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Caught in Your Wake

Page 30

by Darien Cox

  “I do not know,” Baz said. “You are correct that twins enjoy human culture, language. Much of this they learn from me. Want to know about me being ambassador to you, so I share with them. But still someone made gator-worms, and I do not know who yet, and Whites very unhappy about this.”

  “Baz,” Tyler said. “Could Fi and Fo have made the drones themselves? They seemed kind of childish and goofy but I know hybrids are way more intellectually advanced than we are.”

  “Is true, childhood different for hybrids than human,” Baz said. “Very advanced. Fi and Fo make chaos but both very smart. Do good work for me at base, learn fast for five-year-old. But this? Gator-worms? I do not think they could have made something like this.”

  “Wait, what?” Tim said. “Those twins are only five?”

  “Five year.” Baz held his hand up. “Five.”

  “You’re shitting me,” JT said.

  “No fucking with,” Baz said. “They five year.”

  “Cut the shit,” Elliot said. “Those were teenagers at least!”

  “No,” Baz said. “I remember when they were born. Five years ago. I know they parents, they work at base.”

  “Damn,” Nolan said. “Shit, Baz. Your kind grows fast.”

  “Yes. Faster than human.”

  Tim shook his head, stunned. “Seriously, you’re not screwing with the new guy here? Those twins are really only five-years-old?”

  “Yes.” Baz took a seat on the sofa. “And this is very turbulent age for hybrids. Very difficult.”

  “Jesus,” JT said. “I mean...there were moments when they acted like little kids but they look about nineteen!”

  “Very dangerous age,” Baz said. “For hybrids, the puberty start at age of Fi and Fo. Four to seven-years-old they go through this. Get that from Whites. Whites grow fast and get mature in brain quick. But hybrids? Half-human. Part inside is still child at this age. So hybrids in the puberty much different than Whites in the puberty. Can be troubled. Do strange things. Break rules. Behave...reckless. Have trouble controlling new abilities. Need supervise. If seemed I was unkind to them, is only because they must learn not to do such reckless things.”

  “Wow.” Tyler tapped his fingers on the coffee table. “So their genetic split means they start turning into adults at four or five but some part of them are still little kids because of their human side. Shit, the hormones alone must be chaos.”

  “Is can be difficult, yes,” Baz said. “Baz...I did some not smart things when five years.”

  “You were a rebel, Baz?” Tim chuckled.

  “Ah ah. Okay yes. But the twins? This is why I wish I can tell you all they say is true. But am not sure. I can only say I check whole base and dock many times, and no to find inventions, robot spider, gator-worms, or any who know about these things.”

  “I wish we knew for certain.” JT shook his head. “If George isn’t fictional, it’s a good thing for all concerned if he’s gone. And not just for our human faction. Because if he is real, those hybrid kids seemed a bit...obsessed.”

  “I had the same thought,” Brett said. “Fi wanting to look like Beyoncé for him and whatnot. It’s creepy, especially now, knowing they’re only five-years-old.”

  “So what’s the deal then?” Tim said. “We accepting that the threat is gone? I just go back to work and hope this is over?”

  “Good question.” Tyler stood. “I’m going to go outside and call Ogden.”

  “Yeah, check in with the man,” JT said.

  “I’m here if he wants to speak with me,” Brett said.

  “Okay, I’ll be back.”

  Tim watched Tyler leave the room, then was distracted by the sound of Baz groaning. The hybrid sat on the sofa, hunched over and rubbing his forehead. “You okay, Baz?”

  “Apology. I am frustrated this day. Not good day. Get yelled at a lot.”

  “Oh.” Nolan chuckled. “By who?”

  “The twins’ parents for one. So angry with Baz in the now. I supervise Fi and Fo when work. I am responsible. Parents say, ‘how you feel if find out young children been playing with prisoner without you know?’”

  “Ooh, yeah,” Tim said. “Talk about stranger-danger.”

  “I take it Mom and Dad were not pleased,” Elliot said.

  “Not happy and blame me. Blame Baz. Say ‘Oh, to supposed to be guiding to learn! Oh, is this what you teach them?’ Make me feel...not good.”

