close the gates, please?”

  Back at the barn I told the boys to leave everything in the barn and to not bother putting it away, since we’ll just be using it tomorrow. After I sent them on their way, I walked into the house and slouched in a kitchen chair. I forgot how exhausting it was working in the sun, but I can’t say I’m sore, since the boys pretty much pushed me out of the way and did everything themselves.

  I took another look at Papa’s list, deciding tomorrow the boys can finish the fence while I cut the grass then weed the garden and flowerbeds. I made myself a quick sandwich before hopping in the shower and climbing into bed.

  I DON’T UNDERSTAND why Haley got under my skin, but she did. Maybe it was her smell, or her smile, or how fucking great her legs looked in those sweet-ass shorts. I gave my head a shake, trying to let go of the image of her, sitting on the tailgate, boobs bouncing, while I followed her on the quad.


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