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Vhadrah- Evolution of HiSkale

Page 16

by Ambear Shellea

  The boys gathered close, exclaiming their fathers were soliders too.

  “Wonderful. Are they Drekkin Reach Soliders?”

  A collective no.

  The little boy with hair the shade of sunlight answered, “No. They are Army of Darkness soliders.”

  “Really?” I asked.

  Before anyone could say more, a tall brooding stranger joined us. His tone on the verge of anger.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” He demanded.

  Assuming the tone was meant for me, I stood, and anwered.

  “I was just talking to the children, admiring their sword play. Incredibly talented children, you have here, especially the young lady. She is excellenet for one her age.”

  When the little brunette beamed at the man, I figured he was her father. I watched as he looked to each of the small faces, all smiling, then back to me.

  “Sword play, that’s all you were discussing?” He asked.

  This was a rareity, but it happened occassionally. I looked to the small faces, sharing a big smile with them. Reaching into my pack, taking a page out of Fydale's book, and handed each of them a coin.

  “You know, brave warriors deserve something sweet from time to time. Why don’t you run along to the sweet’s vendor, and grab yourself something?”

  Cheers and giggles from the children, a stoney glare from the man.

  Once they little ones were out of ear shot, I turned back to the man.

  “I undersatnd your fear, but I assure you, I only spoke to them about their skills with their sowrd. I would never cross that boundry, of speaking of things not meant for children.”

  “I know who you are, we are enemies.”

  I smiled at the man.

  “You are part of the Army of Darkness, I am Dark Valkyrie, that is true enough. However, if you, deep in your soul, thought I was the enemy, you would have swept the children to the side and try to slay me. No, I think you, and perhaps a few others, have fled from your duties. Maybe…your hearts aren’t in it?”

  He scoffed, but only half heartedly. I knew I had found the truth before he could speak.

  “If that were the case, are you going to slay myself and those with me?”

  I smiled a bit.

  “Sir, had I plans of slaying you, you would already be dead at my feet.”

  His shouders, and the lines in his face, seemed to slack a bit. Feeling more relaxed, or safe, it seemed.

  “What’s your name solider?” I asked in a freindly tone.

  “Knight Kingston. Genral to battalion three, sector five, of the Army of Darkness.”

  I nodded, “That’s nice to know, but I meant your given name, since you have obviously abandoned your post.”

  A slight blush crossed his cheeks.

  “My apologies, habit. Kingly Kingston of TianShan.”

  I nodded and shook his hand.

  “Nice to meet you Kingly, I’m Vhadrah, Dark Valkyrie of The Holy City. There are more titles between my name and my givne city, but that's more words than I need, nor care for. I only use them in formal introductions.”

  He had a pleasant smile.

  “I know who you are. I admit, I didn’t know you had a name.”

  Laughing a bit, “Yes, all Valkyrie have names.” I turned a bit more serious, “I’m going to need you to remember my name, specifically.”

  He took a step back, “Why is that?”

  I wasted no time in expalining.

  “I watched your little one with her sword. You have done well with her training. I wasn’t just being polite when I spoke of her talents. I would like, if you’re open to it, for you to take her to the Holy City. Seek out the Maester and tell him Vhadrah has sent you. Be sure to show him what she can do. He will know the rest is true.”

  The man stood silent for a moment, debating.

  “What if the Maester will not see me? I am a soldier of the Army of Darkness. I will be slain, my daughter taken as a slave.”

  I shook my head, “No. You will need new clothes, yes, but you will not be slain. That is why you will be sure to speak my name. Should you run into trouble, or as you fear, the Maester will not see you. Seek out Fydale, the Scribe. You can find him at the Scribe’s Tower. It is the tower that isn’t so flashy. Speak to him and tell him of this conversation. He will get you an audience with Maester Mylow.”

  “Thank you.” He said, “But why do all of this? I’m after all your enemy. Well, at least I was.”

  “What you were yesterday doesn’t define who you are tomorrow, that is detrmined by what you do this day. Today, you haven’t acted as my enemy, therefore, I will not slay you like one.” I replied.