  “It’s not your fault,” Elliot said. “Even human adolescents live to break rules and do shit adults don’t know about. These twins are a third-generation genetic experiment that wasn’t supposed to happen, no offense, Baz.”

  “No. I say this myself. Problems. Problems with hybrids at this age.”

  “Well yeah, I mean Christ,” Nolan said. “The intelligence of a White and the hormones of a human teenager?”

  “And throw in the whimsical innocence of a human five-year-old that just wants to play,” Elliot said. “Shit, what a combo.”

  Nolan snorted. “Yeah. Shit, Baz. You’re lucky they haven’t blown up the base or something.”

  “Ah ah ah. Funny, Nolan. You make me to feel better.”

  “Good. Don’t sweat it, you did the best you could. What about the Whites? Did they weigh in on this?”

  “Yes.” Baz went quiet for a moment. “They not happy that Hoggin have gator-worm. I say maybe I can ask for back and they say Hoggin will bark like dog and say ‘no, you are on my planet for free so I take’ so don’t bother even ask.”

  “Yeah, Ogden is definitely a finders-keepers kind of guy when it comes to alien tech,” JT said. “I hope you’re not in too much trouble with the Whites.”

  “Are the Whites going to keep an eye out in the future for odd phase-shifting toys?” Brett said. “They’ve got to be equally concerned as us that someone was sending alien droids to the surface.”

  “Yes. They concern. And angry. Everyone angry at Baz in the now.”

  “Well, we’re not,” Elliot said. “Why don’t you and Joff come over to the house for drinks tonight?”

  “Thank to you, Ellytot. Cannot in the now. Too much shit to clean up at base after this.”

  Tim snickered. Baz’s language skills were amusing, shifting back and forth between sounding like a child just learning to speak, and cursing like he was just one of the guys. Baz swiped his long white hair off his face and stood. “Apology, must go now.”

  “Thanks for meeting with us,” JT said. “And for bringing the twins.”

  “Apology for no certainty in answers,” Baz said.

  Tyler stepped into the room holding his phone. “You leaving, Baz?”

  “Yes. Okay. Must go back to base.”

  “All right. Ogden’s got us on basically a watch and wait for the next couple weeks, to see if there’s any more activity. But he wants a report from Brett today, and even if the threat really is gone, he wants any information you and yours discover, Baz.”

  “Yes, okay. Tell Hoggin I keep him in hoop.”

  “In the loop,” Elliot corrected. “Keep him in the loop.”

  “Yes. Okay. In the loop. Goodbye.”

  “Bye, Baz,” Tim said. He walked to the doorway and tentatively stuck his head out of the room, watching Baz cross the hall, step into a bathroom, and close the door. “What the hell is he doing? He need to pee?”

  “He needs to mist-out,” Nolan said. “It’s how he transports and it’s pretty freaky, so he likely went in the bathroom to do it so you wouldn’t see.”

  “Me?” Tim glanced around. “I’m the only one who’s never seen him mist-out?”

  “Yep,” Elliot said. “Baz is very considerate. I’m sure he didn’t want to freak you out.”

  “Okay guys, show’s over for now,” Brett said. “I know there’s a lot to talk about. But is everyone all right if we meet up tomorrow? I need to go start that report for Ogden while it’s still fresh.”

  “Yeah, I’ll help you with that report,” Tyler said.

�Thanks, Ty.”

  “I’m good with the night off to absorb everything,” Nolan said. “So Tyler, you’ll be sticking around for a bit?”

  “Yeah, for another couple weeks probably. Just to make sure this is resolved.”

  “Great. Let’s get out of here.”

  Everyone trailed out of the cabin. As they approached the vehicle, Tim leaned in to Tyler. “You still coming over for dinner tonight?”

  “Yeah. Gonna help Brett out this afternoon. But I’ll be by later.”

  “Good. So can I say I told you so? I handled the hybrid twins just fine, right?”

  Rolling his eyes, Tyler stopped walking and smirked up at him. “Are you gloating?”


  “Just because this worked out well doesn’t mean you can ignore my authority in the future. I still know best when it comes to dangerous situations.”

