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Vhadrah- Evolution of HiSkale

Page 17

by Ambear Shellea

  “My apologies, but we cannot asssit you if we do not know who it is you’re looking for. Again, I ask, do you have a name, or a description?”

  No one said a word, as we waited for a reply, but my patience was waining. Finally, the cloaked woman spoke.

  “She is young. No family. Skilled in talents I which I cannot disclose.”

  “Oh, her, yeah, we’d know her anywhere." Is what I wanted to say.

  Instead, I sighed and took the polite road. Sometimes, I hated the polite road.

  “Again, I must apologize, but we don’t know anyone who fits the description. We are headed to have a look around Drekkin Reach, if we come across a woman, such as you described, we will send her your way. Will you be here?”

  I knew my tone wasn’t comepletly without snark, but I had very litte patience, and this was not a game I had time for.

  “Vhalos hunts for her.”

  I stared, expecting this woman to say more. Hoping she would say more. There was that name again, Vhalos. Who was this person?

  “Vhalos hunts for her. His apprentice is missing. He needs them both.”

  This was going nowhere fast, and I had places to be.

  “We have not seen who speak of. If you’ll excuse us, we really do have business we need to tend to.”

  I waited for them to move, and allow us to pass, but they did not. Instead the woman dropped her cloaked and stepped forward.

  I gaped at her appearance. Long straight hair the color of gold, with hues of black in small strips, running the entire length, and disappearing into the dark cloak she wore. Her eyes were the most captivating. It was as if she had harnessed blue smoke and trapped them within the sockets of her eyes.

  Varying shades of blues danced and swirled, in the small orbs staring back at me. She was Magi. What level, and clan she resided with was unknown to me. If she was part of the Magi of Pirahous, she was newly inducted. The Magi of Pirahous, once they have invoked the darkness, lose all color in their pupils, except the blackness of the void. The whites of their eyes stand out like sunlight upon a shadow, against the darkened shade of the pupil.

  This one, before me, had color, and life in her eyes.

  “You are Dark Valkyrie, Yes?”

  I nodded, “I am.”

  “You need to find her before Vhalos does. She is the key.”

  I was confused.

  “Wait.” I held up a hand, “First, you ask if I am Her, as if you don’t know who I am. Now, you know I am a Dark Valkyrie?”

  Her answer puzzled me.

  “I was speaking to her, not you.”

  She pointed to Vhaneal.

  “I was speaking to you, when I asked about you being Dark Valkyrie.”

  “Oh? My apologies. With your head covered, I thougt you were talking me.”

  She ignored my apology and went on.

  “It is imparative you find the apprentice, before Vhalos finds her. She is the Key.”

  “Do you know where we can find this apprentice? Perhaps, a place to start to look?”

  The woman shook her head, and pointed to Captain Wexx, “You must do what has been asked of you, or we all fail. The Darkness will devour the realm.”

  We all turned to look at Wexx, he looked uncomfortable, but not confused. That was interesting. When we turned to look back, the woman and her guards were gone. I turned my attention to Wexx.

  “Do you know what she is talking about?”

  He scratched his head, “I think so. I told you Odin gave me a purpose. It was to find you, and make sure you got across the water to do what you needed to do. I found you exactly where Odin told me I would. I’ve been with you since. That is all I know. I was not told of where you would need to go, only that I was to asssit you in getting there. So, Vhadrah, you tell me, where am I taking you?”

  I was slighted a bit by his tone, but he had been upfront about his intentions from the start. He had not faltered, in his fight, or his purpose thus far. As much as I wanted to work this out, I did have somewhere to be.

  I looked at everyone, then back to Wexx, “We have places we were headed before this, Wexx, Mhores Isle. That is where I need to go but I need some supplies first. Not to mention, aqcuiring a boat for safe passage.”

  Wexx bowed, “Then let’s be on our way.”