  Tears trailed down his cheeks when he spoke.

  “But…all the things…the evil terrible things, I’ve done…Your kin…”

  That caught my attention, and made my bllod boil, but I had to remain calm. I motioned for us to have a seat on the neatby fallen trunk.

  “What of my kin?”

  His eyes bulged when I asked the question. As if he realized who was confessing to. He bagn shaking his head, and muttering.

  “No. I cannot speak of it. Not to you. If I tell you, I will be slain for sure.”

  I wanted to say I would slay him if he didn’t, but I would lose all progress I made thus far. I sighed and took a calm breath.

  “I will not slay you. I know of some. I have witnessed some terrible atrocities so far. I do not believe you will tell me of any horrors, I haven’t stumbled across already.”

  The silence dragged on, as he weighed his options. I proded a but further.

  “I belive that by speaking of this, you will begin to heal from it, as you unburden yourself of such sins.”

  He nodded, full stream of tears trailing down his cheeks.

  I placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, "If you feel you cannot tell me, please at least speak to someone. Let it out, confess it, and find peace. Forgiveness can be given to all, even those who have done horrific things. I can see in your face, the way you carry yourself, this burden is too heavy for you to bare alone.”

  I spoke no more but didn’t leave. Sometimes the best you can offer someone, is the peace of silence, while they battle their inner demons. Though you say nothing, they know they do not battle alone. A strength given from one solider to another, as an unseen war rages in the subconscious. A darkness that plagues and disrupts the spirit. One that can be chased away, and conquered, but a fight, nonetheless.

  After a few more moments, he finally spoke.

  “I will tell you, but please, whatever you do, don’t hurt my sweet girl.”

  I took his hand, “You have my oath as a Dark Valkyrie, I will not hurt your sweet girl.”

  He nodded, “What horrors did you witness?”

  “Many. Which do you wish me to tell you?” I answered.

  “Your kin? The Original Valkyrie. What have you seen of them?”

  I waited a moment, to collect myself before unleashing the words that would reignite the nightmare in my dreams. Haunting memories that will forever crush my heart and damage my soul.

  “I saw them dead. In cages. With their wings…”

  I had to catch my own tears and clear my throat of sobs.

  “Their wings savagely ripped from their backs…before death took them.”

  Kingly sobbed with me a momet. Wiping his own tears, he spoke. “Do you know why?”

  I shook my head, “I cannot fathom a reason, no.”

  “The Darkness hunts the Ligth of the White…”

  “That I knew. Something about tracking the Dark Valkyrie so they can slay us and consume the realm.”

  He shook his head, his voice returning with more vigor.

  “No. That is false. It hunts the Light of the White for a few reasons. One, so the darkness can reap the souls of the dead, and build an Army that will consume the land…”

  “Valkryie take the souls of Heroes to Valhalla." I chimed in, "Not all who die, do so with valor, and the
refore are not Heroes. They can lay at peace, in death, but they cannot enter Valhalla. Valkyrie only collect those worthy of the cost they paid with life.”

  Kingly was nodding, “Yes, exactly. The Darkness believes that by keeping the Vlakyrie from reaping Heroes, it will cripple Valhalla, and gain them formidable fighters. Warrioirs that gave it all for their cause and would so again.

  Second, if they can extract what links Valkyrie to Valhalla, and Odin, they can track the biggest threat. You! As in Dark Valkyrie. They don’t want to kill you. They want to control you. Make you top generals that rule over the actual Army of Darkness. Not the living men who inhabit it now. They want to exploit your link to the upper realm to enventually gain access, to slay Odin, and all his creations of light and goodness. So, they can truly plunge everything into a darkness in which can never be undone. Despair, hatred, greed the new currency, while death is never granted. A life of forever torment.”

  I felt my skin pale, as I broke out into a sweat. My mind in a tailspin, hindered me from forming words, only small sounds. My vision blurred, and I felt faint. In my heart I knew this to be the truth, but still, in my head it was a blob of babble. Infromation my subconcious was trying to make into something I could undersatnd. My head ached, as my heart raced. As much as the pain seared my very soul, I had to know it all.

