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Misadventures of the First Daughter (Misadventures Book 5)

Page 7

by Meredith Wild

  “Spread your legs apart for me. Let me see how wet you are.”

  At my command, her legs fall open, giving me a perfect view of her beautiful pink opening. My focus drops to the small rim of her anus. I bite my lip so hard it could bleed, because I know one of these nights, I’ll have that too.

  I glide my fingers up through the slick heat of her sex, groaning at how drenched she is. “You’re already soaked for me.”

  Craving a taste, I bring my fingertips up to my mouth and savor her flavor.

  “So fucking delicious.”

  Desperate for more, I position myself between her thighs, slide my hands beneath her ass, and yank her to me. She lets out a loud gasp when my mouth reaches her sex. The ruthless flicking of my tongue across her swollen clit sends her bucking against the restraints. Holding her writhing body in place, I plunge my tongue inside her and feast on her pussy like a starving animal.

  “Oh, God!” She screams, arching up off the bed.

  I don’t want to stop, but I can’t hold back much longer. I reach for the condom in my pocket. I’m ready to rip it open and plunge into her, but something holds me back. Protection is vital in my relationships. I’ve never questioned it before. Not until now.

  I know Charlotte’s on the pill. I’d seen the prescription on her bathroom counter plenty of times. After my recent healthy physical results, I know I’m no risk to her.

  Dizzy with the prospect of having her bare, I lean in, flick her clit with my tongue, and breathe her in. “How many men have had you, Charlotte?”

  Her answer comes out on a ragged breath. “One. Just one.”

  Relief hits me, then an unexpected tension. The good news is she’s had one other partner. That bad news is that means someone else has been inside her, and now all I can think about is wiping the memory of him clean.

  “Did you always use protection?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  She’s mine. I have to make her mine.

  My possessive thoughts drown out all the rational ones. Need claws at me from the inside out. “I want to fuck you raw, Charlotte. Tell me there’s enough trust between us for that. I need to feel when you’re coming on my cock.”

  Need to come inside you… Need to mark you.

  “Yes. I trust you. God, yes.”

  That’s all I need for my desire to win. I unfasten my pants, shove them past my hips, and slide up her naked body. She’s stripped, and I’m still fully clothed. The inequity only adds to my arousal. Her added vulnerability is like a shot of something strong on top of the already intoxicating experience of being nearly inside her. Gripping the base of my shaft with my free hand, I align the tip to her glistening opening. I push my hips forward, gasping at the overwhelming sensation of taking her bare.

  The muscles of her tight channel resist my girth at first. I lock my eyes with hers, savoring the hazy mix of desire and apprehension I see there. Her bottom lip trembles. I catch it with my thumb and hush her little whimpers as I press my lips to hers.

  “I’ve got you,” I whisper, rocking gently, joining us a little bit more with each thrust.

  She’s so tight. I’m ready to lose my mind, but somehow I find the patience to take her slowly as her body adjusts. When she’s taken all of me, I let out a groan.

  “Holy fuck. Your pussy is gripping my cock so tight.”

  One glance between us to where my cock is buried inside her perfect body has me ready to explode. I still my movements and grasp her hip to hold her firmly in place. One more thrust and I’ll be coming inside her long before I’m ready to. I take a few deep breaths and ease out of her, then slowly push back in. Each time I sink into her is better than the time before. Thrust for thrust, our bodies move in perfect sync.

  “How does that feel, baby?”

  “Amazing.” Her voice is breathy, and her eyes flutter closed. “Fuck me. Please fuck me, sir.”

  With a growl, I give her exactly what she asks for. Less restraint, more of everything else. The loud sounds of our bodies coming together echoes through the room.

  Crashing my lips to hers, I swallow her tiny moans. I push her knees out and spread her legs wider, giving me deeper access to her core. When I feel the tip of my dick hit her cervix, it’s everything I can do to keep from coming.

  “You’re so deep,” she moans, rolling her eyes back.