  I stalled for a moment. I was still confused by the woman. Why was she here? Why couldn’t she give me more answers. The whole thing seemed out of place. However, standing here wasn’t solving anything either. So, I bid the group a farewell, and led myself, and Wexx, out the door.

  Drekkin Pier

  This had been a strange day indeed. Two starngers, two sets of information, and I’m still left with questions. Was this to be my legacy to Odin. Unaswered questions. Failure at finding the truth.

  I walked silently next to Wexx, and I thought about the day’s events. He seemed to be confident he knew just where to find a boat for Kingly’s friends, so I let him lead. This was, after all, his purpose in all of this.

  He stopped, and and I nearly ran him over.

  “Whoa, there, Vhadrah. You alright?” Wexx asked

  I shook my head clear of the fog, and refocused.

  “Yes, just trapped in my head a moment. I’m back now, please continue.”

  “We are here.” He stated.

  “The Pier?” I asked, “We’ve been here a while now.”

  “No.” He said, pointing to a huge ship docked next to us. “This is the KendiMessan. It’s headed to Lanishur. Kingly’s friends should be safe. I know Kendi, she is a great Captain, and has a soft spot for do gooders.”

  “Are you sure she will have room on her ship? It looks pretty crowded.”

  “Those are land deck hands. People who prepare and clean her boat while her crew are gathering rest, supplies, and whatever else they need.”

  I had to admit I knew nothing of this Captain, but Wexx was confident in her.

  “Lead the way.” I said.

  I followed Wexx, onto the boat and up to who I assumed was the Captain. She looked the part. Big hat, flambouyant chains, and jewlry, high boots, and even had a mug of ale in her hand.

  “Aye, Wexx, what brings you here? And who is…”

  Kendi, sidestepped Wexx, and stood before me.

  “By all the Gods, are you a Dark Valkyrie or do my eyes deceive me?”

  “I’m Vhadrah. Wexx, tells me your name is Kendi.”

  Before she spoke, she saluted me, like a solider adressing their general.

  “At your service, Vhadrah.”

  I saluted back, as was expected in miltary situations, and times of war. Once she nodded, I spoke.

  “I have some friends that need safe passage…away. Do you have room for ten people? Six adults and four children? I have coin to pay for their food and supplies.”

  She waved me off, “I have room, and would be honored. As for the coin, keep it. You do Odin’s work. They can have safe passage on my ship. I have plenty of supplies to sustain them as well as my crew.”

  “Thank you.” I said, “When do you depart? What time and day should I have them arrive?”

  She handed me a piece of folded parchemnt, pulled from her belt.

  “Give them this. It has the details of my departure, but it will also get them passed the pier guards, and my crew. I will station one of my men, by the guards, when your friends present the parchement, he can escort them here, without hassle.”

  I took the parchement and thanked her again. Before I turned to leave, I had one more queston.

  “Kendi, is there anything you, your ship, or your crew require, or desire, to make the journey?”

  She was quiet a moment, I asssumed she was considering what she might need.

  “No, I believe we have all we need. Thank you for your kindness.”

  “If you’re sure, I will leave you to it.”

  A simple smile and nod settled the matter, and Wexx and I were once again on the move. When we were out of earshot, I turned to Wexx. />
  “You’re a pirate, is there something that could make their journey easier? Supplies that maybe they need but can’t acquire?”

  He was silent a moment, but not too long.

  “Blankets, clean bedding, and safe water. The water espeically.”

  I nodded, “Where would you buy those things, here, in Drekkin Reach?”

  “Drekkin Reach really is set up for those of the sea.”

  I watched where he pointed.

  “See that building, off behind the Pier Guards?”

  “Yes.” I nodded.

  “Inside is a plethora of supplies for pirates, and boatmen. They only sell to sailors, and the like. You must have a Boatmen’s seal just to get through the doors. Well, anyone but you, anyway.”

  “Great.” I said, “lead the way. I know Kendi only refused the coin I offered because of who I am. I want to be sure that ship is stocked with anything and everything they could need. She’s doing Odin’s work too.”