  “What else?” was all I could say.

  “I was only a low level solider. I know nothing else. What I have just told you, I learned by accident. My men and I were on patrol. We came across some travelers and took them to our commander for questioning. The screams they made, literally drove me insane. I couldn’t satnd it. My men and I left. When we came to retrieve the dead bodies, the next morning, we happened across a meeting my commander was having. As usual, we stayed outside the tent while he conducted business. We all became ill, and the bile in our stomachs would be contained no more, at the plans they spoke of. The ungodly things they planned and carried out.

  When I joined, I was convinced the Dark Valkyrie were the enemy. It was they who were slaying my countrymen, burning our fields, posionng our livestock, and taking our children. I did not know the truth. That was kept from me, and those of low rank, like me.

  We were told that the Holy City had turned its back on the realm and cared not for the simpletons. Only greed and power. That we had no choice but to turn to the Magi of Pirahous for help because they were the ones who were really looking out for us. It was they who delivered us food, built shelters, regained trade etc.”

  I nodded as I spoke.

  “People believe what they see. Sometimes in life, there are those, who will create choas behind the scenes, invent turmoil, and inturn have the blessing to take full control of those who they made believe they are saviors. I have seen frist hand, what you speak of. Villagers seeking the aid of the those oathed to help them, only for the plea to never reach those meant to aid them. The Army of Darkness, or whoever was close, cutting off all ties of communication, in secret. Villagers believe they had been abandoned, and turned to the ones closest, who seem to be a saving grace. It’s shackles and slavery, only to be realized once it’s too late.”

  “Exactly!” he said. “I was deceived as well. I joined because my village had been destroyed, my wife taken prisoner, and killed. The HiSkale…”

  I had to stop him, “The HiSkale? They are employed by The Army of Darkness.”

  “No…Maybe…I don’t know. They attcked our village, the Army of Darkness came in and defeated them. After the dust settled, they helped us rebuild, reopen trade, and acquired livestock for our fields. When they said they were looking for volunteers to help them, I jumped at the chance. I thought, as you said, they had come to save us. As I’ve been working with them, I have, as I mentioned, witnessed so many evil deeds. I began to wonder if they did any good at all. After that last inident, I could take no more. Myself, and my men, fled with the cover of darkness, under the rouse of nightwatch, to gather our families and start over.”

  I had to back him up a bit. “Hold on. The Army of Darkness, defeated the HiSkale? Not fought with them?”

  “Yes. Is that not the expierence you had?”

  I shook my head, “No, it is not.”

  I spied my friends, standing off in this distance, but mainly where I had left them. I motioned for Lalynn to join us. When she was clsoe enough, I turemd to Kingly.

  “So, you know the truth of my words, ask her what happened to Tanaloka?”

  Lalynn looked confused but waited to see where this was going.

  “Alright…” Kingly said, “What happened in Tanaloka?”

  Her expression went hard, and her lips flattened out as the memory resurfaced. Her voice, flat, she answered.

  “We were artacked by The Army of Darkness, and the HiSkale. We were defeated. They outnumbered us, five to one.”

  Confusion now crossed Kingly’s face, as he tried to work it out.

  “Do you see?” I asked.

  “I don’t.” Lalynn stated in an irrated tone.

  Speaking to Lalynn. “Kingly…” I motioned to the man next to me, “his village was also attacked by The HiSkale, and The Army of Darkness, came to their rescue.”

  Her jaw dropped, just as I suspected it would. As mine almost had when I heard the tale. It made little sense based off what we had witnessed.

  A lot of questions arose. Did something happen to make the Army of Darkness work with The HiSkale, or were they working together all along? Was it possible we were on the same side as the Army? Or perhaps, the HiSkale? Was this game created by another for the sole purpose of chaos and confusion to misdirect attention away from something more sinister?

  “That doesn’t make sense.” Kingly, and Lalynn said together.

