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Falling for Bentley (Part One)

Page 4

by Borris, Shawnte

  Holding Curtis’ fridge door open as I stared into space thinking of Haley, I once again found myself wondering what she was doing at this very moment. Maybe she was soaking in the new claw tub Curtis installed for her grandmother.

  “What are you doing?”

  I jumped, hitting my head on the freezer door, “Fuck!”

  “Serves you right for holding my fridge door open for the last five minutes.”

  Rubbing the top of my head, “Hey, man, what are you doing home so soon?” I turned and shut the fridge door.

  “Whoa, dude! Put the tent away.” Curtis cringed while covering his eyes.

  I immediately covered my crotch by reopening the fridge door. “Beer?”


  I passed him the beer before closing the door, hoping that my dick had time to deflate. “I thought you were going to Loran’s tonight?”

  “I was, but she has PMS or something, and was totally bitchy, so I came back home.” We walked over to the living room and settled in to watch Sports Center. “If I didn’t love her so much…sometimes I just wish I could say, ‘Put the crazy back in the box.’”

  I laughed, “Well, you should have known crazy runs in that family. Seriously, look at her sister, Mandie.”

  Curtis was quiet for a moment before he blurted out, “I want to marry her!”

  I spit out my beer, “What?”

  Curtis got up and set his beer on the table. “Bentley, I’m going to ask Loran to marry me.”

  “Seriously?” I asked stunned.

  “Yeah, man. I love her.”

  “It’s only been six months,” I coughed.

  “I know, but shit man, I fell in love with her before she even decided to go out with me.”

  I stood and gave Curtis a bro hug, “Congratulations, man. I’m happy for you.”

  “Thanks, man.”

  Curtis grabbed his phone and walked into his bedroom while I went back to the couch. I must have fallen asleep because when Curtis opened his bedroom door it woke me. He had his jacket and boots on.

  “Where are you going?” I asked sitting up.

  “To Loran’s.”

  “Going to grovel?” I teased.

  Grabbing his keys off the table, he smirked, “Already did that, now it’s time to make up.”

  I shook my head while Curtis shut the front door on his way out.

  I rubbed my hands over my face then looked at my watch, eleven o’clock. My phone rang while I was brushing my teeth. I tried to catch it, but I didn’t make it in time. Noticing it was Travis; I called my brother back right away.

  “Hey, brother what’s up?”

  “Are you by yourself?” Travis asked quietly.

  “Yeah, why?”

  “Bentley, I did something really dumb tonight.”

  “What?” I asked unsurprised.

  “I had sex with Whitney.”

  I sat on my bed, “Okay.”

  “Bentley, you don’t understand, I forgot to wrap up.”



  I took a deep breath, thinking about what I was going to say to my brother.

  “Bentley, what am I going to do?”

  “Don’t panic. Is she on the pill?”

  “She says she is.”

  “Do you believe her?” I asked seriously.

  “I do.”

  “Then my guess is you’re probably okay.”


  “Yeah, man.” I heard my brother let out a breath. “Did you and Whitney talk about it afterwards?”

  “Yeah, she said she was okay with what happened and that she wasn’t worried because she has been on the pill for a while now.”

  “My advice, just remember to always wear a condom, Travis.”

  “Yeah, yeah.”

  We were both quiet for a minute, “Travis?”


  “If she gets pregnant, we’ll figure it out together,” I reassured him.


  “That’s why I’m here. See you tomorrow at Haley’s.”


  I put my phone on the nightstand and lay in bed, watching the ceiling fan turn. I couldn’t believe it, my best bud is getting married and my brother is having sex. What’s next? Getting Haley to fall in love with me? Even that thought made me laugh out loud. Turning over, I set my alarm for five am so I could get a good work out in before heading to the ranch.

  GRABBING MY TWO water bottles, I headed down to the football field to start my work out. I was on my last chin up on the goal post when I noticed someone running on the track. I jumped to the ground, grabbing one of the water bottles, and walked over to see whom it was.