  I quicken the pace of my forceful thrusts, feeling her inner walls as they tighten around me. She’s close, so fucking close. And, I’m right there with her.

  “Zane!” She lets out a trembling cry.

  “That’s it. Come for me, Charlotte. Fucking come on my cock.”

  She arches away from the bed, shuddering as the climax rips through her.

  “Your pussy is mine, Charlotte.” A feral sound rips from me with one final drive of my hips. “Mine,” I rasp against her damp skin.


  Chapter Five


  Slivers of sunlight slip into my bedroom through the tall curtains. I roll over, bury my face in my pillow, and notice some new aches in my muscles. I wince and then remember…

  With a lazy grin, I stretch, embracing the discomfort. Lately I’m used to waking up with a pounding headache and a fuzzy account of the night before. But my memories of last night with Zane are crystal clear. And vivid enough that I spend the next twenty minutes replaying them in my mind until I’m squirming against my sheets and wishing he were here to relieve the throbbing between my thighs.

  I could get myself there, but I’d rather he did. I turn and reach for my phone on the bedside table. Then I type out a text for Zane and hit send.

  I can’t stop thinking about last night. Thank you…for everything.

  A few seconds go by before a reply comes back to me.

  Are you sore?

  I draw my lower lip between my teeth as I respond.

  In all the best ways. I can’t wait for you to make me sore again. I’m so wet already just thinking about it.

  I roll to my back and slide my hand into my panties, hopeful that he’ll take the bait. I see three little dots indicating that he’s typing. Then they disappear and the phone rings.


  “Under no circumstances are you to touch yourself without me.”

  I can’t help it. A rush of defiance fires through me. “That’s not fair.”

  “It’s not your job to decide what’s fair. I decide and you obey. And I’m telling you that you’d better get your pretty little fingers off that perfect little cunt right fucking now. Unless you want me to paddle you later, which I’m happy to do. But I’m not sure if you’re ready for that yet.”

  I whisper a little “fuck” under my breath and grip the phone tightly. How does he do that? Turn my defiance into a desire I have no control over in a matter of seconds? Slowly I slide my fingers back up to my belly, but not before giving my clit a little extra pressure. I don’t know why I’m intent on teasing myself, when every minute between now and seeing Zane again will be heavier because of it.

  “I need you,” I mumble. “Relieve Chester early. I’m begging you.”

  He releases a quiet sigh and his silence encourages me. Maybe there’s a chance I can allay this ache yet…

  “I need you inside me, Zane. I’ve never felt anything like that, and I’m going crazy without it. You can sneak in. I’ll play sick and we can spend the day in bed. Just me and you—”

  “Charlotte, listen to me.”

  I hold my breath at his sharp command.

  “After I hang up, you’re going to get up, shower, and get dressed for your day. You’re not going to wear any underwear. I want you to feel every breeze, every scratch of fabric, and every brush of skin against skin.”

  “What if I get wet?” God, I’m so fucking wet already, what he’s demanding is going to be pure torture.

  “Then I suggest you dress accordingly,” he answers abruptly.

  “When can I see you?” I’m whining…begging. Jesus, what th
e hell is wrong with me? I have no idea how Zane has me under this spell, but I’m praying to the ceiling that he has a surprise visit in mind. Something…anything that I can look forward to while I battle this unexpected withdrawal.

  “You will see me at precisely five o’clock, like you do every day. And when I get there, I expect easy access to your pussy. Because I’d very much like to fuck it.”

  “Oh, God,” I breathe, tightening my free hand around the sheet to keep from touching myself.

  “I will know if you’ve come without me, Charlotte. I’ll know the second I look into those baby blue eyes, because I’ve been watching you lie to me for months.”

  That small layer of truth on top of his dirty talk sobers me a bit. I feel the guilt first, then the urge to defend myself. I’ve been living in political hell—not for months, for years. He’ll never understand that.