  “I agree.” I replied. “This could answer why there is such a division about The Army of Darkness.

  Kingly spoke up, “I didn’t learn anything, where I was stationed, about the HiSKale. However, I can tell you, Vhadrah, The Army of Darkness, and the Magi of Pirahous are not friends to the Holy City, The Valkyrie, Dark or Original, or anyone who supports them. Of that, I am certain.”

  I smiled, and gripped his shooulder, “I am certain of that myself.”

  Turning back to Laylnn, “Can you give us a moment, please? Thank you for answering his question. I will explain this later.”

  Her smile was forced for Kingly, but genuine for me, but she left as asked.

  I turned back to Kingly, “Thank you, friend for the inforamtion you have given me. Safe travels to the Holy City…”

  I grabbed a small pouch of coins, “Please take this, outfit you and your baby girl in travel clothes, and leave for the Holy City. Take the path through the mountains, but not Jurden Pass. Move at night, through shadows, stay hidden in the day. Do not travel with your men, you must leave them here.”

  “I can’t do that.” He stated, “I am their general. They trust me to look out for them.”

  I patted his back, “No longer. You need to be a General for your daughter, I believe Odin has great plans for her. However, I will not abandon your men. I will give them coin, and safe passage to wherever they wish to travel. Along with any family they have brought here. Now, go. There is much to do, and the days, in number, grow samller.”

  I didn’t happen often, and never from a former enemy, but the man hugged me. I returned it with sincerity. I could feel this man had seen true darkness, and it had resulted in a soul search. He was truly devastated. Now he sought real change, and truthful answers. I was honored that I could be a friend when he desperatly needed one. Kindness can cure many aliments upon this realm.

  I called for Lalynn, and she rushed over.

  “Yes, Vhadrah?”

  “Can you go with Kingly a moment, and get the names and location of his men, and their families. Get word to them, they need to meet at Drekkin Den. I will have a messenger sent with further instrcutions.”

  “Will do, Vhadrah.”

  “Thank you Lalynn. Meet us a
t the Inn once you have finished.”

  One last handshake, and final goodbye, and I was once again, standing alone.

  Liquid Eyes. Swirling Questions

  Back with my companions, gathered around a small table at the Inn, I had filled them in on the conversation. It took a while, as they had as many questions as I did. Some I had answers for, many I did not. We talked and went over plans until the sun had left the sky, and then some. It was almost daybreak before we agreed on a plan.

  “Alright. One last time, we’re all in agreement?”

  I waited for everyone to stop talking, and listen, before continuing.

  “Captain Wexx and I will head to the pier, scout a vessel for Kingly’s friends, and check out Mhores Isle. It seems a good guess, that if the apprentice fled, it was by boat. Lalynn, you will accompany Vhneal, and Humberlnad, to the library, and towers, and see if you can find anything on Vhalos and our mystery apprentice. Midday, we meet back here, and discuss what we’ve found? Yes? All in agreement?

  When all of them nodded, we moved. We didn’t have much time, and we all needed rest. Each of us had time to get to our feet before trouble arrived and surprised us. A hooded woman, accompanied by four Creashuns, blocked our exit. I stepped forward.

  “Is there a problem? Can we assist you in something?”

  The hooded woman stepped forward.

  “Are you Her?”

  That would have been an odd question if not for Vhaneal’s vision. Of course, I was sure the person they were looking for was not within my group, but I wanted to see if I could gain more information.

  “Her who?” I asked.

  “The one who runs from destiny and darkness?”

  I looked around at my party, and everyone in the Inn, then back at her.

  “I’m sorry, Miss, but I’m not familiar with that turn of phrase? Do you know the name of who you seek? Or perhaps, a description?”

  The woman’s eyes flashed beneath the cloak, and her bodygurads stepped closer.

  I gingerly rested my hand on the pummel of sword, now strapped to my side, should I need to draw it. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw my companions do the same. It wasn’t unnoticed, the guards copied our movements, and stepped to shield the cloaked woman. They stood slightly in front of her, should they need to close ranks to protect her. I prompted once more.


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