  As I drew closer, I noticed it was a woman. I’m usually doing drills this time of morning, and I’ve never seen anyone out here unless they were cutting grass. She was working on her last corner facing away from me when I walked onto the track. I watched as she gave it all she could, and this chick had some power. I should send my boys over and get her to teach the team a few things.

  I watched as her blonde hair swayed with every step, her body looked nice and lean, her ass was nice and tight and those thighs were strong enough to hold on to my waist. I kept watching as she rounded the last corner, now facing me. Her legs were long in her tiny running shorts, her stomach was small, but had a little give, just enough to get my hands on it without feeling her bones. Her boobs in the sports bra she was wearing looked magnificent. I couldn’t help but let my mouth drop open. As my eyes went farther up to her face, the runner skidded and came to a full stop.

  “Holy shit.” It was Haley.

  “Nice to see you, too, Bentley,” she puffed, bending over to catch her breath.

  “Sorry, I wasn’t expecting you.”

  “Expecting someone else?”

  “No.” I couldn’t say more; I just stood there and stared. As Haley stood up, I noticed little sweat beads all over her body and I wondered what her skin would taste like.

  “Take a picture, Bentley. It will last longer.”

  I shook my head, “Huh?”

  “I said, you may want to wipe the drool from your face,” she laughed.

  “Oh.” I ran my hand across my chin before I reached out my water bottle, “Water?”

  Haley took the bottle, “Thanks, mine is on the other side of the track.”

  Still unable to say anything else, I watched as she tipped her head back and poured a little on her chest before drinking. Watching her drink was the most sexual thing I have ever witnessed, not to mention all that water on her chest.

  Handing over the now empty bottle, Haley said, “Thanks, I needed the cool down.”

  I took the empty bottle and smiled, “No problem.”

  “What are you doing here, anyways?”

  I looked behind me to the football field, “I was just running some drills, to stay in shape. I can’t really run a football team with a beer belly.”

  “I suppose not,” she smiled.

  “Well, I better finish the last mile I have left. Thanks for the water.”

  Before she could turn away I asked, “Can I run with you? I mean I still need to do my cool down run.”

  “Depends, are you going to trip me or something?”

  “I wouldn’t do that.”

  “Are you sure? ‘Cause I think yesterday you would have.”

  I shifted uncomfortably, “Look, Haley, I owe you a big apology.”

  “For what?” she asked rubbing her hands together.

  “I was a jerk to you in high school.” Haley let out a flabbergasted snort. “Fine, I was a complete asshole, and I’m sorry.”

  Haley remained quiet for a few seconds, “It was years ago, Bentley. I’m over it, friends?”

  I stuck out my hand, “Friends.”

  As she put her delicate hand in mine, I felt a tingle. I looked into her eyes, and I knew she felt it too when she instantly stepped away.

  “Ah, I better go, Be
ntley. I want to grab a few things for the boys before they get to the farm.”

  I didn’t even have a chance to say anything before Haley was off running to the other side of the track.

  OH MY GOD, did I just flirt with Bentley? I did. I couldn’t run fast enough to the other side of the track. Once I opened my bag and pulled on my tank top, I looked over to see Bentley still watching me as I headed to the parking lot.

  Shit, what am I thinking? This man was so mean to me in high school. Every day it was something with him, or his posse. The more they teased me, the more weight I put on. It took me years to get over the feelings that were left behind. What pisses me off the most is he sees me today and acts as if none of it mattered. God, I hate him.

  I was so mad as I drove home I forgot to stop at the store and grab the few things I needed for the BBQ. I looked in Grams’ cupboards to see what she had, chips and homemade cookies, that’ll work. I went to the freezer and pulled out some hamburger to whip up some patties then I tossed a batch of dough in the bread maker before stepping outside to feed the dog on the porch. I could hear the trucks before I could see them. I snickered, “Boys.” I walked down the driveway to greet them.

