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Misadventures of the First Daughter (Misadventures Book 5)

Page 6

by Meredith Wild

  Reeling, I toss the paper onto the desk and make my way to relieve Chester from duty. After his double shift, I’m sure he’s more than ready to get out of here. True to form, I find him posted outside the indoor White House pool. His shoulders are slumped forward slightly. A closer look at his face reveals dark circles beneath his eyes.

  “Jesus, man. You look like shit.”

  He stretches his arms above his head and gives me a tired smile. “Then I must look like I feel. These long shifts are making an old man out of me fast.”

  I nod toward the door. “Everything all right with her?”

  His brows knit together. “She’s been in there swimming laps for over an hour. Ever since her meeting with her mother this morning, she hasn’t been herself. I don’t know what’s going on, but she seems to be upset about something.”

  I know exactly what she’s upset about. But I won’t be filling Chester in on those details. The less he knows about the incident with Nate, the better.

  “I’ll see if I can get it out of her.”

  He lets out a chuckle. “Yeah, good luck with that. I imagine she’s still pretty pissed at you for spoiling her fun last night.”

  I smirk in his direction. “She’ll get over it.”

  Chester shakes his head. “You really might consider taking some lessons on women, son. They don’t forgive or forget too easily.”

  Not wanting to broach that topic, I quickly change the subject.

  “Listen, I appreciate you keeping last night under wraps. I know I was asking you to risk a lot by doing that.”

  He loosens his tie, his face warming with a smile. “She’s worth the risk, son. Not much I wouldn’t do for that girl.”

  Me neither.

  Chester lets out a long yawn.

  I slap him on the shoulder. “Go get some beauty sleep, old man. You’re starting to show your age.”

  “Watch it there, kid. I may be older than you, but I’m still young enough to kick your ass.”

  “Bring it. I’m ready anytime,” I tease.

  He waves me off and turns to leave.

  Once he’s completely out of sight, I ease the door open to the pool and slip inside. Thankfully the indoor pool is not under video surveillance. It gives me the perfect opportunity to talk to Charlotte alone without the prying eyes of the other agents.

  I stand next to the edge, admiring how the lean lines of her legs and arms glide through the water. Not many women have been able to hold up to my stamina in the bedroom, but endurance won’t be an issue for her. She may be a party girl lately, but she stays in shape.

  When Charlotte finally spots me, she makes her final strokes toward the ladder next to where I’m standing. After smoothing back her hair, she grips the sides of the metal rail and slowly climbs out of the water. My cock instantly comes to life at the sight of her dripping wet in her tiny black string bikini.

  God, the things I want to do to that body.

  Without saying a word, Charlotte turns her back to me and bends over to retrieve a towel from the chair. Her barely there bikini inches up her perfect round bottom, exposing the cheeks of her ass. The little minx knows exactly what she’s doing. But she’s playing a dangerous game with me. She just doesn’t realize it yet.

  “We need to talk,” I say.

  Charlotte turns back and rolls her eyes with a sigh. “Always so direct.”

  “Did you say anything to Katherine about last night?”

  “What do you think?” She squeezes the towel around her wet hair, seemingly oblivious to my concern.

  “This is serious.” I motion between us. “I don’t have to tell you how dangerous this is. Neither one of us can handle something like this being exposed to the public. My career would be over, and you, Charlotte, would become a national scandal overnight. That means Katherine can’t know anything. No one can.”

  “I know that. And that’s why I would never do anything that might jeopardize us being together.”

  She wraps the towel around her waist, walks toward me, and reaches out to touch my face. I catch her wrist before she makes contact. Once she hears what I have to say, she may not feel the same way.

  “Let’s get something straight. I’m not offering you romance. I’m not going to be sending you flowers or vying for your affection. If you agree to this, it will be a discreet relationship based on trust. It’s sex. Nothing more. No matter how intense the attraction is between us, you must never misread lust for love. I’m only interested in you surrendering your body to me, not your heart. That’s never going to change.”