  “I want to get into a dangerous situation. With you. Tonight. Naked.”

  Tyler’s brows pinched and a hardness fell over his expression, like he’d thrown up a shield. But just before he did, there was a flicker of sadness in his eyes. Not the response Tim was hoping for when he made the flirty comment.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing.” Tyler smiled, but it looked forced. “Let’s go, they’re waiting.”

  Tyler went and got in the car. After a moment, Tim followed. Suddenly, he thought he knew what was bothering Tyler. And how to fix it. It would take the afternoon to plan, but if he was right? Hopefully it would pay off.

  Tim had anxiety about their date tonight. Not just because of Tyler’s sudden mood-shift. He’d sworn to accept him as-is after all. But despite their gushy talk at Nolan’s this morning, there were things unresolved. Questions unanswered. Words yet unspoken.

  A desperation welled in Tim’s chest.

  Because they were closing in on the end of Tyler’s mission in Singing Bear Village. Tim should have been hopeful and relieved about what he’d just learned in the cabin, that things might be going back to normal for him soon. But that word—normal—did not have the same appeal it once did. And he felt like he was running against a clock. The simple fact that Tyler would be leaving the village again soon meant the time had come for Tim to ask the heavy questions. Would Tyler continue working at headquarters indefinitely? Tim didn’t even know where the fuck this elusive headquarters was. Was it close enough that they’d still see each other? Did Tyler even see a way for them to move forward? Together?

  Tonight. One way or another, he’d find out tonight. And now their roles were reversed. Because while Tim had been brave facing aliens today, the potential outcome of this personal relationship had him terrified.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “You can’t wear that.”

  Tyler was drinking a glass of water at the kitchen island when Elliot walked in. “Excuse me, Ellytot?”

  “That.” Elliot pointed. “Ratty brown tee shirt. You can’t wear it.”

  “It’s not ratty. It’s comfortable.”

  “Do you not have a date with Tim tonight?”

  “It’s just dinner at his place. I’m heading out now.”

  “Not in that tee shirt you’re not.”


  “He invited you to dinner.”


  “And you guys have been fucking. Right?”

  “Yeah. So?”

  “So, that means it’s a date, Tyler. Make a fucking effort. The guy is crazy about you.”

  Heat climbed Tyler’s neck. “How would you know that?”

  “Because I’ve known Tim Patterson for over a decade and I’ve never seen him turned inside out over a guy before.”


  “Not like this. I’ve had my problems with Tim but he’s a decent guy and I’m pretty sure he’s falling in love with you, so for God sakes put on a decent shirt.”

  Falling in love?

  Those words, spoken aloud, rang like a heavy bell in Tyler’s ears. All these tangled emotions, the insatiable need for sex, the constant worry over Tim’s well-being. Wanting to change his own life to make himself more compatible with Tim’s. He’d felt it all, and still never thought to place it inside that box.

  Falling in love.

  It wasn’t that he couldn’t admit that he, too, was falling in love. It was that those words sounded so simple and normal and benign, not nearly enough to encompass all the turbulence going on inside him, that edge of pleasure and pain, of desire and fear, of desperation and contentment.

  Falling in love.

  “Tyler, you all right? You look sick.”

  “I’m fine, I just...I...didn’t bring any good shirts with me.”

  Elliot smiled. “I’m pretty sure you’ll fit in something of mine. Stay here. I’ll be right back.”

  Tyler downed his water. He did feel sick suddenly.

  Because this mission was coming to an end soon. But he didn’t want things to end with Tim. And that meant talking about it. Allowing himself to think he could have it. Which was what he’d been thinking about all afternoon. The shame-golem inside was trying to rise. Like it knew what he wanted to do tonight. That he wanted to make some sort of promise to Tim Patterson. And it didn’t want to let him. It held in its gnarled hands Tyler’s ugliest secret, and it aimed to use it to blackmail him into giving up on Tim.