  “Hey, boys,” I waved.

  “Hi, Haley,” I got back in unison, while they stayed in the trucks.

  “I was thinking that y’all could finish the fence while I work the flowerbeds and weed Grams’ garden.”

  “Sounds good to us,” JJ smiled.

  Travis leaned over the seat and slapped JJ’s shoulder, “Stop looking at her like that.”

  “What? She’s hot.”

  I blushed.

  “Well, you are.”

  “Thank you, JJ. Now you boys get to work and I’ll meet you at the pond this afternoon.”

  “Great,” said Cullen.

  As the boys slowly drove towards the barn I yelled out, “Could someone please grab some lawn chairs from the shop and throw them in Mack’s truck for the pond?” Cullen waved so I knew he heard me.

  I decided to start in the garden and dig out a few potatoes to make a potato salad. I was bending over, picking peas, when I heard a loud cough behind me. I jumped and my butt went straight into someone’s crotch. Then strong arms wrapped around my waist to keep me from falling forward into the dirt.

  “You okay?” he whispered in my ear.

  “Bentley?” I said, turning in his arms to face him. “You scared me.”

  “Really? The dog has been barking since I drove up the driveway.”

  I looked over to Buddy, sprawled out in the grass napping. I looked up at Bentley with a raised eyebrow and stepped out of his arms.

  We stood there in an awkward silence, “Well, I should probably head in and start lunch, I’m sure the boys will be hungry when they finish. Will you be joining us?” I asked while grabbing my pail of vegetables. Bentley was looking everywhere but at me.

  I slowly started walking around him when he grabbed my wrist. I looked up to his eyes and saw sadness. Instantly, I wanted to reach my arms around him and tell him everything was going to be fine.

  “I’m sorry, Haley. I’m so sorry for the way I treated you in high school.”

  “You hurt me.”

  “I know,” he whispered.

  “You left me with scars that took years to overcome.” I could feel my eyes tearing up.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Answer me one question, Bentley.” The look in his eye quickly changed to determination. “You must answer it truthfully.”

  “I will.”

  I could feel the panic rise inside me, “Why?”

  He took a deep breath before he answered, “I liked you. Hell, I still do.”

  I stood there, frozen, staring at him. Bentley started wringing the back of his neck with his hand.

  I could feel a tingling sensation overcome me, the anger rising, before I slapped his face, hard. “You called me names and treated me like I was a piece of shit, Bentley. To the point where others followed what you did! Do you have any idea the damaged you caused? The years of therapy I went through to make myself believe I was worthy of someone, of me?”

  Bentley stood there with this mouth hanging open. “That’s right, Bentley, Mr. Football star. You made me feel like shit, and why? It wasn’t like I did anything to you; if anything, I tried to stay clear of you.” I was getting angrier with every word that spewed out of my mouth. “I couldn’t date because of you. I’d rather be alone than have someone tear me to shreds all over again.”

  I couldn’t hold back anymore, the tears came and the shaking began. Bentley took a step forward and wrapped his arms tight around me while I cried into his chest. I wasn’t sure how much time passed before I could feel Bentley rubbing my head whispering, “I’m sorry, so, so sorry. Please forgive me, Haley. Please let me make this up to you.” He must have repeated this ten times before I snapped out of it and out of his embrace. I cleared away my tears and eyed Bentley as he swept one last tear away.

  “I’m so sorry, beautiful. I’ll do anything to take away the hurt and pain I caused.”

  “Thank you,” I half smiled.

  “Friends?” he asked hopeful.

  I took in a calming breath, “I may be able to try, but I won’t be able to forget.”

  “I’m hoping to replace those memories with good ones of us together.” He paused for a moment, “Friends?”

  I smiled, “Friends.”

  I could tell Bentley was fighting the urge to hug me, so I grabbed my pail and said, “I better get going, lunch won’t make itself.”

  “Thank you, Haley.”

  “Please don’t make me regret this, Bentley. Please.”