  She blinks a few times. “So we’d be like that couple at the club. You tell me what to do and I do it.”

  “In a way, yes. Your obedience will be rewarded. Your defiance will be punished. You may learn to enjoy both. It’s that simple.”

  “What if I do something wrong that isn’t my fault? Will you still punish me?”

  I see a flash of fear in her eyes at every mention of punishment. She has no idea that one day she might enjoy the punishment as much as the reward. For now, I’ll use her fear to my advantage if it can steer her away from bad behavior.

  “Defiance is a choice, Charlotte. You don’t understand it now, because you’re spoiled and willful. But when you intentionally defy me from here forward, you’ll know the action warrants a consequence. You’ll know what your decision will cost you. It could be a night of pleasure. It could be the simple act of sitting comfortably had I not reddened your ass as punishment for acting out. So before you try to defy me, just make sure you’re willing to pay the price.”

  When she doesn’t speak, I continue.

  “I’m offering you an outlet. I know what you go through every day, better than most. I believe you may need this every bit as much as I do.”

  “But that’s just it. Why would I want someone else to control me? I have enough of that in my life already as it is.”

  I release her wrist and slide my thumbs rhythmically over her pulse point. “Submission is more powerful than you realize. It’s my job to find your limits. It’s your job to decide how far those limits get pushed. You will always have a safe word to protect you.” I step closer, our bodies nearly touching. “This is about pleasure as much as it is about pain. I will never do anything to you that you don’t want me to do. You’re the one with the control, Charlotte. Not me.”

  She doesn’t speak, only searches my gaze. I can’t help but wonder what’s going on in her head.

  “Talk to me. Tell me what you’re thinking.”

  She looks to the ground between us. “It’s just… Those girls at the club… Will you be doing this with them too?”

  I’m not sure what’s more disturbing in this moment—the prospect of being unfaithful to Charlotte or her believing that I could be. I cup her face gently with my hands, forcing her to look me directly in the eye.

  “I only want you, Charlotte. I’m willing to risk everything to have you. But if I’m going to do that, I have to know you’re going to follow my rules. Are you willing to do that? Are you willing to surrender yourself to me?”

  Her beautiful blue eyes flutter. Something pulls in my chest, something I haven’t felt in a long time.


  What will I do if she says no? What if she wants the affection that I can’t offer her? After tasting her sweet lips, her luscious cunt, how will I ever be able to walk away from her? How will I ever be able to handle another man having what should be mine?

  Just as the questions in my head begin to send me into a silent panic, I hear the most beautiful word fall from her lips.


  I exhale a breath I didn’t realize I was holding. Thank God.

  I walk her backward until her back hits the concrete wall and I crash my mouth against hers. Stroke for stroke, our tongues hungrily move against each other, tasting, savoring. Charlotte drops her hand between us, teasing her touch along my erection. Groaning, I break our kiss. If I don’t put the brakes on now, I’ll e
nd up fucking her over a lounge chair.

  “Not here.” Cradling her face in my hands, I drag my lips tenderly across hers. “But tonight you’re all mine.”


  “Well, well, well. If it isn’t America’s Little Princess.”

  Freezing mid-step, I turn. Nate is standing at the top landing of the staircase that overlooks the Christiansens’ foyer. With his brown curls slicked back against his head, he’s almost unrecognizable. Up until this moment, I’d managed to avoid any interaction with him during tonight’s guest introductions. My luck has just run out.

  Dressed in a tuxedo, Nate straightens his bowtie and descends the staircase with a leisurely swagger. Once he’s reached where I’m standing, he gives me a wink.

  “You know, if I didn’t know better, I’d say you were purposefully trying to avoid me tonight.”

  I square my shoulders, unwilling to let him intimidate me. “But that’s just it, Nate. You do know better.”