  With that, Wexx was off, and at a quick pace. It was easy to keep up, and maneuver through the throngs of people. It didn’t take long before we arrived at the doors and walked thourgh. He was correct. All of them recognized my position, and no one made a peep, or even asked questions.

  Inside, it was huge, and parralled the vendors from the Holy City’s regal and royal vendors. Evrything made of metal sparkled, and everything fabric carried entricate designs, and patterns. Such Luxury for water travelers.

  I walked to the vedor peddling huge pots, that stood as tall, and as round, as he did. This man didn’t salute when I approached, as Kendi did. This one bowed.

  “At your service, Avenging Angel of the Realm. My name is Rahjin Ruinsleed, how can I assist you this day?”

  I smiled...and blushed a bit. I have grown accustomed to praise. To me, I am just doing as Odin instructs. I regaoned my composure and spoke.

  “How many of those tall pots do you have?” I asked.

  “I have ten, how many would you like?”

  “All of them.” I replied.

  The man looked shocked. As if he hadn’t heard me, or I was making a joke. I moved on.

  “Can you deliver them to the KendiMessan? They are needed to hold safe drinking water for the crew.”

  He stammered, but the words finally fell free.

  “Y…Yes, I can. That will be fifteen gold coins and forty-five silver for the entire lot.”

  I tossed the gold and silver coins on on the table.

  “Please deliver these as soon as possible.”

  He bowed, and thanked me, assuring me it would be done in haste. I offered him a smile and moved to the next thing.

  A few feet away, were small beds with cloth stuffing. The woman proclaiming how much cleaner and more comfortable they were. It caught my attention, so I went to see. Once there, the lady, dressed in fine clothes, said her hellos, and inquired what I needed.

  “How many of those beds do you have?” I asked.

  “I have about Ten small ones, and Two Captains, but I can custom make some if what I have does not satisfy you?”

  I waved that off, “How fast can you make them? And how many can you make?”

  She looked as stunned as the last vendor.

  “Well…Well, I can have double what I have in stock in a day’s time. How many do you need?”

  This was a question I hadn’t had an answer for. I tunred to Wexx.

  “How many will they need?”

  His answer was helpful, and not helpful.

  “That depends on the design and size the ship. I have not been below deck, so I don’t know an exact number.”

  "Could you wager a guess?" I asked.

  He shook his head, "Not without seeing the layout. Not to mention, I don't know what she has stored below deck either. That can play into the space issue. My deepest apologies, Vhadrah. That is the best answer I can offer."

  I looked to both, they were waiting on me, and my instrcutions. I thought for a moment, before coming to a conclusion.

  “Do you have an errand boy?” I asked the bed maker.

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Have him seek out the KendiMessan, and see how many they can hold, make that many. I shall return in a while, and pay you for the work, and the beds. Also, have him go to the Drekkin Den, and seek out a former solider. They’ll be easy to spot. Give them this note.”

  She nodded, and motioned a young man, I hadn’t seen, to be off. Apparently, he had heard my request. I smiled to the woman and went on to the next task.

  It hadn’t taken that much time to gather supplies for the ship, and crew. Wexx, and I had made quick work of it. Splitting up, made it much faster. Once we had acquired, all they needed we met up outside. I was tired, and exhilarted.

  Other than shopping for simple supplies, this was a first for me. I usually met with Blacksmiths, Armor Dealers, and food vendors. It was nice to see all the luxeries that one can acquire.

  “Captain, I think we have done all we can do. What do you think?”

  He laughed a bit. “Yes. I do believe they will be sailing not only on high tide, but in great style and comfort. It was quite a blessing for her, and her crew. They are simpletons, Vhadrah, they would have never bought such things for themselves. It was a nice thing you did.”

  I smiled, “It is a nice thing that Kendi is doing. Besides, with children aboard, clean surroundings are crucial.”

  “And the mountan of toys…” teased Wexx.

  I laughed, “Well kids need treats and toys.”