  But he is right. I’ve lied. I’ve made his life more difficult, and I’ve threatened his livelihood with my carelessness. There’s just as much at risk now, though. Maybe more. Deciding to pursue this relationship with Zane is undoubtedly dangerous, but it’s also safer because no one has ever made me feel this way. Even as I burn for another intimate moment with him, knowing he has a plan for us gives me a calm like I’ve never known.

  “I’ll wait for you.”

  I utter the promise, and I intend to keep it. But the rebel in me has other plans.


  I step out of the fitness center on the ground floor of View 17 and take the elevator to my apartment, cooling down and catching my breath from a five-mile run on the treadmill. I can’t remember the last time I woke up with this much goddamn energy. Between wrestling with my guilt over pursuing Charlotte to longing for her as though she’s my next breath, I haven’t had much solid rest lately.

  But last night something changed. The sex was out of this world, without a doubt. Charlotte wasn’t the only one waking up flooded with memories of the way our bodies came together. But her submission… Once she gave in to me, it was like a missing puzzle piece just fell into place. I spent the past half hour trying to make sense of this new peace that’s got me buzzing from the inside out.

  Whatever it was, or is, I’m not giving it up anytime soon. If I’m not completely addicted to her body—which I am—then I’m on my way to being a true junkie when it comes to this level of satisfaction. How will I ever want it to end?

  Doesn’t matter. It will. Eventually.

  I rip my earbuds out and open the door to my apartment, unwilling to consider an end when I’m this fucking high on the woman. Her phone call this morning has me hard every time I think of it, and I can’t keep my eyes off the clock. Delayed gratification has its benefits, and tonight I plan to thoroughly enjoy them.

  I’m about to jump into the shower and get ready for work when Chester calls my phone. In my line of work, almost nothing gets my heart beating fast. But it’s racing now. Nate couldn’t have gotten to her… There’s no way.

  “Chester, what’s up? Is everything okay with Charlotte?”

  His gravelly laugh hits my ear and the relief is instant. “Yes, our Charley girl is just fine. Up to her usual antics, I suppose.”

  My relief quickly morphs into anger. “What’s going on?”

  I swear to God if she’s gallivanting around with her friend Katherine or anywhere within a mile of Nate Christiansen, she’s going to get the paddling of a lifetime. She’ll need to get used to it at some point anyway.

  “We’re heading your way shortly. She had breakfast with her mother this morning and asked to move into the apartment early. She thought it was only fair since she’s being forced to stay in DC for the foreseeable future.”

  “And what did Mommy Dearest say?”

  That earns another chuckle from my colleague, but it fades into prolonged silence, which tells me the exchange was likely tense.

  “We’ll talk about it when we get there. The place has already been furnished and her people arranged it so she could stay there starting tonight. Our team scoped out the building and we’ll have people posted before she arrives. Just wanted to give you a heads up to report to the penthouse tonight.”

  “See you then.”

  I hang up and start pacing the floor of my living room, because I’m anything but relieved right now. My cock, of course, thinks this is an excellent development. But having her a few floors away from me every night is no less dangerous than fucking her in the residence. In fact, it’s even riskier because Chester will be in my backyard while I’m off duty now. Charlotte has promised obedience, but I still don’t trust her to make smart moves when she’s grown used to chasing every impulse lately. Now I’m her impulse.

  I take my pacing into the bathroom, strip down, and shower quickly. She’ll be on my doorstep in two hours, and when she arrives, I’ll need a whole new game plan.


  My apartment is teeming with black suits when I arrive. Per the usual, every window, door, vent, and access point will have to be thoroughly checked to ensure my safety. Chester is especially tense, probably because I dropped this on him unexpectedly. Despite this, he seems to share a bit of my enthusiasm about the move. No doubt witnessing the negotiation with my mother this morning earned me an ounce of empathy.