  This made him profoundly sad, because despite his anxiety, despite a subtle but looming fear, he was also excited as hell inside. He’d only just seen Tim this morning but was already jittery with anticipation to see him again. He wanted to make sure Tim was no longer mad at him and had several naughty ideas about how to achieve this goal. He wanted to see that special smile Tim gave only to him. Wanted to be teased and touched and made to laugh until he couldn’t breathe. He wanted to feel that sensation when Tim’s dick got extra hard right before he lost control. He wanted to be the reason Tim lost control.

  “Here you go, robot boy.” Elliot walked into the kitchen holding a green button-down shirt. “Get your tits out.”

  Tyler peeled his tee shirt off and scowled at the button-down. “I’m not sure that’s my color.”

  “Trust me, every time I wear this, Nolan can’t keep his hands off me. It looks better on than it does on the hanger. Here.”

  Tyler turned around and Elliot helped him into the shirt. As he buttoned it up he said, “Maybe it looks good on you because you have green eyes. Probably doesn’t look as good on me.”

  Elliot shook his head. “Tyler.” He helped adjust the collar. “With your skin-tone? And those jeans? It looks fucking hot on you. I knew it would.”


  “Really. And this is coming from someone who used to want to fuck you, so my opinion holds more weight.”

  Tyler smirked. “You think Tim will think I look hot?”

  Elliot dragged him into the hallway and pushed him in front of a mirror. “See for yourself.”

  Tyler liked what he saw, despite the frown furrowing his brow. The shirt did accentuate his olive skin. And it went well with the dark jeans. He’d put a bit of product in his hair so it was coiffed and shiny. But his eyes...they looked haunted and strained.

  “See?” Elliot stood behind him. “Do you look hot or not?”

  “Thanks Elliot. I like it. Shit though, do I always look this miserable?”

  “Most of the time, yeah.”

  Tyler chuckled. He liked what the smile did to his face. He determined to smile more tonight when he was with Tim. “Can I still borrow your car?”

  “Of course you can. But first...” Pulling a small bottle out of his pocket, Elliot spritzed Tyler’s neck.

  “Hey!” Tyler jumped back. “A little warning? What is that?”

  “Very expensive cologne. Trust me. He’ll like it. Now go on. Get out of here. I left the keys in the car for you.”

  Tyler went back in the kitchen and picked up the stun-gun he’d left on the counter.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me
,” Elliot said. “You’re bringing a gun on a date. Most people opt for a bottle of wine.”

  “Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.”

  “At least it matches your shirt.”

  Tyler headed for the front door. “See you later.”

  “I won’t wait up.”

  The sun was going down in the main village, a splash of gold across the lake’s surface, and there were even more people out tonight since the weather turned warm. Tyler took in the sights as he drove along the boardwalk, recalling the night he’d kissed Tim up against the beach wall. The night he was brave and admitted he felt something. Something that went beyond sex.

  Over by the gazebo, he spotted a handsome young black man with a nice build in uniform, recognizing him as Myles’ deputy Darwyn, who was busy scolding some teenagers. It made Tyler think of the hybrid twins, Fi and Fo. He hoped all that business was over. If so, then the mission would be called a huge success. Ogden was already thrilled to have in his possession a drone made from hybrid technology. He’d given Tyler kudos on the phone earlier, complimenting his efficiency and saying he looked forward to having him back at headquarters. In a way, Tyler felt like he’d only just left headquarters. But at the same time, everything felt different. He felt different. Not the same Tyler that left that place just a short time ago.

  In hindsight, the change within him started quite some time ago. The night of Elliot and Nolan’s wedding reception, when he’d tended to a forest ranger having a panic attack. That crazy night. This thing happening between him and Tim now? It all started with tears and sex and vulnerability. But now it felt strong. Solid. Real.

  Tim Patterson had grown stronger as well. He’d had his reality shattered overnight and despite a few stumbles, had muscled through in spite of it. It made Tyler want to be there for him even more, to be normal enough to become part of his life. Tim had learned to live with the knowledge of aliens, even confronting them face-to-face. It hadn’t been an easy adjustment for him, but he’d pushed himself and been strong. If he could do that, Tyler could make his own adjustments.

  He had to. He had to somehow learn to live without his past keeping him in a chokehold.


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