  “Ouch. Someone’s got their panties in a twist.” He holds his finger to his lips, his expression mocking. “No wait. You prefer thongs, right?”

  I flinch at his words. Without the tequila-fueled courage coursing in my veins that night, I never would have initiated things with him in the first place. The fact he knows what kind of underwear I wear is mortifying enough, let alone that we almost had sex.

  Thank God Zane got me out of there when he did. Becoming another notch on Nate’s bedpost is something I’ll never want.

  I cross my arms. If I am to ever get through tonight’s dinner, I’ve got to stand up to him. “What do you want, Nate? If this is about the other night, you need to get over it.”

  He takes the final step that closes the distance between us. “Get over it? You left me fucking hanging the other night. You owe me.”

  “I don’t owe you a goddamn thing.”

  I turn to leave when he grabs me by the arm and jerks me back. I flinch at the pain. I try to pull out of his hold, but that only makes him tighten his grip. His roughness instantly reminds me of the way he handled me on the bed the night of the party.

  “Girls don’t tell me ‘no’ and get away with it.”

  I stare into his dark, soulless eyes, sickened by the thought of how many girls he’s made victims.

  “Let me go before I scream. Zane will have you on your ass in front of everyone in seconds.”

  Nate releases my arm at my warning, but not without issuing one of his own.

  “He won’t always be around to save you, Charlotte. And, when that day comes, I’ll be waiting. One way or another, you’re going to give me what I want.”

  Heart pounding, I hurry to the adjacent room where guests are beginning to gather for dinner. When I spot Zane across the room, the relief is instant. Somehow I feel safe enough to breathe again. When our eyes lock, he leaves his post and comes toward me, his stride confident and measured. A moment later, he’s close enough to touch. All I want is to fall into his arms and forget everything, but I know better.

  “What’s wrong?” His voice is low so only I can hear his hushed concern.

  I shake my head, rubbing the sides of my arms with my hands. I should stay and suffer through this dinner. I can already hear my mother’s insufferable nagging if I skip out, but Nate’s words have me nauseous.

  “Zane… I just need you to get me out of here.”

  I shoot him a pleading look. His expression hardens. I know he wants more details, but I can’t talk about things here. Especially not with Nate a room away. Right now, I just want to go home.

  Zane lifts his arm to speak into the small communication device. “This is Parker, requesting return transport for Miss Daley.” He returns his attention to me. “Wait right here. I’m going to tell your parents that I’m taking you back home.” The muscle in his jaw flexes. “And when we get there, you’re going to tell me everything.”


  The twelve-minute drive back to the White House is agonizingly long. The haunted look in Charlotte’s eyes has ebbed away, but I have to know who put it there in the first place.

  Once we arrive, I keep a safe distance, following behind her as we make our way inside and up to the second floor. The instant she’s in her bedroom, I’m right there, closing the door behind us.

  “Start talking.”

  She shakes her head. “It’s okay, Zane. Nate just caught me off guard, that’s all. I should have known better than to let him get under my skin like that. I’m sorry to worry you. I probably overreacted.”

  She’s lying. As visibly shaken as she’d been earlier, I fear this is far more than that fucker Nate running off at the mouth.

  “You’re lying. I saw your face. Did he threaten you?”

  She wraps her arms around her body. “Nate won’t let what happened go. He says I owe him. He…”

  When she hesitates, I cradle her face, forcing her gaze to mine. “He what? Tell me.”

  “He said he’s going to make me pay for leaving him hanging. I guess he doesn’t think you can protect me forever and eventually he’ll get his chance.”

  A murderous rage surges through me. I should have broken his neck when I had the chance. Through other agents, I’d heard numerous stories about him taking advantage of girls. With his father’s help, all of those allegations have been silenced. He thinks he’s above the law, untouchable.

  “Listen to me. There’s no way in hell Chester or I would ever let something happen to you. Nate can’t touch you. He just wants you to think he can. These kinds of guys thrive on fear.”