  Agents come and go, reporting details to the people posted outside through their devices as I attempt to unpack. I should be thinking about the usual things. How I plan to decorate and move things around so this new place feels like home. It’s significantly bigger than my apartment in New York. But all I can think about is where Zane will make me his again. I’m sure it won’t go down the way he planned it this morning, because we’re in new territory now. But I’m determined to have him tonight, even if he’s annoyed about this unexpected move.

  I feel him before I see him enter my room, a prickling heat on the back of my neck. And the second our gazes lock, I know he’s less than pleased. His eyes are like cold granite, a perfect match to the rock-hard body he hides under his suits.

  I clear my throat and push past him into the main living area. “Okay, everyone out!” They’ve been casing this place for hours. I need alone time. Now.

  Slowly the other agents file out, and Chester mutters a few words to Zane that cause his expression to soften ever so slightly. When we’re finally alone, I approach him cautiously. Something about his dominant posture keeps me from reaching out to touch him.

  “I’ve been waiting all day for this.” Nothing in my voice hides my relief or my wanting.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” He hasn’t raised his voice, but the words are clipped enough that I know I’m in trouble.

  I shrug, trying to seem casual. “The move was inevitable. I figured I’d speed things up is all.”

  “You didn’t feel the need to discuss it with me this morning?” The tendons in his neck tighten, and I resist the urge to run my palms along them, coaxing out his more forgiving side. Or maybe his sexier side…

  “I didn’t think of it until after we talked,” I say softly. “I remember you saying you wanted easy access to me. So here I am. I obeyed.” I shoot him a coy smile, because I’m certain Zane doesn’t consider this obedience in any way, shape, or form.

  “And what do your parents think of this new plan?”

  My smile fades, but I try to ignore the stab of pain I feel. “It’s an inconvenience, obviously. Just like everything else that has to do with me. But ultimately it was a means of getting me out of my mother’s daily life a little sooner. In her words, she won’t have to worry about me looking the part of a respectable First Daughter so much anymore. So,” I shrug again, “here I am. Maybe they can forget I exist, for real this time.”

  My longing for Zane is momentarily suspended by my pain. With the pain has always come loneliness, even in the most crowded rooms. I close my eyes, because I don’t feel that way when I’m with Zane. Maybe that’s what brought me here tonight. Not the unquenchable desire to feel him pounding
possessively into me—though I desperately want that too—but the deep desire to feel wanted again…by someone who might truly care. The way he swept me away from the situation with Nate last night tells me he might.

  I open my eyes when I feel his fingertips feather gently across my cheek. There’s new warmth in his eyes.

  “She’s a cruel woman. Standing idly by while she hurts you has been one of the most difficult parts of this job. She makes it impossible for me to truly protect you because of who she is.”

  I cover his hand with mine. “You protect me as much as you can. But you do more than that.” I can’t ignore the electricity that’s vibrating between our bodies. I’ve never felt this way with someone. No one…ever. “You save me, Zane.”

  When he pulls in a shaky breath, his suit strains at his chest. When he releases it, his touch falls away. I look down. Have I shown him too much? I’ve moved into his apartment building, and now I’m saying things I shouldn’t. Things that make me sound vulnerable and pathetic. I’m pretty sure that’s not what he meant when he asked for my submission.

  I shake my head and swallow over the unexpected emotions burning my throat. I thought tonight would be all about fucking. I wasn’t expecting to show him so much of myself.

  “Did you do as I asked?”


  I lift my gaze again, only to drop it to where he’s drawing his hand up my bare thigh.

  “Were you thinking of me today?” His rising touch moves past the hem of my dark denim dress.

  “All day,” I confess breathlessly, trying not to move as he makes his ascent to the apex between my thighs.

  “And were you wet, thinking of me?”

  “Constantly. I—” I stumble over the confession that wants to burst free.

  “You what? Tell me everything, Charlotte.” He stares at me intently, demanding the truth.

  “I want you so much… My body aches for you in a way that almost frightens me. I spent half the day out of my mind imagining how you’d fuck me tonight, and the other half terrified that you’d punish me and I’d never be satisfied.”


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