  “I won’t,” he smiled. “I’m going to go check on the boys, what do you have them doing today?”

  “Just finishing the fence today. It’s pretty hot, so I told them when they were finished to go cool off in the pond and I’ll bring out lunch.”

  “Do you need any help?”

  “No, thank you,” I smiled.

  “Okay, see you later then.” Bentley put his hands in his pockets and turned around.


  He turned back around, “Yeah?”

  “Could you please look at the calving barn door? It looks like it is hanging funny.”


  I DON’T KNOW why, but after my blow out with Bentley I felt better, lighter, and maybe a bit sexier walking back into the house. The phone rang just as I finished putting the potatoes on the stove to cook and slid in the homemade hamburger buns in the oven to finish browning.

  “Wells’ ranch, Haley speaking.”

  “Hey, bitch, whatcha doin’?” It was my crazy best friend, Carleigh.

  “Making lunch for the boys,” I smirked, always so forthcoming.

  “Boys! What boys?” This time I let out a laugh, knowing she was now sitting up straight in her chair, clinging to the phone.

  “Put your panting pussy away. These boys are still in high school.”

  “Well, you’re no fun,” she pouted.

  “Papa said he’d sponsor their new football jerseys if they’d give me a hand around the farm while he and Grams are away.”

  “How many are we talking about?”

  “Jerseys …I don’t know,” I teased.

  “Football players!”

  “I have six today and seven when Cody is here.”

  Carleigh was quiet. “Does the football coach come out to help?”

  “Umm, yes.” I replied quietly—too quietly.

  “Haley, what are you not telling me?”

  “Their coach is Bentley,” I whispered.


  “Bentley Knight, from high school, is their coach.”

  “The same prick that tormented you?”

  I shifted uncomfortably, “Yes.”

  “I demand you get a different coach to help.”

  “You can’t.”

  “And why not?”

  “Carleigh, y
ou live three hours away,” I chuckled.

  “I don’t know what you find so funny. He was an asshole to you.”

  The timer went off on the stove, “Hold on a second I’ve got to pull the hamburger buns out of the oven.”

  “You did not make him Grams’ fresh buns, did you?”

  I took a seat at the kitchen table. “I kind of had to.”


  “I went for a run this morning on the high school track to get used to running on shale and gravel again, and I guess Bentley was there working out. Anyways, he came to see who was running. I guess no one is ever there that early besides the man that cuts the grass.”

  “Why are you drawing out the story? Just get to the good stuff already.” poked Carleigh.

  “Fine,” I huffed. “I was running one of my last laps when I noticed Bentley on the track. I didn’t know it was him; all I saw was tall, dark hair, and a chiseled chest. Carleigh, I could see the sweat beads glistening off his body.”

  Sssss sptssss sssss

  “What’s the noise?” asked Carleigh.

  “Shit! The potatoes are boiling over.” I rushed over and moved the pot off the burner.

  “I’m sure the potatoes aren’t the only thing boiling over.”

  “Shut up,” I laughed.

  “Did you talk to him?”

  “Yeah. He apologized for the way he acted in high school.”

  “Do you believe him?”

  I sighed, “I think maybe I do.”

  “God, Haley, be careful. I’d hate for you to destroy the last five years you worked so hard to get.”

  “I will.”

  “Listen girl, I gotta go. I ordered pizza and the delivery guy should be here any second and I want to add more lip gloss.”

  “You’re such a slut.”

  “I know.” We both laughed as we hung up.

  WALKING OUT TO the barn, I couldn’t get the look in Haley’s eyes out of my head as she’d slapped me. Granted, I totally deserved it, along with a swift kick to the balls. Thank God she didn’t take it that far.

  After fixing the barn door, I looked around and noticed someone must have started cleaning the stalls, but wasn’t quite finished, so I found the wheelbarrow and finished sweeping them out. I laid new straw out in two stalls, just in case an emergency came up and Haley needed it.


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