  She lifts her gaze up at me. “I just want to forget that night happened. I want to forget how far I let him go. I was so stupid.”

  I hush her and bring her against me. Once she’s there, she squeezes her arms around my middle and exhales a quiet sigh. I curse myself for all the times I stood by, watching her hurt from afar when I could have held her this way, given her an ounce of comfort when her family gave her none.

  “Please… Make me forget,” she whispers against my chest.


  That quickly, I’m unraveling, as if that one little word is tugging on a string wound around my self-control.

  What is she doing to me? How can one woman make me this weak?


  “Please, Zane. I need this.”

  Still, I hesitate, trying to make sense of the power she’s gaining over me, one forbidden moment to the next. Sex isn’t the issue. I gave up pretending like I didn’t want to bury myself between her thighs the second she showed up at Crave in red. But my infatuation for her runs deeper than I care to admit. I want to do far more than fuck her. I want to crawl inside of her soul, possess her, save her, ruin her from ever wanting another man. I only know one way to do that…

  I step back and the dejected look in her eyes nearly brings me to my knees. She has no idea she’s already won.

  I slide my jacket off and toss it onto a nearby chair. Relief softens her features. I can’t wait to see rapture claim them.

  “When we are alone like this, you will refer to me as ‘sir,’ understood?”

  Her lashes lower, shadowing her eyes. “Yes, sir.”

  I begin working the knot loose on my tie, relishing the flush in her cheeks as she says the words. “Take off your dress.”

  I follow her hand as she slides down the metal zipper on her side. Then she gives a final tug at the jeweled shoulder clasp, sending her midnight blue dress to pool at her feet. Without asking, she unclasps her strapless bra and slides her panties to the floor. My breath hitches at the glorious sight before me. From head to toe, I devour every delectable curve of her naked body.

  There is no comparison. She’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.

  I come closer, stopping once I’m directly in front of her. “Give me your hands.”

  Without hesitation, she obeys, extending her arms out to me.

  “Good girl,” I murmur.

  She smiles softly and foll
ows every movement as I weave my black silk tie over the delicate skin of her wrists. I secure the binding with a single knot, leaving the remaining fabric to hang loosely. Then I take her bound hands into mine. Back and forth, I tenderly rub the pad of my thumbs over her wrists, relishing the fact that her flawless skin will soon bear the markings of her restraints.

  “Do you trust me, Charlotte?”

  She looks up at me. “Yes, sir.”

  “Good. Give me your safe word.”

  She swallows hard. “Silk.”

  Her choice has my dick throbbing. One thing is certain. After this, I definitely won’t be able to look at my neckties the same way.

  My patience wearing thin, I tear the blankets off the four-poster bed and nudge her back onto it. Its enormous size makes her look small and vulnerable, a circumstance that inspires both the hunter and the protector in me. The mattress dips as I sink my knee into the bed beside her.

  “Lie back with your feet facing me, and put your hands above your head.”

  Crawling over her body, I use the remainder of my silk tie to secure her arms to the braided wood post behind her. After giving her restraint a quick test, I rise up and take a moment to appreciate the sight below me. Bound and naked, Charlotte is a Dominant’s wet dream.

  “Remember, no matter what you do or how much you beg me, I won’t stop what I’m doing unless you say that word. Understand?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  I don’t miss the quiver in her voice. Still new to the experience, Charlotte has every right to be afraid. Tonight’s only the beginning of what I have in store for her.

  I free my belt from around my waist. It whooshes through the loops. Starting just below her neck, I trail the smooth leather down the front of her torso. The silk knot above Charlotte’s head strains as her back arches up off the bed.

  “Oh, the things I want to do to you, pretty girl.”

  I drag my gaze down her body, lingering over her full luscious tits. My cock aches to slide between them, to fuck them unmercifully. But not tonight. Tonight, when I come, it will be deep inside Charlotte’s tight pussy.


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