  “Agreed.” Wexx laughed a bit more, “They do.”

  After a moment, I calmed my laughter, and focused on the other part of why we were here.

  “Okay, Wexx, I think it’s time to head to your boat. We have somewhere to be.”

  “Follow me.” He instrcuted.

  I followed absentmindedly for long moments, lost in my thoughts, assuming he knew where he was going. There were still many questions that needed answers. It was then I remembered the other task I asked of Wexx, while at the pier.

  “Captain Wexx, were you able to find anything on that apprentice? Did anyone know of this person?”

  He stopped and turned to me.

  “I must apologize for my failure at that task, Vhadrah, but there have been many apprentices who have lived, and passed through here. Without a proper name, there was no way to find out such information.”

  I nodded. It was as I figured. There wasn’t much to go on.

  “I understand, Wexx, we just don’t know enough to ask the right questions. Please continue.”

  He resumed his stride and I followed. However, once we passed the pier, I was a bit confused.

  “Wexx?” I asked, “Where exactly did you dock your boat?”

  He stopped and had the most perplexed look upon his face. I stared, trying to work out what I could have said that would spark such a reaction.

  “Well…” he started. “It’s…”

  “Spit it out, Wexx.”

  “You see, here’s the thing…”

  I was losing what small amount of patience I had left. This was ridiculous.

  “Do you have a boat or not?” I demanded.

  His answer was quick, but not what I expected.

  “I don’t” he stated, “But that doesn’t mean I can’t get you to Mhores Isle.”

  Now I was the one, I was sure, wearing that perplexed expression.

  “How can you get me to Mhores Isle if you haven’t a ship to take me there?”

  I began to question his loyalty when he drew his sword. Taking a few steps back, I drew my own.

  “Wexx, what’s going on? Why have you drawn your weapon? I do not want to kill you, put it away, and explain this."

  He never dropped his sword, but he did put his hands above his head.

  “I’d rather you didn’t kill me either, Vhadrah. However, I cannot call our transport without it.”

  “What?” I questioned. This was baffling. Had he been strcuk on the head?
Was this magic?

  “Just trust me, please?” He begged.

  I took a few more steps back, putting plenty of distance between myslef and Wexx.

  Lowering my sword, “Okay, explain.” I asked.

  He didn’t delay.

  “You see this Amethyst, here just above the blade?”

  I nodded but said nothing. He went on.

  “When I place my thumb over it, it signals my…transport, you could say?”

  I just stared. It sounded like nonsense.

  “Just watch and wait. I promise, it’s amazing.”

  My patience was too thin for this. I had the intention of marching forward, checking to see if he had been spelled, or sick, or something.

  I never got the chance.

  Next moment brought with it pulsing water, and waves crashing against the bank. I looked to Wexx, he was all smiles, and giddy with happiness.

  “Just wait." he stated excitedly, "You’ll never believe this. It’s…It’s…Just wait until you see.”

  I didn’t have to wait long. With a huge rush of water, crashing onto bank, nesrly taking me woth it, the largest Octopus I have ever witnessed emerged from the depths of the sea and sat there. Tenticles, softly splaying around, as if…

  It can’t be.

  I looked to Wexx, wo was still wearing a huge smile.

  “Amazing, isn’t it? I told you.” he exclaimed.

  I glanced from the creature to him, completely confused, but slowly catching up.

  “Is that thing awaiting your command?”

  “Yes!” he jumped up, laughing. “She was a gift from Luna, after the defeat of the strangers who stole some of her Mirher People. She said I would need her to help you get the answers you seek. Isn’t she a beauty?”

  Large, draped in a dark purple, tenticles highlighted in a soft pink. This was one massive creeature, and it danced around the water like an attention seeking puppy. This had been the oddest day.

  “She?” I asked, “How do you know it’s a she?”

  “I don’t really. Luna told me it was she, I never felt the need to question or investigate. Her name is Salty Sea Harrah. She is how I get across the sea. Faster than any warship, she is.”


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